Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1663: secret

  Chapter 1663 Secret

  Chen Xuan looked at these coldly. Turned his spiritual consciousness into softness like water.

  Slowly penetrated through the huge wall that Zhang Zeheng’s obsession had turned into. Chen Xuan did not intend to let this so-called Zhang family go. If there is any baby in the Zhang family.

   Then, wouldn’t it be better for Chen Xuan to take it away when he killed Zhang’s family, so as not to miss it and give them the best advantage? Isn’t it embarrassing?

  Chen Xuan used his divine sense to feel the bit by bit changes in Zhang Zeheng's body. What a powerful divine sense!

  This Zhang Zeheng is really a martial arts prodigy no worse than himself! If it takes time.

  That achievement must be impossible to limit. Chen Xuan thought. The pill that Zhang Zeheng refined must be a great tonic for himself, right?


  It seems that his strength really should go forward. In Chen Xuan's memory, he had stayed in the Golden Core Realm for a long time.

  But the span from the Golden Core Realm to the Huashen Realm is definitely not comparable from the Real Core Realm to the Golden Core Realm.

  Chen Xuan understood this, so he didn't dare to worry too much. Wouldn't it be in vain to burst and die?

   But now that there is such a chance that Chen Xuan can break through, how could he not be tempted?

   However, Chen Xuan now has to figure out, what is it that makes the Heguizong fearful? And for a sect--

  The appearance of a peerless genius is a great advantage! A rare happy event in the millennium!

  It is even more difficult to guarantee that the sect can stand for thousands of years, but Heguizong actually prevents Zhang Zeheng from entering the cultivation.

   just controlled his father to the peripheral disciples for surveillance and what is the secret between him, the Zhang family?

   But if you interfere, will it be good for you? Or is it going to provoke a murderous disaster?

  If it is said that Zhang Zeheng was killed by himself along with the Zhang family. At that time, if you want to check, you will find yourself.

How to do this?

  At that time, wouldn't he want to implicate He Cun and even his own life, and Chen Xuan's mind was spinning quickly. But now Zhang Zeheng is afraid that he is already mortal.

  Chen Xuan's powerful river of fire had already burned his soul incomplete and at this time Chen Xuan's consciousness had swept into his mind like water.

Humph! He is really a martial arts wizard! Chen Xuan hummed coldly. Chen Xuan suddenly felt very lucky if it hadn't been for this habit he had cultivated over the years. I'm afraid that in a few more years, in case he was discovered by someone outside the world.

  It was Chen Xuan who was miserable, and it was very likely that he would die and even hurt the people of He Village.

  Chen Xuan’s habit is to cut the grass and remove the roots without leaving a trace of the troubles. If the troubles are left, Chen Xuan knows that if he keeps the troubles in this world, it is a place to die without burial.

  And no one can be blamed. Chen Xuan stared at the so-called Zhang Zeheng coldly.

  Chen Xuan discovered that the huge wall where his obsessions merged had started to loosen a little.


   Chen Xuan thought to himself. Can finally know what this secret is? And this is the most painful time for Zhang Zeheng because it is not terrible to burn or destroy a person's body.

  But destroying a person’s spirit is the most terrifying. Chen Xuan understands this, so of course Chen Xuan knows that this is actually the most painful time for Zhang Zeheng. But Chen Xuan would care about him so much.

  Chen Xuan poked in the divine sense. Feel the secret enclosed in that obsession.

   Ah ah ah.

  Zhang Zeheng felt the temperature of his body, as if he could burn his soul to ashes. But his body was still cold, as if it had been dead for a long time.


  Chen Xuan felt very strange that the only thing guarding Zhang Zeheng’s consciousness was a map.

  What map is that?

  What kind of map would make Heguizong feel afraid that Chen Xuan looked at the four words on the top of the map.

   feels like deja vu. But Chen Xuan felt that he had never seen such a font.


Fonts like    seemed to have some magic, and suddenly the body of Zhang Zeheng was blasted into pieces.

  The poor Zhang Zeheng's body turned into a mass of ashes and dissipated in the river of fire.

  Chen Xuan only frowned slightly. The blood in Zhang Zeheng's body was sprayed out like a fountain. The internal organs were visible before they were burned. It looks very fresh just like when you go to the market to buy pork.

  And those elder brothers who had just finished eating at this time, how could they endure such a scene.

   vomited immediately. But Chen Xuan's expression was as cold as ever.

  Chen Xuan looked at all this arrogantly, but the cold eyes became deeper.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan was thinking in his heart, what is the origin of this map? Chen Xuan didn't know why he looked at him with a sense of familiarity. And why is his energy so powerful.

  That means that the one who is feared by the combined sect is not the Zhang family of Xu Mansion at all, but the young man in front of him.

  Chen Xuan seems to feel that things have become more and more interesting. The origin of the boy in front of him has become more and more interesting.

  What kind of background did he make this combined sect so scared. If he is the eldest son of the Zhang family. Chen Xuan would not believe it. Isn't he a disciple of which discipline?


  Even the disciple of the worst cultivator must be a cultivator, so what kind of existence would this Zhang Zeheng be like?

  Chen Xuan couldn’t understand. Chen Xuan slowly controlled this river of fire with his divine consciousness. Now that Chen Xuan decided to use Zhang Zeheng as a ladder for his promotion to the divine realm--

   Then Chen Xuan should do this without hesitation. He could see that Zhang Zeheng at this moment was very painful, which definitely made him feel more painful than killing him. His face seemed to be distorted at the moment.

  And Xu Da of Xufu Restaurant is also very unbearable at this moment, but how can he fight Chen Xuan and how he can stop Chen Xuan is simply impossible.

  And these elder brothers all think that Chen Xuan is the soul of **** that can come out during the day. Otherwise, where would there be such a powerful strength and such a terrifying character like a devil?

  But they were just more worried about Chen Xuan's treatment of Zhang Zeheng. What about them? Will you die? Will Chen Xuan kill them too?

  They don’t want to die!

  They still have a lot of riches and noble lives to enjoy, and at this moment they are suddenly facing life and death desperation.

  This made them hate Zhang Zeheng. In fact, human beings are like this, and always think that it is other people to blame, not oneself. But Zhang Zeheng is dying.

  They know that even if they blame it, it’s useless. How to beg for mercy?

  Chen Xuan, this guy can be considered soft and hard, right? Xu Da of this Xufu restaurant begged him to do so? Isn't Zhang Zeheng dying like a dog now?

  What is the promise of generous rewards for begging for mercy? It's ridiculous! Will such a powerful cultivator still lack money?

  The strong people who are in the sect will become immortals in the future.

   Outer disciples of the confederate sect, at this moment, they are all the great officials of the frontiers. What's more, those disciples who belonged to the Headquarters of the Union.

  That is the existence that the whole world needs to look up to! But what about them? These dudes thought about themselves, but they just can call the wind and rain in Xuzhou City.

  What else? The consequences of these things that their Laozi can't afford.

   But they have already provoked themselves.

How to do?

what to do?

  These young men can only kneel down with their heads down, and they live up to the scenery just now. One by one was extremely worried.

  At this time, Chen Xuan was sitting with his eyes closed. But that powerful momentum still makes people feel as if it can be breathtaking.

  But at this time Chen Xuan also didn't understand. What can a genius with no cultivation base be used for by these sects?

  Chen Xuan was thinking in his heart, and he was constantly digging out the books that he had hidden in the Golden Pavilion when he was in Sanbaigu.


  Chen Xuan suddenly felt that his brain was exploded. A terrifying idea appeared in Chen Xuan's mind. Could it be that they also want to use this Zhang Zeheng as a cauldron.


  Chen Xuan thinks this is extremely possible. But who are they? Are they so strong that they dare not provoke them?

  Heguizong is the first of the eight major sects of the Ping Sanzong. Is it a member of the Sanshang Sect?

  Invisible door?

  It is impossible for Chen Xuan to veto the invisible door immediately. The invisible door and Hegui Zongben are in the same line. If it's an invisible door, there is no reason to be afraid of Heguizong.

  It’s not enough to raise them directly in the sect.

   However, Heguizong did not have Heguizong, because he placed his father on a seat of Xuzhou government in disguise.

  And this control can be regarded as making people over there not dare to start. After all, put him on the bright side.

   Tell the other party that you know that Zhang Zeheng has a problem, and tell the place not to act rashly. But Heguizong didn’t dare to do more


  Because of fear!

  It is very likely that the other party is indeed very powerful, because there is an invisible door behind Heguizong, which can naturally knock the mountain and shake the tiger.

  But what exactly is this map? Does it have anything to do with Zhang Zeheng's body? Chen Xuan didn't know either--

  Chen Xuan was puzzled.


  Only hearing a boom, the **** of Zhang Zeheng all merged into the river of fire. And his body has long since vanished. But because the previous **** is still there, a phantom of the body can be seen.

  At this moment, Zhang Zeheng seems to have never existed.

  Suddenly Chen Xuan felt that the gods in his Danhai were strange. What was going on, Chen Xuan didn't know, Chen Xuan hadn't swallowed this pill, what happened to Chen Xuan's god?

  (End of this chapter)

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