Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1451: The provocation of the imperial realm

  Chapter 1451 Provocation of the Emperor Realm

  The law of space was obtained from Dapeng by Chen Xuan using the technique of fetal seizure. It was not a law he had comprehended. Although the law of space has been greatly improved after cultivation and comprehension, it is not a law he comprehended after all.

  Now Chen Xuan only has an opportunity for enlightenment. As long as he can break through the limitations of the Tao he comprehends and master his own laws, his practice can go a long way, directly break through the human emperor realm, and directly point to the supreme realm.

  Although Chen Xuan is very leisurely, but with his current foot strength, how can he use common sense to infer, so it didn't take long before he came to the foot of Taiheng Mountain.

Looking at the majestic Taiheng Mountain, he couldn't help feeling the supernatural workmanship of nature. At this moment, he only felt what he felt in the dark. There was a strange feeling, but this feeling was fleeting, waiting for Chen. When Xuan went to search again, he couldn't catch it anymore.

   Chen Xuan is helpless, it seems that he has missed an opportunity. However, Chen Xuan didn't regret too much, this kind of thing can't be expected, put it down and pack up a good mood, and rush to the place where the gang was established.

  When Chen Xuan reached halfway up the mountain, he saw a wave of people fighting each other, he just faintly felt that one of them seemed to be his apprentice.

  Looking carefully, several of them used the Tai Ling sword technique. No longer hesitate now, they shot the ice and fire double lotus, killing all the people on one side.

  The people who used the Tai Ling swordsmanship saw this scene as if they were facing an enemy, but when they saw Chen Xuan, tears filled their eyes, "Master, you are finally back!"

  Chen Xuan looked at these half-and-half children and said with emotion that these children have also grown up. However, he also understood that it was not the time to sigh, and Chen Xuan asked them: "What is going on and what happened?"

A few people replied with choking, originally our Supreme Spirit Hall was fine, but a few days ago, a sword spirit pavilion appeared out of nowhere. It does not mean that we stole their peculiar skills, and came to our door all day to call elder Li Ke. Seeing that they were so arrogant, they took a lesson, but did not expect that one of them would be wounded by a master of the imperial realm, but fortunately, Wang Dong and Liu Yun, the three of them resisted and repelled them, but the three of them Now they have suffered serious injuries, and are now recovering from the wounds in the sect. "

  "We are only to blame for our poor learning skills, failing to break through the realm of good fortune, and failing to help Elder Li Ke, so we can only work with other disciples to resist the harassment of those people."

   Chen Xuan heard that he was furious. No matter who these people are, if he dares to bully him on Chen Xuan's head, he is looking for death. Then he comforted him: "Don't be afraid. Now that I am back, you don't have to worry anymore. Just take me back to the teacher's door first."

On the way, Chen Xuan also secretly marveled in his heart, these three people are really strong now, and the three of them can actually repel the strong people in the human emperor realm. You must know that the strong people in the human emperor realm are all masters who understand the power of the law. The good fortune realm is no more than an enemy in the hands of the human emperor realm.

  Presumably, among the three of them, there must be someone who understands the law.

  When Chen Xuan returned to the Supreme Spirit Hall, Chen Xuan was surprised to find that the current Supreme Spirit Hall was already majestic and majestic, and he secretly praised the efforts of these disciples for the Supreme Spirit Hall.

Several people led Chen Xuan to a room next to the main hall, and said to Chen Xuan, "This is where Elder Li and Brother Wang Dong have healed."

  A guardian at the door saw a few people but his expressions were blunt: "The elders are healing, and other people are not allowed to enter."

  A person next to Chen Xuan said, "Zhang Long, are you blind? This is our master, Chen Xuan."

  After hearing the words, Zhang Long looked at Chen Xuan carefully, and suddenly knelt down: "Zhang Long's eyes are clumsy. He didn't recognize Master, and I hope Master will forgive him.

  Chen Xuan quickly helped Zhang Long and said, "Don’t blame you, don’t blame you, this is where Li Ke and the others recuperate? How can they heal in such a place?"

Zhang Long replied moved: "This is Elder Li who said that they could not heal their injuries and occupy a good training place. They gave those spiritually strong places to the disciples in the sect to practice. Brother Wang Dong and Senior Brother Liu Yun saw Li Ke. In this way, the elder has to heal with Elder Li Ke, saying that he is not willing to be special."

  Chen Xuan secretly said that several people were foolish, and quickly pushed the door into the house.

  After Chen Xuan entered the room, the disciples who watched the outside world started to talk.

   "Who is this person, why haven't I heard that Zhang Long and the others have a master?" A disciple asked the other person.

The disciple who had just scolded Zhang Long came over and explained: “This is the founder of our Tailing Temple. Now the exercises we learn are all passed on to us by him. Li Li, those of you who joined later, don’t Knowing that it was normal too, he left after passing down the exercises."

Zhang Long went on to worship and said: "When he came to our Shijia Village, he was only a monk in the Convergence Realm, but with the strength of the Convergence Realm, he killed the master of the True Element Realm. I don’t know that now the master has reached What realm, anyway, I think that as long as the master comes back, it won’t be a problem for someone in the imperial realm."

  This Li Li disagrees: "I don't think this master looks like a strong person. Maybe you still have to rely on the elders."

  Zhang Long was furious: "Don't be rude to Master, I see if you haven't been repaired for several days, your skin is itchy!"

  Li Li shrank his head, and hurriedly said with a smile: “Don’t dare not, brother, I was wrong. Just now I didn’t choose to say anything, I didn’t choose to say anything, brother, don’t be angry.”

  Zhang Long snorted coldly, and stopped paying attention to him.

   While arguing outside, Chen Xuan had already started to help several people in the house to heal their injuries.

When Chen Xuan entered the house coincided with the intermittent movement of the three of them, the three of them were very surprised when they saw Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan took out a few healing pills and distributed them to the others: "I will help you heal your wounds first. If we do, we will talk later."

  The three nodded and said yes. When the luck was over, Wang Dong first said excitedly: "Master, you are back." It was indescribably excited.

  Chen Xuan smiled and said, “I’m back, so don’t worry about any difficulties in the future. I am here.”

Wang Dong and Liu Yun looked at Chen Xuan as if they were gods, and they had nothing to say, but Li Ke was a little worried, and asked, "Do you know what happened?" Chen Xuan said calmly, "I'm still It's not very clear, but isn't it a person in the imperial state at best? You can clean up Li Ke without me."

Li Ke said in disbelief, "How could I have beaten him? Even though he is in and out of the imperial realm, he alone can match the three of us. If it weren't for Wang Dong and Liu Yun to understand the law, the three of us It's not his opponent either."

   Chen Xuan said mysteriously: "What if I help you break through to the Human Sovereign Realm? Remember when I told you that if I can break through to the Good Fortune Realm, I can help you break into the Human Sovereign Realm."

  Li Ke asked in shock: "Have you mastered the method of repairing the martial arts shrine?" Chen Xuan said lightly, "That's right."

  Li Ke said excitedly: It's not too late, let's start now. "Chen Xuan smiled and said: "Don't worry, your injury has just stabilized, and you still need some days of recuperation. We can start after you are recuperated. You have been waiting for so many years, so it's not bad these few days. "Li Keqiang suppressed his excitement, nodded and said yes.

  Chen Xuan then said: "Since the establishment of the Supreme Spirit Hall, I have been outside and have not been involved in the affairs of the temple. You can give me a detailed introduction to the affairs of the temple. I am familiar with it. By the way, I will take this opportunity to pass on the exercises."

the next day.

  Wang Dong announced to all the disciples of the Supreme Spirit Hall that Chen Xuan, the founder of the Supreme Spirit Hall, had returned. From today onwards, all affairs of the Supreme Spirit Hall will be assigned to Chen Xuan.

  The disciples who had seen Chen Xuan were very happy and felt relieved right now, but the reactions of the disciples who joined later were varied. Some people think that since the seniors and elders in the hall have said so, then there must be no problem.

  But other people think that a person who has never met is very unconvinced to take over the Supreme Spirit Hall now, not to mention that they don't know how strong this person is.

  Chen Xuan ignored these things, he just handled the affairs of the clan with peace of mind, and time will prove everything when the time comes. After studying the rules and regulations of the clan and Chen Xuan's observation of the Supreme Spirit Hall within a few days, Chen Xuan found many unreasonable places, and he decided to correct these unreasonable places.

  If a school wants to prosper and become strong, a reasonable rule and system is indispensable.

First of all, there is the problem of training venues. Because there are some spiritual places in Taiheng Mountain that are very suitable for cultivation, these places have become the best places for many disciples to practice. However, because there is no clear regulation system, many disciples often rob them for cultivation. Although no one was seriously injured as a result of the field fight, it will affect the unity of the sect in the long run.

  It will also affect the development of the sect's strength. Over time, the strong will become stronger and the weak will become weaker. This is extremely unreasonable.

  Chen Xuan’s solution is to hold a martial arts competition in the martial arts every month, divided by rank, the higher the ranking, the longer the training time for the treasure that can be occupied.

The second is the distribution of the inner medicine of the Zongmen. Due to the remote location of the Tailing Temple, it rarely communicates with the outside world. Therefore, the inner medicine of the martial art is extremely scarce, and the weapons are also scarce, which leads to the overall strength of the Tailing Temple. It is very high, but few people have weapons that are worthy of their hands.

The problem of the pill is easy to solve. Chen Xuan himself is an alchemist. There are still a large number of pill for daily needs in his martial arts palace. These are enough for the Supreme Spirit Hall to use for a while, but this is definitely not a long-term solution. Chen Xuan was going to wait for this period of time to go out to find a viable source of pill.

  The problem of weapons is not easy to solve, so I can only send my disciples to nearby towns to purchase a batch of low-quality weapons for use, and then slowly figure them out in the future.

  Because Chen Xuan himself was not the master of swordsmanship, the original Tai Ling Sword was also an accidental result. Because of the fear of being remembered by people, he has not used it much, so he rarely noticed these objects.

  (End of this chapter)

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