Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1643: Chen Xuan's Sleep

   Chapter 1643 Chen Xuan's Sleep

Slowly, Chen Xuan felt that his spiritual consciousness had been exhausted...The feeling of passing by little by little finally stopped...because the inside of Chen Xuan's Danhai was empty... only left. Down the so-called shell of Danhai!

  This caused Chen Xuan to pass out of a coma...Can not help but secretly scold this Jia Lan Jie's bandit behavior countless times! But Chen Xuan still couldn't resist fainting... Chen Xuan's body seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep... But what made Chen Xuan even more incredible... Chen Xuan felt as if he still had something to do with this. The feeling of the world...


   Chen Xuan's residual spiritual sense fragments fluctuated a bit. It seems that something is pulling Chen Xuan violently...what's the matter? Chen Xuan's residual consciousness kept asking himself...

  Is it really that unlucky? What powerful enemies have you met?

  But something that made Chen Xuan feel the pain of the egg even more happened... This residual fragment of Chen Xuan was actually attracted to Jialan Ring!

  Chen Xuan's heart now seems to have countless horses quickly collapsed! What the **** is this? Is this so-called sacred instrument really a powerful sacred instrument! The distraction consciousness of God Yu didn't tell this fact before he disappeared! What exactly is going on!

   Chen Xuan's heart seemed to burst like a bolt from the blue sky!

  But Chen Xuan resigned himself to letting the gravitational force of this blue galan ring attract himself into this blue galan ring! But Chen Xuan was still curious about the world inside this Jialan Ring!

  Chen Xuan himself entered the sword domain of the Jialan Sword...that is a very interesting space! Although it is still very dangerous! But all these are the ghosts of Yushen's tens of millions of years old guy!

  But this world is still very interesting! That is to say, the Jialan Ring as a sacred artifact still has its own unique space! Wait...Which old ghost designed this Jialan Ring?

  Yu Shen again!

   still Yushen!

  Yu Shen, this old fellow!

  Chen Xuan's heart instantly cursed the old guy Yu God thousands of times, but still didn't feel relieved... Then he fantasized about the scene where he used the Jialan sword to slash the **** Yu thousands of times!

  But when Chen Xuan entered the world of Jialan Ring...all these fantasies came to an abrupt end! It's like a fast horse... that speed soars to several thousand yards... it suddenly stops...

  Because Chen Xuan knew in his heart...that was the world of God Yu! The ghost knows what is in Yushen's world! If you can't control your emotions well... then whether the remnants of your spiritual consciousness can survive is still a matter of opinion!

  However, what puzzled Chen Xuan was that God Yu’s distraction was not a good idea, did he pass the test? Why is there such a case... Could it be said that the lovely and great Lord Yushen repented again?

  But how is that possible? After all, God Yu is the ancient god, the pioneer of the Yu world... At least he should be a good word... Chen Xuan thought in his heart, and couldn't help calming his mind...

  But the vigilance that Chen Xuan should have in his heart still did not relax at all!

  But Chen Xuan found out when he entered the world within Jialan Ring! This is really a blue world... and it's very empty... What's more, it seems that the power of the world around it is very full...

  Could it be said that this enchantment can be used for self-cultivation?

  Wrong! Chen Xuan immediately rejected his idea! This is how Chen Xuan asked himself! Has there been any free things since he came into this world? He remembered the first time he went to a small place like Baifuyu... even to eat a meat bun, he had to pay for it himself... From this point of view... there is no such thing as free in this world!

  Chen Xuan affirmed in his heart...

  So he was not anxious to absorb these so-called powers of heaven and earth...but waited for the master of this enchantment...or the distraction consciousness of the master of this enchantment to appear!

  Chen Xuan slowly crossed his legs and sat down...He did not rush to feel the power of these heavens and earth...but sat quietly...

   "The boy's mood is indeed calm enough, and the **** is really not the wrong person."

  The kind and kind smile once again appeared in front of Chen Xuan's eyes... and then followed by the blue icy flames... slowly converging...

Slowly, a man dressed in a blue robe...A handsome man with sharp edges and corners appeared in front of Chen Xuan's eyes...In fact, there were still some old ones...but Chen Xuan had to admit that...just a little worse than himself. Little handsome! Although he is already very handsome! But it's a little bit worse than myself!

  It's still a little bit right

  When God Yu learned of Chen Xuan’s thoughts at the moment... the corner of his mouth twitched slightly... there is such a shameless person! If it hadn't been for him to pass his test!

  And if it weren’t for this world...he didn’t intend to use the power of the world’s heaven and earth immediately...refined into his own consciousness...or else...he would really doubt if he had chosen the wrong person!

"Boy... Congratulations on your present state of mind! As for this god... it's not the distraction consciousness of Lord Yu... this **** doesn't have any spiritual knowledge background... this **** is just a piece of spiritual knowledge. Transformation..."

  Chen Xuan glanced at this old but still very handsome virtual image of God Yu! It's just a fragment of God's consciousness... It looks like the real God Yu... But since it is a virtual image of God Yu... Then you have to ask him carefully! Why... this Jialan Ring is like a terrible robber!

  Continuously absorbing his own spiritual knowledge...but still not under his control! You said that you are not under your control...That's fine...but you can't absorb so much spiritual knowledge of Chen Xuan himself...

  Chen Xuan thought in his heart...

  The fragments of God Yu's consciousness also only smiled slightly. Appears very calmly... and it seems to be quite reasonable to answer Chen Xuan... "This Jia Lan Jie... is different from Jia Lan Jian... I must have already told you about the distraction of this god. !"

  The fragments of God Yu's consciousness smiled and said to Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan looked at this kind smile... suddenly felt so shameless! With this shameless smile, Chen Xuan couldn't help but want to punch him...

  But Chen Xuan’s reason told him...This is the phantom of God Yu, the fragment of God’s consciousness... It won’t hurt to beat him! What's more, this great and cute ... is still a kindness of the gods is the opening of the king ... you can use it as a man ... how can you? What's more...what are you arguing about with an old monster that has been dead for thousands of years?


  Chen Xuan still admitted...because he can't beat him now! My own spiritual sense has been exhausted... I'm afraid a punch is no different from ordinary people...

  Shenzhen Yu’s divine sense fragments, of course, at this moment, we can learn about the so-called Chen Xuan's thoughts... the corners of his mouth twitched again... again he began to wonder if he chose the wrong person!

  Can such a shameless person save the Yu world!

   Forget it... At present, Jia Lan Jian and Jia Lan Jie have recognized their masters... If you want to change it, I am afraid that you can’t change it now... This great Yu Shen suddenly began to feel sorry for a young man named Chuangshi!

  I'm afraid he was tortured by this shameless Chen Xuan too! But if God Yu knew that this old man of creation was even more shameless than Chen Xuan... would he be going to blind himself!

  "Okay...get back to the subject...this place is for you to practice...but only when you use Jialan Ring to teleport...after creating a crisis of divine can come here to practice!"

"And the training resources here are of course not without cost! If you want to refine the spiritual sense without cost... only in your dreams!" The voice of Yu Shen's spiritual sense fragments is very solemn and solemn... It doesn’t look like the joking gesture just now...

Chen Xuan also put away the black side before... His expression also looked very cold and arrogant... He wanted to continue listening... He wanted to know... Such a training resource that all cultivators dream of. ……What kind of price do you need to change to... But it should be something you can achieve!

  Chen Xuan thought in his heart, otherwise, why would this God of Yu make this broken world? Want to worry about his successor... and the young master of the Yu world... Chen Xuan thinks that God Yu should not be so boring!

  At this point, Chen Xuan still feels that he can be sure...

"Huh! The price is not easy... After all, such cultivation resources... Only here will there be... By the way... I forgot to tell you... Although the God is only Lord Yu with a sense of consciousness Fragment..."

   "But the original **** can create divine consciousness or the original **** can create an entire world! That's why... Lord Yu... the most important reason for keeping me here!"

  The distraction of God Yu smiled and said to Chen Xuan. Make the whole world? Could it be said that this price is the secret realm and the monster beast... or what kind of trial? Could it be that the cultivation opportunities here are... you need to exchange your great life?

"Huh! The young man guessed what the original **** wanted to say! That's it! The original **** went back to create an enchantment... and when you refining this so-called power of heaven and earth reached... your pill sea was filled! Then... is when you are teleported to the secret realm!"

   "Of course it doesn't matter if you... can you come back alive in the secret realm... as long as you go to the secret realm... then the price of the cultivation opportunity can be wiped out!"

  Shen Yu’s divine consciousness fragment said to Chen Xuan with a smile...

  It's another life in exchange! Although it is said that absorbing divine consciousness outside of Jialan Ring... the effect of meditation on divine consciousness may be far worse than here... because the concentration of the power of the world here is a little bit stronger than that of the outside...

  That's a world of difference! In this case, Chen Xuan is willing to fight with his fate! Chen Xuan still wants to quickly return to his peak strength! If so...what about taking a risk?

  (End of this chapter)

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