Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1627: Return to the Temple of Jialan

   Chapter 1627 Return to the Palace of Jialan

Chen Xuan slowly felt the comfort brought by the powerful sense of consciousness in his body... It was a warm current that slowly flowed into Chen Xuan from within the Danhai... Chen Xuan felt his own sense of consciousness. , The formed blue-purple body pill just occupied one third of this pill sea...

   "Huh! It seems that I am still in the early stage of Nascent Soul Realm!"

   Chen Xuan said to himself a little disappointed.

  Because in general, Chen Xuan drank Xianjia Qiongye. Therefore, his Dan Hai was originally much larger than the cultivators on the same street. And every time a cultivator breaks through a level... Dan Hai will expand again. Therefore, Chen Xuan's current Danhai capacity is very huge. But it was even more difficult for Chen Xuan to break through to the next level.

  Because the Nascent Infant Realm is currently divided into three levels...they are the Elementary Nascent Infant Stage, the Middle Nascent Infant Stage, and the Peak of the Nascent Infant Realm! And Chen Xuan is currently an elementary powerhouse in the Nascent Soul Realm! There are also two ranks above to attack the Wonderland powerhouse! But let alone a beginner-level powerhouse in the Nascent Soul Realm!

  Chen Xuan's own divine consciousness transforms into an elementary powerhouse in the Nascent Infant Realm! In other words, when fighting... the enemy will fight with two strong men in the Nascent Soul Realm! The fighting power of the strong Nascent Soul Realm will become twice that of his own equivalent!

   And Chen Xuan is compared to the strong of the same level, but Chen Xuan will be much stronger than the same level.... Therefore, if Chen Xuan is against a powerful Nascent Soul Realm of the same level... I am afraid that he can be killed directly! If you encounter an intermediate-level powerhouse in the Nascent Soul Realm...I'm afraid I can take some effort...I can also kill him! If you encounter... the strongest of the Nascent Soul Stage pinnacle, I am afraid that he will be able to get a glimmer of life from his hands!

  If you encounter the Nascent Soul Realm, but if you encounter a strong man of the earth fairy level, there will be no doubt... be killed by the strong man of the earth fairy!

  But what Chen Xuan fears most is being besieged by several Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses! After all, there are still relatively few powerhouses in the land fairyland...the few hardly exist!

  This is why Chen Xuan is currently unable to deal with Hedezong and return to the sect! At present, if Chen Xuan goes to fight against several Nascent Soul Realm alone...Although Guizong and Hedezong add up... only two Nascent Soul Realm peak powerhouses are in charge...There are also two Nascent Soul Realm mid-level powerhouses. Sitting in town... there are eight beginners in the Nascent Soul Realm remaining!

   And what made Chen Xuan most jealous was not the four Nascent Soul Stages higher than him...but the eight-digit Elementary Nascent Soul Stage powerhouse! If eight powerful men of the Nascent Infant realm are at the peak to besiege and kill a strong Nascent Infant realm peak! I'm afraid I can easily kill him!

  And Chen Xuan currently wants revenge!

  The only way to reach the Earth Wonderland...If you reach the Earth Wonderland... Then it's not a problem to kill the strongest of the 100 Yuanying Realm peaks! And the elementary powerhouse in the Nascent Soul Realm will be an ant in front of the powerhouse in the Earth Wonderland! The powerless ant!

  But Chen Xuan's strength... At present, there is still a long distance away from the fairyland! So for Chen Xuan, he still doesn't reveal his identity! Because of the exposure of his identity, it caused a murderous disaster... Chen Xuan was not that stupid!

  But Chen Xuan must first know the Jialan Temple in the Blue Sword Realm! That Jialan sword god! If you dare to provoke him, Chen Xuan must pay for his behavior!

  Chen Xuan thought coldly...Chen Xuan’s determined face was flooded with murderous intent...and the atmosphere around Chen Xuan quickly dropped to a freezing point! Chen Xuan’s cold and arrogant expression was full of killing intent... It felt like a scourge was accumulating energy... And Chen Xuan took this amount of hatred and bills in his heart... In Chen Xuan's heart ...In fact, there is a list of killers...but there are not many people on this list...but a few years later, in the Yu world, countless practitioners will fear this...list that exists in the heart of a murderer...

  Chen Xuan stood up slowly, and felt the power that the Nascent Soul Realm brought him...


Suddenly Chen Xuan felt that his internal organs were full of powerful divine consciousness... and the blue-purple divine consciousness had become an entity... and standing behind him was Chen Xuan wearing a black robe. ...

This Chen Xuan's figure and appearance are exactly the same as Chen Xuan's body... and this Chen Xuan's cold arrogance is also exactly the same as Chen Xuan's body... Chen Xuan slowly hid his sub-body... into his own divine consciousness... …

Because in general, the strong men of the Nascent Infant Realm of the secondary body...only when fighting or encountering danger will they be recognized as a body... But generally speaking, the strong men of the Nascent Infant realm will not be in order to hide their strength. In life... let your auxiliary body leave your Dan Sea...

And every move of Chen Xuan's auxiliary body will be connected with Chen Xuan's soul... Chen Xuan's auxiliary body feels like another another person with his own independent thinking and wisdom... and fighting power and Flesh humans... What makes people more daunting is that... the main body and sub-body of the Nascent Soul Realm powerhouse are extremely spiritually interlinked...

Whenever Chen Xuan in the main body thinks of a tactic, even if it is a flash in his heart... Chen Xuan in the sub-body will immediately know... Similarly, Chen Xuan in the main body can immediately perceive what Chen Xuan in the sub-body thinks in his heart. .

  On the battlefield, there is a fully connected Nascent Soul Realm powerhouse... that destructive power and combat power... can indeed be awe-inspiring. Chen Xuan thought of this... a rare smile appeared on that cold face...


  Chen Xuan snorted coldly.

   "Gui Zong and He De Zong, you will wait for me... You will regret your sins sooner or later! You can do anything... But if Chen Xuan provokes me, it will be death!"

  Chen Xuan's words of murderous intent made the sky and the earth full of smoke. Dark clouds piled up in the sky above Jialan Eye.

"Even if the legendary way of heaven provokes me, Chen Xuan... Then I, Chen Xuan, will destroy the sky! Let the sky no longer have the scorching sun, and the earth no longer have void! I, Chen Xuan, will split the sky apart! The world outside Xutian!"

  Chen Xuan said coldly, and at this moment the dark clouds in the sky... actually compromisingly dispersed...

   "Huh! I'm Chen Xuan from the Temple of Jialan! The God of Jialan! No matter whose divine consciousness you are, you are ready to die!"

   Chen Xuan's words made the surrounding atmosphere drop to freezing point once again. But Chen Xuansi didn't care, and jumped into the black whirlpool with high spirits!

  And the black vortex was not like had a lot of negative effects on Chen Xuan, perhaps because Chen Xuan became stronger. It could also be because Chen Xuan killed Jialan Sword Demon!

  Chen Xuan slowly passed through the black hole to the Palace of Jialan...

  And the feeling of Jialan Temple to Chen Xuan is not the same as before, the sense of security...but it makes Chen Xuan feel dangerous...


   "You actually defeated the Jalan Sword Demon! And you are back... It's amazing!"

  Suddenly... a huge boom blasted through the sky... Chen Xuan felt that the boom was deafening through his ears...

   "Heh...but...what can you will still be in the Jialan sword domain...killed..."

   Jia Blue Sword God said proudly.

  The sound made the pillars of the Jialan Temple begin to shake...It seems that the Jialan Temple is about to be collapsed by such a powerful sound...

   "Why do you want to do this!"

  Chen Xuan’s expression is very cold and arrogant, and also very calm...It makes people unable to see the joy, anger, sorrow, and joy...

   "Hmph! You are very calm! Why do you hum!"

   Jia Blue Sword God snarled crazy...

  The pillars of the Jialan Temple in the Jialan Sword Region all began to collapse...


  Suddenly, there was a thunder in the void outside the Jialan Temple... and Chen Xuan still looked calmly at the sword **** Jialan as always...

  Waiting for the reason in his mouth!

   "Yes... I am indeed a spiritual sense of God Yu... But it is a pity..."

   "In my divine sense...there is also the divine sense of Jialan Sword Demon...that is to say..."

   "God Yu separated his spiritual consciousness... and did not completely separate the evil thoughts from his body..."

   "Do you know why?"

  Jia Blue Sword Demon looked at Chen Xuan playfully and asked.

  Chen Xuan shook his head puzzled...

   "Because of the separation of evil thoughts... the original body is the greed in evil thoughts! So God Yu..."

   "I still haven't separated the evil thoughts from the body...All evil stems from greed!"

  Jia Blue Sword God, the sound of the vigorous wind... is flooded between heaven and earth...

   "Then why... God Yu could survive the catastrophe" Chen Xuan was even more puzzled...

  Why God Yu can survive the catastrophe without separating greed from his body...

  Didn’t it mean that... only a person with the purest heart can get through it?


   Jia Blue Sword God, coldly snorted...

  Go on to say...

   "Good is evil... Evil is good... All evil comes from greed! Greed is the greatest evil!"

   "God Yu...that is, my master ten million years ago...because I want to be a god!"

   "And with greed... Greed is the greatest evil... Greedy in the position of the gods... Delusion to control everything... is the greatest greed... So God Yu made a mistake..."

   "Passed Heavenly Tribulation...He is a person with the most evil heart...Because of the most evil, he passed the Heavenly Tribulation!"

  Jia Lan Sword God smiled, and told the secret of Yushen...

  No wonder, at that time, God Yu had survived the catastrophe... He has been reluctant to reveal something about the catastrophe...

  I haven’t given any explanation on how to become innocent, the way of being the most good person...

  It turns out that there is still this relationship. If it is said in the Yu world that God Yu became a **** of heaven because he became the most evil person...It is very likely that no one believes...

  Some people even think that Chen Xuan’s brain has a problem...because everyone in the Yu world...thinks that...the God of Yu is the most good person...and the existence of the only **** respected in this world.

   Chen Xuan’s head also seemed to explode... God Yu actually passed the catastrophe because of evil thoughts...


   Suddenly, the blue sword **** splintered into the blessed body of another blue sword **** wearing a black robe...

   "Huh! Little guy... It seems we will have a battle... But I tell you!"

   "The Nascent Infant Realm in this seat has broken through to the intermediate level. You will only have to suffer death after the meeting..."

   Jia Lan Sword God proudly said to Chen Xuan...

  (End of this chapter)

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