Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1587: Disaster at the White House

   Chapter 1587 The disaster of the White House

   "Huh... Chen Xuan, you are too arrogant... If you dare to move my White Mansion, the Blood Sect will definitely not let you go." Bai Shanchang growled.

  Chen Xuan still had a cold face and did not speak. Chen Xuan’s expression made Bai Shanchang even more flustered, but Bai Shanchang still had a trump card in his hand...otherwise, why would Bai Shanchang have a foothold in the White Mansion and the Black Dragon Association’s Su Le to divide the world equally.

Bai Shanchang stabilized his mentality and said, "Why do you and I take a step back? Originally, the Bai Mansion was the Union Gang, the Black Dragon Association, and my White Mansion House divided the world equally. Now the Union Gang is gone, you With the rise of Baiguan, it can also be treated about the well water not invading the river water?

Bai Shanchang calmed down a bit and then persuaded, "My Bai Mansion is definitely not a troublemaker... If we are all in peace, we can coexist in the future, enjoy the power together, and live a life of fine clothing and food, wouldn't it be better to become famous? Why fight? Come and go"

But Chen Xuan shook his head and said with a cold face, "Since you and Heilong will join the blood sect, haven't you thought about this day? The people in Xuncheng Continent join the gangs of another world, you never thought that you would be killed by thousands of dollars. Hey, is the sky thundering? Huh... It seems that people like you only care about themselves, and why are you living in this world..." Chen Xuan's words were stronger than each other, and his voice was thicker, and in the end he shouted directly. Up.

Chen Xuan roared with his body-refining cultivation base. At this time, the sky was black and heavy, and Chen Xuan's domineering roar echoed within a hundred li. That is the strength of the mid-level powerhouse in the Houtian realm, and the world was moved with anger... …All the birds and beasts as well as the other beasts trembled, and the ground near Chen Xuan had cracks tens of meters deep. Chen Xuan's face was still cold, and his killing intent was boiling.

"Huh... toast, not to eat, to drink fine wine, you know that I am behind the blood sect, even if you don’t know, do you know why my White Mansion can share the world of Bai Mansion with the Black Dragon Association and the Alliance Gang, then you go to hell."

  Bai Shan is like an enraged beast, and because of the roar that Chen Xuan just broke out, it also attracted more people in the White Mansion and practitioners in the White Mansion to watch, including those from the Black Dragon Society.

But no one noticed that there was a figure in the dark, he was staring at all of this happening, and he showed a slight smile, as if it was a mood to watch a good show, but his breath was very strong and he was able to retract freely. Naturally, no cultivator found it, and even Chen Xuan did not find it.

Wu Tianliang behind Chen Xuan was a little worried about Chen Xuan. The reason was simple. Because the White House had been standing there for so many years, there must be secrets, and Chen Xuan was the one who touched the secrets for hundreds of years, so... It’s hard to say whether we can go back alive...


After Bai Shanchang finished roaring, he took out a blood-red bright bead, which was dazzling as if filled with human blood, and the smell of blood was pungent. Fortunately, Chen Xuan set up a battle formation, otherwise ordinary people would feel this. I'm afraid the breath will go crazy.

  But Chen Xuan still has a cold face, as if this thing has no effect on his mood...

"It's interesting, this kid seems to be getting more and more mature... Hahaha... I don't know how he will fight that thing... But he hasn't reached the peak of the acquired realm yet, I'm afraid... I'm afraid it's... Hahaha, It's hard to say..."

If people find that this mysterious and unfathomable person in black can't estimate Chen Xuan's strength, I am afraid everyone thinks that Chen Xuan is a monster, but the identity of this person in black is afraid that the mainland has not reached the innate realm. The strong can't reach him... if they are in contact, they can't see through him. If it's not the strong, they would rarely even see him.


  The blood beads suddenly burst, and the crazy smell of blood began to spread. Even Chen Xuan couldn't help frowning, and the wind blew loudly in an instant...whoop, all the leaves on the trees within a radius of one hundred meters began to fall off.

"Hahaha... it is an honor for you, Chen Xuan, to die under his hands, what a pity! What a pity! The future powerhouse of Xuncheng mainland, the future savior of Bai Mansion, will be killed here today! Ha! Haha..."

  Bai Shanzhang’s wild laughter reverberated between heaven and earth, and a powerful killing intent swept towards Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan did not speak and still stared at the ground.


  A yellow phantom slowly forced towards Chen Xuan. No one could see where he came from. It seemed to be the result of the illusion of blood in the blood drop, or it might not be...

  Chen Xuan squinted at the flying sand and walking stones in front of him and did not speak. Then, with a bang, a golden lion with long golden horns all over his body appeared in Chen Xuan's sight.

   was two feet long and looked murderous at Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan was not afraid, and stared at him with the same murderous eyes.


  The monster seemed to be able to read human expressions, roared wildly, and stared at Chen Xuan with anger.

  "This...this...Young Master, be careful...this is the one-horned golden lion king... so he really exists... so he really exists..."

It was Wu Tianliang who saw this monster with a firm heart, and he was a little incoherent. Chen Xuan seemed to remember what a unihorned golden lion king was. He remembered seeing the unihorned golden lion king in the hidden golden pavilion before. Name, and no one has ever seen him.

  It is said that the unihorn golden lion king exists in another continent, and its rank is much higher than the fierce beasts in the Xuncheng continent. The strength should have surpassed the existence of the peak of the acquired realm, and it is very mysterious.

However, Chen Xuan's face is still very calm, and his brain is spinning at a high speed, planning to find a satisfactory strategy to fight, the one-horned golden lion king, huh... It seems that the old man in the White House and Bai Shanchang has long been with the Xuncheng mainland. There is collusion! It's really a bastard!

Chen Xuan looked at Bai Shanchang’s eyes with killing intent, but Bai Shanchang’s face pretended to be indifferent, and said with a triumphant smile, “It’s okay to be a dying man... it’s okay to fight a trapped beast! Tell you. So that you can die with peace of mind, so that you won't be an unjustly killed ghost!"

Bai Shanchang smiled unkindly and said, "Although I do cooperate with the blood sect, but... I was directly under Lanshan before... You have not heard of Lanshan, right? Hahaha..."

   "Those adults in Arashiyama, let alone want to get a one-horned golden lion king, they are ten heads, and they don’t care about a hundred heads..."

  Arashiyama! It's Arashiyama! Chen Xuan was shocked, but his face was still very calm...The existence of Lanshan, but it exists in legends. According to legend, there are five top powers in another continent, and Lanshan is one of them. Although ranked fifth and last, But that is also very, very powerful.

  A power like the Blood Sect is actually a small gang in another continent, but it controls a small realm...

And what Lanshan governs is not a mountain, but it is probably already a country. Legend has it that the continents of different worlds are divided into five parts, varying in size, but the smallest is larger than the whole Xuncheng continent... so The area under Lanshan's jurisdiction is even larger than the mainland of Xuncheng...

  But doesn’t Arashiyama want to reach into the White House too, isn’t it? Chen Xuan immediately rejected his naive idea. Lanshan may not be limited to the mainland of Xuncheng. Lanshan is very smart. When the other four powers were fighting for life and death on another continent, Lanshan put his eyes on the mainland of Xuncheng. Want to rule the mainland of Xuncheng, enslave the mainland of Xuncheng, and then fight for the hegemony of another continent! And the Bai Shanchang of the White Mansion is just a small person in their plan, but even the small person still gave a beast like the unicorn golden lion king to guard...

  It can be seen how terrifying this Arashiyama is!

   Chen Xuan's desire to become stronger is getting stronger and stronger. One day he will kill the Blood Sect, or even Lanshan, to let them know what will happen to the people who provoke the mainland of Xuncheng? There is only one word and that is death! Chen Xuan secretly vowed to...

  The one-horned golden lion king stared at Chen Xuan like a winner. Chen Xuan pulled out the Jialan sword, and the blue essence of the Jialan sword kept burning...

   "What a powerful mental power!"

   "Tian Ne... this... this Jia Lan sword..."

The cultivators in the White Mansion sighed in twos and threes about the strength of the Jialan Sword. Of course, it is not easy to see the magical soldiers in a realm like the Bai Mansion... It is even possible to see the magical soldiers in a realm like Xuncheng Continent. It is also difficult.

  Everyone understands the principle of cherishing his sins, so it is natural to stay away from the gods.

   "Wait for him to die... His weapon is ours!"

   "Yeah, wait for him to die! We also have the first magic weapon in the White Mansion hahahaha!"

  The cultivators greedily looked at the Jialan sword in Chen Xuan’s hand, as if they felt that even if Chen Xuan was strong, he could not beat the one-horned Golden Lion King. Chen Xuan did not argue, but just smiled...


  The three fireballs of the one-horned golden lion king kept pushing towards Chen Xuan. The flames can burn all the microorganisms in the air and ventilate everything in the barrier except Chen Xuan...

  Wu Tianliang is a bit scared, but fortunately he just retreated outside the barrier. If not, although it is impossible to directly gasify, it can't stop this. It may be seriously injured, or the cultivation base may be completely destroyed...


Chen Xuan’s Jialan sword seems to have transformed into a phantom, the Jialan sword is like a blue dragon phantom, and Chen Xuan is like a dragon rider riding on a dragon, approaching those three. Fireball.

   "Wow... is he looking for death, right?"

   "It seems that another cultivator's life is about to die from the one-horned golden lion king..."

   "But he is also responsible for his own sake! Who made him offend Lord Bai Shan Changbai... Then he will only die!"


  Chen Xuan’s Jialan sword is like a mouth that can swallow the sky, opening a huge mouth of blood...

   swallowed a fireball in one bite...


  In less than three seconds, the three fireballs were immediately resolved by Chen Xuan's Jialan sword.

  (End of this chapter)

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