Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1524: Replacement meeting

  Chapter 1524 Replacement Meeting

  Chen Xuan walked all the way to see, but it was also relaxed and comfortable.

"Have you heard? Zhibaoge is holding a treasure exchange meeting. It is said that this is the first time such a grand event has been held. Zhibaoge also took out their town store treasure." When approaching the center of the city, Chen Xuan Actually heard such a news.

  "What is the treasure of the town shop?" asked one of the companions.

   "It is said to be a hollow stone." Chen Xuan listened with big ears.

   "What is the hollow stone? Why have I never heard the name?"

   "Then have you heard of storage space?"

  "Do you mean a storage belt or storage ring that can bring its own space?"

   "Yes! Exactly."

  "What does this hollow stone have to do with storage space?"

  "These things are made of hollow stones!"

   "What, Zhibaoge was able to produce the raw materials for the storage space. This is incredible!"

  Chen Xuan also found it incredible that Old Man Hu could actually get such a heaven-defying treasure, so it was really not easy for him. Is it a recent replacement, do you want to make a high price? But think about it, old man Hu should not be short of money now, he should hide and tuck him when he encounters such a good baby!

   Regardless of the reason, Chen Xuan should know when he gets there. He quickened his pace.

  Chen Xuan reads many books, and he also knows something about hollow stones. No one really knows the origin of this kind of stone at all, and it has only one purpose, which is to create space storage equipment.

  After getting the hollow stone, the crafter removes the excess impurities, leaving only the stone with space, and then inlays it on the ring or other objects.

  If you want to lock this storage equipment, you have to use the knowledge of the formation to set up an enchantment, and only when certain conditions are met can you enter this space. Generally speaking, the master's blood is used to drive the formation, so that the person's spiritual power will not conflict with the enchantment. This is the so-called confession of the Lord by dripping blood.

  Like the storage space obtained by Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting last time, it was only made into a storage device without any enchantment. Therefore, as long as the cultivator inputs his own spiritual power, he can manipulate the storage space.

  I don’t know how much space the hollow stone that old man Hu took out will not be the same as the treasure chai that Chen Xuan bought to Sun Tingting last time! But think about it, maybe Zhibaoge wouldn't make a joke about this Zhibao meeting.

  Zhibao, Zhibao, old man Hu took out such a baby, then what kind of baby does he want to replace? Chen Xuan was confused as he walked.

   Although there is no square in the city center, the road is particularly wide. But now there is only a gap in the entire road. Many people gathered around the door of a shop. The three characters "Zhibaoge" hung at the entrance of the store.

  The crowd was three floors inside and three floors outside, and Chen Xuan could not squeeze in at all. It seems that he can only enter after this treasure meeting is over.

"This Zhibao Fair has been going on for more than an hour. The adults of the various sects just took out the treasures they wanted to exchange and obtained what they wanted. Now this Zhibao Pavilion will launch the one they recently obtained. A treasure." Chen Xuan heard Old Man Hu's words clearly from outside. It seems that Old Man Hu has invited many masters from the sect to the scene this time.

   "What treasure, is it the hollow stone?" This is what everyone is waiting for.

"It's not busy. I'll talk about it later. I'll take out the beast core of the sixth-level spirit beast. Everyone knows that this is equivalent to the beast core of the seventh-level consummated spirit beast of the human cultivator realm. It is an array and refinement. Excellent material for the device." Old man Hu said.

  "The old man is Qiao Zhen, the elder of the Qianye Sect. Everyone knows that our Qianye Sect is the sect of refining weapons. We are currently purchasing the beast cores of high-level spirit beasts at a high price. We will produce one hundred thousand spirit crystals for this beast core."

   "My man, Lu Su, the elder of the Phantom Gate, would like to buy this beast core from 110,000 spiritual crystals."

   "The Phantom Gate is famous for its formations, this time there is a fight." Someone whispered in Chen Xuan's ear.

   "Twelve Wan Lingjing."

"One hundred and thirty thousand".


"One hundred and fifty thousand."

  Phantom gate Lu Su tit-for-tat, Qiao Zhen was instantly dumb.

  This beast core is not worth 150,000 spiritual crystals at all. It seems that the Phantom Gate deliberately made things difficult for the Qianye Gate. And Chiba Men Qiaozhen didn't do too much contend, he didn't want to spend too much price to buy this beast core.

  Everyone was silent for a long time before Old Man Hu spoke, “Okay, Elder Lu of the Phantom Gate would like to buy this beast core with 150,000 spiritual crystals, and this pavilion will sell it to you at this price.”

After waiting for a while, the transaction was probably over. Old man Hu said again: "Now everyone continues, hurry up, and you can take out any good things that need to be exchanged. If the fellow daoists are not willing to exchange, we can also buy it at Baoge. In."

  I heard that Zhibaoge was willing to buy things that no one had exchanged, and the atmosphere below suddenly became a bit lively.

  Sure enough, some unpopular treasures appeared next, and finally Old Man Hu readily bought them.

  "Next, everyone can also propose the treasures that need to be obtained." Seeing that the exchange has been almost done, the old man Hu started the final ceremony.

   "Okay, let me start, my Jin Jianzong Huang Can, buy a way to purify the best spirit crystal from Zhibaoge."

   Chen Xuan was shocked, this Huang Can actually wanted to reveal the secret hidden in Zhibaoge. This person's heart is terrible!

  "The method of refining the best spirit crystals, I'm sorry, Elder Huang, Zhibaoge has only purchased and sold goods, and has not refined any best spirit crystals." Old man Hu was also stunned.

"Boss Hu, don't want to deceive us. Everyone knows that Zhibaoge has refined wood spirit crystals for sale, and the effect is recognized by everyone. There is no record of this in any place in the mainland. I think Boss Hu must have hidden this method. Originally, if you had such a technology in peacetime, you should be kept secret, but now the human race is in trouble, I hope Boss Hu will not hide anything. Jin Jianzong is willing to pay for Boss Hu's. method."

  This Huang Can actually raised this matter to the height of the survival of the human race, and it immediately aroused the sympathy of some people.

  "This top-grade wood spirit crystal is indeed only purchased, not purified by this pavilion. Therefore, the requirements of Elder Huang cannot be met by this pavilion." Old man Hu resolutely said. The best wood spirit crystal was provided to him by Chen Xuan, how does he know how to purify it?

   "Then Boss Hu, can you tell me the merchants you buy from?" Huang Can asked. It seems that he is determined to obtain the purification method.

  "I'm sorry, Elder Huang, this is a business secret, and I forgive myself for my life." Old man Hu was still very determined.

   "Huh, the little store dare to be so ignorant to promote." Huang Can angrily threw down these words and did not say any more.

"I think that Elder Huang has passed a bit. Everyone knows that Zhibaoge has been serving the human race in the past six months, doing business at a clear price, and being childish is the gospel of our cultivators in Stonetail City. Whose family has nothing to do. What’s the secret? I don’t think Elder Huang should be too persistent."

  It turned out to be Huang Yanshu, the former deputy master of the wood department of the Shenxin Sect. However, he has now been promoted to the ninth spiritual power, so he naturally became the elder of the sect. This time, Old Man Hu actually invited the strong from Shenxinmen, and this Huang Yanshu represented the Shenxinmen to participate in this treasure meeting.

  Chen Xuan couldn't help being a little surprised when he heard Huang Yanshu's voice, but think about it, after all, Shenxinmen is the largest sect in the local area, and it should be a representative to participate in this Zhibao meeting. And Huang Yanshu's words finally made his face show some smiles.

"Elder Huang of Shenxinmen makes sense. Zhibaoge is indeed the gospel of the cultivators in this city! If another person has this secret technique, I am afraid that the price will have been raised long ago to sell the refined superfine spirit crystal." Someone Echoed the road.

  Everyone calmed down. Then a few people said the treasures they needed, and the transactions were successful and some failed.

"Today's Zhibao Fair is about to end. This Zhibao Pavilion will exchange the treasured hollow stone for a promise. The Taoists participating below can only represent the sect, not just themselves." Old man Hu began the finale. .

   "What promise?" everyone said in unison.

"Everyone knows that there are no peerless masters in Zhibao Pavilion. Some time ago, there were some small frictions with some rogues in this city. The most important thing about business is harmony and wealth. A stable environment is what we need most. Therefore, Zhibaoge decided to exchange the hollow stone for a promise of protection for a certain period of time by the sect."

   "Oh! This is new, but it makes sense. After all, the world is chaotic, and it is really not easy for Zhibaoge to obtain a stable business environment." Someone said.

"I don't know how much space is in this hollow stone? If the space is too small, it will be just a tasteless one, so we can't talk about this transaction." A person who was interested in acquiring this treasure asked, and he also said the voice of everyone. .

   "I said it doesn't count, please check it yourself! I want to ask the three elders to come up and check how big this space is." Old man Hu said. "Elder Huang of the God Heart Gate, Elder Qin of the Qianye Gate, and Elder Lu of the Phantom Gate, just ask these three to come up and check it out. Can you agree?"

  "Well, these three people are highly respected and worthy of trust." Someone agreed.

  The one who was not named but secretly slandered: "Isn't I not respected and respected?" Especially the Huang Can of Jin Jianzong, his face was even more displeased.

   "What, at least five cubic space, and it is a spherical space, this is too rare!" Huang Yanshu was the first to check and exclaimed. Chen Xuan was also shocked when he heard this. Old man Hu was really willing to use the five-cubic-space hollow stone easily in exchange for the safety of Zhibao Pavilion.

   "Elder Huang is right, there are indeed five cubes." Elder Qin from Qianyemen confirmed what Huang Yanshu said.

  "It is indeed spherical, and it is estimated that a long gun can be put down.

  (End of this chapter)

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