Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1652: The power of another continent

  Chapter 1652 The power of another continent

Chen Xuan waved his hand and said, "He Weng, stand up... let's finish..." He still lowered his head and didn't dare to look directly into Chen Xuan's eyes... Chen Xuan's face was cold... …

   "This other world continent...the kid doesn't know more...just a few days later, the Union Sect will recruit disciples..."

"Generally speaking, the disciples of Hedezong's recruitment are the children of rich families...only those who have access can go...our Wufang Town is...only two is the son of the richest man in the town...and One is the mayor’s son...As for us..."

   "I'm afraid I only have envy..." Chen Xuan frowned. He planned to go to the sect to learn more about this sect...

  I am afraid to kill them in the future... and be more prepared... It's just this breaking the rules that makes Chen Xuan a headache...

  Chen Xuan doesn’t know any mayor or the richest man in the village...

   "Actually... these two places used to be to meet the world... God knows the qualification requirements of the Union Sect..."

  "The qualification requirements are extremely high... The sons of those powerful families were sent back not a few days later... They are not surprised too..."

   "It's just... alas..."

  He Weng sighed and shook his head...

  Chen Xuan has a foreboding that...this matter has hope...Chen Xuan said coldly..."What's wrong...He Weng...but it doesn't matter..."

  "It's just that there is a quota...this year I don't know who should go..." He Weng's face became if the person who came to this quota was not good...

  This makes Chen Xuan a little curious. According to reason, isn’t it just going to see the world? It should be everyone rushing to go...why...

  Is there any secret?

  "This quota...different from the first two...basically, there is no return...that united sect is known as...using the method of extreme stimulate the potential of the sender..."

"Of course there is only one quota... Every year, the most worrying one is probably our Wufang Town... Who makes us Wufang Town the poorest and the smallest... This burden, of course, the rich and powerful people in Xuzhou... To our town..."

  He Weng’s face suddenly turned pale... and then...

"It's just... this Wufang Town... the poorest and weakest is our village... Our village's poor and weak coupled with the poor harvest... This place naturally comes out of our village..." This... Chen Xuan is actually Find it interesting...

  Three places and two were given to the dignitaries...there was one that no one they were given to the weakest type of people in Xuzhou City...

  This world is really interesting! But what is this method of extreme persecution... Chen Xuan is also really curious... because the children of these aristocratic families are willing to give up their quota...

   And he is evasive...what kind of quota is this? Chen Xuan still had a cold and arrogant expression... Chen Xuan felt that the weak in this world would have been oppressed by the strong... There are too many such things...

  It’s no surprise that he has long been...

  It’s just that...Chen Xuan thinks that the only opportunity he may have now is this method of extreme persecution...

   "Then what is the limit of persecution?"

   Chen Xuan still asked coldly.

   "This method of extreme persecution... in the final analysis is to kill people... inspire the last trace of his will to survive..."

  "And generally speaking, the members of the Union Sect are some powerful people in the transformation of the gods..." "and those who are required to participate must also be practitioners in the pill realm..."

  But in this town, wherever there are cultivators who have cultivated by themselves, so they can only... pull us over to fill the number...

  Chen Xuan seems to understand...this so-called extreme method of persecution is, in the final analysis, a small method...what kind of small method does Chen Xuan want...this so-called extreme method of persecution...

   is a trick with one stone and two birds... Chen Xuan understands... Once there are cultivators spontaneously cultivated in Xuzhou City... it will naturally cause huge obstacles to the stability and rule of the integrated sect...

  So this Heguizong...naturally would hide him deeply...Chen Xuan also knew...if such a spontaneous cultivator was willing to submit to Heguizong...that would also be a huge benefit for Heguizong.

  Chen Xuan felt that this might be the only opportunity for him... He smiled and looked at He Weng and said...

   "Report me this year... It shouldn't be difficult to fake my position in the village... It's just..."

  Chen Xuan hesitated for a moment and then said.

   "It's just that I don't want to let others know that I am a cultivator before I get to my sect..."

   Suddenly Chen Xuan’s words were like the will of the gods and rescued their entire village...

  He Weng knelt down immediately...because it was his son's turn to die in He Village this year...

  He Cun called this a sacrifice...In their eyes...this terrible Congui sect is like a god...

And offering sacrifices to the gods of life seems to have become a matter of course... But Chen Xuan's appearance saved them... At least He Weng thinks so... He Weng even began to wonder if this was a dream of his own. What?

   "That...that...then I'll go to the village chief first...sir, please rest first..." He Weng...I was afraid that Chen Xuan would go back, so he crawled out of Chen Xuan's room...

   Then Chen Xuan coldly began to think...

  This place is really interesting! Heguizong... don't know what kind of existence is inside the sect?

  Although Chen Xuan has already been to Xundu College, the strongest college in the mainland of Xuncheng...

  But Chen Xuan knows that the so-called Xundu Academy is a fart in the eyes of Heguizong... and the legendary nine sects... the next three sects have two merged... now it is the eight sects...

  And this united sect is afraid...has already entered the ranks of Ping Sanzong. But what makes Chen Xuan more curious...

  What kind of existence was the place where Xiao He was killed... It is said that Xiao He only provoked one of their outer disciples at the time...

   Then the whole family was brutally killed... and Xiaohe himself... Chen Xuan's eyes were full of hatred...

  The killing intent is overwhelming...It is even worse than just now... Chen Xuan's Ling Li's killing intent spread to the surroundings...

  Fortunately, at this one is by Chen Xuan's side...Otherwise... just by this powerful killing intent... I'm afraid I will be scared to death...

  Chen Xuan’s killing intent... even through the door, the atmosphere and air outside will directly drop to the freezing point...

  But Chen Xuan quickly controlled his emotions...

  Chen Xuan took out a pill from Jialan Ring...This was after he entered the sword domain of Jialan Sword...

  The pill given by God Yu...Chen Xuan didn’t know... whether this pill could bring his strength... down to the golden pill realm...

  In this case...Chen Xuan had to give it a try...Chen Xuan coldly looked at this medicine...

  Open the brocade box of the pill...In an instant, Fangfang smelled his nose...He remembered that he was in the Jialan Sword Domain at that time...The God of Yu's distractions developed this pill in a moment...

  It’s just that Chen Xuan thinks this kind of alchemy...I better practice...because Chen Xuan thinks...

  Even if you come to the combined sect, you should start from the most basic...There will definitely be a lot of chores or work...

  Chen Xuan has to know something else... Chen Xuan thinks that Danfang may be a very good choice for him...

  Chen Xuan first slowly opened the brocade box...don't care...Chen Xuan's heart was crossed...swallowed the fragrant pill...


  This pill is not so quiet in Chen Xuan's body as if it is outside...He seems to be a fire...It is burning Chen Xuan's internal organs...Chen Xuan feels like his body is about to be burned to burst...

  Chen Xuan's skin has also changed color...and bursts of cold sweat ooze from his forehead...


Chen Xuan's clothes... suddenly turned into fragments and burst into the air... and then the fragments of these clothes quickly burned... and soon turned into a pile of ashes... and Chen Xuan's state of mind was so firm... Can't help but snorted...


  Then Chen Xuan felt that his entire body's bones seemed to be moving...and these bones made a sound of Luoluo...

  Very like the cry of an animal outside...and Chen Xuan pained to death on the bed...


  Suddenly Chen Xuan’s body rolled to the ground... the hot temperature... the ground was about to be scorched...

  The loess turned into the color of scorched earth...but Chen Xuan felt that the temperature in his body was still rising...

  How long will it long will it be...

  Chen Xuan only hopes that this feeling will end soon... But Chen Xuan's face is still as cold and arrogant as ever...

   Judging from Chen Xuan’s face... it seems... Chen Xuan’s current body is not his own...

  Chen Xuan found that his own Danhai was if it was shrinking...Chen Xuan understood...

  This pill may be caused by the burning make Na Danhai shrink to the golden pill realm...

   And there should be a way to go back later... Chen Xuan felt that his consciousness was about to be blurred...

  The scene in front of me has become if it is about to disappear...and the burning pain is still going on...

  Soon Chen Xuan found that his bones were also burning with heat... even his face seemed to be burning with heat.

  Chen Xuan felt that every part of his body was changing...Chen Xuan even felt that...his previous memories went through his mind again and again...

  The burning pain...makes Chen Xuan's body feel...Is Chen Xuan about to die...

  So consciousness first prepared Chen Xuan for his death... Chen Xuan felt as if he was really going to die...


  Suddenly...Chen Xuan's eyes went black...the figure fell into nothingness...

  (End of this chapter)

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