Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1563: What is the surprise

   Chapter 1563 What is the surprise

   "Every night, I will teach you to distinguish the level and type of all the beasts. I hope you can keep it in mind, and then the training schedule is almost like this..." He Wei said coldly.

  If someone else can't stand the training this day, the reason is simple, because it is too painful, but Chen Xuan disagrees, because he has experienced more pain than this.

  The training arranged for him by Sanbaigu’s old man is pediatrics, not even pediatrics.

  In the Ye family

   "Master Ye, I found the kid who killed the young master here. That kid is called Chen Xuan. Now in the Heavenly Snake Mercenary Corps, it seems like the instructor is..."

  A spy in black, like Ye Ze reported...

   "Huh... Have we paid less money to the Heavenly Snake Mercenary Corps these years? The murderer who dared to kill my son is really a bunch of bastards."

   Ye Ze was very angry. In recent years, the Heavenly Snake Mercenary Group asked him for the most money and the least for doing things, but Ye Ze didn't care about the money, so naturally he didn't care about it. But now the members of the Heavenly Snake Mercenary Corps dare to kill his son, is it true that the black dragon behind the Chamber of Commerce is a vegetarian?

   "Master, you misunderstood, Chen Xuan was recruited by Ren Hua... As for Ren Hua, he has always been inconsistent with Yan Jin..." The man in black explained.

   "Huh...relying on words to help my son avenge my son...I'm still going to report to the president of the Chamber of Commerce, let him let the Black Dragon do it." Ye Ze said with a cold face...

   "But I can't make Chen Xuan feel better, you go and negotiate with Yanjin... let him take the money to do things..." Ye Ze said with a straight face...

   "Huh... I don't want to give my money to useless people... Lao Tzu is not a good person and doesn't give alms to beggars..." Ye Ze said angrily.

In fact, Ye Ze now understands that the deputy head of Yanjin is just a group of mercenaries in the Heavenly Snake Mercenary Corps who have been hollowed out by wine...Although there are many, Ye Ze is no different from beggars... …

  And the people who really helped the Heavenly Snake Mercenary Group rank among the three top mercenary groups are actually in the hands of Ren Hua, but Ren Hua is not controllable with wealth...

  This makes Yeze secretly want to have a chance to get rid of Ren Hua...

  In terms of the batch of Innate Realm Early Stages and Qi Cultivation Realm peaks, I was afraid that they were still superior in combat power when they first entered, and I was afraid that they would slowly wear off their will after a while and then become pigs.

  It was Yeze himself that caused this, which made Yeze a little regretful. This is equivalent to Yeze using money to turn talents into waste...

  If you don’t stay overnight, Ze doesn’t blame yourself too much, after all, there is a Black Dragon Club...

  Inside the Black Dragon Club

  "What? Did you find the person who killed Urza-sama and Pud-sama that day?" The president of the Black Dragon Club seemed to jump up like a sensitive dog smelling the meat...

   "Who is so brave? Has his background been found out? The blood sect's law protector has been urging me these days, and every time I am furious!" Black Dragon Club President Su Le asked urgently...

"Yes, my lord... his name is Chen Xuan. He killed Ye Ze, the heir of the Ye family two days ago, and now he is in the Heavenly Snake Mercenary Group... It is said that his strength is the mid-level of Qi Cultivation Realm... mental power. It seems to be... "Five Peaks" in a respectful reply from the man in black, but there is still incredible in the words...

  How does an intermediate person in the Qi Cultivation Realm kill two Houtian Realm powerhouses, and one of them is also the Houtian Realm middle-level powerhouse, how did he do it?

   But no matter how he did it... he was dead...

   "From the perspective of his low-level position, Chen Xuan is very mysterious. It may be that he has hidden his strength and joined the mercenary group... His true strength may be at least the congenital peak or the acquired strong..."

  The man in black guessed...

"But whether it is an innate pinnacle or an acquired powerhouse, why does he want to go to the mercenary group? I am afraid that he is a talented person in Baifu, and he should go to the center of Xuncheng mainland to develop, right? Not a servant. corps……"

  This makes Su Le very suspicious, and can't guess it...

   "But now the Black Dragon will have three acquired powerhouses to help out, I am afraid that Chen Xuan will not be able to develop anywhere, he will have to die..." Su Le said confidently.

   "Ye Ze, head of the Ye family, please see..." The guard outside the door came to report...

   "It seems that it is for his son, you should withdraw first..." Su Le waved his hand to the man in black...

Su Le and Ye Zepan talked for a while, Ye Ze quickly explained the purpose of this visit, and Su Le naturally agreed and knocked out a sum of money. Anyway, this was nothing to Su Le. He's errand, this thing doesn't need a black dragon to do it, the blood sect of another continent will naturally help him settle...

  And the three powerhouses in the acquired realm of the blood sect, Su Le believes that it is not only a matter of torturing and killing Chen Xuan, but also an easy matter to destroy the mainland of Xuncheng...

  Snake mercenary group, in the training ground

In the past few days, Chen Xuan’s performance surprised He, because Chen Xuan never hummed when facing the bite of the fierce beast. When Chen Xuan played against him, every time he was equally strong, of course this Chen Xuan also deliberately...

  Chen Xuan's understanding of fierce beasts and resourcefulness is beyond his expectations every time. Chen Xuan is simply a genius...

  And today's Chen Xuan looks very different...

  What is the use of spiritual power to probe Chen Xuan...

  "Have you broken through? The sixth level of spiritual power at the peak of the cultivation realm"

   asked what is a surprise.

  Chen Xuan nodded and confirmed...

This is a pleasant surprise for He Wei. Although the Heavenly Snake Mercenary Group has many peaks in the cultivation realm, even the peak of the Heavenly Snake Mercenary Group is the threshold for entering the Heavenly Snake Mercenary Group, but it only takes three months to break through the peak of the cultivation realm. I'm afraid...

  I’m afraid it’s rare...

  Her evildoer...It's just an evildoer...Why do you think that when Ren Hua wants to ask him about his situation today, he must comment on Chen Xuan with Ren Hua...

   Chen Xuan saw the facial cramping expression for a few minutes, and said with a rare smile, "It's the teacher who taught me well..."

  "Neither arrogant nor polite...calm, talented..." You are simply a natural mercenary material...

  It’s just that if you know that Chen Xuan is not the peak of the cultivation realm of shit, but the peak of the innate realm, what will happen?

  Does he have facial cramps for a few hours and then directly turn into facial paralysis?

  Chen Xuan didn’t know, but in the past two days, Chen Xuan faintly felt that he was about to break through again... Chen Xuan’s spiritual barrier began to loosen again, and the spiritual barrier also began to loosen...

  It’s just a little too close, just a little bit...

"By the way... How is Chen Xuan who was recruited three months ago now?" Ren Hua asked with a cold face...Because Ren Hua has been very restless in the past few days, this has caused Ren Hua a very headache. I hope that again. Give yourself a boost...

"I'm just about to tell you about this. Chen Xuan is very talented, and he has broken through the peak of Qi cultivation realm in just three months, and his mental power has reached the level of sixth-level elementary..." He Wei said During these times, his voice was almost raised by an octave, as if he had broken through...

   "Really?" Ren Hua couldn't believe it. If that was the case, if Ren Hua treated Chen Xuan well, he wouldn't have to worry at all.

  How to say this world is also a world respected by martial arts.

   "If he is really like this...Teach him well, let him grow up, and it will be good for us to use it for the Celestial Snake mercenary group..." Ren Hua said with a smile...

  Why nodded, expressing approval...

   "It's just that test of his appointment tomorrow... You remember to protect him, but you can't overdo it, and the Heavenly Snake Mercenary Corps don't want to waste..." Ren Hua said coldly.

  The next day, in the secret territory of the Heavenly Snake Mercenary Group

Today, Chen Xuan and He Wei need to enter the secret realm together. Chen Xuan needs to kill the fierce beasts that are one level higher than himself, the barbaric bull of the first level in the innate realm... How to care for and protect and give some guidance when necessary. ...

   However, Yanjin looked forward to the arrival of this day more than He Wei, because after planning for about half a month, he finally captured a fierce beast at the pinnacle of the Hou Tian realm, and also the strongest beast of this continent...

  He quietly put it into the secret realm, and Chen Xuan and He Wei are afraid that they will have to become the dish of this fierce beast...

  He Wei and Chen Xuan didn’t know, and they entered the secret realm...

Chen Xuan's strength naturally does not need to fight too many battles against Barbarian Bulls. After just a few rounds, Barbarian Bulls are defeated. This makes He Wei feel very incredible. Chen Xuan's fighting skills and reaction speed are excellent. Yes, it seems that this kind of experience is only available to the innate strong. I don’t know how Chen Xuan did it.

  Did his hidden strength come to the Heavenly Snake Mercenary Group?

   Then what is his intention?

  But this idea was immediately obliterated by what is it...

The reason is simple... How old is Chen Xuan as a young congenital powerhouse, I am afraid that he started to practice in the womb and look at himself. He is already sixty-three years old this year, so he has just reached the congenital intermediate level. He is just a half immortal. Trial is a life of nine deaths...

  How can such a young little doll be a strong innate...It seems that Chen Xuan should be a genius...

   "Teacher He... let's go, am I going to be a teacher?" Chen Xuan asked...

  What is the admiration nodded...

   Just then there was a roar from behind them...


  The sound seems to be able to cause the sky to fall apart. Such a level... What else did Chen Xuan immediately arouse his vigilance...

  Chen Xuanhe He Wei discovered that it takes more than two hours to fly from the barbarian land to the door of the secret realm. During this period, this behemoth will catch up with them anyway...

"This fierce beast... he... he is Doko... the strongest Houtian realm peak fierce beast in Xuncheng Continent, Doko!" He Wei immediately exclaimed. Although Doko is a fierce beast, he only cultivates spiritual power. Body, but body refining cultivation is already the pinnacle of the acquired realm...

  (End of this chapter)

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