Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1422: Spirit Emperor Legacy

  Chapter 1422 Inheritance of the Spirit Emperor

His hands rose slowly, and his index fingers were joined together and pointed at the sky. Then the sky seemed to respond to his movement, a black magic energy like a river of heaven, flowing continuously into his fingers, and then Qiu Rushuang's body It also began to change gradually, but the handsome face at this moment looked hideous and terrifying.

   Suddenly Qiu Rushuang roared without warning, white curved fangs came out of his mouth, a trace of scarlet blood hung at the corner of his mouth, and a pair of huge black wings slowly grew out of his back.

"Heaven Demon Wanxiang Gong!" Qiu Rushuang's voice sounded as if it came from Jiuyou Hell. Under his roar, black magic wings fluttered up, and as he waved his hands, there seemed to be thousands of demon heads. Kong Ji rushed over, and the hall was filled with thousands of demon heads. Chen Xuan hid in a corner far away, watching the battle for geniuses.

  The originally empty hall has become a sea of ​​demons, and a few golden lights are faintly visible in the gaps of the demons. The demons swallowed up, but only heard the sound of puff puff, and the demon heads were like moths flying into the fire. They burned one after another as long as they touched the empty golden body.

  The demon heads in the entire hall seem to be numerous, but after a while, they were all incinerated by the empty golden body.

At this moment, Qiu Rushuang's face was gloomy and water was about to drip out, extremely ugly, and his stern voice seemed to scream, "This is what you forced me!" After the voice fell, Qiu Rushuang's body quickly swelled, and finally reached the height of his body. It was as tall as the tall palace where the giant lived, and it was almost the top of the palace overhead.

"Roar!" The huge demon snorted softly, but the voice seemed to be transmitted from ancient times, reaching the human brain. Chen Xuan was distorted by the voice, and he leaned in the corner alone. Inside, wriggling.

"I didn't expect this kid to be able to summon Mauro, one of the four great ancient trolls. Although it has not yet formed, it can be said to be a huge advantage at your stage." The voice of Qiongqi, which has not been seen for a long time, was at this time. Sounded.

There is also a layer of black protective shield around Chen Xuan's body. Chen Xuan feels much better now. Hearing Qiongqi's voice, he is much more happy. Qiongqi has more knowledge and knowledge. With Qiongqiliu, there are more. A layer of amulet.

"Qingqi, where did you die these days? Do you know that I was almost killed by that Qiu Rushuang just now. He actually knew that I had the heart of gods and demons, and he had to **** my heart of gods and demons? , If he snatches the heart of the gods and demons, see if he will let you feel at ease in the heart of the gods and demons." Chen Xuan's voice complained slightly, but his voice was still full. Surprised.

"What are you talking about? He knows that you have the heart of the gods and demons?" Qiongqi's voice was full of surprise. This news surprised him too. The heart of the gods and demons is the treasure of the world. If you let others know, then Chen Xuan will take it. The situation that comes down is not just facing a small person with the initial combat power of the reborn stage, I am afraid that even those old immortals in the Tianzun realm will desperately grab the news after they get the news.

"Yes, this Qiu Rushuang seems to have eyes in the eyes of gods and demons, so he can feel my heart of gods and demons. At first, I also felt a sense of blood connection with him, but I didn't expect this level, presumably He learned it through this feeling, right." Chen Xuan's voice was calm.

"Oh, that's the case. I thought that your kid accidentally leaked the news. If so, then I can rest assured. If he has the eyes of the gods and devil, he will definitely find ways to get the heart of the gods and devil, and he will not Leak out the news about the heart of the gods and demons, because once the news is leaked, his eyes of the gods and demons won't be kept." Qungqi said.

"Qingqi, what you said is wrong, do you know what the backstage of this kid is? That is the dignified ancient sect of Heavenly Demon Sect. Even if it is exposed, who dares to trouble the Heavenly Demon Sect?" Chen Xuan His voice is a bit envious, if he also has such a strong background, who would dare to trouble himself.

"Ignorance, what is so rampant about an ancient sect? If the world knows that they have the eyes of gods and demons, once those old monsters who have not been born for thousands of years find the door, they can instantly razed the heavenly demon gate to the ground." The voice was slightly exaggerated, but it was not unreasonable. If the news that the heavenly demon gate had the heart of the gods and demons leaked out, even the heavenly demon gate could not afford the price.

  On the battlefield, the empty eyes slowly opened, with some solemn expression in his eyes. He knew that this was not something he could easily deal with, and the strength of this Qiu Rushuang was a bit beyond his expectation.

The huge demon incarnation of Qiu Rushuang is slowly approaching the emptiness, and the emptiness of the body no longer remains still, and the emptiness of the body is also rapidly growing, and it has become an ancient Buddha, although it is only a mere form, but Even so, the huge deterrent force shocked Chen Xuan.

Qiongqi was also stunned by this huge scene, "Are young people so perverted now? Yo I always thought that your kid's talent is already very good, but the two talents in front of you are not inferior to you. , Your hard work, Chen Xiaozi."

"Does this still have to be said by you? I have been working hard, OK, but I only started to practice again last year. Can I compare it to what they have cultivated for more than ten years? Give me more than ten years, and I will not be better. They are bad!" Although Chen Xuan has a very good temperament, he is a young man after all, and he also has the passion and comparison of young people, so Qiongqi's flowers also aroused his passion.

  Qingqi smiled noncommittal, as if he had achieved his goal.

Crackling, the two huge Buddhas and demons did not have any tricks, and they directly touched each other. The first time they met, both sides didn't get any benefits. They each stepped back three steps, and the second time they met, both sides still didn't get it. What advantage, each vomited a mouthful of blood and crashed to the ground. The third time they collided, Chen Xuan was shocked by the shock wave of the two collisions. Chen Xuan vomited blood violently, and at the same time yelled, "Die Qiongqi, you give me The shield!"

  Chen Xuan had always thought that the shield that Qiongqi had given him was there, but he didn't know when he quietly revoked the shield.

  Speaking of this third encounter, both of them flew directly back and slammed into the wall behind themselves like a broken kite. The entire hall vibrated violently, but it did not collapse. Then the bodies of the two of them shrank quickly, and finally became prototypes. Both of them crawled on the ground, unable to move.

When Chen Xuan saw such a scene, he walked towards Qiu Rushuang with a smile. This person wanted to kill himself just now. Now that he has fallen into this kind of field, Chen Xuan will naturally not let go of this good opportunity. Chen Xuan is nothing. Good guys, don’t tell you about an upright duel, then defeat you, and then kill you. In this world of the weak and the strong, the law of the jungle is the most practical, but the tiger is injured, even if you are strong, how fierce you are usually, one A hunting dog is enough to solve the tiger at this moment.

Chen Xuan is now playing the role of the hunting dog, but unexpectedly, the heart of the gods and demons suddenly raised an alarm frantically, and Qiongqi's voice also remembered at the same time, "Go back to the place!" Chen Xuan's heart and the spirit of the gods and demons and Qiongqi Naturally, he would not doubt it. It was instinctive, his body quickly withdrew, but just as Chen Xuan had just left the place where he had just stood, a golden beam of light and a black beam of light collided there.

When Chen Xuan looked intently, two lights of gold and black were emitted from the eyes of the two people, and they collided fiercely. The moment the two lights were emitted, the space they passed through collapsed and collapsed, right. The collision is even more black and gold, but the two beams of light continue to splash outward, but the two beams of light don’t seem to collide directly together. There seems to be a black hole where they touch, and the two beams of light seem to have penetrated into this black hole. In the middle, but the sparks that were off-center and lasing came out, the whole scene was once very weird.

   "Look what to see, run!" At this time, Qiongqi's horrified voice came, as if something extremely terrible was about to happen.

   "Huh?" Chen Xuan was still amazed at the scene he saw before him, but he couldn't understand what Qiongqi said. Then Chen Xuan felt light, and the Qiongqi Yuanshen came out and forcibly took Chen Xuan's body away. Not long after Chen Xuan and the others left the palace, a loud sound trembled Chen Xuanzhen's mind. When Xuan looked back, the front hall of the palace, which had not collapsed even after the huge physical impact of the two, collapsed at this moment.

"Well, what's the matter?" Chen Xuan's body has been put down. Chen Xuan's eyes were dazed at the collapsed palace in the distance, and he asked slowly. He didn't feel anything just now. Dangerous atmosphere, but unexpected, but hidden such a huge murderous opportunity.

   "That kid actually has a discernment, why didn't you say it earlier, or I would have a keen reaction, and you would have died there." There was a little fear in Qiongqi's voice.

  From the destruction of the front hall, the destructive power is evident, but where does this destructive power come from? This is what Chen Xuan wondered.

  "Do you know how the huge destructive power came from?" Qongqi asked.

   "Aren't you nonsense? How do I know?" Chen Xuan's voice was slightly angry, and he didn't know why he was angry.

"The entire space was intensified by those two rays of light into a black hole of time. Such a black hole is forcibly breaking the rules of this world. If the rules are forcibly broken, the world will inevitably be repaired. Repair the energy exploded at this moment, not to mention you, even if it is. A master in the imperial realm might have to die here too!" said Qiongqi.

  Chen Xuan and the others saw the palace suddenly collapsed, and they all looked at each other in surprise. They didn't know what happened. They didn't understand what kind of power could have such a huge destructive power that could defeat such a huge palace.

  The stone room where Chen Xuan and Qiongqi are now has eight stone doors, two of which have been opened. Obviously these two are Bai Yiyan and Jiang Yihan who have entered.

Chen Xuan looked at the stone gate in front of him, not knowing what to do. If he chooses one to enter, the danger is too great, and he cannot take the risk. If he chooses to enter the two doors that have already been opened, even if it is It was dangerous and was visited by other people, but Jiang Yihan and Bai Yiyan were not easy generations. If either of them Chen Xuan confronted them, it would have no chance of winning. From the moment of emptiness and Qiu Rushuang. The battle can be seen. Since the other two can be as famous as them, they must have the same powerful methods as them. Chen Xuan hesitated, a voice of death came from him, "Why hesitate, go in!"

   Chen Xuan cursed an idiot in his heart, "You think I am you, a soul body, I can go in casually, I have to choose! I may explain it here if I don't make the right step."

   "Why are you afraid of me?" Qiongqi said.

  At this moment, the bustling crowd outside broke in, including Sun Tingting.

Sun Tingting rushed in and saw Chen Xuan at a glance. He did not rush into the Shimen like other people in an instant. The numerous stone gates were crowded with people for a while, but Sun Tingting ran to Chen Xuan's side, "Xuan, You're all right!" Sun Tingting hugged Chen Xuan's waist, reaching her head in Chen Xuan's arms, with a slight cry in her voice.

   "Well, I'm fine!" Chen Xuan also grabbed Sun Tingting's waist and said softly, he knew that Sun Tingting was afraid of him, and he suffered a lot more than him.

  Sun Tingting had been buried in Chen Xuan's chest, regardless of the other people who came in, and other people did not care about them, and quickly entered the stone gate, only to wake up the two people in the affectionate when she heard the sound of anger.

   "Have you two enough, how about my young master? What did you do to him?" All of Qiu Rushuang's subordinates also came in, and one of them, who was tall and looked good, asked.

  Chen Xuan's heart moved slightly, and his heart couldn't tell the truth to him. He wanted to tell them that the enmity and emptiness had died together, and they would definitely not let themselves go, so in any case, they could not let them know about it.

Chen Xuan smiled slightly, his face was gentle, and he looked terrified, and he said in a nonchalant manner, "Everyone, when the Lord Enemy came in, I ran into the other three people on the list of dragons, and then the Lord Enemy followed Kong Ji. The monk entered a stone gate, and he told me to wait for him to come out, so I waited here."

A suspicious look flashed in the eyes of the tall Demon Sect person, "Will you be so obedient and wait here?" Obviously he didn't believe Chen Xuan's words, but since Chen Xuan said such things, he had done enough. ready.

  (End of this chapter)

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