Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1407: terrible

   Chapter 1407

  Chen Xuan said, “I’m exempted from respecting the surname. My name is Chen Xuan and this is Sun Tingting.”

"Sure enough, it's a hero who came out of a young boy to hold this thing." As he said, the middle-aged man took out a blue token from his arms and lowered it into Chen Xuan's hand, then continued: "Brother, In the future, Tongling Mountain, if you have anything, even if you go up the mountain to find it, as long as it is something that can be done down, I will do it for you, brother."

   Seeing Lan Wufeng’s solemn expression, Chen Xuan took the token away and said, “Thank you, then, I will definitely come when something happens.”

  Lan Wufeng nodded and said, "Okay, then we will have a period later, brother, see you in the future, girl, see you later."

  Speaking, Lan Wufeng greeted his three brothers, and then left here.

  "Where should we go now?" After seeing Lan Wufeng gone, Sun Tingting suddenly asked Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan shook his head and said, "I don't know, do you know where that damned beauty grass is?"

  Sun Tingting shook her head and said, "I don't know either."

   "Well..." Chen Xuan said with a black line on his face.

After being silent for a while, Chen Xuan looked at Sun Tingting and said, "Since we don't know, let's look around here first."

  Sun Tingting heard the words and nodded without saying anything.

The beauty grass is what the prince asked for by name. Although it is not a big deal even if it is not found, it is regarded as a source of experience, but since it has come, and these few have also received enough benefits, you can say it. Do your best.

  At the moment, the two did not say much, and walked slowly along the map in the direction of the teleportation formation.

At this time, the people around who watched the excitement were a little uninteresting, but seeing Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting actually killed a master who was infinitely close to the half-step **** realm, and they were a little shocked. .

  After seeing Chen Xuan and they all left, no one dared to make any crooked ideas, and left here hurriedly.

  At this time, it was only ten days before the Owu Forest was closed. They had to quickly search for some more natural treasures, and then leave here as soon as possible.

This place is already close to the deeper part of Owu Forest, and in the deeper place, they dare not go in. There are rumors that there is something unbelievable in it. If you go there, you will have one idea. A few hundred years ago, some people did not believe in evil and looked for it. Dozens of people approached there, saw terrible things, and died there. Only one person escaped, but he was also crazy. From then on, no one dared to approach the deepest place anymore and became A well-known forbidden area.

  Although this Owu Forest was originally a forbidden area, the deepest place, but the forbidden area in the forbidden area, hastily approached there, and I don't know how to die.

  As long as it is a monk, it's not that it is secretive. However, there is no shortage of people who are full of self-confidence, so no matter what time, people who are not afraid of the day will approach there, but almost all the people who have been there have died.

As for why everyone died, the cultivators still know this, because the merchant who cultivated the teleportation formation, one month after the expiration, the number of people who came out through the teleportation formation in the Ouwu Forest was ten fewer than those who entered. One part of the population, so it's just inferred based on this.

Although there are also those who fight for the treasures of heaven, material and earth, and die here because of their lack of strength, it is not a minority, but for thousands of years, because of this situation, many monks have maintained a choice. The treasures of heaven and earth that the two men and horses see at the same time are divided in half. In addition, whoever sees who belongs first.

   Therefore, generally speaking, if it were not for the absolute strength to crush one side, few people would make a move.

  Because it is too much for the loss.

  At this time, Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting, following the route on the map, proceeded slowly, leaving the teleportation formation. There is still a very long distance, and it will take about seven or eight days to get there, but in terms of time, these times are enough. Therefore, the two of them calmly approached the teleportation formation, and at the same time they were looking for the treasures of heaven and earth in a safe place around them.

At this moment, the two of them have been searching for a lot of time in this place, but they still haven't seen the beauty grass, they just found some ordinary elixir, but relatively speaking, the elixir in the Owu Forest is better than that. From the outside, the drug effect is indeed stronger.

   Seeing it, the sky was getting dark again. After the two people randomly got some elixir, they left here and approached in the direction of the teleportation array. At the same time, they were looking for a nearby cave, where they were going to rest at night.

  Then, there were no large mountains nearby, and when it was completely dark, the two of them had to rest on a large tree for one night.

  Fortunately, in Owu Forest, there are no ferocious beasts, not even moths and reptiles. Quiet is a bit scary.

  I just saw the monster beast that has always been strong when I was on the road. Chen Xuan concluded that the beast might have been charged here by accident?

  One night's time passed quickly, after Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting adjusted. Then he continued to move towards the direction of the teleportation array and approached the past.

  After the two stopped and walked for a long time, they suddenly noticed that there seemed to be some movement around, but they couldn't tell what was wrong for a while, they just became more cautious.

With a look of surprise on their faces, the two of them walked forward for an hour or two, and found that the ancient trees around them were getting bigger and bigger, and the surrounding environment was full of vitality, and it didn’t look like the forests before. Boring, feeling lifeless.

  Seeing this scene, both Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting couldn't help but look stagnant.

  I saw that the surrounding trees were not only huge and full of vivid aura, but even the unknown flowers and plants on the ground were a vibrant scene. At the same time, in the surrounding forest, there were faint sounds of birds singing. If you listen carefully, you can still hear the sounds of insects.

  This made both Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting look serious. Didn’t it mean that in Owu Forest, there are no other biology classes besides plants? What's the situation right now? Or is it that they have already stepped out of Owu Forest?

  This shouldn't be. According to the map, they should still be in the Owu Forest.

  Or, is this a different space? They just broke in inadvertently?

  Chen Xuan shook his head, no matter what the situation, both of them had to be treated with care.

  It does not seem to belong to the Owu Forest, but their location is still within the Owu Forest, which is really abnormal.

  Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting, with a surprised look, walked forward again. But fortunately, although there are some weird situations here, there is no danger. This made Chen Xuan breathe a sigh of relief.

  After walking for a while, Chen Xuan suddenly discovered that a huge lake appeared in front of him. Because of the resistance of those giant trees and the attraction of some abnormal conditions around him, he did not find the lake for a while.

   Around the lake, there are still huge trees that can only be hugged by dozens of people, blocking the lake almost completely in the middle, and there is only a winding path towards the lake.

  Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting met with surprise, and then walked slowly towards the lake cautiously.

The huge lake appeared in front of the two of them in a short while. I saw the lake, under the sun, still emitting a blue light, but the lake was as silent as death. I don’t know if it’s because there is no wind. Because of this, there are no waves on the lake, making this lake look like a dead lake.

   But even so, this lake still gives people a feeling of vitality, just like the painting, motionless.

  The azure blue brilliance, and the surrounding giant trees full of green, complement each other, it looks very pleasing to the eye.

   "Where is this place? Are you sure it is still within the scope of Owu Forest?" At this moment, Sun Tingting asked Chen Xuan beside her with some doubts.

  Chen Xuan shook his head and said, "I don't know, but the situation before me does seem to be a bit abnormal. I don't know where we are."

  Sun Tingting nodded, her expression became solemn, and then she looked around carefully. Suddenly, Sun Tingting seemed to hear something, faintly from a place not far away.

   "There is movement." Sun Tingting suddenly said in a serious voice.

   "Where did it come from?" Chen Xuan also nodded, and heard the sound of Ruoyuowu.

  Sun Tingting shook her head, both of them had a bad premonition in their hearts. At this moment, they cautiously looked around.


   Suddenly, a huge roar of a beast came, and both of them couldn't help but feel pain in their ears.

  Sun Tingting's face suddenly changed, and her face turned pale, then she stared at her surroundings closely, looking for the direction of the voice.

   "There." At this moment, Chen Xuan was staring at the direction he was pointing solemnly. It was on the opposite bank of them, where a huge stone about twenty to thirty meters long lay across, and from time to time there was a violent vibration from the boulder.

   "What's there? It can actually shake such a big boulder." Sun Tingting looked at the boulder strangely, as if to see through the back of the boulder, what was there.

  You should know that even if they are a master at the fit stage, it is absolutely impossible for them to push such a big boulder without using aura.

  However, in the air, there were no fluctuations of spiritual energy, which showed that the existence behind the huge stone was completely relying on its own strength to push the stone.

  This powerful physical strength is only available to some powerful monsters.

  Chen Xuan shook his head, saying that he didn't know what was behind the huge boulder, but it must be an extremely powerful existence that could push such a heavy boulder, and it was beyond the capabilities of the two of them.

   "Leave here quickly? Maybe there is some danger." Chen Xuan said solemnly.

  Sun Tingting nodded, and the two quickly walked forward along the edge of a huge lake.


  There was a sound of something cracking, which sounded like a metal or other hard thing cracking.


  At the same time, a deep roar came again, and listening to this sound, that thing seemed to be experiencing something in pain.


  I don’t know what it is, as if it suddenly turned over, and then slammed into the 20-30-meter-long boulder.


   Suddenly, after colliding with the boulder, a loud noise suddenly came.


At the same time, the huge boulder, hit by the thing behind it, suddenly tossed over, then plunged into the huge lake, and then quickly churned up a huge wave, the originally calm lake. , At this moment, it seemed like a huge wave was turning up, and waves of azure blue ripples came from the surface of the lake.

At this moment, the existence behind the huge rock was immediately revealed, and Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting suddenly forgot to go there. In their opinion, where a giant beast with a body of nearly 20 meters lay horizontally, bursting out from time to time. In his low roar, his voice seemed to be full of pain.

   Chen Xuan's expression was solemn, and said, "What kind of monster is this?"

Sun Tingting shook her head and said, "I have never seen or heard of this kind of monster, like a new breed. In the books I have read, there is no record of it. They are all different."

   Hearing Sun Tingting's words, Chen Xuan looked over again.

  I saw the giant beast, which had no hair or hard scales, only a thick layer of skin, glowing with golden light under the sun's rays.

  Even so, the behemoth still looks very strong, with huge muscles, which makes it look. He can easily break a boulder into pieces. His appearance looks a bit strange. At first glance, he looks like a horse, but his head has two horns, which are also golden yellow and look sharp. Incomparable.

  He doesn’t have any hoofs like horses. His limbs are all sharp giant claws. The giant claws are pointed, looking sharp and unmatched, and exuding jet black light.

  His eyes are scarlet and look like blood. In his mouth, four incredibly long teeth grew out of his mouth, extremely white. The whole face looked terrifying, exuding a fierce aura.

  (End of this chapter)

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