Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1647: A battle with the phantom (2)

  Chapter 1647 Battle with the Phantom (2)

  Chen Xuan came to the inside of the cave... He found that the cave was almost bottomless... Chen Xuan felt that he himself had fallen into an abyss without seeing the sun...

  In fact, it was mainly...Chen Xuan still didn't know the strength of the one inside...but God Yu asked him to test himself...Is there another time he didn't let himself fight with his life?

  So Chen Xuan at this moment still dare not care! Chen Xuan slowly poured his divine consciousness into the Jialan sword... that Jialan sword, the blue runes were instantly lit up...

   illuminates the future of Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan's eyes can vaguely see the things in the cave... Chen Xuan thinks that this cave is not so much a cave... it is more like a huge palace...

  Yes, it's like a huge palace! This made Chen Xuan feel that this trial might be more unfathomable than he had imagined! With such a big cave... With such a big prehistoric cave as the monster beast of the palace...

  I'm afraid it's also a behemoth... Chen Xuan thought. And the behemoths of the torrential stream have even reached the fairyland now... Isn't there no doubt that I will die when I go this time?

   Chen Xuan asked himself back.

   But instead, Chen Xuan felt that he might be overly complicated...The legendary behemoth was only transformed by the fragmented consciousness of God Yu...

  And the fragmented consciousness of God Yu should never reach the earth fairyland...maybe this monster beast is just a face outside the earth immortal... and his own strength is only a paper tiger in the Nascent Soul Realm...

  After Chen Xuan thought about it this way, his heart became a little more peaceful...In that case, Chen Xuan felt that he was still confident. I just don’t know if this monster is at the pinnacle of the Nascent Soul Stage or the middle-level Nascent Soul Stage, or just the same as Chen Xuan’s first stage?


   Suddenly the sky-shaking roar was getting closer and closer to Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan understood that this was because he was getting closer and closer to the monster beast. Suddenly, the valley around Chen Xuan...the soil and rocks in the an instant, it was rolled up to two feet high by the roar of this trembling talent, and it rammed directly towards the top of the valley.


  Suddenly, the top of the valley was knocked out of a huge hole. Chen Xuan looked at the hole at the top of this valley. I think this monster may have reached the peak strength of the Nascent Soul Stage...

  The blasting power of this roar is so strong, I am afraid that it has really reached the peak strength of the Nascent Infant Realm. Chen Xuan was secretly worried, what should he do?

  The test of God Yu was so harsh! This... I'm still just an elementary powerhouse in the Nascent Soul Realm! The opponent is two levels higher than himself... What should I do?

  But although Chen Xuan's heart is constantly thinking. But Chen Xuan's face is still as calm as ever...even there is a hint of cold arrogance on his face...and the eyes are deep at the if people feel like eyes that are as deep as the ocean. , To be able to bury all Chen Xuan's emotions at this moment... all deeply...

  Chen Xuan resolutely looked at the front illuminated by the blue light of the Jialan sword...Chen Xuan's footsteps never hesitated or stopped...then he strode forward.

   "Bold humans! Millions of years... Millions of years... No human dared to come close to the deity's palace to disturb the deity! You, a little baby who knows nothing about the heights of the world, dare to disturb the deity!"

The demon beast roared, and what followed the demon beast's roar was that this palace-like cave began to crumble...but the beast became interested in seeing Chen Xuan's calm look at this moment... after all, this Chen Humans like Xuan have not met in the memory of this monster beast for thousands of years...Humans like Chen Xuan...In the eyes of the monsters, they have turned into interesting playthings and delicious supplements...

  Chen Xuan of course saw that monster beast’s expression of interest in him...but Chen Xuan’s eyes stared at that monster beast without fear... The monster’s face began to become savage...

  Chen Xuan looked at this monster beast... His whole body was fully armed with the huge red scales... And there was a two-meter-long unicorn on his head...

  It made this monster look fierce...but the peak that attracted Chen Xuan's gaze was not the big unicorn, but the rune on the monster's face. This makes Chen Xuan feel strangely familiar...

  It seems to have seen it somewhere.

   "Bold humans! I'm not afraid of the deity... Huh is so bold... But since you dare to disturb the deity... you have to endure... being broken into pieces by the deity!" The monster's face became even more ferocious. He looked at Chen Xuan and found that Chen Xuan was just looking at him all the time... but he was not afraid of him... This made this monster beast seem to have suffered endless humiliation...

But Chen Xuan seems to remember...Where have I seen this monster...Which book should it be?...Chen Xuan thought about it...and Chen Xuan was thinking about...the origin of this automatically I ignored what the monster said...

  The monster beast thought that Chen Xuan was frightened by himself... and it became more and more mad...

   "Boy... if you are willing to kneel and beg your deity at this moment... the deity will let you choose a way to die! The deity will do it if you say that..."

  This made Chen Xuan feel that this monster beast was more familiar...Suddenly Chen Xuan remembered the origin of this monster! It's the Cangjin Pavilion in Sanbai Valley! Yes, that's it!

  The name of this monster beast is Phantom...It's an ancient monster! Legend has it that his temperament is addicted to killing... and his character is very cruel... can speak human language... there is a huge rune engraved on his face! And this huge rune is his prohibition... it can make him sealed in the valley palace forever... can't take half a step...

That's it... Chen Xuan understood in his heart... It was really a monster beast transformed according to the divine consciousness of the ancient behemoth... It's just that this phantom has reached the peak of the Nascent Soul Realm. I'm afraid it's not very easy to deal with. what!

How to do?

  Chen Xuan thought about countermeasures, but Chen Xuan was also dealing with this monster at the same time...

   "I... I came to this valley accidentally... Could you please tell me... At least it should make me understand... Where is it?"

  The first thing Chen Xuan needs to do at present is to understand clearly the situation here!

  And what Chen Xuan wants to know more about at this moment is this phantom... how powerful he is...

  The current Chen Xuan understands...If you don’t understand the Phantom clearly...I’m afraid I will probably die here today...

  But at this moment, Chen Xuan’s eyes looked very if he was not facing a prehistoric monster...just like an ordinary monster...

   "Hmph! That deity made you understand... The deity was sealed by the guy Yushen to this place... It has been... more than ten thousand years..."

  "And...the old immortal of God Yu...after sealing the deity here...the deity found that...the deity’s divine consciousness is passing by as the years go by..."

Speaking of this...the expression of the phantom...looks very can be may be that the **** Yu was afraid that the phantom would harm the Yu world to do so...and this phantom is only a person who hates the Yu world. ...

  So as soon as he came...he said he was going to eat himself... Chen Xuan seemed to understand this phantom...

  Then Mirage went on to say...

"But... your appearance is really a great supplement to the deity's divine consciousness! Humph! You are also on the side of God Yu...that old fellow...killing you is also considered a substitute for the deity. I've been trapped for thousands of years to recover a little bit..."

  Phantom’s facial expressions looked very hideous...especially when he himself mentioned...have been imprisoned for thousands of years...

  However, Chen Xuan felt that God Yu was really cruel...It would be better to kill the Phantom to imprison him for thousands of years...

  It’s just that God Yu had made enough preparations for his own affairs thousands of years ago? Could it be that God Yu had already expected himself after thousands of years... to come back here one day... to meet with Mirage...

  This is horrible... God of Yu is truly unfathomable... Chen Xuan once again moved to God of Yu.

  But what Chen Xuan could not think of was the words after the phantom...

   "God Yu’s hometown may not know what’s going on now... Hum... The strength of the deity is now weak to fight him..."

   "At that time, the deity was also on the eve of the catastrophe... but was... imprisoned by a **** like Yu Shen... really..."

   "This old man Yushen should still be outside...huh! Waiting for the deity to kill you...after eating you..."

   "Break off the restrictions... Then you can find the old guy Yushen to take revenge... I remember the old guy Yushen said..."

   "If someone breaks is God's will if he eats it... Then God Yu will wait for his revenge..."

  This made Chen Xuan even more surprised, which means that God Yu had long expected that he would come here. And all of this is God Yu, an existence that had arranged for him thousands of years ago, but God Yu is so powerful...

   also didn't count that he would be given to by a man of he said that he would wait for Phantom's revenge somewhere, right?

and many more……

   Chen Xuan discovered that Yu Shen may be far from being as simple as he thought... It is very possible that Yu Shen can even calculate his own death date...

  Imagine... God Yu said that it would be God’s will if someone broke in and was eaten... That is to say, God Yu had already begun to prepare for the successor he was looking for after his death...

  It seems that this man of heaven is really very powerful! Make God Yu so jealous...

  (End of this chapter)

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