Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1595: Hatred

   Chapter 1595 Hate

   "Hahahaha...Brother Bai is really amazing!" The black dragon smiled heartily, and instantly transformed from the black dragon to the creation of the world.

   "Brother Black is also...hahaha..." Bailong also transformed into a white-clothed man Bai Ze, and his hearty laughter was exactly the same as that of the black-robed man who created the world.

  But what Chen Xuan has noticed is that there is a trace of unwillingness in the smile of the white-clothed man, and a trace of weakness in the eyes.

  "I still don't come to see the master"

  The voice of creation is very strong. It's like a sound that can be heard throughout the universe.

  He created the world...he broke through again? Shouldn't, he and I are both in the Golden Core Realm. But that roar just now is definitely to... it can only be achieved by the power of the gods!

  The unwillingness in Bai Ze's eyes is getting stronger...why is it before, before the creation of this world...He is the only general instructor of Xundu Academy...When he comes, your Majesty is so partial to him!

  Huh... and you broke through so fast, one day you will know the fate of offending the old man.

  Bai Ze smiled on his face, but in his heart he killed the creation thousands of times. Of course, Creation could see Bai Ze's thoughts. But he didn't care. You don't need to care too much about him just because of this character.

   "Bye... to see the master..."

   Chen Xuan saw Chuangshi and felt a little familiar! It's that... in his dream to guide his cultivation method. The strong man who allowed him to break through the pinnacle of the acquired realm

  Chen Xuan stared at Chuangshi’s face carefully. I actually feel that the face under the black robe is a little fuzzy...

  This is...Is this...Is it wrong with the powerhouses in the transformation of the gods? The so-called transformation of the gods is an empty body, which should be far from the effect of being able to control the world...this...Who is this cheap master of mine?

  The so-called body control is to control the entity transformed by the consciousness in one's body, and then attack more powerfully.

   And this control of heaven and earth, this is far from what can be achieved by the transformation stage. That can be regarded as a real god!

  "Young man, did you really forget me?" Chuangshi smiled and asked Chen Xuan.

  The scene in Chen Xuanmeng reappeared... and also thought of the creators of the Trial of Half Immortal and Trial of Sanxian...

  Is he the real...the real strong...

  His name is Chuangshi...Chuangshi...this name...Sure enough...

  "It seems that you have already thought of it? Yes, I am the creator of this world...but I am definitely not the strongest...this world...well...I'll talk to you later..."

  "Now you need to learn about Xundu and Xundu College..."

   "Also call me Master..."

  The black robe man smiled trivially and said.

   "But... But why do you, such a powerful person, want to accept me as a disciple who is a powerful person in the acquired realm?"

   "Do you think I would accept you as a disciple... Do you know what a real immortal is? What you thought before was wrong!"

   "What kind of fairy tales or half-immortal trials, which can also be called immortals, is just a bit more powerful ants!"

  The black robe man said with disdain.

  "There are three types of real immortals, one is the ordinary immortal, the other is the earth immortal, and the other is the most powerful celestial immortal!"

  "But there are gods above the gods, gods! The power of gods is the most powerful realm I can know at the moment!"

  The look of longing in the eyes of the black-robed people...Yes, gods, but in tens of thousands of years...or in the past hundreds of thousands of years, how many gods have appeared?

  I'm afraid that there is no...The only deity closest to the present was five million years ago...

  "A million years ago, a **** named Yu appeared...Yes, that is the great Yu who controls water."

   "His water treatment is not really to manage the water... but to create a world and change people's destiny..."

  The black-robed man paused and then said, "The so-called gods can create a powerful world and let everyone live in his world. That is to say, they can control the existence of life and death!"

  Creation longingly said, "And the gods... are just the powerhouses in the world of the gods..."

   "The gods... are the real emperors! And after the destruction of our world from Dayu... alas..."

   "Will the gods still perish? Isn't they immortal?" Chen Xuan asked curiously.

   "In fact, immortality... If there is no such thing..." Chuang Shi frowned and said with emotion.

   "Three million years ago, a powerful dark power emerged, called the meditation domain... and the existence of the meditation domain... actually has been pressing our Yu world..."

   "Until that great battle, that great battle, even God Yu died...but fortunately, a piece of divine consciousness was left behind."

   "The death of God Yu also took away the two powerhouses of the heavenly gods in the underworld. They are called underworld."

   "So there is no **** in the Yu world. But in recent years... it seems that there is a mysterious young master in the underworld..."

  "Legend is the most likely existence to become the **** of the underworld..."

  Hei-robed man's stern face, he said.

   "But... don't we still have you here? Hahaha."

  The black-robed man Chuangshi smiled and looked at Chen Xuan and said.

   "I... why am I?"

  Chen Xuan also feels very puzzled, why is it himself? How could I be involved in this matter?

"There is no way. God Yu's divine consciousness was about to spread that day. I said before the spread... Now... God Yu's divine consciousness still leaves a protective cover. It also covers the breakthrough of our Yu and Ming realms... "

   "But it is estimated that there is less than three hundred years, and it may not be able to hold it... and you are the next person designated by Emperor Yu who is most likely to become a god."

  The black robe man looked at Chen Xuan with a smile on his face.

   "Then why are you not the master?"

  Chen Xuan felt very strange, his cheap master, I am afraid that his current level is also very high.

   "I am the guardian of the Yu world at this term! I am called the creator. God Yu left an instruction before he died."

  The black-robed man paused and then said, "Anyone who has reached the level of heaven and immortal will form an alliance called Yu League."

   "And this Yu League will elect a proxy leader to act as an agent to control the Yu world. Until the power of the gods appears."

  The black robe man solemnly said that there is naturally a strong respect for Yu Shen in his words.

  "Then I...Is the next creator of Yujie, the next leader of the Yu League?" Chen Xuan couldn't believe it.

  A powerful existence at the level of the gods! It is almost an existence that can create the world and control the life and death of all living things!

  Unexpectedly, God Yu thought he could carry this burden. At first he just wanted to protect the mainland of Xuncheng.

  But now his vision is even bigger. What about the continent of Xuncheng, what about the continent of another world, what about the continent of another sea?

  These are all of my own race! And the dark power like Mingyu, the enemy is now.

  What is personal grievance? So Chen Xuan just wanted to become stronger now, strong enough to guard everything.

   However, the distinction of Yujie is indeed...this is something Yushen did not expect. In fact, God Yu still underestimated people's ambitions...

   "But... you can't take on this important task now, let me do it for you. You need to improve your strength as soon as possible."

  "This book is called Sanzhou Zhi. You should study it carefully. It should be able to guide you how to improve faster."

  "When you step into the Dan realm...Xundu Academy may not be able to trap you! Your stage is the entire Yu realm or the entire world!"

   Chen Xuan's eyes were ignited with a strong fighting spirit, and the fighting spirit like a raging flame covered his heart.

  The black-robed man saw this and felt very satisfied. "But tomorrow you have to meet your majesty first..."

  Chuangshi said with a smile.

  "The appearance of the main emperor of Xuncheng Continent. Rescue the Xuncheng Continent from its fragmentation. Also a great monarch!"

   "It's just that Mingjun also has the emperor's mind. And he is more powerful than other kings."

   "So you should be prepared! Tomorrow's gestures are best not to offend him! But if the Lord Emperor is offended, we are not afraid of him!"

  This world is inherently powerful only when it is powerful. If he loses the asylum of Xundu Academy... this great Lord Emperor should not be far from destruction.

   "From the peak of the Houtian realm to the alchemy realm, and even the cultivation after the alchemy... it does not rely on countless training."

  "It's experience! Do you understand?"

   "Although you worship me as a teacher, I may only be able to teach you one path to experience... I may not be able to teach you the rest, and no one can teach you!"

  The black-robed man put away his cynicism and some yearning attitude. Speaking to Chen Xuan solemnly.

  "And the white-clothed man Bai Ze...he is a villain, you have to guard against it! Although he looks very kind and hearty on the surface."

   "But such a person is often the most terrifying like a poisonous snake." The black-robed man finished speaking and walked into the house.

  Chen Xuan also followed him and entered the palace of Chuangshi Academy in Xundu. That is a particularly magnificent palace.

  Countless rare and exotic medicines glowed with a scent of rare and exotic treasures. It's tangy. And the sandalwood in the palace was also lingering, and Chen Xuan felt like entering a fairyland. Although the palace is elegant, the utensils and decorations are extremely precious.

  It turns out that this Xundu Academy is really so rich!

  Chen Xuan thought, although Chen Xuan had seen many homes of high-ranking officials and nobles in the White House. Including the Bai Shanchang's house in the White House. But not even a finger here. This made Chen Xuan sigh.

   "Boy...this is Xundu College! The college is named after the largest and most prosperous central city in the mainland of Xuncheng."

   "The best academy in the mainland of Xuncheng, an academy that even the lord depends on."

  "And I...I'm one of the chief tutors of this academy... Tell me about my palace, how can it be compared with the ants you saw before"

   "And my current external status is nothing more than a strong person in the Golden Core Realm. I haven't even broken through the Golden Core Realm."

   "You have already received this courtesy... Do you want to practice harder and become stronger? Hahaha..."

  The black-robed man began to smile wretchedly again...

  (End of this chapter)

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