Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1667: Enter the Jia Blueprint (3)

  Chapter 1667 Entering the Jia Blueprint (3)

  Chen Xuan's consciousness drifted with this black vortex. He felt as if he had arrived in a deserted space with no place.


  Is this blueprint for the so-called nothing? how can that be possible? Chen Xuan was very curious. If there is nothing, why send a black dragon to guard it?

  Chen Xuan felt that he should have entered the space of the Jia blueprint. That is a world full of mist. There is no star in the void, pure darkness. And above the earth is even more chaotic anomalies, and the fog covers the whole land. What kind of world is this?

  Chen Xuan is also very curious at this moment. Chen Xuan wanted to see him clearly, but all he could see was the layers of mist that didn't enter into the divine sense for him, so this place was definitely not the place where you could just look around like before. Chen Xuan also felt that this should be extraordinary.

   Chen Xuan felt that this was probably because his method was wrong, or that Chen Xuan’s own spiritual consciousness was too weak. Chen Xuan slowly sat down in the mist. Chen Xuan's cold eyes were still so deep.

  Chen Xuan felt that his spiritual consciousness was not particularly full. But Chen Xuan still turned his divine consciousness into his own body now. It is the so-called divine consciousness transformation.

  And what about the so-called deification? In fact, the so-called divine consciousness transformation is to use divine consciousness to illusion. It's like Chen Xuan is now using his own spiritual consciousness to turn out the phantom of his body. The general intensity of spiritual consciousness has two stages.

  After the cultivator reaches the pill realm, it can be said that the stage of enlightenment of divine consciousness has started. And what is the enlightenment stage of divine consciousness?

  The so-called stage of divine consciousness enlightenment is that when a cultivator breaks through the acquired realm and becomes a virtual pill realm, he will have weak divine consciousness. And that divine sense was like a layer of mist, covering the part of the cultivator's Pill Sea. At this time, the consciousness is very weak.

  These spiritual senses are only enough for cultivators to infuse these spiritual senses into their actions when fighting. Then let his destructive power be stronger.

  Even these divine senses cannot be used with the exercises, because they are too weak. And when the cultivator reaches the real pill realm, the cultivator can use his spiritual consciousness to cooperate with the practice to play together.

  When a person’s spiritual consciousness can be used in conjunction with the exercises, the destructive power will be several times that of the original. And in the legend of the gods, it is the power of heaven and earth, which of course can be used with the power of heaven and earth to do more with less.

  But at this time, Chen Xuan had already reached the powerhouse of the Golden Core Realm, and once a cultivator stepped into the Golden Core Realm. That means that his spiritual consciousness can already be transformed into phantoms. But this is still very large for the consumption of divine consciousness. so--

   Now that Chen Xuan used his divine consciousness to transform his own phantom, the divine consciousness in Danhai had become empty. Divine consciousness is like a raw material, a raw material that can be recycled.

  For example, the cultivator’s pill sea is a container, and the divine consciousness in the pill sea is like water. And it is living water, because the power of heaven and earth has always existed between heaven and earth.

  In the legend, the power of heaven and earth has always existed since the opening of heaven and earth. And Chen Xuan is good, other cultivators are good. The promotion is their own Danhai. In other words, what these cultivators need to cultivate is the capacity of their Pill Sea. The bigger their Dan Sea is, the more divine consciousness they can hold.

   So this is the so-called strength of divine consciousness, which is how far Dan Hai has evolved. But what Dan Hai of the Golden Core Realm can do at this moment is to transform the gods into form. That is to say, turning the divine consciousness into some phantoms.

  It is even more different for those who are strong in the transformation of the gods, who can turn their gods into battles. What is turning God into a fight? That is, they can turn their spiritual consciousness into a lot of phantoms for battle.

  This is something that Chen Xuan cannot do now. Chen Xuan can only turn his divine consciousness into a phantom now, of course, the strength of this phantom still depends on the strength of Chen Xuan's divine consciousness.

  But at this time, Chen Xuan felt that his Dan Sea was almost empty, what should he do? If you can't see anything here, do you have to stay in this world forever?

How to do?

  Chen Xuan's expression became dignified and foggy. With such a big fog, what if his divine consciousness didn't turn into a phantom of his own body?

  Chen Xuan wondered if he became a part of these mists, could he also exist in this world? And what makes Chen Xuan even more terrible is that--

  This world does not have the power of heaven and earth, this world seems to be a completely static world. The so-called power of heaven and earth is transformed from the logistics of the world.

  But what does it mean that this world has no power of heaven and earth? This means that everything in this world will not flow, and everything will never change as if it were a completely static world.

  Only in such a world, Chen Xuan can explain why there is no power of heaven and earth here. And Chen Xuan slowly turned his spiritual consciousness phantom into a pale blue mist that filled the pale mist.

  Chen Xuan used his superfluous consciousness as his own eyes. Although Chen Xuan felt that there was still a mist that could not dissipate before his eyes.

  But Chen Xuan seemed to feel that he could feel something. Yes, you can feel something. Chen Xuan seems to be able to see the tip of the iceberg of the world drawn by this Jia blueprint.

  How big is the tip of the iceberg? Just like Chen Xuan seems to be an ant. All he could see was the small and insignificant world in front of him.

  Where is this world? In other words, where is the still world drawn in this blueprint? This will definitely not be Yujie. Because of Chen Xuan's feeling of powerlessness for his insignificance, this was definitely not something Yu Jie could give to himself. Chen Xuan felt that his spiritual consciousness was passing by.

  But Chen Xuan thinks that no matter how huge this is, he is only a painting after all. Chen Xuan knew that this painting was likely to be a world where Chen Xuan would be trampled to death immediately if he entered.

  But Chen Xuan is not afraid of this painting, because he is just a painting. But Chen Xuan struggled to see more and more things.

  Chen Xuan controlled his mind to move forward, but Chen Xuan felt that his movement seemed insignificant. It seems to be exhausted and spent about a few weeks outside to move around.

  It seems to be able to take a small step like an ant. This made Chen Xuan feel very powerless, but the desire to become stronger was constantly stimulating Chen Xuan.

   Although Chen Xuan thinks that he is very likely to be just an ant in this world, God or his own destiny can make him meet this blueprint of Jia. That also shows that he is very likely to come to this world in the future.

  Every time Chen Xuan took a step forward, Chen Xuan felt that his spiritual consciousness was consumed faster. Just like Chen Xuan took the first step with far less divine consciousness than the second step.

   And the things in this world that he can see are too small, and he is too small. So Chen Xuan couldn't see where this so-called exit was.

  Chen Xuan could only move slowly, watching his divine consciousness become less and less and almost nothingness. But at this moment Chen Xuan raised his head and noticed the changes in the stars in the sky.

  When Chen Xuan came to this world before, there was nothingness and darkness in this void. Just like the extreme darkness, there is no light.

  But when Chen Xuan moved to the third step, Chen Xuan discovered that the darkness above the void was actually broken by a little bit of starlight.

   Chen Xuan felt as if a faint starlight was about to be lit. But the light is very weak, so insignificant compared to the entire dark void.

  But Chen Xuan Chen Xuan's eyes seemed to have a little more hope at this time. Can you change this painting? But what followed was confusion.

  There is not the slightest power of heaven and earth in this Jia blueprint, which means that he is completely still. But why can Chen Xuan make him change and have such a weak consciousness? Isn't he more than a painting?

  That's not good news for Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan had previously regarded him as a painting, so he should not be dangerous for Chen Xuan.

  If he is dynamic, it is not a painting but a living being. Then what should Chen Xuan do when he consumes all his spiritual knowledge? Or is this an illusion?

  If there is an illusion set by a strong person or a monster nearby. For Chen Xuan, that would be a big trap. If Chen Xuan ran out of consciousness, he would definitely be dead!

  But how powerful a monster or a cultivator is to allow the illusion that he has set up to exist outside of the heavens? The existence of the so-called power of heaven and earth is called the power of heaven by practitioners. That is the existence of heaven.

   But if there is a cultivator or a powerful monster, the illusion can be arranged so that the power of heaven and earth no longer exists in the illusion, then the illusion will also exist outside of the heavens. The world beyond the Dao of Heaven can be constructed only because of its own existence, which is outside the Dao of Heaven.

  But even the existence of a fairyland like Chuangshi is in heaven. If there are cultivators or monsters outside the realm of heaven, can Chen Xuan still survive? I'm afraid it is impossible.

  This made Chen Xuan a little scared, but if the opponent is not in the realm of heaven, killing himself is just a matter of thought, why set up an illusion for yourself? Could it be said that this Jia blueprint is indeed a mysterious reason that can make his divine consciousness change the scene in the painting?

  (End of this chapter)

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