Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1538: Hold back

   Chapter 1538

  When all the cultivators of the realm agreed to join, the team only gathered nine people, so those of the mortal realm of the 9th layer also began to sign up.

  Then comes Mortal Eightfold. Although Chen Xuan was eager to try, but finally held back.

  Finally, some of the disciples of the sixth layer rushed to participate, and Brother Qi didn't say anything? But finally there was only one place left.

  A disciple of the seventh-level realm was about to speak, but Senior Brother Qi shouted: "Stop!" The seventh-level disciple immediately took the words back, and everyone looked at Senior Brother Qi.

"I want to give this place to Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan, you have to take care of our board and lodging. Haha!" It turned out that Senior Brother Qi had this idea, saying that Chen Xuan is the second generation of the rich, and handed over the logistics work. Isn't he happy for everyone?

Chen Xuan touched his head. Originally, if Senior Brother Qi made such a request to Chen Xuan, he would not agree to it. But Senior Brother Qi’s hippy smile, I’m afraid it’s just an excuse to get close to him deliberately. That's it, so Chen Xuan didn't care too much about him.

  Let’s play with each other. Chen Xuan decided to agree to the conditions of Senior Brother Qi, but he also wanted to take the opportunity to put forward his “unreasonable” request.

   "I can provide logistical support for everyone, but..." Chen Xuan paused deliberately.

   "Oh, do you have any requirements? You can put it forward. Everyone thinks that it will be met." Senior Brother Qi smiled, but he thought in his heart that this little guy is really a slippery head.

   "I provide material guarantees, but if I can't contribute, you have to find someone else to do specific tasks. And..."

   "Oh, it should be, you are so young, why are we so embarrassed to want you to serve? What else?"

   "I want two orcs with the same realm to complete the task. And..." Chen Xuan paused again.

   "After that, your condition is not excessive. After all, the beasts of this realm are not very useful for us to complete the task. If it is done well, it doesn't matter if we give it all to you."

   "I want to participate in the siege, I don't want to be thrown down to look after the equipment."

   "What are the conditions you mentioned, did you think of traveling in the first place?" Senior Brother Qi said patiently, "Anything else?"

   "Also, I didn't think of it. Let's talk about it then!"

  Everyone laughed. I can see that this Chen Xuan was deliberate.

   "Well, you little guy is quite humorous. But I also have a condition, you must provide us with the best board and lodging." In order to cope with the embarrassment, Brother Qi must of course grab some face back.

   "Okay!" Chen Xuan said nothing. Accept it when you see it, and pass it if it is crooked.

   "Everyone sign your name, I will take it and apply for the task." Senior Brother Qi said.

  Nineteen people gathered together, each signed their name on a piece of paper, and Senior Brother Qi took it and walked into the door of the mission office.

It took a full half an hour before Senior Brother Qi came out. He solemnly said: "The sect has agreed to everyone's mission request and decided to send an elder to accompany me. It seems that my plan to be the boss has also failed! Security is guaranteed, but our task volume has increased. After all, the elders have to complete the task. If it is okay to find a high-level spirit beast, but can't find it, then how many low-level spirit beasts can be used to withstand the task!"

  "How could this be?" Everyone looked at each other.

  "Don’t complain. In fact, the sect does not intend to let you complete the task alone. The Lord of Kinmen has said that even if one person goes out to perform this task, he must be accompanied by an elder."

  "Is this mission dangerous?" Everyone couldn't help but wonder.

"Of course it is dangerous. The most dangerous thing is not the Orcs you are about to face, but the Humans who might rob you of the fruits of victory. The missions assigned by the Human Alliance this time are too big. The pressure of being unable to complete the task, the punishment of the Human Race Alliance is not a joke. In this way, it will not only be a **** storm for the Orcs in the rear, but also a **** storm for all the races!"

   Chen Xuan thought about it very well when he heard this. The Human Alliance is determined to eliminate the orcs in the rear this time. It must have realized that this is the foundation of the orcs' persistence in fighting. They want to weaken the foundation of the orcs. In this way, the orcs will suffer from a long-term shortage of troops.

  It’s just this method that is debatable. Not to mention the difficulty of killing an orc per person, it’s just the crazy retaliation of the orcs, and the Human Alliance doesn’t know if it is ready.

  As long as the plan of the Human Race Alliance is really implemented, the two races of the entire Five Elements Continent will be in an endless situation. Of course, the main responsibility lies with the Orcs, which is dominated by Fire-Eyed Scorpio, and they are the first to provoke the war.

  In the face of aggression, you can only fight to the death. This is right, so it cannot be said that the Human Alliance’s approach is wrong.

   However, Chen Xuan always believed that the Human Alliance did not find the crux of the problem, and that the crux of the problem lies with the Fire Eye Scorpio. Even if the Orcs were killed, as long as the Fire-Eyed Scorpio was still there, he would still be the greatest threat to the Humans. Therefore, in Chen Xuan's view, it is more valuable for the human race to cultivate internal skills than to kill the beast race.

  If someone were to think about this issue, they would definitely sneer at Chen Xuan’s ideas and practice internal skills. It’s not easy talking about it. As a human race, no matter how strong you are, is it possible for you to surpass the Fire-Eyed Scorpio in the realm of the Five Elements Continent? Fire-Eyed Scorpio is the powerhouse of the nine levels of cultivators in adulthood. This is its talent. When humans are born, they are just mortal infants waiting to be fed, and they can cultivate to the realm of cultivators almost as an adult. In addition, the Fireeye Scorpio is a Scorpio, its body is even harder than the copper wall and iron wall, and it is a natural body refiner. Combining several circumstances, mankind currently has no hope of surpassing Fireeye Scorpio.

  What will the Orcs do after this time? How will we retaliate? Chen Xuan thought. Finally, he put himself in the position and thought for a while, and came to a conclusion that surprised him. The orcs will definitely concentrate their efforts and start hunting the human elites. Only in this way can they obtain psychological equivalence.

  What is the human elite, this includes high-level cultivators and young cultivators with great potential, even Chen Xuan himself, may also be included.

  At the same time, the war in the central region will also start. The human race cut off the preparations of the orcs, and the orcs will start their final territorial competition ahead of schedule. The bottom line of half of the country, the Fire Eye Scorpio must be able to do it, otherwise, he would not recruit troops to the rear.

  "Senior brothers and sisters, today everyone will go and prepare, and tomorrow morning, we will leave on time. Okay, everyone is gone! Chen Xuan, come with me." Senior Brother Qi said at last.

  The eighteen disciples who had already taken up the task were busy preparing for their own, and those disciples who had not joined were gathered again, and they also tried to form a small group to take up the task. After all, it is impossible for a single person to pick them up.

Chen Xuan followed Senior Brother Qi out of the mission office, and Senior Brother Qi said: "Chen Xuan, I brought you in this time, but I don’t really care about your logistics for everyone. It was Master Zhang who asked me to take care of you. You I know that Master Zhang and I entered the gate of God’s Heart in the same year. However, her talent is much better than mine. I am a little bit too late, but this does not hinder my friendship with Master Zhang."

   Chen Xuan suddenly realized that it turned out that Zhang Sect Master was taking care of him. Otherwise, how could Senior Brother Qi look at his cultivation in the five levels of mortals?

"Brother Qi, I still have to thank you. Of course, I am also very grateful to Master Zhang for his concern. But since I have joined the team, I will definitely take part in the action." Chen Xuan heard Senior Brother Qi show Zhang The sect master knows that he must be hoping to keep himself safe and not cause trouble in the team, otherwise, he is adding chaos to him. So Chen Xuan first stated his bottom line, otherwise, when Brother Qi spoke up, he had to agree! If you can't move around freely after going out, then Chen Xuan might as well stay in the sect!

  "Do you want to take part in the action that much? Okay, then you must stay by my side at all times, I will watch you." Seeing Chen Xuan's heart, Senior Brother Qi didn't say anything anymore.

   "I will provide the logistics. After all, this has already been explained. It is not my style to go back and forth." Chen Xuan said.

   "Of course it's up to you. Do your best!" Senior Brother Qi nodded.

   Early the next morning, there was a lot of excitement in God's heart, and it turned out that there were two teams going out to hunt the orcs. This second passerby has reached as many as thirty people, and the same leader is the elder of the eighteenth realm.

  After discussion, the two elders finally decided to complete their own tasks. If all the more than fifty people are arranged in one place, I am afraid that one place will not be able to produce so many orcs for them to hunt. In that way, if you want to complete the task, you must switch to the battlefield. It's not as good as choosing where you want to go from the beginning.

The elder who led Chen Xuan and their team was called Gong Wenchang. The elder of the Fire Element had reached the sixth level of cultivation level. Zongmen let him lead the team this time mainly because of his youth and strength. These young people can cooperate very well. This Elder Gong looked only thirty-five or sixteen years old, and Senior Brother Bi Qi was not much older. However, Senior Brother Qi did not feel ashamed, because he originally belonged to the kind of poorly talented cultivator, and he had a full evaluation of himself, and he could reach the seventh level of spiritual strength under the age of more than 30 bones. Very satisfied. Moreover, he always believed that he could reach the eighth level in the near future.

Elder Gong, Senior Brother Qi, and two disciples from the Sixth Realm together discussed the final destination, and then gathered the others to have a short meeting. During the meeting, some precautions were given, as well as what to go to this time. The general situation of the place.

  (End of this chapter)

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