Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1548: Black wind forest

   Chapter 1548 Black Wind Forest

  The human army spontaneously suppressed the Blackwind Forest. This is definitely a major event after the beginning of the war between the two clans. However, although Chen Xuan was involved in the cause of this incident, the process has nothing to do with Chen Xuan. After Chen Xuan returned to the gate of Shenxin, he began to practice continuously, and went to the cafeteria in the most free time to listen to others telling the story that just happened.

This is the second time that Chen Xuan’s mission has not been completed. Shenxinmen will not even have completed the mission because of a cause, even though he has killed more than one clouded leopard in the same realm in the struggle with the orcs, but he There is no time to take down any vouchers. Unlike Chen Xuan and the others, the team of thirty people went to the mountains at the border of the Midwest to easily complete the task, and some even completed a year's task without any extra effort.

  Fortunately, Chen Xuan did not need to complete the task right away this time. The last time he used the spirit crystal exchange method, he completed a year's task in one breath, and now the time has just passed halfway. He went to the Black Wind Forest this time just to go out and relax. Although the heart was not scattered, Chen Xuan knew what stage of his current strength was. Can easily kill orcs in the same realm, but the means are very simple. In addition to the power of the first type "Samsung Moon Sword Nodding" in "Swordsmanship Twelve Styles", there is also the second type "Meteor Chasing". "Yuejian raises his head" slightly Xiaocheng. What else is there? Chen Xuan really couldn't think of what he could do to defend against the enemy.

  So in the next time, Chen Xuan was very concerned about "Twelve Swordsmanship", and he was eager to gain more skills in defeating the enemy.

  Three months later, the Blackwind Forest incident finally came to an end. This incident ended in a terrible victory for the Human Race.

When the related sects sent a large number of people to surround the Blackwind Forest, they sent several groups of spies into the forest to inquire about the news, but these spies never returned. Later, the people in the various sects Talking about the spies and his discoloration changed.

  It was not until the end of the New Year that the Human Race organized the Human Race gathered outside and launched a raid on the Black Wind Forest. In this raid, I don’t know how many human elites were sacrificed, but of course the orcs were even more miserable. They were almost completely slaughtered, and only a few strong men barely escaped.

  As for the human race who entered in the first place, people have never found their shadows from beginning to end, and no one needs to verify them. Everyone knows that these people may have been buried long ago.

After   Senior Brother Qi heard the news, he deliberately came over to thank Chen Xuan. That time was indeed too dangerous. If there was no Chen Xuan at the critical moment, those disciples in the mortal realm would definitely die nine deaths, or even ten deaths. Even if Senior Brother Qi himself does not break through at that critical time, the chance of surviving is slim.

  Of course, Chen Xuan was not stingy either. He gave Senior Brother Qi a lot of superb gold spirit crystals, which he obtained specially through Old Man Hu. Senior Brother Qi's defense of himself in the action was taken care of by Chen Xuan. With Chen Xuan's character, he had to repay Senior Brother Qi anyway. It was of course a trivial matter to provide him with some top-quality golden spirit crystals.

  Senior Brother Qi was of course very moved, but he was not hypocritical, and happily accepted the spirit crystals.

  These three months are also the three months for Chen Xuan to cultivate a great harvest. The cultivation base of Qi refining has broken through to the sixth stage of Qi-stimulating state. This is one of them. The cultivation base of spiritual power has also reached the peak of the fourth stage. In other words, Chen Xuan's mind at this time is quite stable, and his ability to withstand blows has After a qualitative leap, he is ready to reach the fifth stage at any time. As for the details of refining qi, Chen Xuan has been able to control and enter the body with twenty auras at the same time. This is three more than three months ago, almost one per month on average.

  But after the second form of "Swordsmanship Twelve Styles" "Meteor Chasing Moon Sword Raise Head" reached a certain level, there was no way to improve it. This is because this style is mainly about speed, but now that Chen Xuan realm is there, he simply can't achieve speed just by practicing swords. It seems that if he wants his swordsmanship to exert its power, he must reach a higher level.

  Seeing this, Chen Xuan decisively started the third practice. This third style is "holding the moon in your arms and soaring into the sky", which is the starting style used by the elders Gong and Yu Yuzong's Yuan elders.

  This move seems to have no practical use, but it is a very famous move in swordsmanship. Through this trick, everyone in swordsmanship can gather momentum before attacking, which is to make full preparations for the upcoming attack. And this move is an unchanging move, no matter what offensive the opponent takes, those who use this move can follow the trend, and come first.

The practice method of this move is also very special, mainly focusing on the word "gathering". It does not require repeated practice with one sword and one sword like other moves. Instead, you must keep your eyes on the target and improve your confidence in winning. .

  It is precisely because of the special practice method that this brings a variety of evaluation methods. How can we calculate this trick? This is another way to say that the public is justified, and the mother-in-law is justified. It can be said that no standard is the standard of this trick.

  In addition to these serious things, what Chen Xuan needs to do is to make the best wood spirit crystals, look at the "King of Refining Tools", and even take out the unicorn dominoes to touch and sniff.

There is no doubt that Chen Xuan’s speed at making the best wood spirit crystals has also increased, especially after he has reached 18 auras at the same time, he will be able to condense three best wood spirit crystals at once. Let his manufacturing speed have a great leap.

  "The King of Craftsmanship" is indeed interesting, but Chen Xuan has not discovered how to find the precious materials above. He once wrote to Old Man Hu with some precious materials that may have been found in the Five Elements Continent. Old Man Hu's reply a few days ago left him speechless. The above materials are either not found or can't be bought. As for the hollow stone that Chen Xuan specifically listed, Old Man Hu didn't mention a word. This fully proved that the hollow stone was playful. Chen Xuan wanted to make a refinement first, but he finally rejected his idea.

   still too risky! Unsuccessful refining is a waste of resources, and successful refining is a big risk. Or his own cultivation base is too low!

  But don’t hollow out the stone. Chen Xuan also really wants to visit Yang Yunshan and Xian'er. After all, it has been almost a year since they met.

The new year has come, and Chen Xuan is able to take time off to go out, but this holiday is only two days away, which cannot meet Chen Xuan’s request to go out and relax. Coupled with the urgency of completing the task, he decided to take it this time. Go out by taking the task.

  Chen Xuan came to the mission. Today, even if he couldn't find a simple mission, he would take the mission out. The thought of going out had tortured him for a few days.

  Sure enough, no new tasks were released, and Chen Xuan had to analyze the seemingly simple tasks.

   "Kill the robbers", Chen Xuan noticed this task a few days ago, only because the disciples who failed to reach the seventh level of cultivation of the Qi-Refining Mortal Realm were cautiously accepted, he automatically filtered it out.

  The introduction about this task is like this. In Stonetail City, some robberies have been discovered in recent months, because everyone’s attention is in the Blackwind Forest. This group of robbers thinks they have a chance and commits large-scale crimes. Their methods are extremely cruel and light. Those who severely injured the owner of the shop, the serious ones even destroyed the whole house. At first, they pretended to be looking for revenge, so the methods were very cruel to deceive the law enforcement. However, as the number of robberies increased, everyone immediately understood that this was not revenge at all, it was just naked robbery, so there were people. The messenger of the clan alliance stepped in.

After some investigations, it finally came to the conclusion that it was a group of robbers who had committed crimes happened to come to Stonetail City. The messenger killed the leading robbers, but the rest went away, so the messenger found the most famous local. The sect of the sect, Shenxinmen, gave the task of killing the remaining bandits to Shenxinmen.

Shenxinmen then released the task of killing the remaining bandits. According to the messenger’s investigation, the remaining bandits are all cultivation bases below the cultivation level. Therefore, the Shenxinmen restricts the acceptance of this task to the fourth level of spiritual power cultivation. Among the disciples of Chonghe Fifth Level, but considering that there are disciples in the mortal state, the sixth level reached the fourth level of mental power, a reminder was issued to let these disciples consider carefully.

  The missions of the God Heart Sect are all carefully considered. As long as the robbers are under the cultivation level of the cultivation level, then the fourth and fifth disciples in the God Heart Sect can easily complete the task. Shenxinmen manages the sect through a task system, so that disciples can get full experience is also an important part of management.

The disciples of the Seventh Layer of the Mortal Realm of the God Heart Sect are generally able to match the disciples of the ordinary eighth layer of the sect, and they can even be equal to the disciples of the Nine Layers of those who have no discipline and no school. So although this mission has a certain degree of danger, it is not very dangerous. According to the logic, there should be a lot of disciples taking on this mission, but the actual situation is not like this, because the robbers may not have it now. Gathering together, it is already very difficult to find them, and killing a robber sect of the same realm is allowed to offset the one-month mission, which is simply a thankless thing. If it takes a month to kill one, it's not going to kill those robbers forever.

   Killing a higher level can offset the half-year mission, but it is not bad that the higher level can barely win, and the possibility of killing is not large.

  So when this mission was first released, many disciples were eager to try it. Later, it became a decoration that no one cares about.

  If Chen Xuan hadn't wanted to go out of the sect very much, he wouldn't take this task. But now he wanted to go to the treasure pavilion, and the direction where the robbers disappeared happened to be in the city. The two locations coincided, and Chen Xuan accepted the task without hesitation.

  (End of this chapter)

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