Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1478: The state of emptiness

   Chapter 1478 The Realm of Silence

   But even if the old man’s hands and eyes were open to the sky, he did not investigate too much because of his trust in Chen Xuan, but it was precisely because of this trust that the seeds of huge hidden dangers were planted in Chen Xuan's body.

Chen Xuan is also aware of this, thanks to his insights on the origin of the Dao, although all the insights and information received in the origin of the Dao are subconsciously stored in the deepest subconscious of the brain, but in fact After Chen Xuan needs or triggers any special conditions, these knowledge and insights will pop out of Chen Xuan's mind.

  In this state, Chen Xuan felt that he almost knew everything. Chen Xuan believes that as he continues to grow stronger, when he can freely read the knowledge and insights in his mind, and even freely connect the road, he will be no different from God.

  This kind of strength is not only in strength, but also in spirit. At that time, no matter who, he can know everything that happened to this person's past by just looking at him.

  It sounds like it doesn't improve Chen Xuan's strength. However, there is no perfect move in the world. As long as the opponent launches an attack, he will naturally be able to crack his tricks.

  This weakness is not a weakness in the usual sense, but a dead spot in the true sense. With this dead spot, even ordinary people who have not practiced can easily defeat the strong in the good fortune realm.

However, this so-called dead point is not static, and what ordinary people can do is limited to this, because higher levels, such as the powerhouses of the Human Sovereign Realm, already have the first-level ability to volley. If I can't meet others, how can I control the enemy?

But even so, this is also an ability that goes against the sky. The path of cultivation is as difficult as reaching the sky without the previous step. Those who can leapfrog challenge are all talented people who are amazing. However, as you get to the back, the leapfrog challenge will become more and more. difficult.

Because when the strength reaches the Human Sovereign Realm, every step of improvement means a deeper understanding of the laws. The competition between the laws, even if it is only a little bit small, will result in a world of difference, let alone waiting for the Divine Realm. , The realm of heavenly realm comprehension.

  But this ability to grasp the dead point is still very useful even when facing the powers of the earthly respect and the heavenly respect. It should be said that at this level, apart from the sheer strength of confrontation and crushing, there is only this method that can challenge these people who stand on the top of the mainland.

  Chen Xuan is now a mixed blessing. What's happy is that his development prospects are very good. Although he still can't see through the dead point, his usual knowledge has made him infinitely useful.

  Because of this knowledge and insights, Chen Xuan also knows the physical state of his fight very well, and how to solve it is also clear at a glance.

  What worries about is his own physical state. Although he knows it well, this solution makes Chen Xuan very difficult.

There are two solutions for Chen Xuan. One is to cultivate hard, slowly strengthen the heart of the gods and demons, and wait for the heart of the gods and demons to slowly repair his damage. Fortunately, this method does not leave hidden dangers, but It took a long time, and Chen Xuan was required not to fight alone.

The second method is to rely on killing to absorb the soul energy that escapes after death. This method is faster, but the hidden dangers are also not small. The main reason is that the escaped soul energy is the soul energy of the dying person. .

  This kind of soul energy generally contains a lot of negative emotions. Once such soul energy is absorbed into the body to repair the soul's origin, it will inevitably greatly affect Chen Xuan's personality. Therefore, Chen Xuan is quite worried.

  Fortunately, the southern region outside is in a period of war. The most indispensable thing on the battlefield is a variety of corpses and soul energy full of negative emotions.

   Although the quality of the soul energy that had just escaped from the soul energy absorbed by the person who was not killed by Chen Xuan himself may be better, but the quantity is really good. However, this also has a big drawback, because the emotions contained in the soul energy that can survive on the battlefield will inevitably be more intense and can affect the personality of a person.

Because the battlefield has iron and blood and the overwhelming killing intent, the most intense emotions these people radiate deeply affect the various soul energy on the battlefield, and slowly these soul energy will inevitably be full of violent killings mood.

  These emotions are also the emotions that can most infect people's minds.

  The meaning of killing on the battlefield, even if the powerhouse of the human kingdom stays in it for a long time without any protective measures, the emotion of killing will affect the mind and become violent and bloodthirsty, not to mention some soul energy that is full of negative emotions.

  In the end, Chen Xuan decided to use the two methods together. When cultivating, he used the heart of gods and demons to repair the soul's origin. He had to seize the time to cultivate, so he did it smoothly. What Chen Xuan lacks most now is time, so the second method is also a last resort. But the combination of the two methods can greatly alleviate the influence of negative emotions on Chen Xuan's personality.

At this time, Chen Xuan remembered that during the trial that day, the Master Kong he had encountered had given him a Heart-Cleaning Mantra, which was useless at the time, so he kept it in his martial arts temple and never looked at it. Now he took it out. It feels like a world away.

  Chen Xuan took out the Heart-Clearing Mantra and slowly read it. This is just in case. You can't wait until you absorb the soul energy on the battlefield before reading it temporarily. When there is an accident, there will be no place to cry.

  Chen Xuan slowly read the Heart-Clearing Mantra, greatly surprised. He did not expect that the Heart-Clearing Mantra had such a powerful effect. Just recitation would have a calming effect. Chen Xuan couldn't help being full of confidence in his next plan.

   After reading it carefully several times, I was sure that I had deeply remembered the Qingxin Mantra in his heart. After there was no mistake, Chen Xuan carefully put away the Qingxin Mantra. He had a hunch that this cleansing mantra would definitely not be as simple as showing that it only had a cleansing and calming effect on the surface.

  Chen Xuan took out the pills that Xing Jing gave him, swallowed them one by one, and then slowly digested the power of the medicine, finally regaining his physical strength on the surface. Although Chen Xuan looked the same as usual on the surface, under this energetic appearance was a weak soul hidden.

  After doing all this, Chen Xuan felt that time had passed for a long time. Counting days, the war outside should have entered a white-hot state. Chen Xuan decided to set off to the battlefield at this time to find his own chance.

Slowly standing up, Chen Xuan felt dizzy and couldn't help but smile. It turned out that the damage on the soul had reached the limit he could imagine. Has it begun to affect his spirit? Chen Xuan shook his head and became more determined. The determination to recover.

  What if there are thousands of troops ahead? For the sake of that person, even if it is Yan Luodian, he said that he would have to make such a break!

   After clearing up his mood, Chen Xuan slowly opened the door and walked out of the health preservation hall. When he went out, he saw emptiness slowly sweeping the fallen leaves on the ground. Chen Xuan was in a daze. It turned out that it was already autumn?

  Chen Xuan smiled and said to Kong Ji: "Master Kong Ji is so interested, he has the leisure and elegance to clean the fallen leaves, and his mood is far beyond ordinary people." The words are full of admiration. This is natural. After all, no matter how big a family is in the Algorithm Gate Temple, it will not let a master of the good fortune realm do these tasks, there must be some other disciples who will be responsible for the tasks that Kong Jing is doing now.

Moreover, few masters will surrender their status to do these dirty and tiring tasks, and as long as they reach the sixth level of the cohesion realm, a warrior who can slightly control the vitality of the body can easily blow a place with vitality. Clean and clean. Who can clean the fallen leaves slowly and unhurriedly?

The leisurely and calm emptiness lowered his head and slowly busyed with the work in his hand. He kept his hands at Chen Xuan's words, and said slowly without raising his head: "Donor Chen has been well-trained? I'm not considered idle. It’s elegant, but the weather is cold, and I won’t sweep the fallen leaves. Who will sweep it?"

  Chen Xuan was taken aback, he actually felt a sense of indomitable decisiveness from the Master of Silence, who was slowly sweeping the floor. It was quite a posture that I would not go to **** like hell.

  Chen Xuan slowed down, but found that Wu Ji was still in that kind of leisurely and calm state. Chen Xuan couldn't help being shocked, could it be that his injury was already worse than the worst situation he had predicted. Have you started to hallucinate?

   Chen Xuan felt a little weird.

   After reacting, Chen Xuan smiled bitterly again. The damage to his soul was having more and more impact on him. It seemed that he had to hurry up to repair the damage on his soul.

  As Chen Xuan was in a daze, the sporadic fallen leaves on the original site did not know when they had been cleaned up by Master Empty, and they were piled up under a small tree not far away.

Chen Xuan was taken aback for a while, but Silence took out a light blue jade pendant from his arms, handed it to Chen Xuan, and said: "I think Donor Chen, you are in a trance. I think you have suffered some mental trauma. I have The jade pendant has the effect of helping people recover from mental damage."

  Chen Xuan smiled and said: "There is a Master Laokongji who has bothered, this jade pendant must be of great value, besides, this is a damage to my soul, this jade pendant must be of little use to me, so you should keep it."

  This kind of jade pendant on the mainland that can repair mental trauma is a valuable, priceless treasure. Even though Chen Xuan has traveled almost the entire continent, he has never seen anything that can recover from mental trauma, let alone this kind of treasure that can be carried around and used for a long time.

Master Kongji put his hands together and said: "It's okay. This object is just a decoration here. It is of no use. And since this jade pendant can repair the mental trauma, I want to come to have a certain recovery effect on your injury, you still Take it."

  (End of this chapter)

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