Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1405: The strong man who is close to half-step transformation

   Chapter 1405

  However, Chen Xuan didn't dare to take it lightly. There were so many people here at this moment, and he didn't know how many people were behind, which made him look serious.

  If there are people who are not low in strength and have unpredictable hearts, it will be a little troublesome.

   "I don't know who the woman is. Facing a master who is close to the half-step transformation of the gods, it is really amazing?" At this time, a person outside the court said with some surprise.

  A person shook his head and said: "I have never seen these people, but I don't think it is a person from our Moon Worship Empire. Look at that person, how does it feel like a person from the Sinsa Empire."

   "Oh? The Sinsa Empire? Hasn't it been completed as a subject of our Moon-Worship Empire, and dare you send people to this Owu Forest?" The person said curiously.

   "Could it be... he is a spy sent by the Sinsa Empire? Shouldn't it, there is still time for the spy to come to the Owu Forest to find the treasures of the heavens and earth? Still blatantly fighting with people?" Another person said.

  One person suddenly said with a bit of surprise: "Look, those people lying on the ground are all wearing the same clothes. It seems that they are all from the same place."

  Everyone immediately looked over when they heard the words, and at the same time they were a little surprised. One person murmured: "Blond, blue-eyed, burly, and only the people of the Xinsar Empire meet this characteristic."

However, everyone shook their heads at random, and the man said again: "It seems that the monks of the Sinsa Empire are still not good. The people who died here are all from the Sinsa Empire. I don't know where their courage came from, and they dare to appear. In the territory of the Moon Worship Empire."

  At this moment, after Sun Tingting launched that attack, she felt a little weak. At this time, even the speed that Sun Tingting was proud of slowed down a bit, and at the same time, she kept breathing heavily in her mouth.

  Chen Xuan glanced at Sun Tingting with a little surprise. Judging from her performance, the attack he made just now seemed not as easy as it seemed on the surface.

  Chen Xuan guessed that the attack just now should have been Sun Tingting's most powerful attack, as well as the fastest attack that consumes aura.

  Even Chen Xuan couldn't help feeling a little moved at this moment. Because judging from the powerful power radiated from Sun Tingting’s attack, even Chen Xuan, he did not dare to say that he could take her move, and he was not sure that he could bear it. After that blow, he was able to be like the man from the Xinsa Empire, except for the pain, still unscathed.

That half-step god-level powerhouse, even after suffering such a powerful blow from Sun Tingting, was still alive and well. Except for pain, he seemed to have nothing to do. At this moment, he was still chasing Sun Tingting. , Attacks from time to time.

  Sun Tingting’s attack, no matter how you say it, even if it is a master of the half-step transformation of the gods, it should not be so easily accepted, not to mention that the person is only close to the half-step gods.

   Thinking of this, Chen Xuan felt that the person in front of him was a bit scary.

  "Immunity to attack?" At this moment, Sun Tingting's expression was full of incredible expressions, looking at that person a little strangely.

   "What is weird about him?" Chen Xuan asked Sun Tingting in surprise when he heard Sun Tingting say that.

  Sun Tingting did not respond, but after a while, he suddenly appeared next to Chen Xuan, and said at the same time: “This person has a magic weapon and can be immune to most of the damage from my attack. Be careful.”

  Speaking, Sun Tingting suddenly flashed her body again, and disappeared here in an instant.

"I'll go, your ability to escape is really a good exercise, and then you sold me like that? It's really a pay for a pay." Chen Xuan suddenly started to laugh a little bitterly, and looked at the direction of Sun Tingting's disappearance. Seeing that she had no trace, he couldn't help turning his head to look at the master of the Xinsa empire seriously.

  At this moment, the master of the Xinsa Empire has arrived at Chen Xuan's approach.

He stared at Chen Xuan with an unkind look, and said with a sneer: "Boy, it seems that you were sold by him, but you still cannot escape. Since he ran away, I will look for him in the future. I will kill now. you."

   "If you want to fight, where does so much nonsense?" Chen Xuan said impatiently.

  The man's expression suddenly became annoyed.

   was not talking at the time, and launched a fierce attack on Chen Xuan.


The man from the Sinsa empire displayed his powerful strength at this moment. Facing Chen Xuan, he did not take it lightly. Although Chen Xuan only showed his cultivation in the middle stage of the fit, he was told by their short-term professors just now. I feel that Chen Xuan is definitely not as simple as it seems. And a hidden master.

  At this moment, the man suddenly jumped into the air, drove a gust of wind, and then slammed into Chen Xuan.

  In contrast, Chen Xuan just smiled faintly, and said: "You really underestimated me, just this attack, you still can't hurt me."

  The Nine Dragon Sky Spear in Chen Xuan's hand appeared out of thin air and was tightly held in his hand.

On the tip of the Nine Dragons Battle Spear, an extremely rotten golden light burst out suddenly. At this moment, Chen Xuan's body suddenly showed an extremely fierce murderous aura. At the same time, his hands flexibly waved his hands in the Nine Dragons Battle Sky. The gun is light and natural.

  He also jumped up at the same time, waving the Nine Dragon Sky Spear in his hand towards the man in mid-air, and swiftly killed him.


  At this moment, the Nine Dragons Battle Sky Spear suddenly uttered a sound of dragon roars that shook the sky, and a golden dragon gas suddenly rushed toward the man.

   Seeing this, the man couldn't help his expression stagnant, and suddenly changed his offensive in mid-air, but he still rushed towards Chen Xuan.


  Only hearing a loud bang, the person's body suddenly collided with the golden dragon energy.

  However, it was just a moment of effort, and the air disappeared without a trace, but the person still looked unscathed.

At this moment, the man looked at Chen Xuan in amazement, and said in an unbelievable way: "Boy, I didn't expect that I would underestimate you. You only have the cultivation base of the middle stage of the fit, but the strength has reached nearly half a step. I have to say that you are really a genius, but even so, it is useless. You can't beat me."

  At this moment, Chen Xuan was also a little shocked. Although his powerful blow was not a full shot by himself, the opponent was still unscathed at this moment, which was a bit scary. However, his face still disdainfully said: "Really? I'm afraid to let you down."

   Hearing this, the man just snorted coldly, not saying anything, but still towards Chen Xuan, and quickly launched an attack.

  Chen Xuan had some thoughts in his mind at this moment. It seems that the person in front of him is indeed a magic weapon for defense. Chen Xuan estimated that that magic weapon can at least withstand the blow of a half-step **** master.

   But even so, Chen Xuan still didn't look scared, just a little shocked.

  Chen Xuan raised his Nine Dragon Sky Spear and shouted at the same time.

   "The Nine Dragons Battle of Heaven!"

   Suddenly, on the sky spear of the Nine Dragons Battle, unparalleled terrifying power erupted. Suddenly, inexplicable wind blew around, making people unable to open their eyes.

The   gang wind centered on Chen Xuan and quickly spread to the surroundings. Some trees that were not very strong were broken directly under the blow of this stubborn wind.

  This caused the monks who were watching by the side to be frightened. At the same time, they swiftly stepped back. Although it was lively to watch others fight, they had to have the life to watch.

"Oh my God, the power of this young man is too strong, unheard of, even a master in the late stage of the fit, there is no such terrible power, is he a legendary master of the half-step god?" Said in horror.

"Impossible. Even if Owu Forest is opened, there will be a one-month safety period, but the masters of the half-step divine realm cannot enter. This is a dead case. At the beginning, there were half-step divine realm masters who did not believe in evil. , Came in here, and then immediately turned into a fly ash, and was removed from the world." One person explained.

"Didn't you hear the master of the Xinsa Empire just now? That young man, but with only the cultivation base of the mid-integration stage, can display the strength close to the half-step Divine Realm, and he is terrifying." Another. The person said.

   "Hiss, this young man is really powerful and terrifying, I am afraid that only the closed disciples of those old monsters have such strength." Someone gasped.

   "When did the Moon Worship Empire come to such a terrible young man? Look at his appearance, but I have never seen him before." Someone said in surprise.

   "It seems that this young man also came from other empires to hunt for treasures. I don't know which empire came from the Tianzong wizard?" A person said with some doubts.

"I don't know, this kind of person, who is incapable of being able to rival, is already comparable to those heroes in history when they are young, and the future is limitless. It is only a matter of time to become a hero. Maybe we can get one step closer in the future. Become a top master on the mainland, a great monk in the Mahayana period." Someone commented.

At this moment, the man looked at Chen Xuan in horror. He couldn't even believe that this young man only had the strength of the mid-fitting stage. The terrifying aura he exuded, even he was infinitely close to the half-step God Realm. No master can match it, the difference is a bit big.

  At this time, Chen Xuan had already condensed his attacks completely, but it only took him a little time.

  A moment later, Chen Xuan let out a sudden shout, and the Nine Dragon Sky Spear in his hand suddenly pointed at the man.



  Nine Dragons Battle Sky Spear suddenly burst out with the sound of nine dragons. Nine golden dragons suddenly appeared on the Nine Dragons Battle Sky Spear, and then attacked the man at the same time.

  The man couldn't help looking terrified, and hurriedly waved his hands to resist. A green light suddenly appeared above his hands. It looks terrifying.

  At this time, nine golden dragons rushed in front of the man quickly.


  The attack that the man hurriedly resisted, how could it be Chen Xuan's opponent, it was just a moment. Nine Dragons' Qi quickly broke through his greenish attack and hit the man directly.


  The man spouted a burst of blood from his mouth, his body flew upside down, and after breaking three giant trees two to three feet in diameter, he fell softly to the ground.

  At the same time, all his clothes were torn, revealing the dark armor he was wearing.

  At this moment, all the treasures on his body were cracked apart. The man struggled to move, and the treasures fell off his body piece by piece.

  The man looked at Chen Xuan with a bit of astonishment, how his treasure was destroyed by that young man like this? This makes him a little weird.

  At this time, Chen Xuan landed on the ground. At the same time, panting loudly, most of the aura in his body was almost used up at this moment, and there was not much aura in his body.


   Chen Xuan looked at the man proudly and said.

When the middle-aged man saw Chen Xuan's state at this time, he suddenly smiled and said: "Not very good, it seems that your aura is running out, right? Moved by such a big move, I think, at this moment you are gone The ability to shoot. Now, it's mine."

  Speaking, the middle-aged man, at this moment, got up directly from the place, and the treasures on his body fell from his body in pieces and piled up, but he didn't care. At this moment, staring at Chen Xuan coldly, he said with a sneer: "Unexpectedly? You just broke the treasure on my body, but I have to say that your strength is indeed strong, at least among people in your realm. , I have never seen a strong young man like you. However, it is a pity that your move just now exceeds the limit you can bear, right? Now what else do you use to fight back against me?"

  Speaking, the middle-aged man sneered, and at the same time, a green light appeared on his hands, slowly walking towards Chen Xuan.

When Chen Xuan saw this, he couldn't help but look stagnant. Although he knew he was wearing a magic weapon that was immune to attacks, he did not believe that there was a magic weapon that was completely immune to any attack by others, so he took the risk and launched Jiulong Zhan Tian Jue this big move.

  (End of this chapter)

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