Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1565: Master and apprentice conspiracy

   Chapter 1565 Master and Disciple Conspiracy

  Chen Xuan and He Wei then discussed some things about the Heavenly Snake Corps and the White House.

   "Since I am devoted to returning to the head of the master, I shall call the adult the young master." What is respectful.

  Chen Xuan nodded, indicating acquiescence.

  Chen Xuan decided to cultivate some of his own forces in the Celestial Snake Mercenary Group, and also decided the mercenary group. It was too ostentatious and wanted to fade out the sight of everyone. It would be easier to do this.

  Chen Xuan and He Wei returned to the training ground of the Heavenly Snake Mercenary Corps.

  What is the purpose of looking for Yanjin immediately and aggressively.

   Yanjin looked unbelievable. He felt that He Wei and Chen Xuan would definitely die in the secret realm. Why did they come back?

  What can I do? Ye Ze's old thing has been confided by himself. This time I am afraid it will be difficult to explain to Ye Ze.

  In the Ye family.

   "Trash! It's all trash! Such a large mercenary group can't even deal with a Qi Cultivation Realm. What's the use!" Ye Ze roared.

   "But I didn't expect too much to make progress. Let's look at the Black Dragon Club." Ye Ze said slowly.

   "Master, it's just that the Black Dragon Club hasn't moved in these two days. I don't know why." The man in black reported to Ye Zezhen.

   "What could be the reason why the money is not enough! Pass what I mean, and give the Black Dragon Club twice the money." Ye Ze said coldly with a stern face.

   "These guys have a really big appetite." The black man held the injustice for Ye Ze.

   Yeze helplessly shook his head.

  In fact, the Black Dragon Society didn't want to do it, but the Black Dragon Society couldn't intervene at all now. Now the blood sect has been focusing on this matter, and the blood sect has always been cautious.

  In Renhua's office.

   "Asshole! This statement is too arrogant!" Ren Hua shouted.

Why changed this matter and told Ren Hua. For example, Chen Xuan wounded Doko, and then took the opportunity to escape. He and you just said that he wounded the fierce beast, and did not say that the fierce beast was Doko, how could Ren Hua believe it because of this

He only said that he was a fierce beast of the Houtian realm, and he was just lucky enough to injure him, otherwise he would not be able to return. And Chen Xuan's strength was very good in beheading Barbarian Bulls. What is this one? Ten of them told Ren Hua.

  Ren Hua now has more and more respect for Chen Xuan. He can't wait to make Chen Xuan meritorious, then promoted, and then help him make a fight. Ren Hua wanted to support Chen Xuan on purpose.

  This discerning person can see that it is no longer a secret in the Heavenly Snake Mercenary Group.

  Why came to Chen Xuan's side again at night, and the master and apprentice began to plan.

   "Mr. He."

  Chen Xuan arched his hands on what Wei.

   "Meet Young Master."

But He Wei paid a visit to Chen Xuan.

This is also normal, because He Wei has had a mentor-disciple relationship with Chen Xuan for a period of time, and although Chen Xuan has been a teacher now, He Wei still has a relationship with Chen Xuan as a mentor and apprentice. As for how to salute Chen Xuan, it is natural It is the master-servant relationship that cannot be abolished.

"Young Master. In a few days, the Celestial Snake Mercenary Group will go to the mercenary group union to pick up the task. Ren Hua now values ​​the Young Master very much, and may want to support the Young Master, so this mission will definitely let the Young Master go. , Make contributions to the Heavenly Snake Mercenary Group, and then receive the reward."

  What is the slow way.

  Chen Xuan nodded.

   "The mercenary groups will definitely send a lot of newcomers to take up this mission. So I will meet other mercenary groups, right?" Chen Xuan asked.

"Yes, Young Master, but if Young Master wants to establish his own power in the Celestial Snake Mercenary Group, he must have an official and a half position, the structure of the Celestial Snake Mercenary Group, the Young Master should already know it. "

  Chen Xuan nodded non-committal.

  The duties of the Heavenly Snake Mercenary Group are divided into group leader, deputy leader, team leader, and chairperson.

  Because the things of the Heavenly Snake Mercenary Group are not all decided by Ren Hua, and important matters still need to be opened by the council, which is decided by the chairman of the council, such as personnel and life, expulsion from the group, and so on.

  As for the chairman of the council, the veterans can only hold a position for those who have made great contributions to the snake, and the chairman of the council will also serve as a mentor to the newcomers.

  So what is the chairperson.

  In recent years, the chairperson of the council has not been the same as before, because many of the current chairpersons are proactive cronies, and those of the older generation account for only half, so the situation is very clear.

The older generations naturally support Ren Hua, and the cronies who say Jin naturally support Yan Jin. As for the selection of the head and deputy head, there are generally only two candidates, one is Ren Hua and the other is Yan Jin, which is decided through the ring. .

  As for now, Chen Xuan is naturally divided into the Ren Party.

   "By the way, not only the Celestial Snake mercenary group, but also other mercenary groups, we must pay attention to it. Talents should also be tapped out.

Chen Xuan hesitated for a while and said.

"Moreover, other continents are already eyeing us. Before, there was an intermediate-level powerhouse in the Houtian realm. I played against him. He was invited by the Black Dragon Society. I'm afraid it's not from our Xuncheng Mainland. I don't believe it yet. People from the mainland of Xuncheng can randomly come to an acquired powerhouse."

  Chen Xuan frowned and his face became serious.

  Why nodded, "Indeed, there are too many people staring at us on the Xuncheng Continent now, alas. It's just. However, the Xuncheng Continent itself has been in constant civil wars, and there is no time to deal with outside matters.

  Chen Xuan and He Wei are very worried about the future of Xuncheng mainland and his development, but since Chen Xuan is here, he will definitely change him!

  In the Black Dragon Club.

   "Are there any movements from Chen Xuan now?" Su Le asked.

   "Report to the president, Chen Xuan is said to be him. After a disaster, Yan Jin seems to have released Doko in a trial in the secret realm." The man in black returned respectfully.

   "What? Doko? That. Doko, the strongest beast in Xuncheng?" Su Le asked in surprise.

   "But it's true, there is nothing incredible about the ability to kill the acquired mid-level powerhouse, and escape from Doko's men." Su Le paused and continued.

"It's just. This time, the blood sect has sent three great powers of the Houtian realm to the Xuncheng Continent, one of the peak powers of the acquired and two mid-level powers of the acquired, this Chen Xuan will not be wronged by them in his death. And our Black Dragon After the meeting again, I'm afraid I will be protected by the blood sect."

  Su Le laughed with satisfaction.

   "President, Master Yeze of the Ye family, ask the lord, how is Chen Xuan's affairs going?"

Su Le said perfunctorily, "In a few days, Chen Xuan won't live for a few days."

"By the way, guild leader, three days later, it will be the time for the mercenary group union to release the task. Recently, Chen Xuan still held Ren Hua's leg very tightly. This time the mission, the Heavenly Snake Mercenary Group should The three new recruits recruited this time will be arranged to pick you up. Would you like to help the other two to support our forces," the man in black suggested.

"No, if the two of them don't follow Ren Hua, it means that they have followed Yan Jin, huh! The people under Yan Jin's hands will soon become waste and pigs. I don't want to support waste or pigs." Said with a sullen face.

   "It's just. It's just that. That Ning Ye, seems to have broken through the elementary stage of the innate realm these days, the president, do you want to infiltrate a little bit of people into the words?" The man in black flattered.

  Sule thought about it for about half a minute.

   "Okay. Then you go and do it, do it more carefully, don't let people on the side see it." Su Le still said with a cold face.

  Three days later, in the mercenary group union.

The mission this time is to go to the South Refining Mountain and kill the monster red basilisk in the mountain over there. It is probably a monster of the first stage of the Houtian realm. This is two levels different from the strength that Chen Xuan is showing now. .

This time, Heavenly Snake sent Chen Xuan, Xu Hu, and Ning Ye, and Sirius also sent Luo Lan, Luo Tian and Chen Ge. As for the Scorpio mercenary group, they only sent Zhan Zhe. And Zhan Zhe's strength had reached the pinnacle of the innate realm and his mental power had reached the sixth elementary level.

  It can be said that in addition to Chen Xuan's strongest, as for the other second-rate and third-rate mercenary groups, they have also sent some of their elites, but they are all at the peak of the cultivation realm, and they are not particularly strong.

  And this task of accepting the union does not have to be played as a mercenary group, but can be teamed up at will, so the strong will naturally be picked first.

   "Master Zhan Zhe, do you think you are still short of players?" A large number of people from the second- and third-rate mercenary group rushed to Zhan Zhe.

  Zhan Zhe probed with spiritual power, shook his head, and walked towards Chen Xuan. "Are you the middle-level Cultivation Realm who killed Ye Tian before?" Zhan Zhe frowned and asked.

  Chen Xuan's face was cold.

   "Oh, you actually broke through again? In just three months, you have broken through from the middle level of the Qi cultivation realm to the peak?" Zhan Zhe was surprised.

  Chen Xuan still had a cold face, and nodded as a response.

   "Master Zhan Zhe, we are also the pinnacle of Qi cultivation realm." Those who had just been surrounding Zhan Zhe showed their strength.

   "Yeah, yeah. It's just a peak of the Qi Cultivation Realm, and I dare to smash Master Zhan Zhe's face."

   "Master Zhan Zhe is a powerhouse at the pinnacle of the innate realm, what can you do?"

  Those second-rate and third-rate corps, you say a word to me.

  "Would you like to come to our team, the current team member is only me. If you are willing to join, I am very welcome to Zhezhe."

  Zhanzhe asked Chen Xuan with a smile.

  Chen Xuan looked at Zhan Zhe, thought about it for about half a minute, and nodded.

   "In that case, let me pick the next players together." Zhan Zhe didn't care about Chen Xuan's indifferent attitude towards him, and said with a gentle smile.

"Master Zhan Zhe, I am Ning Ye. I am a member of the Heavenly Snake Mercenary Corps. See if I can join." Ning Ye respectfully said, then glanced at Zhan Zhe's side, and then Ning Ye's eyes passed. A trace of sorrow.

  Zhanzhe still smiled and said, "Welcome to join us."

   "Wow. Another innate strong, a strong innate beginner."

   "And the mental power has reached the five-fold peak."

  The second-rate and third-rate members said.

   "It's just that Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan is at the pinnacle of Qi Cultivation Realm. Don't Master Zhan Zhe reconsider? This guy will hinder our team's strength.

  Ning Ye just got the approval of Zhan Zhe to join, so she turned to Chen Xuan.

  (End of this chapter)

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