Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1674: Re-enter the blueprint of Jia (1)

  Chapter 1674 Re-enter the blueprint of Jia (1)

  Chen Xuan found a thick white mist around him. When Chen Xuan raised his head and looked at the void, he once again found that the stars in the void had only a faint light.

What exactly is going on? Chen Xuan himself was also very puzzled, why did he enter the blueprint for no reason?

  But Chen Xuan felt that he had accidentally entered into the mind while contemplating. But since he got the Jialanprint, he has always existed in his body. Chen Xuan never knew how to enter the Jia blueprint? It's just that Chen Xuan also meditated on his consciousness several times before that. Why did it only enter this time?

  Chen Xuan expected that Chen Xuan's body must still be outside at this moment, and he had completely separated his own spiritual consciousness from his own body. That's it.

  Chen Xuan understood that since he had already entered, he would naturally be at ease in the Jia blueprint. However, Chen Xuan was indeed very curious about the world within the Jia Blueprint. Therefore, Chen Xuan still intends to feel the world in the Jia blueprint.

  Because Chen Xuan feels that although his current cultivation level is still not enough, there will always be a day when his cultivation level is enough to make this piece of Jia blueprint appear in his eyes.

  Chen Xuan slowly moved with his spiritual consciousness, just a small step. Chen Xuan seemed to feel that his whole body was hollowed out. And at this small step, his spiritual consciousness seemed to feel as if a long time had passed. Chen Xuan didn't know what was going on?

  But Chen Xuan seemed to feel that after taking this step, not only his spiritual knowledge was consumed, but it was strange that a little bit of spiritual knowledge was added!

How is this going?

  Chen Xuan found it very strange, because Chen Xuan knew that the world in this Jia blueprint was completely forbidden. But how can the world in this blueprint now have divine consciousness to supplement oneself?

   Could it be that the source of this divine consciousness, that is, the source of the power of heaven and earth, didn’t come from the blueprint at all? But from the outside world?

   But since I entered this world, it seems that my spiritual consciousness has been completely absorbed. But why does his Danhai have that part of the divine consciousness?

  Chen Xuan knew that the extra spiritual knowledge was not a lot. That is, the expansion of his Danhai is not fast. But at least that has been expanded!

   Could it be said that using the Jia blueprint to practice can expand your Dan Sea? How is this going? Does this so-called Jia blueprint still have such a function?

  Expanding one's Dan Sea is to expand the strength of one's Dan Sea, so that one's own divine consciousness can be more vigorous in the Dan Sea. But the problem is that Chen Xuan knows that if ordinary people want to expand Dan Hai. That is, you need to practice your own practice countless times. But did Chen Xuan say that he doesn't need to practice his own exercises and he only needs to comprehend his own blueprint to have the same effect?

  What is the Najia Blueprint? Chen Xuan didn't know, was it a technique or a huge picture? Chen Xuan didn't even know what kind of existence this Jia Blueprint was like in the end?

  But the current Chen Xuan feels that he may not be able to manage that much at all, and what Chen Xuan can do now is to take a good look at this so-called Jia blueprint.

  But Chen Xuan knew that it was very likely that his current existence was already very responsible. And these responsibilities of oneself, need one's own existence to finish slowly.

  Chen Xuan felt that he seemed to be struggling in the Jia blueprint, and Chen Xuan was still as cold as ever. Chen Xuan's decision will not be changed.

  Since Chen Xuan wanted to take a good look at the world within this blueprint, then it was his goal afterwards. Although Chen Xuan didn't know why, he would inexplicably enter the blueprint after he began to meditate on the consciousness. But this is my own secret. Chen Xuan intends to rotten him in his heart. Chen Xuan didn't plan to be because of this so-called Jia blueprint. You can make yourself ascend to the sky in one step, and you no longer need to practice other exercises.

  The purpose of Chen Xuan's coming to Heguizong this time was for the practice of Heguizong and the cultivation resources of Heguizong. However, for a dog like Nangong Che, Chen Xuan wanted to teach him a lesson. But Chen Xuan felt that his current strength was too weak. Chen Xuan felt that he needed to become stronger.

  If you can't become stronger, maybe you can only forbear it now. Is his current strength in the Golden Core Realm not enough to compete with the opponent?

  His current strength in the Golden Core Realm is estimated to have killed Nangong Che, and then his entire family will hate him. It is not good for him to be remembered by such a cultivating family.

  Chen Xuan decided that he still had to break through first and wait until he broke through to the peak of the Nascent Soul Realm. Then there is no need to be afraid of each other. The elementary and intermediate stages of the Nascent Infant Realm are nothing more than ants to the peak of the Nascent Infant Realm. Since it was an ant, Chen Xuan naturally didn't need to care at all in the future. However, Chen Xuan is indeed still far away from the Nascent Soul Realm.

   Chen Xuan's current strength in the Golden Core Realm must first break through to the Transcendent God Realm. Chen Xuan thought about his future, and the desire to become stronger in his heart strengthened again. He wants to become stronger, he wants to become stronger!

   Then Chen Xuan took a big step forward without hesitation. Chen Xuan decided that he would use all his available methods just to make himself stronger! Chen Xuan feels that many people can do many things in their lifetime. Even an ordinary person can do many things in his lifetime. But many people are destined to do nothing in their lives.

   can only live in the low-end struggle of life, but Chen Xuan thinks if this person puts all his energy on only one thing? What will happen after that?

  Chen Xuan knew that if a person really wants to accomplish something, then he can definitely do it. And Chen Xuan now has the strength of a Golden Core Realm powerhouse. His lifespan is now hundreds of years longer than that of normal people! And if he wants to accomplish one thing, can he still fail to do it?

  Chen Xuan also knew that on the road of cultivation, many people would fail because of this, and eventually they would lose their souls. But Chen Xuan is not afraid, and Chen Xuan is not afraid of his soul flying away! Chen Xuan was only afraid that he was still alive but couldn't do anything.

  When Chen Xuan took this second step, Chen Xuan felt that his spiritual consciousness was very weak.

   Must succeed!

  Chen Xuan shouted in his heart. Chen Xuan looked at his spiritual consciousness, and the worm needed to move very slowly. As if it will dissipate immediately. And at this moment, Chen Xuan's own consciousness seemed to feel the extreme pain!

  The extreme pain seems to be far beyond the comparability of cultivation. If it is said that the tiredness and pain of practicing a kind of exercise is compared with the observation and observation in the blueprint of the Jia, I am afraid it is not worth mentioning.

  Chen Xuan felt his spiritual consciousness, as if being burned by the flames in the blueprint of Jia! What should Chen Xuan do? Chen Xuan's body was not damaged in any way, but Chen Xuan's consciousness was very painful at this moment.

  Chen Xuan’s divine consciousness is blue, and it has gradually faded to light blue. Does it mean that he is going out again this time? Chen Xuan asked himself!

   Isn’t it impossible to make two steps this time? Chen Xuan forced to ask himself! Do not! No, Chen Xuan's divine consciousness, although it is rapidly fading, will soon disappear into the world of the Jia blueprint. But at this moment, Chen Xuan seemed to be like a giant dragon and suddenly rushed forward madly. Despite this break free, it still seems to be creeping to the world.

  Because the world in this painting is too huge. But Chen Xuan's last madness this time retained his spiritual knowledge. Before his divine consciousness quickly faded and even disappeared, Chen Xuan discovered that his divine consciousness had gradually deepened! It's a success! Chen Xuan yelled frantically. Although Chen Xuan was only divine consciousness, there was no sound when he shouted. But Chen Xuan's divine consciousness shouted in his heart still very strong.

  Chen Xuan finally took five steps in the Jia blueprint. This fifth step is particularly difficult. Chen Xuan knows that this time his Danhai has expanded, his spiritual consciousness has become stronger again!

  Even Chen Xuan seemed to feel a faint breakthrough in his ontology. Chen Xuan felt that Dan Hai of his own body seemed to be breaking through. In fact, the breakthrough was a very strong feeling.

  Otherwise, the divine consciousness cannot be sensed at all. This breakthrough is extremely painful for the cultivator, but it is also an extreme enjoyment. This feeling is very difficult to understand.

  But Chen Xuan's heart is very different. Come in by yourself this time Jia blueprint. Is he about to break through? But at this time Chen Xuan didn't plan to go back, and there was no way to go back.

  There are two ways to go back in the Jia blueprint! The first way is to fully comprehend this blueprint, maybe it is possible to go back.

  The second kind is to completely consume one's own consciousness in the process of enlightenment. In that case, you can go back. But Chen Xuan knew that under his current situation, he only had the second method to go back.

  As for the first type, Chen Xuan needs to work hard for too long. But this blueprint for his own resistance is still very strong. Chen Xuan knew that he was the only living thing that could move in the Jia blueprint. In other words, it is the only airflow that moves. And when you enter the Jia blueprint, you will naturally be resisted by the Chinese Jia blueprint.

  Chen Xuan knew even more that all Chen Xuan could do at present was to endure and move forward. That's all Chen Xuan can do. But Chen Xuan wanted to take a step forward at the moment. For Chen Xuan, the difficulty was no less than ascending.

  Chen Xuan slowly calmed his mind. Go one step further!

  Suddenly Chen Xuan felt that it was like a huge hurricane ahead, and he could directly destroy his spiritual consciousness into pieces! But Chen Xuan was still not afraid.

  If you don’t succeed, you become benevolent. This is the first sentence that Chen Xuan has always said to himself when he enters the world of cultivation. Either die or become immortal! That's why Chen Xuan never thought about his wealthy worldly things!

  (End of this chapter)

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