Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1425: Got caught

   Chapter 1425 was caught

  After all, husband and wife sing along, she still supports Chen Xuan's approach, but now Chen Xuan's approach is too elusive.

"Tingting, I know all of this. I didn't want to make him grateful to us. I just thought that Jiang Yihan used everyone's hands to get rid of Bai Yiyan. One is that he can shirk responsibility after he goes out. He killed Bai Yiyan by himself, even if the Ten Thousand Saints Gate wanted to trouble him, that would not be possible. Second, the current purpose is probably to prevent the only one who can hold him down!" Chen Xuan said.

"Yes, this is the judgment we did not know about Jiang Yihan's conspiracy. I think he might even kill all of us even after this step!" Chen Xuanyu is not surprisingly endless. People may be killed casually, which is obviously unrealistic, but Chen Xuan now has a strong ominous premonition in his heart.

  "Stop talking, go quickly, otherwise Bai Yiyan won't be able to hold it for a while!" Chen Xuan said, and rushed over first.

  Sun Tingting and Chen Xuan looked at each other, without hesitation, they followed Chen Xuan to protect Bai Yiyan. Behind everyone who surrounded Bai Yiyan, Chen Xuan came first, took out a treasured sword of the spirit weapon, and slashed it out directly. The person who was smashed instantly flew flesh and blood, splashing the blood of the person in front of him.

  Swipe, and a few more slashes, Chen Xuan had already killed four or five people in a short span of time without everyone being guarded.

   "No good, somebody attacked!" Suddenly someone shouted, and everyone who was attacking Bai Yiyan suddenly turned around and stared at Chen Xuan, and at this moment Yansun Tingting had just arrived.

   "What do you want to do? Dare to be an enemy of so many of us?" one of them said.

Chen Xuan looked at the situation in front of him, and couldn't help chuckles in his heart. This is the state he wants. Now every minute and every second is precious to Bai Yiyan. Now everyone is facing him, so white. Yiyan's attack is gone, and he has enough time to heal his injuries.

   "Bai Yiyan can't die, so I came to rescue him. Everyone was deceived by Jiang Yihan. Don't be the knife in his hand!" Chen Xuan said.

"Where did your kid come out of the wild species, dare to talk nonsense here, you kill him quickly, and then quickly kill Bai Yiyan, don't you want the secrets of the nine palaces of Senluo?" Jiang Yihan was Chen Chen Xuan's heart was throbbing with what he said. He really didn't expect someone to see through his conspiracy, and he tried so hard to stop it. He really couldn't figure out how Chen Xuan saw through his conspiracy. Chen Xuan also knew the nine palaces of Senluo when he fell out. 'S secret? Impossible, only Jiang Yihan and the other four dragons of the Heavenly List have the strength to enter that place, even Wu Yuntian, ranked second, and Wei Zhenyue, ranked third, not to mention that this one has only the third level of the True Element Realm. That's a brat.

   "Huh, look, everyone, Jiang Yihan is jumping over the wall in a hurry, everyone must not be taken advantage of!" Chen Xuan roared loudly.

Everyone was originally from all corners of the country, and there was only one purpose for coming here, and that was to get some benefits. They would not be united at all. Moreover, everyone had doubts about Jiang Yihan's words. At this moment, Chen Xuan added fuel to the fire, which naturally made everyone more suspicious. In addition, Jiang Yihan's attitude was really suspicious just now, so they also stopped, and they are also ready to watch the changes. As for the few people that Chen Xuan killed, naturally no one cares. How many do they hate to die? One less person is one less person who divides up treasures, so they don't care about these at all. No one would seek revenge on Chen Xuan in order to get someone who had never known each other.

Jiang Yihan is very proud of his plan, and he thinks he is perfect. Everything is being done according to his plan. The first step of the plan is about to be achieved soon, but this stinky boy came out and disrupted the situation. Naturally, the latter plan will not be realized. Jiang Yihan's face was gloomy and was about to drip out, "Boy, you dare to ruin my big thing, then you must die today!"

Jiang Yihan had no expression on his face, he leaned over and rushed towards Chen Xuan. The speed made Chen Xuan slap his tongue. The palms wrapped in cyan vitality carried a faint cold light. It seemed that there was no huge momentum, but the palms hidden destructiveness. Great energy.

Chen Xuan knew that the three of him were definitely not Bai Yiyan’s opponents. I am afraid that all three of him would be killed when they were together. Chen Xuan did not dare to hesitate. A small sword with only the length of the **** slowly appeared in the palm of his hand. When Jiang Yihan's claws were about to fall on Chen Xuan's head, Chen Xuan held his hands high, and the small sword grew long in the wind and instantly became bigger. A closer look, is this the Supreme Spirit Sword of the Supreme Spirit Sword Venerable? What kind of power is this class of magic weapon.

I have to say that Jiang Yihan is indeed one of the four dragons of the sky list. His reaction speed is really amazing. The Tailing Sword in Chen Xuan's hand has just grown up, but he suddenly stopped and retreated, but the powerful sword spirit of the Tailing Sword still let Jiang Yihan took a bit of a dark loss. Jiang Yihan touched his right hand, his face was pale. Although he looked intact, he didn't even spit out blood, and there was not a scratch on his body, but the main meridians of her right hand were broken. .

Jiang Yihan flashed in the distance, staring at the Tailing Sword in Chen Xuan's hand with lingering fears. Just now he clearly felt that the attack was not issued by Chen Xuan, but by the Tailing Sword. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel nervous. After a few minutes, the spirit soldier launches an attack on its own, which proves that the spirit soldier has the weapon spirit, and the spirit soldier itself is a master.

   "What a wise soldier!" Jiang Yihan said involuntarily.

"How about, Jiang Yihan, do you still have any questions if I want to protect Bai Yiyan now?" Chen Xuan asked indifferently, his self-confidence in his tone was completely inconsistent with his strength. The sword in Xuan's hand is a good spirit soldier. A small third-level True Element Realm holding this sword can make Jiang Yihan, one of the four dragons of the Heavenly List, a little jealous. This is not something ordinary spirit soldiers can do. of.

   "Boy, don't you think you can deal with me with a spirit-breaking soldier?" Jiang Yihan's face was cold, and his voice was cold. He was quite afraid of Chen Xuan's threats, and to be precise with that sword.

"You can try!" Chen Xuan was unwilling to talk nonsense with him. He knew the power of the Supreme Spirit Sword. Even if Jiang Yihan was changed to a master of the imperial realm today, he would have to be jealous when talking to Chen Xuan. Not to mention, the power of this sword itself has the fighting power of the human emperor realm, and the spirit of the Tailing sword has matured. It can be said that this sword itself is a master, but he is now mastered by Chen Xuan. , Signed a contract on the bloodline, so loyal to Chen Xuan, if someone else gets this sword, Chen Xuan involuntarily terminates the contract, then this sword will never recognize others as the master, and even this sword will find opportunities Killing, of course, if Chen Xuan is killed, the blood contract will automatically disappear, and the device spirit can naturally recognize the master again at this time.

"You..." Jiang Yihan didn't expect that this kid would not give him face so much, which made him very depressed, but the Tai Ling sword in Chen Xuan's hand really made him a little scared. The top priority now is to quickly repair the meridians, Bai Yiyan’s injury is almost healed. If Bai Yiyan’s injury heals later, then it’s not good. With Bai Yiyan’s strength, he can definitely see his injury, and Bai Yiyan’s The character will never let him go.

When Chen Xuan and Jiang Yihan were facing each other, a huge ice dragon fell from the sky and attacked the unsuspecting Bai Yiyan who was healing. Bai Yiyan's men, including Zhou Xingyuan, ranked ninth, were all paying attention to Chen Xuanhe. Jiang Yihan's confrontation did not notice the fire in the backyard. Everyone watched the huge ice dragon crash into Bai Yiyan. Where did the surrounding men dare to take such a fierce and powerful moves, they could only be avoided, otherwise it would be Funeral.

Chen Xuan's eyes widened too, he had forgotten Wei Zhenyue this guy with all sorts of calculations. He didn't expect that Wei Zhenyue, even though he looked like a rough person, was so delicate in his mind. He deliberately waited for this opportunity to take action instead of the first time. So he went to kill Bai Yiyan, maybe he also saw Jiang Yihan’s conspiracy, so he also wanted to have someone who could contain Jiang Yihan, but now this person has appeared, and that is Chen Xuan, so Bai Yiyan is here for him. There is no need for potential enemies to exist.

   "Boom, boom, boom!" The white frost dragon hit Bai Yiyan sitting on the ground one by one. As the voice gradually disappeared, the Frost Dragon also disappeared, but Bai Yiyan, who was sitting on the spot, remained unscathed.

"Wei Zhenyue, you are very good!" Bai Yiyan, who was sitting on the ground, suddenly said, everyone was shocked. In the eyes of everyone's surprise, Bai Yiyan slowly stood up and patted his body. The non-existent Xuantu raised his head slightly, and the cold voice without the slightest emotion made everyone who wanted to deal with Bai Yiyan shudder. At the same time, he couldn't help but praised in his heart, the four dragons of the Tianban were indeed extraordinary.

  If you don’t look carefully, you can’t find the faint yellow vitality of Bai Yiyan's body. The moment he stood up, the pale yellow vitality slowly disappeared.

"Wei Zhenyue, I know your strength is very good, but you don't need to take action when I am healing, right? This is not the work of a gentleman! But I have always been cheering for Bai. Since you didn't kill me, it was you. My luck has increased. It’s all because of God’s meaning. I won’t be embarrassing you anymore. Where should you go?” Bai Yiyan’s remarks were plausible, as if to say to himself Become a good person, some of whom do not know why Bai Yiyan really thinks that Bai Yiyan is a good person, but a small number of people still see Bai Yiyan's purpose.

Chen Xuan smiled faintly, and said to Sun Tingting beside him, "This Bai Yiyan is really a human being. Just a few words will solve a big trouble. Then he will definitely treat me and Jiang Yihan as opponents. , But his subordinates seem to be suffering!"

  Sure enough, the juniors of Bai Yiyan saw that Bai Yiyan was in peace and ran up to congratulate him, but unexpectedly they just ran over, Bai Yiyan's cold voice reached their ears.

  "Are you guys very good? This is how you protect the Fa?" Bai Yiyan's voice was not loud, but it was so loud and harsh to his juniors.

  "Brother, we are also compelled!" said one of the juniors. However, just after he finished speaking, Bai Yiyan's hand flashed with a cold light, and the man fell to the ground, and then a small red wound on his neck slowly appeared. The man opened his eyes wide, and his eyes revealed incredible. Bai Yiyan kicked the person away casually with his gaze, and then said, "I'm sorry, Junior Brother Mu, I have no choice but to kill you!"

  "Brother, brother, we know it was wrong!" After all the remaining juniors heard Bai Yiyan's voice, they recovered from their surprise and hurriedly knelt down and said repeatedly.

"Well, you guys are loyal and loyal. I have seen it. Naturally, he will not embarrass you. He ran first. I saw it. You have to run with him. This is the end of today’s affairs, as long as you Being loyal to me, I will not embarrass you naturally. If you are also like Junior Brother Mu, then I will be welcome!" Bai Yiyan's voice is still soft.

   "Yes, yes, our brothers only look forward to the horse's head, and dare not disobey the slightest!" The juniors have already been scared, and they dare to feel a little bit more unwilling.

   "Get up!" Bai Yiyan nodded in satisfaction. The internal affairs have been solved perfectly, and now it is time to settle the external affairs. Bai Yiyan raised his head to look at Jiang Yihan and Chen Xuan, and then said to Chen Xuan, "I don't know how this sword-wielding brother is called!"

   "Under Chen Xuan!" Chen Xuan said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Okay, Brother Chen, although Bai was healing just now, the external affairs are clear. You just helped me. I am very grateful to Bai. Thank you Bai! I have a suggestion to talk to Brother Chen. I don't know if Brother Chen can agree!" Bai Yiyan clasped his fists slightly, the complex expression in his eyes made people unable to understand what he was thinking.

   "Hehe, you have to say it first, or how do I know if I should agree?" Chen Xuan said with a smile.

"Well, then I said it, I think it's true that the two of us don't know each other if we don't fight. Just now Brother Chen was surrounded by a few witches, and the real people didn't show their faces, so we were bullied by these bastards. I I didn’t recognize Brother Chen’s strength just now, so I have offended him, and I hope to forgive him, but Brother Chen didn’t remember his grudges just now and took action out of righteousness. This feeling is rare. I think we might as well join hands to obtain Sen Luo Jiu. The treasures of the temple will be half of you and me at that time, what do you think!" Bai Yiyan said without leaking.

  (End of this chapter)

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