Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1527: Myna Learns

   Chapter 1527

  And the same kind of bird that can talk is a parrot, but a parrot can only learn tongues and has no ability to think at all.

  The eight starlings lined up in a row, and the circus people invited the audience below to come to the stage to communicate with the starlings on the spot. Chen Xuan was selected to come to power, but he gave up this opportunity to Xian'er.

   "Hello!" Xian'er said timidly to the lead starling.

  "Hello, too!" Myna said, it turned out not to say "Hello", but added the word "also" in the middle. This simple one-word difference reflects the difference between IQ and nature.

  The performance of the lead starling immediately won the audience's admiration, and the animal trainer immediately gave it a small fish.

Next, several people who came to the stage at the same time also thought about ways to communicate with those starlings. Everyone found that as long as it was a few short words, starlings would come up with new ideas, and for long words, those starlings would be able to combine them in a decent way. Repeat without missing a word.

  A burst of warm applause came from the audience. The animal trainer is also very busy, he must always give rewards to those starlings who perform well.

  One by one wonderful shows went on like this. What left a deep impression on Chen Xuan was the clouded leopard. The clouded leopard was originally a fourth-level beast, and the adult clouded leopard was equivalent to the fifth-level repairer in the mortal state. Its talent is manifested in speed. When it ran at high speed, it suddenly turned seven or eight turns in the air before it landed steadily, and it rolled a few times.

  The whole audience was conquered by this shocking scene, and then burst into thunderous applause. The trainer awarded the clouded leopard a whole live chicken.

  The last show that Chen Xuan watched was the Lion King’s Pointing of Soldiers. When a small-looking lion stepped onto the court, Chen Xuan's eyes suddenly lit up. "Is this lion a horned lion?"

  The horned lion is a second-level spirit beast. The adult horned lion is comparable to the tertiary human race in the cultivator realm. The "Ten Thousand Beasts" in Chen Xuan's mind is clearly introduced. But what Chen Xuan is hesitant now is that the horned lion in front of him is different from the cub of the horned lion in the description. This lion is a miniature adult horned lion.

so, what happened? Chen Xuan was secretly strange.

  When the little lion walked on the field, the original animals on the field seemed to have seen something dangerous, all of them trembling, including the clouded leopard who had just performed a wonderful performance and a cumbersome black bear.

  They all lowered their heads, no animal dared to look directly at the little lion.

  And the lion immediately issued instructions. All the animals are arranged in good order, and they have to meet the lion's inspection repeatedly.

  Then the lion issued another order, and these animals dare not obey.

  The Lion King’s pawns are worthy of the name. How did this little lion do it? Everyone whispered.

  Chen Xuan was also thinking about this issue, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "Could it be that he is the Lion King?"

Even an adult horned lion would never allow so many animals to be submissive. These animals would only flee for their lives or be terrified when they see him, instead of looking like a king who sees them now. expression.

  Only the superior can convince the ordinary orcs. This is the rule of the orcs' talents. However, the gains from the superiors are not talents, and they must be cultivated to improve their realm.

  In other words, this little horned lion should be a superior person in cultivation.

  In that case, there is only one explanation for the current situation. This little horned lion was supposed to be a peerless powerhouse, but for unknown reasons, the realm fell, and now it can't even reach the realm of an adult horned lion. But because he already had the aura of a superior, he was still able to drive ordinary orcs.

   Thinking of this, Chen Xuan was excited. He repeatedly compared the image of the horned lion in "The Book of Ten Thousand Beasts" with the little lion in front of him. What will happen to the orcs who fall in the realm is also introduced in "The Book of Ten Thousand Beasts", that is, the body becomes smaller, but it will not become a cub.

  Who is this lion king? Will it be the lion king who was rumored to have been subdued by the fire-eyed Scorpio? Isn’t there still a rumor that the Lion King has fallen?

  How did the circus get the Lion King? Could it be that it was brought together as prisoners of war?

  Is it possible to buy this lion king? Will there be any danger after buying it? After all, it is the lion king! If it can be subdued, what a great achievement. But can the Lion King be subdued? When its realm rises, will it take a bite back, then it will lead the wolf into the room by itself.

   "The show just now was really wonderful, especially the Lion King's ordering of soldiers, it made me feel like I was on the battlefield." Yang Yunshan leaned over and said.

   "Big Brother Yang, did you know? Is this little lion really possible the lion king?" Chen Xuan whispered.

   "What? You are not telling a joke! This little lion club is the lion king, I think it is just a little lion who was born a short time ago."

   "It is absolutely impossible that the little lion will convince so many beasts. I suspect that it is the lion king that has been rumored to have fallen in the past two years."

  "Didn’t someone say that the lion king has been subdued by the fire-eyed Scorpio?" Yang Yunshan seems to be very concerned about the form of the entire continent now, and he has also heard some news about the lion king.

   "But more rumors are falling, which also proves that the lion king is indeed missing, otherwise there will be no different rumors."

   "If so, what are you going to do? Do you want to buy this lion?"

"If we can conquer it, of course we have to buy it. The existence of a lion king will allow us to add great strength. But I am a little afraid that I can't control the lion king at all. If its realm rises to the peak, will it bite back? What about us?"

   "Well, this is indeed a very serious problem. But I know there is a way for the spirit beast to recognize the lord, and then it can only obey your instructions."

  "Are you talking about letting the spirit beast recognize the lord through the soul contract? If the little lion is the real lion king, will it agree? Besides, we don’t know how to make the spirit beast recognize the lord now?"

"This is not a problem to be considered now. If the lion cubs want to return to the top, they can't do it without meticulous treatment and long-term recuperation. I believe that before that time, our realm should be greatly improved. , And the way to let the spirit beast recognize the master should have been found long ago. This method should be easy to find as long as you have money. The only thing to be careful is that you can’t implement the recognition of the master before the realm. I heard that the master recognition is generally required to cultivate It's only possible if you're in the realm." Yang Yunshan said.

   "Do you mean let me buy it?" Chen Xuan said with a smile.

   "Don't you just stop buying if I said I can't buy it?" Yang Yunshan also smiled.

  "Next, the circus will deal with a batch of old and weak animals, and those who are interested can go to the backstage to discuss specifically. We guarantee that we will sell them at the best price to satisfy buyers. After all, we are not in business."

  Sure enough, a few people rushed to the stage after saying this. It seems that the original intention of these people was not to watch the circus. Chen Xuan and Yang Yunshan also entered the inner stage shortly thereafter.

  The space of the inner stage is larger than that of the outer stage. This is not only the place where the circus personnel live, but also the place where various animals live. On the stage, different kinds of animals can exist together, that's why there are animal trainers on the side to supervise them. In the background, these different animals can only be placed in different places, which requires a lot of space.

  Plus, the animals that were about to be disposed of were also separated, and the whole inner hall felt noisy. The smell in the inner platform is also very strong. Although someone specializes in tidying up at all times, wild beasts are wild beasts. They eat and drink in a small area, and it is inevitable that they will produce smells.

  As soon as Chen Xuan entered the inner stage, his eyes were swept inward, he wanted to know where his goal this time was.

  He searched for it several times, but he didn't find the little lion. This made Chen Xuan feel unbelievable. How could he disappear out of thin air when he clearly watched him enter the inside?

"Two young masters, what kind of animals do you want to buy? It looks like you should buy pet animals! Not to mention that our little pets here are specially trained, and they are much more flexible than those sold in pet shops. "When Chen Xuan and Yang Yunshan entered the inner stage, a man in his thirties came to talk. This person also has the fifth level of cultivation in the mortal realm. He should belong to the kind of chaotic five elements, otherwise he won't be in his thirties and reach the sixth level. As for breaking through to the seventh level, if there is no chance, he will be very difficult to achieve in this life.

   "We want to buy pets, but we don't know, are you old, weak, sick, and disabled? Can you sell the circus?" Chen Xuan asked tentatively, but he didn't directly express his intention.

   "Intact pets, if they are only pets, as long as the two young masters pay a little more, we can sell them in small quantities." This person was also very cautious, and Chen Xuan could not grasp the flaws in his words.

   "Which little animal is considered a pet? Is the little lion that appeared last in the show a pet?" Chen Xuan continued to probe.

"Little lion, that's not a pet. It's a powerful lion clan who has fallen from the realm. It has only suffered a serious injury." The circus actually knew the past and present of the little lion, which made Chen Xuan real. Very surprised.

But it’s normal to think about it. After all, the people in the circus have dealt with animals for many years. They have very rich experience in various animal abnormalities. As long as they compare several times, they should also find that the little lion was injured and dropped. Of the realm.

  "Then, is this little lion sold by your circus?" Chen Xuan saw that others knew that there was no need to test anything, so he directly asked the question.

   "This, I don't have the right to make a decision. I have to ask our head." The person replied.

  (End of this chapter)

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