Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1572: Bloodbath Chen and Wu's Family

  Chapter 1572 Bloodbath of Chen and Wu's Family

When Wu Tianliang saw this scene, he still had a cold face. He didn't mean to forgive or be intolerable... Chen Xuan glanced at Wu Tianliang, and he rated him higher in his heart. Chen Xuan didn't like the kindness and compassion. Great good people.

  The reason is very simple. If you don’t cut the weeds and roots, there will be multiple enemies in the future. If you bite you at a critical time, wouldn’t it be worth the loss?

  Chen Xuan smiled coldly, but the killing intent of the sword in his hand did not stop. Wu Feng saw that the begging for mercy could not be achieved, so he planned to do his best to fight...


  Wu Feng's single fist's momentum has become stronger, and every blow is focused on the key points, but where he can beat Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan cleverly avoided.

   Suddenly Wu Feng pulled out his sword, and the red flames burned, and the heat seemed to ignite this mansion...

  Wu Feng is ready to go, a red flame is approaching Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan’s white shield technique, a white light...


   smashed the flaming blade of his war sword, and resolved his fatal blow with just one move. Who is he, and who is he? Wu Feng kept questioning in his heart, such a strong person has definitely surpassed the Intermediate Innate Realm, is it a pinnacle strong in the Innate Realm? still is……

  Wu Feng did not dare to think, he knew that he might not be able to survive! It was another blade of fire, and the red flame was burning fiercely to break through the defense of white light, but how could the defense of the white shield technique be able to attack him?


  Wu Feng vomited a mouthful of blood, Chen Xuan smiled coldly, and poured his powerful mental power into Jia Lan Jian...

The runes of the   Jia Blue Sword also burned instantly, and the speed of turning around the sword body was getting faster and faster...


  Chen Xuan jumped up and pushed the Jialan sword towards Wu Feng, "Die me..." Chen Xuan roared...

  Half an hour later, Wu Feng's defense was directly broken by Chen Xuan's move. It was just one move, and Wu Feng couldn't take it...

  The whole body was burned by the blue flame, and the momentum of the flame was getting stronger and stronger!

  Ah ah...

  Wu Feng screamed frantically, as if such a ghost call could relieve his pain. Slowly, Wu Feng's body turned to ashes and dissipated in the world.

"Uncle... Uncle has something to discuss, can you put us a size, what you want, as long as we can do it, I will definitely give it to you!" The Wu family does not want to be burned to death like his son Wu Feng, so hurry up Kneeling and begging Chen Xuan for mercy...

  Chen Xuan still did not speak, and looked at Wu Feng coldly. This time Wu Feng also did not disappoint him. He still held his face cold, did not speak, and did not mean to plead for the Wu family master...

Chen Xuan clicked with satisfaction, and said to Wu Tianliang, "Let's take care of these people! I'll wait for you!" Chen Xuan's voice was still very cold, which made Wu Tianliang feel that Chen Xuan was unfathomable, and Wu Tianliang naturally did not. Going to let the Wu family go...

  "The rebellious son...You rebellious son dared to kill his father." The Wu family master was terribly scared, and shouted with fear and angrily...

"Look... Wu Feng is dead... As long as you let me go... You are the only young master of the Wu family... From now on... the property of the Wu family will be yours..." The master of the Wu family saw Wu Tianliang's face Cold, killing intent, immediately convinced

   "Oh, the young master of the Wu family... My young master is not as good as a subordinate, you dare to call yourself a father and you really want to face it?" Wu Tianliang said coldly, mocking, and didn't mean to let go of murder...

"For so many years... what you have done to me, then I will pay it off today! And you will all die to me!" Wu Tianliang yelled, and he finally couldn't help resenting him, and fisted the Wu family master. The brains burst out... the blood and flesh on the body are like a mess of mud...

  Chen Xuan knew that this was Wu Tianliang’s heart knot... So let Wu Tianliang vent it, and didn’t intend to intervene and call to stop, but if Wu Tianliang could indeed control his emotions, it shouldn’t be long...

  Sure enough, Wu Tianliang stopped in a while, then killed the other people in the Wu Mansion, and bloodbathed the Wu Mansion...

  The rain outside this day was very heavy, and the Wu family was also bloody. No one was alive. All the plants were burned to ashes during the fight. Before leaving, Chen Xuan burned the Wu family on fire...

  Next is the Chen family. Since Chen Xuan promised to help Wu Tianliang get revenge, the people involved in this matter will be dealt with cleanly, and no one can survive.

   "Young Master... I heard that the Chen family has three powers at the pinnacle of innate realm, and... and..." Wu Tianliang hesitated to...

   "A Liang, I don't want you to hide something from me, so just talk about it..." Chen Xuan's sharp eyes looked straight at Wu Tianliang, as if he could see through people's hearts...

  Wu Tianliang trembled, and said, “This Chen family is connected to another world continent. Maybe they will have a strong one in the acquired state. The young master has just broken through the acquired state, you see..." Wu Tianliang frowned and worried...

   "It would be more interesting if it has something to do with another continent..."

  Chen family, inside Chen Mansion.

   "What did you say that the Wu family hasn't handed over the people... Go and urge, the illegitimate son of the Wu family, who killed my son, will naturally pay for his life..." The Chen family master said angrily...

   "No need to go...I'm here..." Wu Tianliang yelled. In fact, she didn't have much resentment towards the Chen family, but the Chen family wanted to kill him, so naturally he could not be slaughtered...

   "Bold, the lunatic actually dared to send you to the door and let my housekeeper die tragically, I want to smash you into pieces!" The Chen family yelled...

   "Come on for me..." The Chen family yelled...

   More than a dozen middle-level people in the Qi Cultivation Realm are approaching Chen Xuan and Wu Tian...

   "I'll practice these for you, they are yours of the same level but their mental power is far inferior to you..."

  Wu Tian nodded brightly, then greeted them and started fighting with them...


  Wu Tianliang almost fell with one punch. The Chen family master saw such a situation, and he instructed the powerhouse at the peak of Qi Cultivation Realm to go up and fight...

At this time, Wu Tianliang was a little overwhelmed. The strong man at the peak of Qi cultivation realm, Wu Tianliang pulled out the sword from behind. It was the one from Wu Feng before. Although this is not a magical weapon, it is also carefully crafted. Wu Tianliang also learned a lot of knives...

  It’s best to practice hands...

  The flames on the fierce knife burned and became hotter, as if to ignite the entire Chen family...


  A flash of fire flared out, and dozens of mid-level powerhouses in the Qi Cultivation Realm vomited blood...

  Wu Tianliang jumped up, smashing into the mid-level powerhouses in the Qi Cultivation Realm, and instantly blood was splashed everywhere...

  Chen Xuan still did not do anything, but he admired Wu Tianliang from his heart, and then the powerhouse at the peak of the Qi Cultivation Realm also drew his sword...

  The orange fire light on the long sword is shining, and the dazzling fire light is rendering the monstrous fighting spirit...

Wu Tianliang still drew his sword to greet him, red and orange firelights intertwined, and clanging sounds filled the space between heaven and earth... But because Wu Tianliang had no defensive equipment, his body was stained with blood from himself or from the enemy. It has to become red skin...

  His eyes are full of bloodshot eyes, like a living Shura, constantly fighting with the three peak cultivation realm powerhouses, and the three peak cultivation realm powerhouses actually take less than the least bit of advantage...

  Wu Tianliang is struggling to support with his strong mental power...It's just that his physical strength is too weak, and he will slowly be at a lower peak...

  Slowly, Wu Tianliang’s physical and mental strength were both weakened, and his body was struck several times by the opponent, although none of them hit the key... but it was also bloody...


  Wu Tianliang finally lost his physical and mental strength, and vomited a mouthful of blood, and the three powerhouses at the peak of the Qi Cultivation Realm did not let go of this opportunity, and the three swords simultaneously forced Wu Tianliang’s heart...


  Chen Xuan pulled out the Jialan sword and started...

  The three powers at the peak of the Qi Cultivation Realm were all blocked by that sword, and they retreated several steps...

  Chen Xuan made a backhand sword and a blue light. In an instant, all three heads fell to the ground with just one move...The three powerhouses at the peak of the Qi Cultivation Realm were harvested...

Of course, the Chen family master still did not give up, "This kid unexpectedly found a helper hahaha but it's just this kid's funeral..." The Chen family master's tone is still very arrogant... He feels that the opponent's strength is at most innate, and In his mansion, there are two Intermediate Innate Stages, a strong man at the pinnacle of Innate Stage, who is afraid that he will not be able to kill him.

The three innate realm powerhouses responded, but they found that Chen Xuan was much stronger than they thought. They thought Chen Xuan was just the pinnacle of the innate realm, but the innate pinnacle powerhouse found that he could not detect the opponent's. Spiritual power and spiritual power...

  Could it be... the three innate realm powerhouses glanced at each other, and then rushed towards Chen Xuan together...


A white light from Chen Xuan resisted the first attack of these three innate realm powerhouses. Chen Xuan injected his powerful mental power into the Jialan Sword... The blue light lingered on the body of the Jialan Sword, and the blue flame burned desperately. , The rune on the sword immediately separated from the sword body, and revolved around the sword body at high speed...

  A sword light flashed by Chen Xuan, and the blue flame immediately forced the three innate realm powerhouses to dare not move forward...

  The three innate realm powerhouses began to regret at the same time, how did the other party provoke such a big iron plate...

  Chen Xuan still had a cold face, a second blue sword light flashed, and the blue light blade approached the flesh of the three innate realm powerhouses...


After    three beeps, the three innate realm powerhouses were directly wiped out. Only two moves, including the strong in the innate realm peak, were also cut to dust...

  Master Chen family regrets a little bit. Which way is this fairy? It's terrible!

  (End of this chapter)

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