Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1637: The incredible killing (1)

  Chapter 1637 The incredible killing (1)

  So Chen Xuan is dead anyway! This is the conclusion of Ren Ran and Xu Ran... But Chen Xuan is dead... Is he going to be buried with him? why?

  Xu Ran and Ren Ran, of course not willing!

  But Chen Xuan thought all this a little simpler! How could the Nine Great Sects not know who did it when the disciple died? Chen Xuan still thinks about this thing simply...

  But Chen Xuan can’t be blamed! Because Chen Xuan had been in Xuncheng Continent before... but there weren't a single nine sects in Xuncheng Continent! Therefore, Chen Xuan couldn't imagine how powerful the nine sects really are!

  This can be regarded as Chen Xuan's own shortcoming...because Chen Xuan can't imagine how powerful the nine sects and the outside world are! Although he was in Sanbaigu’s Zangjin Pavilion before...he had seen a lot of introductions about the outside world!

  But seeing is only seeing! And those books are only written by ancestors! As for things that are constantly changing. How much does Chen Xuan know about the outside world?

  Chen Xuan himself thinks that there is really too little! Chen Xuan felt that he was still a frog at the bottom of the well! Although he has reached the elementary powerhouse in the Nascent Soul Realm! But that's too best...just a stronger frog at the bottom of the well...

  Chen Xuan understands this truth in his heart! So I don't dare to slack off even more when fighting!

  This is still very strong for the current self!

  The still-ran expression is getting more and more hideous... as if it was a great humiliation... actually was resisted by an unknown junior with two tricks... but still the fire dragon transformed by divine consciousness...

  But the more he fought and the more courageous... he snarled up to the sky...


  The deafening sound made the sky and the earth tremble...In an instant black smoke billowed between the sky and the earth...The blue cloud was instantly enveloped by black smoke...


  The sky was abruptly shattered into a big hole... Is this the barrier broken? So powerful...actually for cultivators...the so-called void is the barrier created during battle...

  Generally speaking, the flowers and trees in the enchantment will not grow any grass for several years after playing! This is the strong... the strong can naturally change the world. And the stronger the stronger is in the battle, the larger the barrier used...

   Just like when a strong man in the gods of the heavens or a strong man in the earth is fighting, I am afraid that he needs to create a world to fight...

  At this moment, the thick smoke between the heavens and the earth filled up in an instant... And at this moment, the flowers and trees in the enchantment... all withered under this powerful fighting intent... What a powerful fighting intent... Chen Xuan thought in his heart!

  But so what? Soldiers come to cover the water and earth!

   Chen Xuan and Chen Xuan's sub-body, also majestic looking down the entire enchantment world in the void!

  The red dragon instantly...just jumped in the air...and the roaring wind of the red dragon swept all the objects beside the dragon into the sky!


Those flying sand and walking stones instantly smashed towards Chen Xuan and Chen Xuan's sub-body... Chen Xuan and Chen Xuan's sub-body left and right... The ghostly light dance steps... The calm and untouched stone like huge mountains Passing by...

And some directly smashed towards Chen Xuan and Chen Xuan's sub-body... Chen Xuan and Chen Xuan's sub-body unanimously pulled out the Jialan sword and the sub-body of the Jialan sword... and pushed towards the huge stones. …

   "Naughty animal! Looking for death!" Chen Xuan yelled at the sky. Suddenly Chen Xuan and Chen Xuan's auxiliary body, Jialan sword and Jialan sword's auxiliary body... they smashed towards the gravel...

  Blue sword shadow firelight...The temperature of the firelight seems to be frozen in the sky and the earth! He pushed directly towards those huge rocks and mad sands... the blue flame made the red dragon feel a great threat!

  The red dragon boomed... leaped into the sky...

  And those blue flames instantly turned into icy white frost and snow, entangled towards those huge boulders and sand...


  Those violent sand and gravel were instantly frozen into ice by the icy flames of Chen Xuanjia’s Blue Sword and Jia Lan’s secondary body... At this time, Chen Xuan and Chen Xuan's sub-body... used the Jialan sword to slam into the cold ice block...


Suddenly, the main body of the Jialan sword and the blade of the auxiliary body became cold... A huge chill came towards Chen Xuan and Chen Xuan's auxiliary body... but Chen Xuan did not see a trace of fluctuation on his face. ...Still a cold expression...

   And the dragon is quickly approaching Chen Xuan's sub-body... At this moment, Ren Ran's body has also turned into a black mad dragon and slew towards Chen Xuan's body...

  The black dragon, the killing intent at this moment has made Chen Xuan feel trembling...but Chen Xuan's cold expression...forcibly suppressed this discomfort...

  The black dragon rolled up a hurricane, and his dragon body...compelled towards Chen Xuan together...

"Chen Xuan... go to death..." Xu Ran couldn't help shaking with that powerful force... Fortunately, Xu Ran is a powerful person in the elementary stage of the Nascent Infant Realm... if there is still a strong one who hasn't reached the Nascent Infant Realm here. …I’m afraid I’ll be driven crazy alive, maybe…

Chen Xuan's face is still very firm, his expression is as peaceful as sleeping... It forms a strong contrast with the ferocious expression of Ren Ran at this time... And still seeing Chen Xuan is calm... The anger in his heart is even greater. The anger can't rest...

  Why is this Chen Xuan? But it's just a young man with no school or school in Xuncheng Continent... I dare to be so mad about myself! It is their Majesty the Emperor of the mainland of Xuncheng... who saw his invisible door... I was afraid that he would immediately kneel down in fright...

  After all, they were seeing Hedezong and Guizong’s kind of guardian of the lower three sects... they were already close to slanderous charm... and the invisible door was the upper three sects! When I thought of...the killing intent became more and more intense...The black dragon that was still transformed into the body...At this moment, the red flames of the dragon's body are constantly engraved on the black dragon's runes...

Shining... Chen Xuan can naturally feel that powerful killing intent... But at this moment, Chen Xuan is still as calm as ever... And a few golden light beams are revealed in the world... and every golden light beam is Forced towards Chen Xuan suddenly!

  The power of heaven and earth?

   Chen Xuan's heart was shocked! This is the power of heaven and earth of the Nascent Soul Realm powerhouse? So powerful! Chen Xuan frowned slightly! Is this the strength of the mid-level powerhouse in the Nascent Soul Realm?

  Ran Ran watched Chen Xuan's expression getting more and more savage...but Xu Ran's expression was slightly better! The power of the sky thunder that can only be activated by the middle-level strongmen of the Nascent Infant Realm...have never heard that the first-level strongest of the Nascent Infant realm can escape...

Legend has it that the mid-level strong man in the Yuanying realm is the kind...that directly provokes the power of the heavens and the earth... and it is said that this power of the heavens and the earth is extremely powerful...and what is even more terrifying is that this sky thunder will almost make the Yuanying The realm powerhouse spends all his launch this attack! It is conceivable... how terrifying the power of the sky thunder this time was for Chen Xuan.

  And correspondingly...Once Chen Xuan escapes the power of the sky thunder this time... then for Ren Ran, he is bound to die! The reason is simple... This time I basically used all my skills... to complete this blow...

  And anyway, the spiritual consciousness in the dantian is already very's almost exhausted...

  In an instant, the golden beam of light surrounded Chen Xuan. Suddenly those golden beams of light drew the sky and thunder... forced towards Chen Xuan...

  Chen Xuan felt that those sky thunders were like behemoths in ancient times...Crazy shrouded him...Chen Xuan felt a tingling scalp...but his face was still as calm as ever...


   "Break it for me!"

   Chen Xuan shouted wildly.

  Chen Xuan's sword struck down at the golden thunder!


  Suddenly that golden thunder was opened by Chen Xuan’s Jialan sword with big cracks...

  And Chen Xuan’s calm face is in sharp contrast with Ren Ran’s ferocious face... and Xu Ran’s surprised face... an expression that has always been unbelievable...

  He...he actually blocked is this possible?

  How can the power of thunder in this day be blocked by the powerful elementary-level Nascent Soul Realm?

  It's over...this time I'm dead...Xu Ran's face instantly turned earthy...He doesn't think that Chen Xuan, who can't even stop him...can be killed by himself...

  This Chen Xuan actually blocked his own power of is this possible? Ren Ran's face is full of incredible colors! What should I do? I still don't want to die!

  But... now the consciousness in your body is indeed very weak, what should I do?

  What should I do?

  There is also an auxiliary body!

  There is also its own auxiliary body!

  The red dragon transformed by the still gods changed its previous strategic intentions...because I still don’t feel his own body is so weak...can escape Chen Xuan's pursuit!

   But because of a powerful beginner in the Nascent Soul Realm... so embarrassed to escape! I'm afraid to return to the invisible door... I might be looked down upon by many people!

  Damn Chen Xuan...

   Now in Ren Ran's heart, the killing intent towards Chen Xuan is getting stronger and stronger!


  Suddenly, the divine consciousness that was still weak...faintly poured out of his body...

  Want to run?

  Chen Xuan said to himself...

  How could Chen Xuan let Ren Ran run away... if he let Ren Ran escape... then it is very likely that he would be killed afterwards! Chen Xuan's eyes finally showed the killing intent that had been hidden for a long time...


  (End of this chapter)

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