Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1431: conflict

  Chapter 1431 Conflict

"Hahaha, Ye Qing is a genius that our Heavenly Spirit Sect hasn't been able to produce for a hundred years. It's really rare to have achieved good fortune in just one year. If there is nothing wrong, then we can have a banquet! "One of the elders stood up and said.

  The other elders also echoed the way one after another. Although the group of disciples logically had a say, no one would stand up and speak at this juncture.

So Ye Qing logically became the elder of the inner sect. Six months later, it was still the Qingchen sect. The new dragon list master came to provoke the Qingchen sect. The previous dragon list masters almost became the inner or outer sect of the sect. Door elder.

  Some helped the Tianlingzong deal with some external transactions, some stayed in the sect, and some left the Tianlingzong and went on their own future.

"Lin Changfeng, don't go too far, otherwise you will feel better when our sect master returns!" The area occupied by the Qingchen Sect is still as big as before, and many transactions between disciples within the sect must go through their hands, although Their interest is protected by the sect. Although some other sects are jealous, but Ze dare not blatantly grab it, so it happened today. The beard came to find the fault and asked the Qingchen Sect to voluntarily give up some territory before they were willing to give up. .

Lin Changfeng glanced at the disciple of the Qingchen sect who was talking, and did not speak. The man next to Lin Changfeng was dressed so glamorously that he suddenly rushed towards the man like a whirlwind, "Bha!" "There was a crisp sound, and the man said, "What are you, you dare to talk to Master Lin like this, wanting to die?"

The Qingchen sect disciple who spoke just now fell to the ground from a distance, with a trace of blood spilling out of his mouth, he could feel the tyrannical aura of the person opposite, this person is already a master at the eighth floor of the True Primal Realm, he is just a small one At the first level of the True Essence Realm, where would you dare to challenge others? Moreover, there are several people around him who have the same strength as this person, and Lin Changfeng is even a master who is born out of the womb, and he can't fight it at all.

  Although he couldn't offend and suffered ridicule, he still looked stubbornly at the man who shot him flying, and the strength in his eyes was self-evident.

   "What do you look at? If it weren't for the Heavenly Spirit Sect, you would have already died under my hands!" the person said.

   "You..." Although the disciple of the Qingchen Sect wanted to refute something, the refutation couldn't say anything.

   "Liu Qian, it's okay, don't show off with a little Qingchen sect disciple. You can't tell him the length of it. Let Han Yu come out!" Lin Changfeng said arrogantly.

"Lin Changfeng, you don't want to deceive people too much!" At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded, and Han Yu's figure slowly fell beside the injured disciple, slowly helped him up, and then gave it to him A healing pill, "Go and rest while you are here, leave everything here to me!" Han Yu said.

"Hey, isn't this Hanyu? You can finally figure it out. Look, I advised you not to join any Qingchen sect. You want to join. When you were on the tiger list, your ranking was ahead of me. , But now you see, what do you look like? Huh? Or the 9th floor of the True Origin Realm? You have been on the 9th floor of the True Origin Realm for more than half a year. Should something like this happen to a genius like you?" Seeing Han Yu came out, Lin Changfeng took a step forward and stood in front of the crowd, and then said.

   "Chang Feng, when I was in the inner door, I did not help you less? Why do you do this? Even if you don't repay your gratitude, you won't avenge your gratitude, right?" Han Yu said coldly.

"Han Yu, where did you start? When did I avenge my gratitude? Come on, pull that person out of me!" Lin Changfeng said suddenly to the people behind him, and after a while, A man pulled out a **** man who had been beaten up and down.

"Han Yu, have you seen it? This person beat my disciple of the Changfengmen. You must know the rules of our Heavenly Spirit Sect. It stands to reason that my people can't be too much to beat him to death, but I know this. People are yours, so I ask my subordinates not to kill him, but if I don’t kill him, I have to give my disciples an explanation, right? If there is no explanation, then I can’t take care of this matter!” Lin Changfeng Said.

   "Lin Changfeng, you don't want to deceive people too much, what do you want!" said a Qingchen sect disciple next to Han Yu.

   "Han Yu is in charge, save me, save me!" the disciple shouted.

"I'm deceiving too much? Han Yu? Did you hear that? Your people said I was deceiving too much? Did I deceive too much? No, you heard this man's cry too. If you don't save him, I'm sorry?" Just as Lin Changfeng finished speaking, one of his subordinates suddenly pinched the man's neck.

  "Stop, Lin Changfeng, you stop to me! What conditions do you have, tell me, tell me!" Han Yu shouted loudly.

  Lin Changfeng seemed to have succeeded and smiled in general, "Hahaha, that's right, I have long heard that your Qingchen sect is the first of kindness and righteousness, but now it seems to be well-deserved! Ah? Hahaha!"

   "Can the industry in the east of your arena give us Changfengmen? Of course, I don't want it for nothing, I will give it!" Lin Changfeng said.

Just when Han Yu was about to compromise and prepare to sign that property to Lin Changfeng, a shout suddenly came from a distance, "What's the matter, so many people are here?" The man fell down, and everyone saw this man and hurriedly bowed and shouted, "Elder Ye!"

This person is not someone else, but the only one who has returned from Kunwu Secret Realm, Ye Qing, Ye Qing’s current strength is already at the level of Good Fortune Realm, and his understanding of Tao is also approaching perfection, and he can comprehend it at any time. The law of killing, but there has always been a suitable opportunity, so there has been no breakthrough.

"What are you doing? And this disciple, why is it beaten like this? The clan clearly stipulates that if there are conflicts between the disciples, they can go to the martial arts stage to solve them. You fight in private, don't you want to stay away? "Ye Qing's words, did the disciples tremble again and again, and knelt down in front of Ye Qing with a plop, "Elder, elder, it's not my fault, it's all the people from the Qingchen Sect who hit me first. I was beaten for no reason, so I fought back!"

"Yeah, Elder Ye, he is right. We can all testify for him, and it stands to reason that since the people of the Qingchen Sect acted first, then even if we killed him, it would not be considered a violation of the rules of the clan. , But I, Lin Changfeng, is not a good person, so I still held back and brought people here to make sense to Han Yu!" Lin Changfeng also said with help.

  "Is this really the case?" Ye Qing asked, but there was no doubt in his eyes. He was just ascended from the disciple. He still didn't know the guts among the disciples?

   "Of course it is, Elder Ye Qing..." Lin Changfeng was talking vigorously, but suddenly he heard a loud roar, "Of course it's a fart, you said yes? Who will testify?"

Ye Qing’s voice made Lin Changfeng’s face darker, and his expression was very unhappy, but Ye Qing, as an elder after all, could not be angry with Ye Qing even if he was angry. Otherwise, he would really not stay in the Heavenly Spirit Sect. Going down, he just sullenly pressed his voice and said, "Everyone present except the Qingchen Sect can testify!"

"Except for the people from the Qingchen Sect? All the people except for the Qingchen Sect are yours, right? Your people testify to the people who gave you, Lin Changfeng, you thought it out!" Ye Qing said in her voice. With a hint of coldness, he still has a grateful attitude towards Chen Xuan, and even some admiration. If this trip to Kunwu Secret Realm would not be protected by Chen Xuan all the way, until the end he sacrificed himself to protect him and Sun Tingting. I am afraid that he has already been killed by the masters of the ancient sect on the sky list. Now that he sees that the sect that Chen Xuan has worked so hard to build is being bullied, he naturally can't sit back and ignore it.

"Elder Ye, I respect you as an elder, so if you talk to you so politely, don’t be too mad. You are just promoted to the inner sect elder. Now a year ago, you are still a Disciple, if you still want to be in the circle of the Inner Sect elders, you'd better leave it alone!" Lin Changfeng suddenly said something like this, which shocked Ye Qing fiercely, but immediately, Ye Qing reacted, the uncle of Lin Changfeng was the nephew of Chief Lin, the chief elder of the inner door elder, so he dared to speak like this.

"Haha, Lin Changfeng, are you threatening me? I'll take care of today's affairs. You can try. Does anyone dare to touch my hair!" Ye Qing said coldly, except in Kunwu Besides being ridiculed by many people in the ancient sect, for so many years, no disciple has threatened him like this, and as a hot-blooded man, if you don’t give him a heavy blow to threatening this kind of thing, then your own face Where to put it in the future.

In fact, Lin Changfeng regretted it after he finished speaking. He only cared for a moment of joy, but forgot that Ye Qing was a direct disciple of Sect Master Mo Jingtian. He was extremely liked by Mo Jingtian. Therefore, he wanted to bring down Ye Qing. It is not so easy to do, and there is no possibility that Ye Qing can even be defeated at all.

  "Okay, that's all for today's affairs. I apologize for what I said just now. I'm sorry, Elder Ye!" Lin Changfeng said softly.

After speaking, Lin Changfeng was about to take his people away, but at this moment, Ye Qing roared, "Stop, did I let you go?" Hearing Ye Qing's voice, Lin Changfeng's heart shook. , The thing that worries you the most is coming. It seems that Ye Qing is looking for trouble with him.

   "I don't know what else Elder Ye has to order!" Lin Changfeng paused before turning around and asked.

"I'm not embarrassing you. Your people are not allowed to trouble the Qingchen Sect in the future. What do you think?" Ye Qing's voice said at the end, even with a hint of coldness. This is not when an elder is talking to a disciple. In his tone, it was obvious that Ye Qing was a warning, a serious warning. If Lin Changfeng dares to trouble the Qingchen Sect in the future, I am afraid there will be no good fruit.

   "Elder Ye Qing, I know!" After Lin Changfeng finished speaking, he turned and left. Then everything about Qingchenzong came to an end. Time flicked by and another year passed. Although Qingchenzong was still constantly harassed by some disciples of other sects, with Ye Qing's care, he could still survive. As for falling down.

  (End of this chapter)

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