Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1656: Trial

   Chapter 1656 Trial

  Chen Xuan looked at the night outside the window...Chen Xuan knew. This is Chen Xuan’s last night in He Village... Chen Xuan knows better... If Chen Xuan can’t come back... then the village’s brief encounter is likely to be the legendary disaster... Chen There is a trace of sadness on Xuan Leng's expression...

Of course, He Village today is also very quiet. He Weng would usually accompany Chen Xuan in Chen Xuan’s room... and now He Weng may be helping Chen Xuan get ready for the baggage... Or he may arrange for Chen Xuan to go there tomorrow. The carriage used in the trial...

  It is more likely that it may be because of tension and silent sadness in one place...For Chen Xuan, he doesn't need such emotion...For Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan may just be curious about tomorrow's trial. But definitely not nervous... Chen Xuan doesn't think that Chen Xuan's current strength in the Golden Core Realm can't pass the trial of this branch...

  Chen Xuan slowly walked to the bed and fell asleep...

  A good night dream...

  "Master Chen Xuan...Master Chen Xuan...We are going to go..." He Weng's voice sounded in Chen Xuan's ear again. At this moment, Chen Xuan was still drinking tea at the table, and he walked out slowly when he heard He Weng’s voice... and He Weng’s look of expectation and worry showed no expression. come out.

  Chen Xuan did not continue to speak just with a cold expression. "Master Chen Xuan wish Master Chen Xuan a smooth journey!" It was the village head of He Village who said this... Their expressions looking at Chen Xuan were full of hope... The thin lips on Chen Xuan's cold expression came out. A cold um...

  There will be no more follow-ups...

  Chen Xuan felt... He almost left He Village under the eyes of all the people... and Chen Xuan slowly began to meditate in the car...

  Chen Xuan’s spiritual knowledge slowly drifted into the void... and Chen Xuan’s spiritual knowledge gave Chen Xuan more a feeling of being unable to grasp, that is, a feeling of emptiness...

  This may have something to do with Chen Xuan’s lack of memory... Chen Xuan thought... Because of Chen Xuan’s lack of that part of the memory, Chen Xuan felt that his spiritual consciousness could not be well controlled...

  This is a big problem that Chen Xuan has been worried about in the past few days! If this problem is not resolved... I'm afraid that the people of the Union Sect will check it out... Then I will find out my origin... If I find Hefu, I am afraid that Hefu and myself will be dead...

Although I say that I am currently a strong person in the Golden Core Realm...but in the legend, there is a strong person in the Earth Fairyland behind the Concubine Sect... If one's current so-called Golden Core Realm meets a powerful person in the Earth Fairyland... I'm afraid that the opponent's move will be enough to wipe out himself... Chen Xuan thinks this way... But it is not just this earth fairyland powerhouse that makes Chen Xuan feel that the return to the sect is not easy to provoke...

   is behind this so-called combined sect! Behind this combined sect... but the invisible door! That is one of the invisible gates of the upper three sects... every elder of the upper three sects in the legend is an earthly fairyland powerhouse!

  What kind of strength is that? Chen Xuan couldn't help asking! If every elder is an Earth Wonderland... then there are more than a dozen powerful people in Earth Wonderland!

According to the legend, the strong man in the earth fairyland can destroy an entire world by raising his hand... and what is even more terrifying is in the legend... the strong man in the earth fairyland... raising his hand can create a whole piece of void and a whole world... …

This is what makes Chen Xuan feel the most terrible... Chen Xuan is thinking while meditating on the spiritual sense... Chen Xuan uses his powerful spiritual sense to sense the spiritual sense around him... and pours them into his own golden core... ...And in the process of meditating on spiritual consciousness... Chen Xuan seems to be able to... observe the air flow around every move... as if very small and delicate things can't escape Chen Xuan's magic eyes...

So although Chen Xuan is currently closing his eyes and meditating on spiritual consciousness... But Chen Xuan's eyes are more clear than when they are open... Chen Xuan feels that his current state of mind is as calm as water. ...

Suddenly gusts of gusts hit Chen Xuan and He Weng’s carriage... but He Weng as a coachman seemed to be used to it... The horse was wailing in the sky... But at this time Chen Xuan's heart was even greater. For the tranquility... as if all this is irrelevant to Chen Xuan...

  "Good mood! Good mood! Hahahaha..."

   A white-haired old man sitting in the main hall on the mountain said with a smile. And the laughter was very loud, as if there was huge energy hidden in the laughter... Chen Xuan's every move seemed to be under the eyes of this kind-hearted old man... But at this time Chen Xuan didn't know... ...I'm being spied on by others...

   "Hmm, it's interesting...hahaha...this young man is really interesting! He was chosen to participate in the trial this year...or forced the trial..."

  The old man who looked very immortal said...He is the suzerain of the combined sect...

   was also sent from the Invisible Door...The strength cultivation base has also reached the point of being a strong man in the fairyland...

  But it's the point where he is already a strong man in the earth fairyland...but he still can't see through the prohibition that God Yu has placed on Chen Xuan...this is the difference between a strong man in the heavens and a strong earth fairyland!

  And Chen Xuan’s behavior was naturally exposed to the eyes of this suzerain Bai Maze...I can't escape the slightest...

  But for Chen Xuan...Chen Xuan has known for a long time...There must be someone who will detect his spiritual sense and his origins...

  And Chen Xuan consciously...he can already remember his life experience in Hecun...Chen Xuan's cold and arrogant expression has not changed because of Bai Maze's prying...

  On the contrary, Chen Xuan’s expression became more and more cold and arrogant... and Bai Maze also began to pay attention to this young man...

  His hunch told him...this young man still has a lot of secrets hidden in his can be qualified to dig him out for Bai Maze... Bai Maze must fully investigate these...

  But the premise is that Chen Xuan can hold on to the point where Baima Zecha...

  Naturally, there is nothing to explore...For Chen Xuan...What Chen Xuan wants to do now is to use the resources of the combined sect as much as possible and then make himself as strong as possible...

  This may be my only goal at the moment...Other...Once Chen Xuan remembered it, he felt as if there was only a blank in his mind...I can't remember anything else...

  But Chen Xuan always feels...that his own blanks are originally his own memories...but because. It has become blank for some reason... This is what Chen Xuan has been thinking since his amnesia...

  But Chen Xuan felt that since he didn’t remember... Then Chen Xuan didn’t ask too much...

At this time, Chen Xuan was still meditating quietly in the carriage... He had a foreboding that... it should be coming soon... Chen Xuan found that the interior of the Zhoucheng in Xuzhou was really lively and unusual... It was simply incomparable to that of Nahe Village. ...

  And what made Chen Xuan even more clear is that...this may be the only day when the people of Hecun have the opportunity to come to the prefecture every year...

  And this day in previous years, it was necessary to pay a life of the same money for buying a road...

  This makes Chen Xuan feel very ridiculous and very sad...but this is the weak...

  Once you become a weak...then being bullied by the strong has become the most normal thing in this world...and Chen Xuan feels...if you are not able to become a strong...then being bullied by the strong...

  The skills to survive in the cracks of the strong have to be learned... and even if Chen Xuan becomes a strong in the future... it is impossible to help every weak... for Chen Xuan...

Chen Xuan can only protect the people he wants to protect... Even Chen Xuan seems to feel that the people he wants to protect are not well protected... But whenever Chen Xuan intends to think about... this person... or who these people are. ...What kind of existence is it...

  The brain is always in pain, and then the response to him is a blank...and then...there is only a blank...the pain is slowly subsiding...

But Chen Xuan always felt that this memory of his was only temporarily hidden... does not mean that he does not exist... and the memory will definitely affect his mood... Now it is hidden... Big improvement...

Meditating and practicing spiritual consciousness can also be faster...the harvest can also be greater...Chen Xuan can always analyze it very rationally...just like Chen Xuan's deep gaze and Chen Xuan's stern expression ...

  Chen Xuan’s heart is always sensible and serene...this may be one of the factors that has made Chen Xuan’s practice so far...the fastest...that’s the power of his mood...


Suddenly... Chen Xuan felt a distant breath... Chen Xuan knew that it should be coming soon... Chen Xuan looked at the huge mountain range with Chen Xuan's spiritual knowledge... It was probably within a hundred meters from the center of Xuzhou Prefecture. ...

  This mountain is as majestic as a huge palace...stands between heaven and a pillar of heaven and earth...

  Rou is that Chen Xuan's state of mind is so powerful, and I still secretly admired it in my heart...Then He Weng and Chen Xuan get closer...the pressure is stronger...Chen Xuan can even feel...

  The kind of submission that the powerful pressure brings to me...It seems that I want to make people kneel...

  Na He Weng has already knelt down...kneeling...and walking forward with the carriage...but Chen Xuan still looks cold...sitting in the car with cold eyes...

  (End of this chapter)

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