Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1671: Assessment of the combined sect (1)

  Chapter 1671 Assessment of the Returned Sect (1)

  Chen Xuan was cold in the room, with deep eyes, no one knew what Chen Xuan was thinking at this time. Chen Xuan's eyes looked forward, and there was unstoppable heat in his eyes.

   Chen Xuan's desire to become stronger has become stronger and stronger. That's right, Chen Xuan wants to become stronger. Tomorrow is the time to decide all this. The desire in Chen Xuan's eyes became stronger and stronger.

  At this time, Sima Wushuang was sitting in the main hall in a white robe, a little lazy in his expression. Sima Wushuang looked forward to the true strength that Chen Xuan could show tomorrow.

  After all, Sima Wushuang has not seen Chen Xuan's fighting skills. There is also experience in combat. But Sima Wushuang's experience told him that Chen Xuan possesses such a powerful state of mind, and his fighting skills must be good.

  Because of such a powerful state of mind, how can there be no certain killing? And Chen Xuan must have experienced a lot of killings. If Chen Xuan has experienced so many battles and killings, after the baptism of blood and life.

   Then Chen Xuan's state of mind and his combat skills will definitely become more perverted. This is why Sima Wushuang has such strong expectations for Chen Xuan.

  Since these 30,000 years, Sima Wushuang has never thought of accepting apprentices. But when he saw Chen Xuan, he had such an idea. Even Sima Wushuang himself felt that Chen Xuan's existence seemed incredible. Sima Wushuang's cold face and deep eyes. Sitting in the main hall like that makes people unable to see the joys and sorrows. As for those disciples who belong to the Returned Sect, how dare to disturb the existence of Sima Wushuang.

  So the main hall seemed unusually deserted.

  The next day, in the trial field of Heguizong.

  Chen Xuan's stern face and deep eyes made Sima Wushuang feel that he was a bit like himself. But Sima Wushuang just stayed on Chen Xuan's body for a while. He moved away immediately, he didn't want Chen Xuan to become the focus. This is not a good thing for Chen Xuan.

  Since Sima Wushuang had plans to accept Chen Xuan as a disciple, he would naturally help Chen Xuan think about it. Sima Wushuang knew that Chen Xuan's current strength was indeed not very suitable and too eye-catching. Otherwise, for Chen Xuan, it would be a lot of harm and no benefit. Sima Wushuang would still help Chen Xuan think about this.


   Chen Xuan, this kid is only in the Golden Core Realm? Jindanjing has such an opportunity? Sima Wushuang was also very surprised. But since Sima Wushuang had arranged for him to fight against the powerhouse of the God Realm, naturally there was no chance to go back. Chen Xuan coldly watched every move on the trial ground.

   "Boy, are you actually fighting genius Fu Jun this time?" A young man who was also at the Golden Core Realm cultivation base looked at Chen Xuan and smiled.

   "I really don't know which **** your kid has offended. A battle with Fu Jun, it seems that you have no hope of entering the combined sect."

  The young man continued to tease. Chen Xuan didn't care at all. Chen Xuan's cold eyes didn't even look at Chen Xuan.

  "What the **** are you doing southward?" The man who spoke was a domineering young master. Jinyiyufu. Chen Xuan probed it with his spiritual sense.


  Is only the real pill realm cultivation base? How did this kind of cultivation come to the trial of Heguizong? And why can such a cultivation base command a strong person in the Golden Core Realm?

   Chen Xuan is still very curious about this. But the fact is like this, this young man who is a strong man in the Golden Core Realm. Seeing this young master in fine clothes and jade clothes was unusually flattering. Just wagging his tail at him like a dog. But Chen Xuan still looked at him coldly, calmly.

   "Going south, who are you kidding about? Huh?" The strong man in the real pill realm asked with some curiosity but very majestic. Chen Xuan coldly glanced at the young man in the beautifully dressed and jade suit, and did not say anything.

  "Master Nangong, this is a kid from the countryside, why should he care about something with him?" Nan Jin continued to say flatteringly. Chen Xuan glanced at Nan Jin coldly. Then he looked away and looked at the top of the ring.

   "Boy, do you know who this Nangong Master is?" Chen Xuan glanced at Nangong Che. Chen Xuan's name of Nangong seemed to have been seen in the hidden gold pavilion in the Sanbaigu period.

  As for where it is, Chen Xuan may not remember either. He remembered that Nangong seemed to be a big cultivating family. Yes, in this world, apart from cultivating sects, there are also cultivating families! What is a cultivation family? The so-called cultivating family is the kind where the entire family is cultivators.

  Generally speaking, the sect is not willing to provoke such cultivators like this. Because once to provoke, that is to say once to fight with you. Or your whole family can kill them completely. Otherwise, what awaits you is endless revenge.

  Chen Xuan understands this, and the eight major sects understand it even more. So they will not provoke them easily. If they provoke, it means that they are fully prepared to let the other party kill the door. Generally speaking, the cultivating family will cooperate with the cultivating sect.

  Because the sect will also have more powerful cultivators than the cultivating family, in terms of resources, it is far from comparable to that of the cultivating family. It is precisely because of this that the cultivating family generally chooses to cooperate with the sect. In this case, some of the strengths in the cultivating family will be stronger. And deterrence and power will become more abnormal. Obviously Chen Xuan knew.

  The one standing in front of Chen Xuan now is a young master from the Nangong family. As for the Nangong family, Chen Xuan had also seen it in the hidden gold pavilion in the Three White Valley before. That was a large cultivating family for thousands of years, and Chen Xuan knew that this Nangong family was in harmony with the Guizong.

  It should be that Heguizong has already cooperated with the Nangong family. What Chen Xuan knew even more was that this so-called Nangong family seemed to have a very good relationship with the deputy suzerain of Heguizong. And the suzerain of this combined sect seems to have too general relationship with the Nangong family. In this combined sect, Sima Wushuang, the suzerain, is an extreme person who pursues cultivation. Not so concerned about power. I don't care about forming gangs so much either.

  So this Nangong family naturally went on to be the two deputy suzerains of the combined sect. Chen Lin and Chen De. Chen Lin and Chen De are two brothers. But there is no harmony between the brothers. Because one mountain can hardly tolerate two tigers! Chen Lin and Chen De both want to be in charge of reunification.

Sima Wushuang didn't care much about the suzerain in the combined sect. Therefore, Chen Lin and Chen De, who belonged to the sect, naturally fought for power. Of course, this was naturally taken advantage of by the Nangong family. So Chen Lin and Chen De wanted to win over the Nangong family.

  Naturally, even though Nangong Che is in the real pill realm, he can still call the wind and rain in Heguizong. Chen Xuan knew that what the so-called Chen Lin and Chen De could do was to draw Sima Wushuang to support themselves, or draw Nangong's house.

   Actually speaking of this so-called Sima Wushuang. In fact, it was a suzerain who put down the invisible door. But the great Sima Sect Master has reached the point where he has cultivated to the point where he has no desires and no desires.

  Moreover, the strength is even the peak powerhouse in the earth fairyland, and he can't go any further. The existence of this Sima Wushuang might also be to monitor Heguizong. If there is a stronger determination than the invisible door, immediately cut off or nominally control the current site of Heguizong.

  After all, the dispatching and appointment of the outer disciples of the Congui sect are all invisible matters. This may be the reason why Wuxianmen is willing to be the backer of Heguizong. As for Heguizong itself, there may be nothing that can attract the invisible door at all. Only then did Sima Wushuang come over.

  What Chen Xuan knows better is this trial. Although the name is the trial of Heguizong, is it actually a trial for the invisible door?

  The existence of Sima Wushuang may be more to help the invisible door to accommodate talents. It's just that there are many strong players this time. Chen Xuan looked at the strong man above the ring and thought.

   "Boy, Lord Nangong is talking to you, didn't you hear?"

  Nan Jin is a little angry, he now looks like a dog in front of Nangong Che. But it seems that the young man in front of him doesn't respect him at all. This would belittle his value in Nangong Che's heart, but Chen Xuan was as cold as a wood.

  "Little Bunny" Nan Jin then scolded. But Nangong Che waved his hand at this time, with an indifferent expression on his face. Said to Chen Xuan, "My name is Nangong Che, and I am the grandson of the head of the Nangong clan." Nangong Che posed towards Chen Xuan with the smile that he thought was a very courteous corporal.

   "Well, I am Chen Xuan." Chen Xuan is still very cold and arrogant. But this time Nangong Che's eyes flashed a bit of viciousness. That's right, this kid really doesn't give face.

  When he reported Nangong Che’s name, Er Chen, the vice-sovereign of the Conguizong, would become very respectful. But what is this Chen Xuan? How dare to treat yourself like this?

  But Nan Jin’s eyes were filled with joy. He just noticed that his young master Nangong might be soliciting. But Chen Xuan was even more ignorant of admiration, which turned this solicitation heart into a hatred heart.

  It's not that Chen Xuan himself is too arrogant. It's really that Nangong Che's tone is too domineering, plus Chen Xuan originally planned to cultivate with all his heart. The relationship with the Nangong family will inevitably contaminate the vulgar.

   is just the hatred in the eyes of this Nangong Che, Chen Xuan could see it very clearly. Chen Xuan decided that if this Nangong Che was his own enemy, then he must not let him go on the ring. If not, then Chen Xuan couldn't let this person go.

  As for what to do if it attracts the pursuit of the Nangong family? The thousand-year-old family, can Chen Xuan provoke it now? But Chen Xuan is indeed planning to provoke him, so he can't give his opponent a phone meeting in the future, right?

  (End of this chapter)

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