Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1541: Do not believe

   Chapter 1541

  What is a sacred beast, that’s something unique to the God Realm. This realm is a higher level than the Immortal Realm. Many people on the Five Elements Continent simply don’t believe in the existence of the God Realm. It was only the two books that Chen Xuan got that introduced a lot of sacred beasts in the God Realm with convincing words that made him believe in the existence of the God Realm.

  The twenty-fifth tactic of "Twenty-Eight Beast Refining Jue" is the "Kirin Jue". If Chen Xuan really practiced according to the above, he would have to deal with this unicorn in the future. But I don't know how far away it is, but now, the bones of a unicorn appeared in front of Chen Xuan's eyes.

  Chen Xuan thought that this world was really wonderful, but just entered an anaconda cave, and he found two tempting objects. If he enters a place of great treasure, he won't let him go to heaven. It seems that everyone has their own chance! It seems that these cultivators who fell in the mouth of the anaconda are just low-level unknown people, but they have hidden gods in their hands, and you must not underestimate anyone in the future. This is the experience that Chen Xuan has gained now.

  Senior Brother Qi also read books and miscellaneous objects. Although he also valued the "King of Refining Tools", Chen Xuan could see that he valued the spirit crystals in the porcelain vase more.

   "Well, everything is here. We discovered this hole together. Let's divide the trophy!" Senior Brother Qi said with a smile.

   "It's easy to talk, you know, Senior Brother Qi, I don't lack spirit crystals, you can put away the spirit crystals first." Chen Xuan said generously.

   "Okay! Then I'm welcome," Senior Brother Qi swept away all the spirit crystals easily, and then he said: "Even if I choose the spirit crystal first, then you choose the same."

Chen Xuan wanted to grab the dominoes, but he finally resisted it. Obviously, among all the objects, Brother Qi, except for the spirit crystal, was the book "The King of Craftsman". , If Chen Xuan chooses dominoes, then this "King of Refining Tools" will definitely miss him. But if Chen Xuan first chooses "The King of Refining Tools", Senior Brother Qi will not be able to choose the dominoes directly, unless he also recognizes that the dominoes are not made by ordinary orc bones. But this is absolutely impossible. Even if the top cultivator of the Five Elements Continent comes, he cannot recognize that this is the bone of a unicorn.

   "This "King of Refining Tools" is interesting, I'm not welcome." Chen Xuan said with a smile.

Senior Brother Qi nodded and said, "I know you want to choose this "King of Refining Tools". You must be confident that you can obtain some of the materials above. If I take this book, I am afraid I can only read it as a novel. Next, I don’t see anything that is too valuable, so I’ll take it all!"

Chen Xuan's heart was tight, "Why are there no valuable things? Even if you and I are all sold, maybe they won't be worth the unicorn." Of course, this is what he said in his heart. It is absolutely impossible for him to sell it. Speak out.

   "This would make sense in the first place, but I want a few other sect's house cards, maybe I will use them in the future." Chen Xuan said in a deliberate tone.

"If you want a house number, then go pick it! Remember that these brands should not be taken out casually. If the sects that belong to those brands find out, you will suspect that you have killed their disciples. I intend to kill them. These brands are all destroyed, you want it, but you must pay attention to what I remind you." Senior Brother Qi said solemnly.

  It seems that Senior Brother Qi is really a sincere person, and Chen Xuan even feels that he is too much to calculate Senior Brother Qi in this way. But think about it, this unicorn domino still has to be concealed, and besides, this brand, Senior Brother Qi, is holding it as a plaything, which is of no use at all. If you get it, you can find an opportunity to repay Senior Brother Qi, so that he will get even greater benefits. This is a great way to get the best of both worlds!

  Chen Xuan grabbed three cards in his hand. Of course, the unicorn domino was the first to bear the brunt, and then said lightly: "Okay! Brother Qi, I've written it down. I will never take out these cards."

  Senior Brother Qi saw that Chen Xuan had only taken three brands, and was not too greedy, so he nodded, "Okay, just remember it! I will destroy all the rest now."

  When everything had been resolved, Senior Brother Qi issued an order to move on, and Chen Xuan drew his sword and set out.

  Because of this cave, Chen Xuan and Senior Brother Qi were delayed for a while. After all, they might have been a certain distance away from other groups, and they will hurry up next.

Although they had this idea, the actual situation was not like that. Just when Chen Xuan and Senior Brother Qi were delayed by the Anaconda Cave, other groups also encountered some spirit beasts' nests sooner or later, and there were many of them. It was somewhat delayed for some time, but they only saw the nest and feces, and did not really touch the spirit beast itself.

  But everyone didn't know the situation of other people, and because of the command, they didn't dare to speak out, so they all thought they were behind, and they all started desperately on their way.

  In the evening, it was time for everyone to gather. When Elder Gong made a sound, everyone realized that they were not behind others, and some even surpassed the large army by a lot.

  People searched for a while, and finally gathered everyone before dark.

  Then everyone informs each other about the situation. After the four or five teams reported the situation, all the faces showed solemn expressions.

  Without a list, all the groups have searched the nests of spirit beasts, but again, none of them have actually seen the shadow of spirit beasts, that is to say, all these spirit beasts have been transferred.

  After a whole day of searching, everyone has now entered the forest for at least one hundred miles. This depth is about to break through the periphery of the forest, and logically, one or two spirit beasts should be encountered anyway.

  Finally, based on everyone's situation, Elder Gong and Senior Brother Qi concluded that the orcs in the Black Wind Forest already knew that the human race would encircle and suppress them, and they have all moved.

  Now we are faced with a serious problem. With a radius of thousands of miles in the Blackwind Forest, where are these orcs hiding? How can they find them? Furthermore, even if you find it, can the twenty-one people in your own district be able to cope with the concentrated orcs in the entire forest?

  Is this mission going to fail? Elder Gong and Senior Brother Qi were anxious.

  So everyone talked about it, and each expressed their own opinions, and they got red-faced. Chen Xuan knew that he was at the lowest level, and what he said was nothing but mere words, so he simply meditated and started to practice the state of closed mind.

  This is really a rare opportunity. The extremely noisy environment is commendable for Chen Xuan, and it is best for them to make a noise.

  But this excellent environment did not last long, and Elder Gong and Senior Brother Qi reached a consensus.

  The task cannot be given up easily, otherwise it will be hard for everyone to go back, so now you can only be cautious. As for how to be cautious, Elder Gong also proposed a method, which is to narrow the search range and slow down the search speed.

  The scope is reduced, so that even in the face of danger, everyone can better cooperate with each other. If the speed slows down, the coefficient of encountering danger will be reduced. I have to say that Elder Gong's decision is quite wise.

   But in this way, it is the rhythm of a protracted war. The most important thing to fight a protracted battle is logistical support, so after the decision, everyone's eyes turned to Chen Xuan who was practicing.

Chen Xuan slowly opened his eyes and smiled and said, "It's useless to see me. It's not a problem that can be solved by paying money. There is no food for sale in the forest. If we want to buy food, we must send people outside the forest. Go, but it takes too much time to do so, and the purchaser will encounter many dangers. Now if you want to stay in the forest for a long time, what you need most is salt and various spices, but the ingredients can only be obtained locally."

  Everyone did not speak. Indeed, Chen Xuan had said that he provided logistical support, but he had also said that he only provided money and did not contribute. Now it is indeed difficult to find Chen Xuan in this situation.

   "In this situation, I suggest immediately withdrawing from the forest and stationing outside the forest." Chen Xuan shocked the waves.

   "Why? How do you accomplish the task?" Many people retorted.

   "Task? I forgot about it." Chen Xuan did not take the task to heart. His first thought was how to avoid risks. As for the task, it was not within his scope of consideration.

  But others have different ideas. They are all disciples who are eager to complete the task. So their first thought was how to complete the task while reducing risk.

   "I know that you, this little guy, came out to relax, but don't you be so unreliable! I thought of retreating before encountering any risks." A disciple said with a smile.

Chen Xuan shook his head and said regretfully, "I know you won't believe me, but I still have to express my own thoughts. This mission is very risky. Think about it, everyone, the orcs have been hidden collectively, that is to say. They have gathered together, do you know what happens when the orcs gather together?"

"what's the situation?"

   "Beast tide!" Chen Xuan said decisively.

   "What? Beast tide Chen Xuan, don't be alarmist, how can the orcs in this area of ​​the Black Wind Forest form a beast tide?" Although everyone was shocked, some people still raised objections.

   "Don't be afraid of 10,000, but just in case, if there is a beast wave, even if it is a small beast wave, what should we do?" Some people were worried.

"I have also considered this issue. It is because of this possibility that I let everyone slow down, shrink and gather strength," said Elder Gong. "But we also have some hole cards, such as more and more Terran cultivators. The influx of people is the resources we can use."

  (End of this chapter)

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