Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1458: Go to Famen Temple

   Chapter 1458 Go to Famen Temple

  Chen Xuan said angrily: "I'm not angry."

  He Xueer made a grimace: "Sniffy." After speaking, she whispered to Chen Xuan. Although Chen Xuan had an angry expression on his face, he was actually very happy inside.

  Chen Xuan couldn't help but think of his sister.

   "Human Sovereign Realm..." Chen Xuan was a little bit emotional. Once upon a time, the Human Sovereign Realm was not out of reach for him. Facing the Human Sovereign Realm, Chen Xuan was confident that he could dare to fight or even win a battle. "Xue'er, wait, I will find you soon!"

   "What? Why are you looking for me, I am here." He Xueer asked suspiciously from the side.

  Chen Xuan came back from his recollection: "Nothing." "Humph!" He Xueer was dissatisfied with Chen Xuan's indifference, and hummed.

  Chen Xuan was inexplicable, not knowing how he provoke this strange little girl again. I can't help feeling that it's hard to raise women and villains, and the ancients don't deceive me!

  In this way, Chen Xuan came to the place where the secret realm was opened in the noisy and noisy He Xueer along the way. Then, Chen Xuan found embarrassingly that he didn't know where Famen Temple was!

  It’s definitely not possible to inquire. Ordinary people may or may not even know the existence of ancient sects, let alone know the location of Famen Temple.

  As Chen Xuan was thinking about it, He Xueer said, "Brother Chen Xuan, are you looking for Famen Temple? I know where Famen Temple is, but what are you doing in Famen Temple?"

  He Xueer didn't know what the wind was. The big villain Chen Xuan became elder brother Chen Xuan when he screamed, and Chen Xuan would also have him go. It was better to listen to it than the villain.

Chen Xuan was very surprised: "How do you know where Famen Temple is?" "When I was a child, I often followed my grandfather to Famen Temple, but Famen Temple is nothing fun. A group of people are very boring, and the young monks of Famen Temple are not willing Playing with me, I was really annoyed to say that men and women are not giving or receiving marriage. He Xueer said with a puff of air."

"Then you take me quickly, I have very important things to go to Famen Temple." Chen Xuan also didn't care about the origin of He Xueer. He just wants He Xueer to take him to find where Famen Temple is. .

He Xueer hesitated and said: "But, my grandfather often goes to Famen Temple, what should I do if my grandfather finds out and take me back. I don't want to go to Famen Temple~" As he said, He Xueer spoiled .

  Chen Xuan ignored He Xueer’s coquettish "I must go to the Gate Temple, I will find it myself if you don’t take me there!" He hesitated.

   Chen Xuan said: "Otherwise, I will give you a change so that your grandpa won't recognize you."

  He Xueer shook her head: "No, even if I change my content, my grandfather can still recognize my breath, it won't work."

   Chen Xuan said, "Don't worry, my disguise technique can change even my breath, and your grandpa will definitely not be able to find it!"

  He Xueer hesitated and said: "Really? Are you sure my grandfather really doesn't recognize me?" Chen Xuan patted his chest and promised: "Trust me, I can."

  He Xueer reluctantly agreed: "Okay, then you first help me to disguise, so I can take you to Famen Temple." Chen Xuanyun started to hide the heavens and changed He Xueer up and down.

  This is another magical effect of Hengtianjue. It can also help others to disguise themselves, but it can only work when others are unprepared and without the slightest resistance.

  He Xueer looked at her hands in surprise, and touched her body, very interesting, "Ah, it's so amazing, I can't feel my breath anymore, Chen Xuan brother, you are so amazing."

  Chen Xuan said triumphantly: "That's not it, okay, now you can take me to Famen Temple."

He Xueer said: "Famen Temple is far from here, don't worry, we have to rush over slowly." He Xueer blinked her eyes mischievously, "If we want to go to Famen Temple, we have to go back. The place of residence is not so easy to find."

  "The easiest way to enter their place is through the teleportation array. The nearest teleportation array is near the town where I met you."

  Chen Xuan asked in surprise: "What did you say? Where did you meet me? It is so far away from here, how could it be the closest teleportation formation to us? Don't lie to me."

Xueer kicked Chen Xuan angrily, and snorted when she found that Chen Xuan didn't feel much, and said angrily: "Otherwise, I don't know much. It is connected. The ancient sects did not participate in the affairs of the secular world, and there are few teleportation formations leading to the outside world."

Chen Xuan asked, "So many ancient sects, only a few teleportation formations?" He Xueer made a grimace: "You are really stupid when you say you are stupid. Relationship, and as I said, the teleportation array is just the easiest way for us to get in."

   Chen Xuan suddenly realized that it seems that this ancient school has its own special way of traveling, and this teleportation array should only be a way for them to bring people from the outside to the inside.

Chen Xuan doubted: "Why do you know so clearly, is it possible that you are also a member of the ancient sect?" He Xueer forcefully pretended to be tough: "What does it have to do with you, I won't tell you! Humph!" Just walked forward in anger.

  Chen Xuan secretly said that He Xue'er should have no malice towards herself, so she left.

  Along the way, Chen Xuan just felt very hard. He did it by himself and would eat the evil results even when he cried. He knew he should have told He Xueer where he was going.

But Chen Xuan felt something was wrong after walking halfway, and asked suspiciously: "You didn't take me back to the teleportation array because you deliberately retaliated against me?" He Xueer blinked and smiled slyly: "I." I didn't lie to you."

Yes, this is obviously a lie to you. You can eat Chen Xuan to death with my attitude. No way. Who will let him know the way? The solution is not.

  After enduring He Xue'er's naughty weirdness along the way, Chen Xuan finally followed He Xue'er to the teleportation formation she said.

To Chen Xuan’s surprise, this place was located in a residential house in Linshan City. The owner of this house was an old man with gray hair. After He Xueer showed him a weird token, the old man said silently. Leading the two of them to a secret room, they said: "Old rules, a piece of middle-grade spirit jade."

  Chen Xuan feels very interesting. This teleportation array actually has to charge. He Xueer gave Chen Xuan a white look: "Wait, you can't pay soon. You still count on me to pay for Lingyu."

  Chen Xuan helplessly took out a piece of middle-grade spirit jade from the Martial Arts Shrine and handed it to the old man. The old man gave the two of them a weird look and waved them to make them stand on the teleportation formation.

  In the blink of an eye, Chen Xuan found himself in front of a smoky mountain gate.

  There are clouds and mist here, and the concentration of spiritual energy is much higher than that of the outside world. It is not much more than the small world in your body, and it is like a fairyland.

He Xueer glanced at Chen Xuan contemptuously, "Huh! No experience!" Chen Xuan did smile. It was not that Chen Xuan was shocked by the sight, but that Chen Xuan did not expect to have this in the South Fen Territory. A treasured land of outstanding people.

  He Xueer saw that her ridicule had not achieved the effect she had imagined, she couldn't help but feel discouraged, and her mood fell.

  Chen Xuan slowly walked up the stairs and came to the mountain gate. A young monk who was cleaning the fallen leaves in front of the mountain gate saw someone coming, so he put down his broom, put his hands together, said a sigh, and asked: "Why is the donor here?"

  Chen Xuan also paid a salute, and slowly replied, “I’m Chen Xuan, I’m here to meet Master Kongji, please let me know.”

The little monk said clearly: "So that's the case, please come with me, the benefactor." At this time, Chen Xuan discovered that this little monk was the one who had come to inform him of the award when he was talking with Bing Yinjun at the foot of the mountain. The little monk can't help but feel the wonder of fate.

  He Xueer mumbled angrily from the side: "Why do you have the same virtue as my grandfather, you are all literary, weird, and I don't usually find you so sour."

  Chen Xuan couldn't laugh or cry. Why did he treat people with courtesy to this girl's mouth and turned into a gentle voice, and the strange sound was so strange, and he didn't bother to pay attention to her, just let her go.

Just when He Xueer was still thinking about it, the little monk led Chen Xuan to a waiting room, and after serving a cup of tea to both Chen Xuan, he said, "Please wait for the two benefactors. I'll go and ask for nothing. Master come here."

Chen Xuan said, "I wrote about the little master", and then he sat down and slowly tasted the evil clear tea brought by the young monk. This clear tea was also wonderful, and it was refreshing after a sip, which made Chen Xuan feel at ease, and then it was the Lingtai. A sense of clarity.

  Chen Xuan's secret path is magical. Less than a cup of tea, Chen Xuan heard a voice outside the door: "Amitabha Buddha, Chen Xuan, don't be unharmed."

  Chen Xuan quickly put down the tea cup in his hand, and stood up with his hands clasped together; "Thank you, Master Kongji, for your concern, I am fine."

  Chen Xuan still has a good impression of the emptiness that saved him five times in the Kunwu Secret Realm. It is worthy of Chen Xuan's respect for him to draw his sword to help him, not to mention that he also saved the lives of himself and Sun Tingting.

  Now thanked him: "Thank you Master Kongji for many times to rescue in the secret realm. The great grace has no retribution, but I will go through the waters and fire, and will not hesitate."

   Empty and quietly smiled and said: "The donor does not need to be polite, everything in the world has a certain number of drinking and pecking. Since the donor Jiang, you are not exhausted, and you should not be killed. All this is an arrangement of fate."

  Chen Xuan secretly said to himself: "This emptiness has a different way of talking, and it saves people without asking for anything in return. He is really a rare good person in the world."

   Kongji went on to say: "I used to save the donor, and when I need the donor to rescue me in the future, I have a certain amount of drink and peck, so the donor does not have to rush to repay me."

  (End of this chapter)

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