Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1577: Luo Family Banquet

   Chapter 1577 Luo Family Banquet

   About ten people were left at the end, and the devil's lap training started again in the evening, and these ten people swear in their hearts that they must let their opponents feel the feeling of running laps at night tomorrow.

  In this way, the twenty sons of the first team are being trained by a devil like Chen Xuan every day.

  Unconsciously, it was this weekend, which is the time for the Luo family’s family banquet.

  Luo Lan came to Chen Xuan in a beautiful dress that day. When Chen Xuan saw Luo Lan, the cold face showed an abnormal blush.

  Luo Lan took Chen Xuan's hand and walked towards Luo Mansion together.

"Young master, in the past few days, Bai Guanming has annexed the properties of the Chen family and Wu family, and has a lot of funds and stable income. I will show the young master to look at the account book at night, and I hope the young master can correct it." Report work to Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan blushed and nodded.

   "I don't worry about you when you do things, you don't need to hire people, you don't need to be suspicious, I believe you do it for Baiguan..." Chen Xuan said calmly.

  Luo Lan looked at Chen Xuan, smiled and said, "Thank you, Young Master. I am willing to take time out of my busy schedule to help my subordinates with this favor."

Although Chen Xuan said he was doing Luo Lan’s favor, Chen Xuan himself didn’t know why. He didn’t seem to want Luo Lan to contact other men. This feeling was amazing. It seemed that once he talked more with other men, Chen Xuan did not know why. Xuan will become very irritable...

  This is a situation that makes Chen Xuan, who is usually calm and unusual, confused... But Luo Lan doesn't know. She thinks Chen Xuan is like a beautiful star in the sky, but it is too far away and erratic.

  In Luofu.

  Chen Xuan appeared in front of Su Long holding Luo Lan: "Is this your sweetheart you said?" Su Long asked mockingly.

   "It's just a first-level congenital realm. Why is Lan Lan your vision so bad? Such a person is used to serve the young master, or to carry shoes for the young master..." Su Long then laughed.

   And Chen Xuan's facial expression was still very calm, as if Su Long did not exist. Luo Lan looked at Chen Xuan's expression and smiled helplessly in his heart.

   "Come, come, come... all come and take your seats, hey Lanlan, sit next to Master Su Long...that...that who...sit farther away from Lanlan." The Luo family master pointed to Chen Xuan and said.

   Originally, what role did the Luo family think Chen Xuan was? It was only a beginner in the Innate Realm. Young Master Su Long was a powerhouse at the pinnacle of the Innate Realm, and there was still the Black Dragon Society behind him. From this point of view, Master Luo's choice was already obvious, and Chen Xuan was already out of the game.

  Chen Xuan thought that the Luo family was an elder, so he listened to him and sat opposite Su Long, but as soon as Luo Lan took a seat, Su Long began to show all kinds of cares and actions to Luo Lan.

  This made Chen Xuan look very uncomfortable, as if someone was touching his favorite things and treasures, or a pair of dirty hands.

However, although Chen Xuan was very uncomfortable, his facial expression did not show. This made Luo Lan feel a little disappointed. She didn't know why she was so lost. It seemed that her loss was because she couldn't see it. Chen Xuan was not at all lost or angry now. So the loss is the same.

   But isn't Chen Xuan that way? When is the expression of cold facial paralysis, for such a person, what expression can he expect from him? Luo Lan asked himself this way.

  Chen Xuan stared at Su Long coldly for a while. The coldness of his eyes made Su Long feel as if he was being stared at by an evil wolf, a little shuddering.

   " have a facial paralysis, look at what you see, and then I will beat you up, believe it or not." Su Long cursed a little scared.

  Chen Xuan's eyes became sharper and sharper, as if there was a feeling of penetrating Su Long, and Su Long felt that he was almost out of breath due to such a look.

   "Your father hasn't said that it is impolite to stare at others like this? Why do Lan Lan like you for such an impolite person?" The Luo family master said with a stern face.

"Well, from now on, you and Lan Lan don't contact you anymore!" Master Luo Family said angrily. Master Luo Family doesn't want to do this. There is a small role to make Su Taki angry. Su Taki is innate. The strong at the pinnacle is that he is willing to let his daughter be a kid, he doesn't mind.

What's more... Behind Su Long is the Black Dragon Guild. The strength of the Black Dragon Guild is within the Bai Mansion’s realm. However, it is the largest power in the rivers and lakes that no one can provoke, and if the son of the President of the Black Dragon Guild and the Luo family are married My in-laws, the benefits that the Luo family can get are beyond imagination.

  So the Luo family master did not allow anyone to destroy him. This kid named Chen Xuan couldn't do it, and her daughter couldn't do it... But then Chen Xuan said something that made the Luo family master and Su Long frightened.

"Then...Is it because I killed this kid, what you said just now doesn't count?" Chen Xuan's tone was very calm, as if I was asking if I could taste this dish, if I didn't listen to the content, I'm afraid that Su Long and the Chen family can directly filter out or answer in a perfunctory manner.

"Hahaha... kid... are you kidding me? You're going to kill me, but I'm just an unknown little **** at the first level of the innate realm. He actually dared to challenge my young master, really tired of living..." Su Taki laughed wildly .

  In fact, Su Long was a little bit scared in his heart. He didn't know where this inexplicable fear came from, but this kind of wild laugh seemed to be able to conceal the trace of fear deep in Su Long's heart.

Chen Xuan looked at him like this, as if he was looking at a dead person’s calmness, the kind of coldness from the depths of his heart made Su Long feel scared from the bottom of his heart, Luo Lan looked at Chen Xuan’s face and knew him I am really angry.

"'t say see...Chen Xuan is angry. You quickly apologize to Chen Xuan..." Luo Lan was also a little scared. After the Chen family and the Wu family, the things that the Chen family and Wu family did not survive are still vivid.

  Luo Lan didn't want the Luo family to become the next one, so Luo Lan immediately reminded her father.

   "Apologize or apology... He should apologize to Master Su! What is Master Su's identity? Lan Lan, I think you are confused by this kid, right?" Master Luo asked Luo Lan angrily.

  Chen Xuan gave Young Master Luo a cold look. That look was mixed with his strong killing intent, and Chen Xuan pulled out a blue light of Jialan sword.


  The dining table split in all quarters, then surrounded by blue flames, burning to ashes.

  Chen Xuan did not hide his strength anymore. He wanted to use his strength to kill Su Long, and he injected his powerful spiritual power into the Jia Lan Sword.

The rune of the   Jia Blue Sword broke away from the sword body in an instant, and revolved around the sword body at high speed. The burning rune showed a strong killing intent.

  Su Long was so frightened that he drew out the saber with his already trembling hand, still not out of the sheath.

  Chen Xuan flashed a blue light, the blue blade approached Su Long's neck, the carotid artery was cut, and a lot of blood stained Luo's family.

  Master Luo family couldn't help vomiting when he saw this scene, and was speechless in surprise, and the suffocating fear spread to his heart.

   "Chen... Chen Xuan... Don't... he is my father, I beg you, let him go..." Luo Lan knelt down to Chen Xuan, begging Chen Xuan Dao...

"Huh... no one has ever been able to rescue someone in my hands... you... why?" Chen Xuan was already very irritable, and the source of the irritability was Luo Lan, so he naturally blamed Luo Lan now. .

  Because he felt that there was no other connection between him and Luo Lan except for his superiors and subordinates, he shouldn't let Luo Lan affect his mood! But his mood was really affected by Luo Lan.

   " can't kill't you like my daughter? Then...then I can count your elders too..."

  Lord Luo family stammered, the extreme fear and the shadow of death enveloped his heart... There were layers of cold sweat, and he was really deprived of his mind by fear.

"I beg you... Young Master..." Luo Lan actually cried out of despair. That beauty who is usually cold and frosty, she really doesn't feel like crying, but Chen Xuan is even more irritable because of Luo Lan's tears. Up.

  Because he felt that he was a person who was not influenced by anyone, but a few tears of Luo Lan could really affect him, and Chen Xuan felt very annoyed, angry, and irritable.

  However, Chen Xuan still did not kill the Luo family master in the end. As for the reason, I am afraid that Chen Xuan himself would not be able to tell... but Luo Lan was also regarded as the first person who was able to save people under Chen Xuanjian.

  Lord Luo family watched Chen Xuan put down the Jialan sword, he boldly asked Chen Xuan.

"What's your name? Kill...Kill the Su Family Master, Black Dragon will not let you go... But... because this happened to my Luo Family, you... If you don't leave your name... I'm just afraid I...I won't be able to explain to the people of the Black Dragon Club..." The Luo family master looked at Chen Xuan pleadingly and asked.

"You can hear clearly... My name is Chen Xuan. Just tell Su Le, I'll...Bloodbath Black Dragon Club... Let him wait for me." Chen Xuan's face was cold, with no anger at all. The tone said.

"By the way, your the future, without my permission, don't contact other men in the end...otherwise your head will be on your neck, I don't know too much!" Chen Xuan I don't know why I said such words.

In short, when he saw Luo Lan and other boys together, he was very upset, so upset that he wanted to kill each other, so Chen Xuan had no choice but to avoid such thoughts that affect his emotions. Up.

  (End of this chapter)

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