Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1454: Power of law

  Chapter 1454 The power of the law

  Because the disciples who watched the battle didn't even have a few in the good fortune realm, only the fighting in the emperor realm could be seen.

  Even though the four powerhouses of the emperor realm are very moist, they are not clearly visible to these warriors born out of the true essence.

  Chen Xuan tentatively found out the true facts of a few people, so he no longer kept his hands, and immediately took a few hacks and slashed out of the circle.

  The onlookers exclaimed for a while, and felt relieved after seeing that Chen Xuan had nothing to do.

  Chen Xuan is now preparing to end this boring fight. Such an opponent is of no use to the growth of his strength.

After deliberately experimenting with these three people's new moves, they carefully understood the laws around them, but after a breath of effort, Chen Xuan had formed a small tornado in front of him, and there was a faint purple thunder light in it. Flashing, Chen Xuan pointed his right hand, and the tornado whizzed towards the three of them.

  The expressions of the three of them changed drastically, and the eldest brother shouted: "No, I can't hide, so I will use the trick."

  Chen Xuan looked at the three with great interest, wondering what kind of tricks these three can play.

  The three of them were headed by the eldest brother, and the other two held their palms against the back of the elder brother. The eldest brother roared, and a spiral of vitality light shot out from his chest, blasting the wind and thunder tornado away at the very moment of its death. But this vitality also lost energy after breaking through the wind and thunder tornado. The three of them were also exhausted after issuing this attack and fell to the ground.

  Although the three of them fell to the ground and couldn't afford it, Chen Xuan cautiously protected the whole body with vitality before slowly approaching a few people. When the three of them saw Chen Xuan coming, the eldest brother was also stiff. The eyes stared like copper bells: "Grandpa fell in your hands today. I'm unlucky for grandpa. If you want to kill, we will kill grandpa. We don't even wrinkle our brows."

  The big man hesitated for a moment, and his tone suddenly softened: "It's just that my brothers are instigated by me, and the crime is not dying. I beg you to have a lot of them and let them go."

The second and third brothers said in grief: "Big brother, we must die together, we will not be stubborn!" The big man turned around and angrily rebuked, "What are you talking about? Our family is expecting you two to pass on. You want our family to cut off the incense. !"

   Chen Xuan's eyes lit up, and these men were clingy, sentimental and righteous, and might be able to use them for themselves. At the moment, he said with great interest: "I will not kill you, but in exchange, you have to protect the temple for me. As for the time, how do I feel?"

  The big man heard this, but his mind became active. He secretly agreed at the moment and endured the humiliation. After a few days, I recovered my strength. At that time, my brother could not stop him when he wanted to run, and he wanted to make a plan now.

The big man replied straightforwardly: "Okay, but you have to teach us the martial arts and techniques of the Supreme Spirit Hall." Chen Xuan immediately understood what abacus this big guy was playing, but in his heart he secretly smiled and said that this big guy is not stupid. But when I planted a **** spell on you, you won't be able to stir up any storms even if you have thousands of plans.

Chen Xuan promised: "This is natural. I don't want our nursing home to go out without even a decent martial skill. That would be too shameful, but you have to tell me how your imperial realm strength came from. of."

The big man was shocked: "How did you see it?" Chen Xuan replied with disdain: "This can be seen by anyone with a little bit of knowledge. How can ordinary people in the Emperor Realm master the power of the law, so your strength is certain. It’s not through cultivation."

The big man was very puzzled: "The power of the law? What is the power of the law?" Chen Xuan looked at him with idiot eyes, and asked, "Tell me first if you want to." The big man was also a little embarrassed, and immediately agreed. .

  Chen Xuan nodded with a smile, and suddenly patted each of the three brothers' heads, and planted the curse of the gods on several people.

The three of them only felt a chill of vitality flowing over their heads, and they were shocked: "What are you?" Chen Xuan snorted coldly, "You really think I'm stupid and don't take any precautions. If you learn kung fu If the martial arts ran away, I would ask someone to make sense. If you come to retaliate in the future, wouldn't I be a problem by raising a tiger."

The big man said with twinkling eyes: "How can we brothers be like this? You will soon explain to us, and we will naturally not regret it." The other two also echoed: "Yes, how can you take our brothers? Think of people as someone, let us untie them quickly, or we will just lie here and won't leave!"

  Chen Xuan smiled slightly: "Really not leaving?"

   "Yes! Don't go anymore"

  How Chen Xuan Zhengchou showed the power of God's curse, it was unreasonable to punish him for no reason, but he didn't expect a few people to come to the door. At the moment when the God's curse was instigated, the few people instantly became painful, rolling all over the floor, and shouted in pain: "What is this, what is going on, is it your kid's ghost, I'm going to solve it for us!"

  Chen Xuan said coldly: "Call the Hall Master."

   "I'm calling you uncle, and I'm going to explain it to us, otherwise, waiting for us to get up will let you die without a place to bury you."

   Chen Xuan pretended to say: "Really? Is it so powerful? Then I'll run away first." Chen Xuan turned and wanted to leave.

   Seeing this, several people repeatedly told Rao: "Fair, Lord, we were wrong, and we will never dare to do it again. I must listen to you in the future, and let us solve it quickly."

  Chen Xuan turned his head and asked sternly: "Really dare not?"

   "Don't dare, don't dare."

   "Then I can't leave."

   "Go and go, all at the orders of the hall master."

   "Then can't kill me anymore."

   "The lord joked, joked, and will never dare anymore."

  Chen Xuan happily stopped urging God's curse. This **** curse is really overbearing, and the pain it brings to people increases exponentially. It's no wonder these big guys can't bear it.

  As for the geometric multiple, Chen Xuan didn't know, it was recorded in the God and Demon's Pregnancy Judgment, so it's easy to use it.

  Several big guys lay on the ground and took a sigh of relief. This kind of pain is deep into the soul. It can make people bear the pain of purgatory, but they can't be so painful that they fainted, which is terrifying. The three of them had lingering fears, and they were afraid that they would never dare to make any trouble in the future, and would follow Chen Xuan's words.

Chen Xuan saw the reactions of several people, and he was expecting it. This magic curse was really unsatisfactory, and then asked: "Then you can tell me how your strength came." Although it was a doubt, he said. Speak in an indisputable tone.

  The whole body trembled, fearing that Chen Xuan would let them experience the pain that went deep into their bones again, and quickly replied: "We don't know if we return to the Lord."

The eldest brother looked at Chen Xuan’s face and said quickly: “We really don’t know. The three of us were farmers in the field, but we learned a little bit of cultivation methods from an old man in the village when we were young, but our three brothers Stupid, I haven't practiced anything.

"Then the three of us suddenly felt stronger after waking up one day. We didn't care about it at first, but thought it was an illusion, but one day when I was asleep, we flew up and we realized that we were different from before. The place.

"Later we stopped farming, and we ran out to find out who we were in the imperial realm, and met a bunch of people. Later, someone told us that we wouldn't be able to do any powerful tricks, and that person said that it would be enough to leave it to him. Whenever we need us, let us fight, and after this is done, we can go to a larger city for a delicious drink.

"But the man died two days ago. Our three brothers thought that this man took us to see the market and couldn't let him die in vain, so he came to seek revenge, and wondered whether he could finish the previous things, and then Go to the big city to eat fragrant and spicy food."

  Chen Xuan didn't want to believe these words of a few people, no one can break through the Human Sovereign Realm by sleeping. If the Human Sovereign Realm is so worthless, wouldn't it be that the whole world is running away from the Human Sovereign Realm.

But Chen Xuan's look at the few people really didn't look like a fake. In addition to the fact that a few people didn't understand the rules, they believed in seven or eight points at the moment. However, to be on the safe side, Chen Xuan still asked: "Are you sure that's the only thing." You break through to the human emperor realm after you sleep?"

When the three of them saw Chen Xuan, they couldn't believe it, and they quickly thought about what was missing, but the third child suddenly said, "I remembered that when we woke up and went out that day, someone asked me why I hadn't seen it for days. Our three brothers are now, and I didn't pay attention at the time. Now when I think about it, my brothers work on time almost every day. How come they haven't seen us for several days."

At this time, the eldest brother also said, "I also remembered what you said. We went to work in the ground that day. I found that the weeds in the ground grew much better. I wondered why the grass that was pulled the day before grew today. So much."

  Chen Xuanmo-holding his chin: "So, you slept for several days, not one night?"

The three brothers replied hesitantly: "It should be like this." The three were afraid that Chen Xuan would not believe what they said, and emphasized again: "What we said is true, we only know so much. I don’t know anything else."

  Chen Xuan secretly said that it is strange, it is possible that these three people have some special physique, but there is really no difference.

   Seeing that the three people were still kneeling on the ground in fear, Chen Xuan waved his hand to signal them to get up. Said: "In this case, it's nothing, I believe you, don't worry, in our Supreme Spirit Hall, I will not treat you badly, follow me much more than you can get outside." Slapped a slap in the face. Chen Xuan still understands the truth of giving a sweet date.

  The three of them dared not speak, and followed Chen Xuan back to the Supreme Spirit Hall.

  The disciples of the Supreme Spirit Hall were all cheered when they saw this situation. From their perspective, although this fight was not as earth-shattering as imagined, it was after all a competition in the Human Sovereign Realm.

The most important thing is that they have seen the strength of the hall master, and easily defeated the three powerful experts in the emperor realm. Then their hall masters must not be super strong in the supreme realm. These disciples are still very knowledgeable, and I don’t know it. The mysterious reason.

  (End of this chapter)

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