Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1383: Okutake Forest

  Chapter 1383 Owu Forest

  "What is the doubt?" Chen Xuan couldn't help but asked curiously.

   "Since the formation has stopped functioning, there are still restrictions on the monks above the Transcendent God Realm. Therefore, it has always been difficult to say whether the entire Qing Ouwu Forest is a formation." Zhao Tian said unhurriedly.

   "Since the Owu Forest is so mysterious, I don't know whether it is man-made or a natural force of heaven and earth." Chen Xuan couldn't help but think about it.

Hearing this, Zhao Tian shook his head and said, "Even the legendary Mahayana masters who entered the stage will only end up in an instant. Who else can explore the mystery? And, the monks below the fit stage, although In this once-in-a-hundred-year opportunity, it is possible to enter, but it is obviously impossible to resist that kind of power with the cultivation base of the monk in the fit period, and there is no such ability to explore the mystery."

Chen Xuan nodded, and asked thoughtfully: "Even the masters of the Mahayana realm have no ability to resist at all. I have to say that Owu Forest is really terrifying. If it is a naturally formed forbidden land, it is understandable, but If this is formed artificially, it would be a bit scary."

  When Zhao Tian heard Chen Xuan say this, his expression couldn't help but also changed, and then he suddenly began to think.

   "When did this forbidden land form?" Suddenly, Chen Xuan seemed to think of something, and hurriedly asked Zhao Tian.

Zhao Tian pondered for a while, and then said: "Owu Forest formed a forbidden area. It is like five thousand years ago. I stayed in the library of the Yaochi Empire for several years. I have read most of the books in it. I vaguely remembered that this event was recorded in the book. About five thousand years ago, the situation between the sky and the earth continued to change. At that time, the whole world was like the end of the world, and the sky was dim."

Chen Xuan listened to Zhao Tian with a solemn expression: "At the same time, there are waves of wind and thunder in the sky, huge waves of thunder and lightning, appearing in the sky, lightning and thunder, strong winds, and seas. The book records that the coastal generation The cities of the world were swallowed up by sea water and wind and waves. The whole world seemed to be in a state of destruction."

   "All the creatures feel like they are feeling their hearts. They feel a breathtaking coercion, which seems to have suppressed the entire world. This situation lasted for a whole month."

   "What happened afterwards?" Chen Xuan asked curiously.

"Later, there was no clear record in the book. It only said that after a month, the sky seemed to be burning, and at the same time huge waves of thunder and lightning struck down from the sky, almost covering the entire continent. I don't know how to destroy it. How many mountains and rivers have been killed, how many creatures have been killed! The book records that the immortals of the immortal world were fighting, and the fighting was extremely fierce, and it spread to the continent where we live. It was also at this time that the monks in our world were weakened. , Many powerful exercises were in the huge thunder and lightning, and the ashes were wiped out. Many powerful monks, including the great monks in the Mahayana period, would be wiped out as long as they were touched by those thunder and lightning. The mainland was in a mess, and the creatures were disgraced. It was a blessing to be able to survive, so all the creatures at that time ran away again, and some very precious classics were no longer found after some event. This is our current monk, The reason why it has fallen."

"Of course, this is only relatively speaking. However, our current monks are indeed much weaker than the monks of five thousand years ago. Not to mention other things. At that time, the entire continent, the great monks of the Mahayana period were not Shao, according to the book’s records, it is conservatively estimated that there are four to five hundred great monks. However, after that day of catastrophe, there are fewer and fewer great monks alive. Some people have visited the entire continent and made peace. Records. It is said that there are only twenty or thirty big monks left."

  Zhao Tian’s remarks made Chen Xuan feel excited and shocked at the big event five thousand years ago. Had it not been for Zhao Tian at this moment, he had never heard of it, even. Zhao Tian hadn't even heard of the forbidden area of ​​Owu Forest.

  But it’s no wonder that Chen Xuan has always lived in the Yaochi Empire and has hardly been to other countries, so it’s normal not to know.

  "So, how did the Owu Forest form? It has something to do with this?" Chen Xuan asked curiously.

"Don’t worry, my little friend, the old man hasn’t finished talking yet. Since I’m talking about it, it’s related to the formation of Owu Forest. I’ll just explain it in detail to you, and it’s about where you are going. You have done your homework, so you are better prepared." Zhao Tian still said in a hurry.

  Chen Xuan nodded, did not say anything, and continued to listen to Zhao Tian.

"On the last day of the catastrophe, something in the sky suddenly exploded, and a sound that rang through the sky and the earth spread to the entire continent. At the same time, the sky began to fall from the sky, almost igniting the continent. Fortunately, it was surviving. People put out the fire urgently, and it did not lead to tragedy, and preserved the incense of the mainland, so that after a catastrophe, there is no possibility of survival."

"After the sound dissipated, a human-shaped flame suddenly appeared in the sky, and it quickly fell toward the ground, and finally fell to a deep forest in the east. After the human-shaped flame fell, it touched the ground, resulting in a huge The energy destroyed all the creatures in a radius of a thousand miles! Later, someone went to investigate and found that it was like a **** on earth, with corpses all over the field, and all the creatures were dead."

   "Really, unimaginable!" Chen Xuan said in shock.

"Of course, the forest also disappeared. After hundreds of years, it gradually regained its vitality. Four thousand and five hundred years ago, a great monk of the Mahayana period went there to explore, wanting to trace the sky. The truth of Jie, however, when the great monk approached the forest, he suddenly started to spontaneously ignite, and after a while, it turned into a fly ash."

"A great monk died there inexplicably, making the world frightened. He respects the forest as a god, but there are still people who are not afraid of death going there, but without exception, there is no exception. Go out."

"Later, another big monk tempted to enter there, but it was no surprise that, just like those people, his body suddenly began to spontaneously ignite. There was no sign of the fire. The kind of fire that was burning was not an ordinary kind of fire, otherwise. With the cultivation base of a great monk in the Mahayana period, how could it be extinguished by the ashes of the fire?"

"Seeing that two big monks have already died there, and other people cannot enter, the world knows that a Jedi has formed there, and no one can approach it, but the strange thing is that the plants inside It still grows very well, but there are no other animals in it except for plants."

   "Finally, twenty great monks jointly sealed the place and called it a Jedi."

  "Is this the reason for the formation of Owu Forest?" Chen Xuan frowned.

  Zhao Tian nodded, and said, “Owu Forest is the name of the forest now. People a thousand years ago called it there. The term Tianhuo Jedi, Owu Forest was only formed in the last thousand years."

   "In that case, who discovered the law of Owu Forest opening one month every 100 years? And it was verified that only monks below the Transcendent God Realm can enter?"

  Zhao Tian shook his head and said, “This is not known. There is no record in that book when it first appeared, and who discovered this problem.”

   "Then, when did this rule begin to take shape?" Chen Xuan asked.

Zhao Tian pondered for a moment, and said: "In terms of time, it is estimated to be two thousand years ago, but when it was. No one can tell, but the difference should not be big. I don't know why, it is even in the library of the Yaochi Empire. , I have not found any classics that record that incident."

"This may be the law that the twenty great monks accidentally discovered after the place was sealed-locked, but what the truth is is unknown. You can only find out by asking the person involved." Zhao Tian said regretfully.

  Chen Xuan couldn't help feeling dumb for a while. The monk in the Mahayana period could already be said to be the most powerful monk on this continent, but even such a great monk had a life span of only two thousand years.

  However, the least of those things happened four thousand years ago. Unless they became immortals, it would be impossible for even those great monks to live so long.

  This is almost equivalent to not saying that the great monks are dead, the truth of the year. It has also been buried over time.

  Chen Xuan recalled what Zhao Tian said just now, and suddenly said: "Owu Forest became a Jedi, as if it was formed after the human-shaped flame fell. I don’t know what the human-shaped flame is?"

Zhao Tian seemed to have thought of this question. Seeing Chen Xuan's question right now, he couldn't help thinking about it. After a long time, he said: "If the book is true, then the Owu Forest is a forbidden area. It must not be a natural Jedi formed by heaven and earth. No matter how you say it, it must have something to do with the fire. Moreover, those great monks are all spontaneously burnt to death in Owu Forest without exception."

"Therefore, it is almost certain that the formation of the Jedi must have something to do with that firelight. I don't know what that firelight is. It has such terrifying power, and it is still in human form!" Chen Xuan said solemnly. .

  "You said, would it really be the immortal who was relegated to the world in the immortal world?" Zhao Tian suddenly said to Chen Xuan with some solemnity!

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan's expression was shocked, and he murmured: "Fairy? Impossible. Since there are written records, there has never been a true record of seeing a fairy in the world."

  (End of this chapter)

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