Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1509: A serious illness

  Chapter 1509 A serious illness

  Chen Xuan was surprised, it seemed that Yang Yunshan was even more pitiful than himself. He unexpectedly missed the time to enter the sect, and he had to wait until the time of cultivation after all the hardships, but he missed the opportunity to practice through all the hardships. Generally, the income disciples of the sect will not accept those who are too old, unless they have already cultivated to the level that they should reach. The eighteen-year-old bone has basically been shaped, and Yang Yunshan probably has no chance of practicing since then.

"But I have read a lot of books over the years, and I have some research on formations. It's just a pity that because I haven't practiced, I can't arrange formations at all. If I have some spiritual energy, I will set up a formation for catching beasts. The lives of people in our small village will be much better." Yang Yunshan said regretfully.

"We killed Yunshan this child!" There was a sad look on the aunt's face. "He is so smart and talented, but he got sick when he shouldn't be sick. I didn't take care of him well!" "

   "Mother, don't say such things, it's my own bad luck." Yang Yunshan persuaded.

   "You should prepare some exercises for Brother Yunshan." Chen Xuan said.

  The big man lowered his head, and said: "It's difficult! Do you know how much effort we spent on Yunshan's disease?"

   Chen Xuan knew that he was wrong to blame him.

  Yang Yunshan is ill, they must be selling iron, and they have tried all means to treat him, how can they have spare money to buy some exercises? This home is not like the home where I am. And even if Chen Chengfeng encountered such a situation, when he needed to smash the pot and sell iron, he would probably not do better than the big guy in front of him.

  Also, Chen Xuan immediately thought of the old man who exchanged the ancestral ring for him at a low price. Didn’t he use up his wealth to treat his granddaughter? If the girl's illness is cured, will the family still have money to prepare her exercises?

  It seems that when you meet the old man in the future, you must make up for it, Chen Xuan thought secretly.

  "Is this far from the nearest city?" Chen Xuan finally stood up and said after the pot of pig's feet was completely wiped out.

   "What's wrong, are you leaving now?" Yang Yunshan asked in surprise.

   "If it is very close to the city, I have this plan, but if it is far away, I can only stay with you tonight." Chen Xuan directly said his plan.

"It's not just far, it's very far. It takes at least half a day to walk from here to the nearest city. Seeing that you are still young, your cultivation level should not be too high, and it should take a long time to walk into the city!" Replied.

   "Then, then I have to trouble you first, and I'm going to stay here."

   "It's okay, it's okay, it's very convenient for you to live with Yunshan." The aunt said enthusiastically.

  Chen Xuan looked at Yang Yunshan and said, "Then trouble Big Brother Yang."

   "Don't be polite, if you are too polite, I will return those spirit crystals to you." The big man said sternly.

   "I see, I won't be polite." Chen Xuan smiled.

  In the middle of the night, there was a burst of coughing from Yang Yunshan's room, and Chen Xuan unexpectedly caught a cold. He only felt that his body was as hot as fire, his back aches, and his breathing was difficult.

  This ending seems inevitable. It is necessary to know that Chen Xuancai has three levels of mortal realm, and his physical fitness is not much better than that of ordinary people. After soaking in the cold water for so long in the morning, it is really strange not to catch a cold if I get up and can’t change clothes immediately.

   "Chen Xuan, what's wrong with you?" Yang Yunshan asked with concern.

   "Ahem, a cold, ahem..." Chen Xuan replied.

   "Wait a while, I'll give you a decoction." Yang Yunshan touched Chen Xuan's forehead and said.

  "Do you still have medical skills? Ahem..."

  "Stop talking, the more you talk, the more you cough. I also know some medical skills. I treat all the people in this small village who are sick." Yang Yunshan said lightly.

  Chen Xuan did not say anything, but he was surprised in his heart. In addition to not being able to martial arts, Yang Yunshan is really involved in other aspects!

  Yang Yunshan got up and went into the kitchen. Chen Xuan heard the aunt again and seemed to get up too. It seemed that they were making medicine for themselves, and Chen Xuan couldn't help being a little moved.

  Half an hour later, a steaming bowl of medicine was brought in front of Chen Xuan, and Yang Yunshan said softly, "Come on, take the medicine."

  This made Chen Xuan feel like seeing a doctor in the little Chen clan. Chen Xuan struggled to get up, and the medicine was brought to his mouth by Yang Yunshan.

   "Be careful, don't burn it." Yang Yunshan did not forget to remind.

  After drinking the medicine, Chen Xuan seemed to feel that he was much better. In fact, it was because the medicine he drank was hot, just to get rid of some coldness.

The next morning, Yang Yunshan touched Chen Xuan’s head again, and said, “I still have a fever, but it’s better than last night. You continue to rest here today, and I’m out hunting today, just in time for you to gather some herbs. After all, Yesterday’s medicine actually lacked some important medicinal materials."

  Chen Xuan tried his own strength, feeling still uncomfortable, so he said: "Okay, then Big Brother Yang must be careful when going out!"

  Nothing happened all day. The auntie borrowed some food from the next door and also borrowed a pheasant that she had beaten yesterday. At noon, Chen Xuan tasted the delicious pheasant soup.

  Chen Xuan was very moved, and lay on the bed and said a lot of thanks to the aunt. The auntie said when she finally left: "Look at you, kid, why do you just see outsiders like this? I don't think you look like you are only in your teens anymore."

  This made Chen Xuan depressed.

  In the evening, Yang Yunshan really brought back a lot of herbs to Chen Xuan. At the same time, they had a lot more prey today than they did yesterday.

  The next day, the people in the village did not go hunting, but went to the town collectively. They wanted to sell the prey they had obtained in the past few days and buy some daily necessities at the same time.

  Chen Xuan wanted to follow, and then left here directly, but Yang Yunshan refused to live or die and insisted that Chen Xuan stay and rest for a few more days. Chen Xuan tried to get up and walked, but he was still a little staggered, so he had to give up.

He took another handful of wood spirit crystals from his pocket and said to Yang Yunshan: "Brother Yang, I know that your first thought is to refuse again. But I still want to take these spirit crystals out, and you must accept them. This time you go to the city, you must bring me some changes of clothes. You see, my body is so stinky now, I am embarrassed to lie on your bed."

   "It's too much, do you want to buy all the clothes?" Yang Yunshan was still pretending to be crazy and stupid with Chen Xuan.

   "Hehe, you can figure it out. If you can't finish it, won't you buy more food? I'm tired of eating chickens and pigs every day." Chen Xuan looked at Yang Yunshan and laughed.

"You kid, it seems you are really a rich man! I won't be kidding you anymore. Except for clothes and food, all the extra money belongs to me. I won't be polite to you anymore." Seeing that Chen Xuan was not there at all. Concerned about Lingjing, he no longer declined.

   "Also, buy me a dagger." Chen Xuan's biggest mistake when he went out this time was that he was missing a weapon, otherwise his escape life would be much easier.

"it is good."

   While most of the people in the village were not at home, Chen Xuan sat up. He hadn't really practiced for a month. He had to practice in this village for a few days, which might accelerate the recovery of his illness.

In fact, Chen Xuan practiced while guarding the spirit crystal, but the practice at that time was only used to adjust emotions and sleep. It was basically a different method from his usual practice, so he did have more than one. Yue didn't really practice anymore.

  Before accepting this mission, Chen Xuan had already cultivated to the pinnacle of the triple stage, and all he had to do was to reach the fourth stage as a matter of course. But this fourth level is not easy to reach. The mortal realm has nine levels in total, and these nine levels can be divided into three levels, namely low, medium, and high. A cultivator, as long as he can reach the middle-level mortal realm, then he can eventually cultivate to the sixth level. This is just a difference in the length of time it takes. But if he never breaks through in the sixth level, then he will only stay in this state in his entire life.

  In fact, it is not only in the mortal state, but also in the cultivator state. This is why Chen Chengfeng reached the third level of the Cultivator Realm very early, but he was still unable to break through. But if he breaks through the third level of this cultivator, then at the lowest level, he can cultivate to the sixth level.

  When Chen Xuan began to control the spiritual energy into the body at the same time, he immediately noticed that it was very different from the previous practice. Obviously, the flow of spiritual energy has accelerated, and there is no feeling of blockage. This means that Chen Xuan can already increase the amount of aura input at the same time. The five auras entered the body at the same time, and Chen Xuan tried it.

  This attempt frightened Chen Xuan a lot. Where else is there any obstacle? You should try six spiritual auras to enter the body at the same time.

  Chen Xuan doesn’t know what’s wrong with him now, anyway, it shouldn’t be a bad thing to be able to add more aura! So six auras should be six auras

  The result really made him stunned. The six auras entering the body at the same time only gave him a sense of fullness. He believed that he could completely let the seven auras enter the body at the same time.

  In fact, Chen Xuan did not know the importance of experience. When a cultivator feels that his cultivation speed has become very slow, it is time for him to consider practicing. In the experience, even though the cultivator did not seem to be cultivating, in fact his life system was undergoing a higher level of cultivation imperceptibly. Especially when experiencing life and death, the life system can complete unexpected transformations.

  Although Chen Xuan did not understand this truth for the time being, this did not prevent him from strengthening his cultivation. When the seven spiritual energy entered the body at the same time, he finally felt the pain he felt before.

  (End of this chapter)

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