Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1418: Coming

   Chapter 1418

"Om!" The sword suddenly screamed, and violent vitality fluctuations emanated. Chen Xuan saw this posture, where there was a slight contempt, but there was no weapon in his hand, so he could only use it with his bare hands. , The big brother’s sword is obviously a good spirit weapon. It already has a weapon spirit, that is to say, it has its own consciousness. A spirit weapon with a weapon spirit is the best spirit weapon, even if No one controls him, and he can hurt others by himself. Now that he is in the hands of a master who is good at swordsmanship, Chen Xuan feels more pressure.

  Chen Xuan also found that the big brother was extraordinary, especially his sword, where he dared to hesitate.

  "Big brother, let's help you!" Seeing that Sun Tingting was ready to help, the other two brothers of the big brother walked to the side of the big brother and confronted Chen Xuan and the others.

   "Fuck me all, just a mundane turtle, can I put him in my eyes?" The senior brother did not appreciate him, but yelled in a cold voice.

Chen Xuan also smiled and licked his mouth, "It's okay, even if he has such a good spirit soldier? How come I, Chen Xuan, is also the representative of our Heavenly Spirit Sect. How can I lose to him? Today I will be ruthless. Hit him in the face fiercely, let the disciples of the ancient sect know that they are nothing more than that!"

A master of the sixth floor of the dignified elder brother, he is naturally excellent in hearing. Hearing Chen Xuan's words, his face was gloomy and water was about to drip, his pupils contracted slightly, and his spiritual soldiers seemed to dance into a whirlwind and rush towards Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan originally thought that his body skills were good enough, but he never expected that this ancient sect disciple who was good at swordsmanship was not weaker than him in terms of body skills.

  The cyan figure wielded the cyan long sword, as if several cyan whirlwinds had surrounded Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan's figure was already surrounded by the cyan, and it was long invisible.

"Huh! You folks in the world know how powerful you are, our ancient sect is not comparable to your cats and dogs in the world!" Seeing the fierce offensive of the senior brother, the third junior brother can say that he has completely suppressed Chen Xuan. Protruding, raised that proud head, shouted at Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting.

  The situation of Chen Xuan is not known to others, but he himself is very clear. He surpasses ordinary human consciousness and clearly feels that although the blue gust of wind has been enveloping himself, he has not fallen behind.

In the cyan vitality, Chen Xuan either avoided or took over. Chen Xuan took all the attacks of the senior brother. Chen Xuan became more and more courageous, and gradually began to counterattack. Chen Xuan suddenly filled his legs with vitality. The red legs suddenly rose to the ground and shot in a direction where no one else was. The violent vitality entwined around the legs crackled and crackled. At the intersection of the blue and red vitality, only a muffled sound was heard. The cyan figure burst out from the battle group, vomiting a bit of blood in the mouth.

"Hahaha! Hahaha!" After the big brother stabilized his breath, he looked up to the sky and laughed loudly. After laughing for a while, his eyes looked at Chen Xuan without emotion, and there was no anger in his eyes. , There is no anxiety, and even the warmth that humans should have does not seem to exist anymore, only a icy cold remains.

  Slowly, his manual hand is still the cyan long sword, but this time there is no complicated sword technique, no agile body technique, no violent vitality, only plain moves.

Chen Xuan didn’t know if he was dazzled. He suddenly felt that the sword in his senior brother’s hand was looming. Chen Xuan was surprised and hurried to explore with his spiritual sense. However, the feedback from the spiritual sense to him was the same as what he saw with the naked eye. It is the sword that sometimes exists and sometimes disappears.

In the next moment, the momentum seemed to be formed out of thin air, a huge light blue vitality bird, no, to be specific, it was a constant sculpture, a giant vitality sculpture, rushing towards Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan saw a vicious move. , Did not dare to hold on, prepared to dodge, but did not realize it, when the light blue vitality giant sculpture was approaching Chen Xuan, it suddenly disappeared, and the surrounding air was terribly silent. Chen Xuan wrapped his whole body with fiery red vitality. Watching the surrounding vigilantly, however, the vitality giant eagle seemed to have never appeared before, as if it had completely evaporated in the world.

  Chen Xuan couldn't stand this depressive atmosphere anymore. His palms were twisted slightly, his vitality was infused with two fingers, and his body suddenly moved, his speed suddenly increased, ready to give the big brother the final blow. However, at this moment, Chen Xuan felt as if something had been slammed into his chest, and immediately after hearing a bird song, Chen Xuan's body had already bounced back uncontrollably.

   "Boom! Boom!" The whole small hill behind him collapsed, and Chen Xuan's body rushed over in an instant, fortunately there was no danger.

Chen Xuan’s eyes were red, and the chill was flowing on the surface of his entire body. Chen Xuan had already made a choice in his heart. He had already thought about offering the sword out. Now the big brother of the Evergreen Gate didn’t know what was good or bad, he wanted to kill it. Chen Xuan couldn't control that much by himself.

  This person must die today.

   "You, you must die today!" Chen Xuan's voice seemed to be coming from Jiuyou Hell, the entire cold air was quietly surging, and the sword of the First Martial Dao Shrine was about to move.

"Only you, the third level of the True Element Realm? Why are you telling me like this? I repeat, this woman voluntarily let me, you can still save a life, otherwise, you will die without a dead body. , This woman still belongs to me!" The big brother's voice was equally cold, and he didn't care about the threat of Chen Xuan, the ant.

   "I'm dead, and you won't let you touch me!" Sun Tingting shouted.

  "Hahaha, even if you are dead, I can also enjoy your corpse. For a beauty like you, the corpse must taste great too!" Sun Tingting's lustful smile made Sun Tingting speechless for a while.

"Really? Then we have to see if you can live to that time!" Chen Xuan roared, and a dark red light burst out from the ruins, piercing the big brother, who thought Chen Xuan was too weak. Without precautions, Chen Xuan suddenly launched an attack, with a dark red spear in his hand. Chen Xuan held the barrel of the gun, and the tip of the gun pointed directly at the heart of the big brother. In a panic, the big brother used the sword of the spirit weapon to block his heart, but unexpectedly Chen Xuan Xuan temporarily changed his skills, and the tip of the spear moved up half an inch slightly.

  Big Brother looked down at the dark red spear inserted into his chest, his eyes full of incredible.

   "Just use your blood to sacrifice this Assassin's Overlord Spear!" Chen Xuan said faintly with the burning fighting spirit on his body.

"Go to hell!" Chen Xuan pulled his right hand fiercely, "Puff", with the gun being pulled out, blood spurted wildly, the pupils of the big brother gradually enlarged, and the last breath of nose slowly disappeared, slowly falling down. On the ground, the corpse of the big brother was still full at first, but in the end it gradually bleeds and becomes a dry corpse.

  It stands to reason that after a person dies, the blood begins to coagulate, and no matter how large the wound is, it will not continue to bleed after death. This situation is relatively rare for seniors.

"Tingting, take care of these two too, how about it!" Chen Xuan's long hair fluttered, and the arc of the corner of his mouth shows that he is in a good mood now. The original firm Fang Gang's face looked exceptionally against the red sky of this secret realm. Handsome.

   "Okay, I will solve one, you will solve one!" Sun Tingting nodded, and then looked at the lower fourth junior brother. The soles of the feet were slightly rotated, and the whole body seemed to have separated from the space in an instant, and it was in front of the Fourth Junior Brother in an instant. Seeing Sun Tingting's hands, Chen Xuan didn't fall behind. He held the Assassin's Spear in his right hand, his vitality poured into his legs, and the blood-red vitality carried the fierce wind, chasing the clouds and stepping on his feet, raging.

The three senior brothers thought that Chen Xuan killed his fourth junior brother and wanted to rescue him, but Chen Xuan actually killed him at the same time, which made him feel uncomfortable, and even had no time to dodge, so he could only slightly side his body, and Chen Xuan shot him in the air. , But still left a long bloodstain on the chest of the third brother.

Although Chen Xuan pierced the air with a single shot, how did Chen Xuan react. After the shot was pierced into the air, he swung the barrel of the gun horizontally and shot the third brother a few feet away. Chen Xuan instantly followed, and the third brother who was flying in the air could not borrow it. The force changed the direction of his body, and Chen Xuan’s transverse split just now was extremely powerful, so he couldn’t control his body even more. There was no suspense. Chen Xuan’s dark red spear was like a red dragon out of the water and got in. The throat of the third brother and the eyes of the third brother were also wide open. No one knew what he was thinking at the moment of death. He regretted coming to this Kunwu secret realm? Still regret provoke Chen Xuan the group of people? He still hated his elder brother for her insatiable sex, and finally sent the brothers to Huangquan.

On the other side of the battlefield, Sun Tingting relied on the agility of her body to fly up and down, her black vitality wrapped her hands, and she usually wore a pair of black gloves on her hands. On the surface, Sun Tingting’s offensive was indeed rapid and calm. Moving like thunder, the black eyes still shine with the light of wisdom from time to time, but even with such a violent attack, there is still no improvement after attacking for a long time.

Although the four younger brothers are the weakest among the four younger brothers, he is also a disciple of the ancient sect after all, and his strength is in the third level of the reincarnation realm. Sun Tingtingye has only three floors, which is completely separated by a large realm. This makes Sun Tingting very Suffering, and at the same time secretly crying in my heart, how can this man's swordsmanship be so powerful? With the advantage of this speed, he almost swiftly kills the moment his swordsmanship is in a gap, but even at such a fast speed, it can be. When it came to the flaw, the flaw seemed to have never appeared before, and it disappeared in an instant.

Chen Xuan used almost all available attacks, fists, feet, elbows, and knees, all of which were used, and the speed and angle of each move were very tricky. During this period, due to Chen Xuan's exquisite moves, Therefore, the Fourth Junior Brother still took Chen Xuan a few fists and kicks, but when Chen Xuan’s fists fell on the Fourth Junior Brother, his strength seemed to be resolved by a magical force. So on the surface, although Chen Xuan seemed to have the advantage, indeed The effort didn't pay off.

  Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting are both masters, they naturally see Chen Xuan's current situation clearly. But they are not in a hurry. This is also a good exercise opportunity. Presumably Sun Tingting also wants to take this opportunity to improve her combat experience and hone her martial skills.

Just when Sun Tingting was struggling to find a breakthrough, the Fourth Junior Brother suddenly broke out. Sun Tingting, who was used to the rhythm of the battle, caught off guard. But still, it shows how fast the sword dance is.

After changing the rhythm, Sun Tingting’s fighting rhythm couldn’t be changed for a while. She didn’t dare to take the fourth junior’s tricks, and could only retreat quickly. At the same time, the vitality was lifted, and the black ghost was summoned. The moment the black ghost appeared. It’s a human-sized volume, lying in front of Sun Tingting and the Fourth Junior Brother. The Fourth Junior Brother can swing hundreds of times in one second. Hundreds of sword lights slashed towards the black ghost. The black ghost was stunned by these hundreds of sword lights. Divide into hundreds of pieces.

  Sun Tingting was still retreating, but the fourth junior brother was on the offensive like a torrential rain, and he did not give Sun Tingting a chance to breathe. He knew that if Sun Tingting kept up with his fighting rhythm, it would be a little troublesome for him to suppress her.

"Go to hell!" A cold light flashed in Sun Tingting's eyes, and the fourth junior brother felt a cold behind him. Through the reflection of the sword, he saw countless black ghosts attacking behind him. Sun Tingting's body suddenly stood still, with sharp two fingers. The sharp and unmatched dagger penetrated the barrier of the sword light and inserted into the lower abdomen of the Fourth Junior Brother.

The fourth brother’s body was a little short, and the sword body was close to his body. Sun Tingting pointed sharply on the sword, and there was severe pain in his fingers, but Sun Tingting couldn’t take care of those many, because the fourth brother was behind him. The black ghost is already close at hand, and he has no time to defend himself. Sun Tingting's finger pointed out just now, forcibly using the spiritual power of the second martial art, found a gap in the sword shadow of the fourth junior brother, and penetrated him. One finger pointed out that Sun Tingting's finger was not to take the life of the Fourth Junior Brother, but to buy time for the black ghost behind him.

Swipe, at the same moment that Sun Tingting's finger was on the fourth junior’s sword, several black ghosts had already hit the Fourth Junior’s quilt, and the corrosive death energy instantly burned out a few of his clothes. Dadong, the belching sound showed that the vitality of death had penetrated into the skin of the Fourth Junior Brother and was gradually corroding.

  Four Junior Brothers staggered forward in pain, while Sun Tingting was in front of him, her cold face without a trace of emotion, and the death vitality of the same carrier’s right palm slapped Fourth Junior’s chest.

   "Puff!" With a sound, Sun Tingting slapped her with a palm with all her strength. Her body flashed forward for more than ten steps before she stopped. When she looked back, there was still a half figure.

  (End of this chapter)

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