Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1569: Baiguan

   Chapter 1569

  Chen Xuan returned to the Heavenly Snake Gang, Yan Jin saw Chen Xuan's face turned purple with anger, and his doglegs' faces were extremely embarrassed.

  Because Chen Xuan is back, Chen Xuan has completed the mission of the Union Gang and returned, which means that he has made contributions to the reputation of the Heavenly Snake Gang in the Union Gang.

  Those second-rate and third-rate gangs originally thought that Chen Xuan was just a small character, and Zhan Zhe could sacrifice him at any time.

  Now seeing Chen Xuan come back unscathed like this, I feel incredible.

   "Chen Xuan... Master Chen Xuan, Zhan Zhe, and Miss Luo Lan, are back..."

   "Chen Xuan... Master Chen Xuan was offended before..."

   "Sorry, sorry, Master Chen Xuan..."

The voices of the members of those little gangs are very flattering, and their faces are completely different from before, because Chen Xuanneng, Zhan Zhe and Luo Lan come back together, which means that their relationship has reached that... almost life and death. To the point of a good friend, who else would dare to provoke Chen Xuan with such a background?

  If they knew that Zhan Zhe and Luo Lan had become Chen Xuan's subordinates, would they be shocked? But Chen Xuan didn't care about their faces. With Chen Xuan's strength, the criticism of these people could not make any ripples in his heart.

His primary purpose now is to establish his own power, and Zhan Zhe, He Wei, Luo Lan, these three people are the first batch of people he recruited to his own sect, so let Zhan Zhe, Luo Lan and What is a meeting.

  That night, the lush restaurant.

  What else does Chen Xuan do? Zhan Zhe and Luo Lan discuss important matters at a table.

"I plan to establish my own power. The name is Baiguan. I hope he will be involved both on the bright side and on the dark side. The dark side includes all kinds of assassinations and intelligence gathering. The bright side includes wooing politicians and organizing business..." Chen Xuan said with a cold face.

"Assassinations and intelligence gathering are in charge of Zhan Zhe, and Luo Lan is responsible for attracting politicians and organizing business. Mr. He Wei is in charge of these things, and contact Zhan Zhe and Luo Lan, because it is sometimes inconvenient for me to be in the Heaven Snake Gang..." Xuan still had a cold face.

  After half a quarter of an hour...

   "Do you have anything to add?".

  Zhanzhe, what else does Luo Lan have for? I didn't expect that Chen Xuan not only has a strong talent for body training, a strong talent for spiritual power, but also a powerful means of governance and strategic arrangements.

  It seems that I have really followed a good master.

  "Well, if you have any difficulties, you can tell me that I will find a way to help you solve it!" In this way, the "Baiguan", which was frightened in the Xuncheng continent and all the continents, was settled in this way.

  Just when Chen Xuan was about to leave...

  "Chen you talk to me alone...I...I have something to tell you!" Luo Lan said with a blushing face.

  Chen Xuan was a little surprised, but nodded in agreement.

   "Chen Xuan...I...My father pointed me to marriage. It is Su Le's son, Su Long, I...I...I'm sorry." Luo Lan said with a tearful blush.

   "I took you out as my shield. My father told me that I have someone I like, and then it's you. My father wants to see you." Luo Lan blushed and finished the sentence.

   Chen Xuan was also a little dazed when he heard it, and his face flushed unconsciously, as if he was still a little bit happy.

  Chen Xuan nodded and agreed. Although Chen Xuan didn't like the feeling of being used, he didn't really hate it this time. Although Chen Xuan himself didn't understand why this was happening?

   "That...that...this weekend, Chen come to my house..." Luo Lan left with a blush after making sure.

  Chen Xuan also returned to the Heavenly Snake Gang...

  "Young Master...Young Master..." Why respectfully stopped Chen Xuan.

"Young Master...That's it, Ren Hua now wants to reuse the Young Master, and then be promoted to the Young Master, the captain of the first team of the gang. The young master personally selects the players in the ring match three days later, but..." He Wei hesitated To.

   "It's just what? Mr. He Wei doesn't need to estimate but it doesn't matter..." Chen Xuan still had a cold face, but his tone was very gentle.

"It's just... this time the ring competition is attended by young masters from major families... Their strengths may really be uneven. Some are pampered and accustomed to them, no one can order them, and some are idle. I'm used to it, but it's not easy to offend, young master, look at it..." Why worry?

"This is not a bad thing. This team allows me to select nature. I will try my best to pick out the creative talents, and then train, and then the personnel of Baiguan are responsible. I still want to delegate the power to Zhan Zhe and Luo Lan, naturally. And what is Mr. I am just appointing high-level officials, and all other rights are given to you..." Chen Xuan paused and then said.

"Just to say... this first team hopes that there will be more humane and righteous men in the future. Of course, the soldiers in the mainland of Xuncheng are not cultivators yet. I want to create an army of cultivators..." Chen Xuan continued. .

  "Let’s start with this first team. For Ren Hua, did you say how many people the first team needs?" Chen Xuan frowned and asked.

  Why shook his head, indicating that he did not say anything.

   "What are you talking about? The Luo family actually refused to marry him publicly and said that his daughter has a sweetheart? It's so courageous, don't you look down on my Su family?" Su Le slapped the table and shouted.

"No... No... The president, it's Miss Luo Lan herself, she suddenly said that she has a sweetheart, and Master Luo has never seen it, so let's see, or let Master Su Long, this weekend Get up and go to Luo's Mansion, and then personally educate this kid who doesn't know the heights of the sky?" said the messenger sent by the Luo family.

Su Le never thought that his son would not be able to beat the opponent, because his son is a mid-level powerhouse in the Qi Cultivation realm. Although compared to joining the first-level gang in the united gang, there is no way to go to the second-level gang. It's a problem, so he thinks it's okay for Su Long to pack up a kid who doesn't know the height of the sky.

  Three days later, in the main hall of the Sky Snake Gang.

  Today is the opening selection of the Celestial Snake Gang for the family. The Celestial Snake Gang, as the first-class gang, naturally comes to participate in the selection of disciples of the family.

  Today sitting on the chairperson to watch, there are gang director Hua, deputy gang leader Yan Jin, and some chairpersons, but there is actually Chen Xuan who is unprecedented.

  As a newcomer, Chen Xuan never had the right to sit on the chair and watch. Being able to have such a right shows that Chen Xuan's position as the first team leader is determined.

   Yanjin's face was very ugly, and the audience was also jealous of discussions. Because Chen Xuan is not the strongest of the Celestial Snake Gang, Chen Xuan’s current strength is only the peak of the Qi cultivation realm, the sixth level of spiritual power, and now many of the first-stage powerhouses of the innate realm have not achieved the chairmanship. on.

  Although many members of the Celestial Snake Gang are dissatisfied, they still dare not say anything, or they just talk about it in the following, and they dare not speak up. The reason is very simple. The rules of the Heavenly Snake Gang are extremely strict, and Chen Xuanneng's sitting in this position means that the gang has already decided.

  Furthermore, that is to question the gang and to be punished a lot. Ren Hua looked at Yan Jin's face very happy and couldn't help but treat Chen Xuan more seriously.

  But what Ren Hua didn’t know was...

  The night before, Chen Xuan’s room

  "I think our top priority now is to dismantle some of the arena forces in the White Mansion and make our Baiguan the primary arena forces."

  Chen Xuan was in the room, pacing and wondering what is Tao.

  "Which power does the young master think to start from? Or does the young master want to start from the Heavenly Snake Gang?" Why did he think about it, and then asked Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan smiled non-smilingly, and nodded...

"I think from the breakthrough point, it may be the leader of Ren Hua's gang. Now I think you and I will become Ren Hua's only cronies, and let him value us more and more... We will help him deal with Yanjin. When we finish dealing with Yanjin, Ren Hua estimates It's over too." Chen Xuan continued with a cold face.

   "Now, who is the leader of the Hua Clan, besides you, who else is there a cron? Our top priority is to kill him first." Chen Xuan asked, knocking on the table without a moment.

"Ren Hua now has Chen Tian and Gu Cheng in addition to me. They are also old men of the Sky Snake Gang. They are just a bit pampered and used to them. They don't want to change the status quo. It is unlikely that they will be used by us." He Wei wrinkled Eyebrow said.

   "Also, their strength is the pinnacle of the innate realm, and their mental power has reached the sixth peak. The young master may deal with them..." Why does not know that Chen Xuan has broken through into the acquired realm.

  It's not that Chen Xuan didn't want to tell him why, but he was busy thinking about Bai Guan's things when he came back, and forgot to tell him.

   "I have broken through into the acquired realm, the first level of acquired realm, and my spiritual power has also broken through the seventh intermediate level." Chen Xuan smiled and said.

   "So those two old guys, Mr. He Wei, don't need to worry about it, I will solve it." Chen Xuan's face was cold, and a trace of killing intent passed through his eyes.

   "Young Master... Young Master, you... actually broke through to the acquired power? The spiritual power is actually the seventh intermediate level. I am afraid that there are few opponents in Xuncheng mainland?"

   "No... we have to relax our vision... It is not enough to see the Xuncheng Continent. Other continents are still eyeing the Xuncheng Continent." Chen Xuan said with a cold face.

  (End of this chapter)

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