Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1561: Mercenary selection

  Chapter 1561 Mercenary Group Selection

   " you really in your twenties? Are you really in the middle-level cultivation realm?" the examiner asked with incredulous eyes.

  Chen Xuan nodded non-committal.

  The waiter who brought in Chen Xuan was also dumbfounded. She thought Chen Xuan was just a little white face kept by a big man or the most remarkable and cynical rich man...

  Unexpectedly, this little white face, who looks white and thin, is actually a strong person in the cultivation state.

  "Three days later, it is the selection of the mercenary group. All the leaders and members of the mercenary group will select their members through a ring. As for the details of the mercenary group, you can go to her to help you introduce it."

  The examiner pointed to the waiter who looked surprised at the door of the trial, and the waiter realized that he was in a gaffe.

  "Okay, please come with me..." The waiter's tone and way of speaking became flattering, and even the introduction became more detailed.

A mid-level powerhouse in the Qi Cultivation realm in her twenties will definitely become the top existence in Xuncheng Continent in the future, but she knows that Chen Xuan is not a mid-level powerhouse in the Qi Cultivation realm but a peak powerhouse in the innate realm. She is strong enough to kill the mid-level powerhouses in the Houtian realm, and I don't know what she would think.

  After a brief introduction, Chen Xuan understood the general situation of the trade union of this mercenary group.

Simply put, the mercenary group union is composed of mercenary groups. The mercenary group is divided into several levels, S-level, A-level, B-level and C-level, four levels, the strongest is S-level, and the weakest is Competition among C-level and S-level unions is also fierce, and three of them are the most eye-catching.

  Respectively Scorpio, Sirius and Serpent. The strength of the Sirius Trade Union is the strongest among the three trade unions, and Scorpio and Sky Snake have always been on par, and these three trade unions have very high income requirements each time.

  But each task is the most dangerous. Every time a newcomer joins the group, the newcomer training is also the most high-end and cruel, but the treatment is also the best. Therefore, even if the training of new recruits is cruel and the income requirements are high, there are still many practitioners who are eager to these three corps.

  Chen Xuan naturally did not worry about his own strength, but he felt that if he could have a group of strong players, it would definitely be helpful to Bai Mansion and the entire Xuncheng mainland in the future.

  So Chen Xuan decided to join one of these three unions, and influence his team members, slowly increasing his influence in the team...

  However, during these three days, the Black Dragon Club was not idle. After all, the masters of the Hou Tian realm who had been invited from another continent were actually killed in the Xuncheng Continent.

  Neither the Black Dragon Society nor the White Mansion can escape the main route. People in another world are worried that they can't find the opportunity to intervene in the Xuncheng mainland. This White Mansion is only their breakthrough.

  So the blood sect of another continent sent three middle-level experts in the Houtian realm, and one peak expert in the Houtian realm. They came here to investigate this matter, and by the way, they also inserted their hands into the Black Dragon Guild.

  To talk about this blood sect, in fact, it is not a particularly powerful sect in another continent, but it is very ambitious, but the strength of the cultivators on the other continent far exceeds that of the Xuncheng continent.

Those who cultivate the Qi realm on their side are ordinary people, and the strong innate on their side are regarded as disciples who have just entered the blood sect. As for the strong in the acquired realm, they can only be regarded as seniors or protectors in the blood sect. It's not particularly rare.

  The blood sect is even like this, it can be seen that the strength of the cultivators in the other world far exceeds the Xuncheng mainland, so it can also be seen that the old man San Bai gave Chen Xuan the weight of the task.

  Three days later, in the mercenary group union...

  This is the day when the mercenary group is selected once a year. Looking at the crowds in the hall of the trade union, Chen Xuan is also the first time to see such a lively scene, and the seats of those excellent mercenary groups are even more conspicuous.

However, he is also insignificant in the crowd. These arena matches are divided into levels. Generally speaking, players who are one to two levels different from himself are fighting, just like Chen Xuan fought with him this time. They are all the mid-level powerhouses of the Qi Cultivation Realm and the high-level powerhouses of the Qi Cultivation Realm, as well as the beginners of the Innate Realm.

  So today, Chen Xuan modulated his exuded spiritual power to the middle level of the Qi Cultivation Realm, and also made the illusion of a faint breakthrough, because only in this way would he not be suspected if he leapfrogged and defeated his opponent.

Spiritual power Chen Xuan put him to the top of the fifth level today. This is already very talented for the middle-level cultivation realm. Generally speaking, the spiritual power of the middle-level cultivation realm is in the fifth level or the fifth level. However, the mid-level powerhouse in the cultivation realm of the fifth peak has almost never appeared.

The first encounter with Chen Xuan was that Ye Tian, ​​he was a strong man at the pinnacle of Qi cultivation realm. The Ye family was also regarded as a famous family in the White House, and a chamber of commerce that he trusted, and the chamber of commerce would be assisted by the Black Dragon Society, so even It is the strength of the government that dare not provoke it.

The information that Ye Tian got was Chen Xuan, a mid-level powerhouse in the Qi Cultivation Realm. He didn’t care at all. He felt that his five-tier mid-level mental power plus the cultivation of the peak of the Qi Cultivation realm. Body cultivation base, I'm afraid this will be invincible among the peers.

   Then easily entered the three major mercenary groups, but in order to show his strength, so he will definitely abuse his opponent very miserably. Anyway, he must ask for a sign of life and death before entering the ring, and it doesn't matter if he kills himself.

   "Boy, if you admit defeat now, I can still let you make a living, but when you meet, it won't be easy for you to survive." Ye Tian arrogantly yelled to Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan's expression is still the same as before, very cold, without the slightest fear and playfulness.

   "Boy, who is your master who is not dead? Didn't I tell you that my Ye family really has no vision." Seeing that Chen Xuan didn't reply, Ye Tian said more arrogantly.

  Chen Xuan is a little angry this time. Chen Xuan hates people saying that he is a master. This is also one of his bottom lines, but Chen Xuan’s expression is still the same as before.

   "Fuck... facial paralysis... looking for death!" Ye Tian roared.

  Because Ye Tian feels like being played, like a lunatic talking to himself, like a cocooned monkey, like an inconspicuous character...

  When did Yetian receive such a cold reception, he was like a jewel sought after everywhere, and the feeling of not being put in his eyes suddenly made him feel insulted.

  Yetian pulled out the long sword behind him. It was a sword glowing with green light, but Chen Xuan used his spiritual power to feel it. It seemed to be a divine weapon, but it seemed to be missing a piece like the Jialan sword.

  It seems that the Yeshi Chamber of Commerce is quite powerful, and it can actually get the artifact, but it’s just a little bit stronger than the ordinary weapon if you haven’t got the piece of artifact.


The battle between Yetian and Chen Xuan set up a barrier, a barrier of green and blue light.

  Chen Xuan still had a cold face, and pulled out the Jialan Sword from his back. The sword of the Jialan Sword was awe-inspiring, glowing with blue sword light.

  Chen Xuan pressed his strength to the middle level of Qi Cultivation Realm, and his mental power was at the five peaks. Chen Xuan's mental power suppressed Ye Tian's mental power, and Ye Tian felt like he was being oppressed by the opponent.

  It’s a strange feeling, how could this be?

  He is obviously the peak powerhouse of Qi cultivation realm, but the opponent is just...


The blue light flashed one after another, Ye Tian was a bit overwhelmed, and Chen Xuan did not feel much better than Ye Tian. Ye Tian’s body training was already at the pinnacle of Qi cultivation realm. If Chen Xuan didn’t suppress himself with the displayed strength The strength can naturally be easily killed, but now...


  The green light turned into a sword, and it rushed towards Chen Xuan. The white light and green light of Chen Xuan's white shield technique were in conflict with each other.

  But because of the difference in cultivation level, Chen Xuan already had dense sweat on his forehead.

  But Chen Xuan still calmly challenged. Chen Xuan knew that he could not retreat at this time and had to attack with offense. Chen Xuan quickly put away the defense of the white shield technique.

  Jia’s blue sword has a blue light, but it can’t break the light blade made by the green light of the night sky.

   "Break me!" Chen Xuan roared...



Finally, the green light could no longer resist Chen Xuan’s Jialan sword’s sword aura. The sword in Chen Xuan’s hand was burning with blue flames. It was as powerful as the water of a big river, and it was accumulating power like a tiger. .

"It looks like a fatal blow, kid, you should be lucky!" Ye Tian smiled grimly, and the sword in his hand was burning like a blue sword, as if the entire ring was about to collapse. This battle has come to immortality. Endlessly.


  Yetian’s Luguang Zhan forced towards Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan’s white robe turned into a white light...


But Chen Xuan gradually felt a little physically exhausted, but Chen Xuan’s superiority in mental power was quickly highlighted. The white shield technique to resist Ye Tian’s fatal blow was basically supported by Chen Xuan’s mental power. With.

  Chen Xuan felt that his mental power was about to be burned, as if a river of water was boiling...

   "Huh... Die to me"

  Chen Xuan roared, a gaze of blue sword light forced Ye Tian directly. This attack was not like before. This time Chen Xuan exhausted his five-fold peak mental power and forced Ye Tian to pass...


  Yetian roared wildly, even the hair that had been **** before became loose, completely devoid of the demeanor of the young master of the Ye family, as if he was a lunatic.

   "The one who violated my teacher...dead!"

   Chen Xuan screamed, such a roar shocked all the cultivators on the field, it was terrible mental power...

  " this really the spiritual power of the Five Peaks?"

  The head of the snake, Ren Hua, said in surprise.

   "As the head of the regiment, I really have little knowledge..."

   "When the spirit power of the five peaks bursts out, it will naturally be able to achieve this... In my opinion, this kid is just an intermediate level of the cultivation realm with a little stronger mental power. What's so fuss about!"

   Xu Zhi of the Sirius Trade Union sneered.

  "This level may be a little closer to Sirius, hum, we are the one who Sirius decides not to stay overnight. He actually dared to kill Yetian and offend Yeshi...In the future, he will be regarded as our Sirius enemy."

   Xu Zhi said fiercely.

  (End of this chapter)

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