Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1685: Accept disciples?

  Chapter 1685 Accepting disciples?

  Chen Xuan instantly felt embarrassed that he had been completely stared at by these four evil wolves. Although Chen Xuan's face was still as calm as ever, at this time, Chen Xuan's heart had already set off a stormy sea.

  The four law enforcement elders all want to accept themselves as disciples? Among the four law enforcement elders, except for Sima Wushuang's accidental burden in the combined sect! They are considered to be one of the best existences in Heguizong.

   And he became a law enforcement elder in the combined sect. I am afraid that he himself has reached the peak of the earth wonderland or is he a strong man in the middle of the earth wonderland? For Chen Xuan, this is already a very good existence. But Chen Xuan felt that this Sima Wushuang was becoming more and more unfathomable. Could it be that the strength he showed and his strength Sima Wushuang... Isn't his old man used to it?

  This made Chen Xuan feel surprised, after all, the existence of Sima Wushuang had reached the peak of the perverted Earth Wonderland. And with the existence of the peak of the earth fairyland, how could Chen Xuan still think in the way of ordinary people?

  Chen Xuan is more curious about Sima Wushuang. In fact, Chen Xuan was misunderstood. The reason why this Sima Wushuang didn't look surprised was because Sima Wushuang had noticed Chen Xuan a long time ago.

   But even so, the cultivation base and Dao Mind that Chen Xuan revealed made Sima Wushuang even more frightened. It's just that Sima Wushuang's state of mind has long been accustomed to emotions and anger...

   And Sima Wushuang had long regarded Chen Xuan as his disciple. After all, Chen Xuan was the first time Sima Wushuang accepted his disciple, and of course it was the last time. But these four law enforcement elders were afraid that they would personally go to Sima Wushuang to ask someone.

  This made Sima Wushuang a little bit dumbfounded, and Mu Zhe, the young master of the Mu family, and the young master of the Nangong family, Nangong...

  In fact, Sima Wushuang was not thinking about what Chen Xuan could bring to Heguizong, but Chen Xuan could bring Sima things to Sima Wushuang? Chen Xuan's existence is too enchanting! Sima Wushuang didn't think what happened to the existence of Heguizong...because Sima Wushuang's existence was not the person who founded the mountains and founded the ancestors for Heguizong. Sima Wushuang naturally didn't have much feelings for Heguizong...

   Chen Xuan's existence makes Sima Wushuang feel very valuable! Correct! It's just valuable. If Sima Wushuang was so easy to show affection to Chen Xuan, Sima Wushuang would not be Sima Wushuang.

  The mentality of Sima Wushuang has long since existed without sorrow and joy, and Sima Wushuang's existence has long existed like a stone... Doubtful that the existence of reaching the peak of the earth fairyland has very high requirements for the so-called state of mind.

   Chen Xuan's existence, how could it be possible for Sima Wushuang to exist in this way? And Sima Wushuang only realized his powerful Dao Xin when he was at the peak of his fairyland...

  With the existence of Sima Wushuang, the powerhouses at the pinnacle of the earth wonderland realized Dao Xin. Therefore, Chen Xuan's existence is more of value for Sima Wushuang.

   Sima Wushuang is more of a pity for Chen Xuan, but for Sima Wushuang... Chen Xuan still has curiosity, which is Chen Xuan's opportunity. How could Chen Xuan's opportunity be an ordinary person? And what happened to Chen Xuan's erased memory? There are really many secrets in Chen Xuan's body. But how could the existence of Chen Xuan Chance be just a powerhouse at the pinnacle of Earth Wonderland that he only has, that he can comprehend it?

How could Sima Wushuang not know? Although I have reached the peak of the Earth Wonderland, the road of cultivation is probably just the beginning or even hasn't started yet!

  Because there are people outside the world, there are days outside the world! Experts in the earth fairyland, after reaching the peak, they will usher in the existence of the heavenly gods as long as they pass through the tribulation! But Sima Wushuang knew that he had no chance. When the peak of the earth fairyland hit the sky, the soul flew away, and the smoke disappeared more than a few thousand? For thousands of years, but only Yu Shen and Mie Shen...

  But Sima Wushuang knew that, despite this, Chen Xuan was still the one who was very likely to become the third existence. But Sima Wushuang was impossible, since he entered the invisible door.

  Because of the eight major sects in the Yu world, the powerhouses at the pinnacle of the earth fairyland have long been forbidden to go one step further. Sima Wushuang is one of them. It takes too much merit to survive the catastrophe, and Sima Wushuang is not enough. But Sima Wushuang felt that if he cultivated a disciple in this lifetime... cultivated a disciple of the Celestial God Realm... it would definitely be worth death.

  Sima Wushuang knew that it was possible that the Heavenly God Realm was just the beginning. What Sima Wushuang had known for a long time was... It is very possible that the peak of the fairyland is like the acquired power of the acquired realm entering the Dan realm...

   At that time, when the power of the acquired world was about to form a pill, wasn't it also a thread in the line? There are so many flowers, birds, fish and insects in this world that they cannot escape the word reincarnation. This kind of truth can be applied even on the road of cultivation!

  It's a pity that the world I can see is only the world at the pinnacle of Earth Wonderland. Sima Wushuang's face was sullen, and a look of regret flashed, looking at the scenery outside on the sacred mountain of the main hall, a little melancholy...

  But would I be because of Chen Xuan...Forget it, Sima Wushuang's self-deprecating color flashed in his eyes... and then he sat motionless like an old monk in a calm state...

  However, Chen Xuan's eyes were a little bit excited at this time, and he really didn't make a mistake after seeing this visit to Heguizong. When Chen Xuan came this time, not only was able to join the combined sect, but he was also able to find himself a master of great pen. It's a worthwhile trip!

  Chen Xuan wandered around in the Heguizong at this time, only to find that there were so many doorways in the Heguizong, and they were very large. It was too big for Chen Xuan to imagine.

  Just why is it a guest? It was very simple, because Chen Xuan was not strictly a disciple of the Guizong at this time. After the apprenticeship is completed, it is considered to join the Confucian School. Of course, the ceremony of apprenticeship is more than just apprenticeship. The ceremony of apprenticeship is to worship the ancestor of the ancestor, and then determine the status of the disciple based on the disciple's aptitude.

  The level of status in Heguizong is very strict. To be precise, the level of status among the eight major sects is very strict, and they are almost strict. From bottom to top, the disciples are: handyman disciple, outer disciple, inner disciple, in-house disciple, and direct disciple. Don't just look at these as disciples, the difference is huge!

   Chen Xuan understands that although this so-called title is a disciple, the difference is very big. And the handyman disciple is nothing more than a servant in Heguizong. Although it is a disciple, it is more appropriate to say that it is a servant. However, Chen Xuan knew that, strictly speaking, an outer disciple was considered a disciple. The handyman disciple will also receive the wages in the dunya, Ha is not considered a cultivator. However, Chen Xuan knew that this so-called outer disciple was initially regarded as a disciple recognized in the combined sect.

  The outer disciple, to put it simply, is very simple, that is, the disciple who has cultivated to pass the branch trial of the combined sect. And outer disciples often have two paths. The so-called Outer Sect disciple, the two paths are nothing more than the first is to expatriate and become an official, but to stay in the integrated sect to continue to practice.

   But for the people of the world, reaching the realm of the outer disciple is considered to have reached the peak of existence.

  Because the disciples of the outer sect were officials, they were the guards of a county. Such a great official in frontiers existed! What Chen Xuan knew even more was that in the eyes of ordinary people, such a great official in frontiers had already become a terrifying existence for you. But Chen Xuan knew that this was just the beginning for cultivators. Chen Xuan knew that although the outer disciple could be a dragon and a phoenix on the outside, it was not worth mentioning in the united sect. After all, this kind of existence is still too much for Heguizong.

  Chen Xuan still knew in his heart that the outer disciple was even the lowest-level disciple for Heguizong. And the handyman disciple can even be said to be not considered as a disciple.

  Chen Xuan knows this very well, and it is because of this that Chen Xuan discovered that the combined sect is truly unfathomable. But because of this, Chen Xuan felt that there would be more methods and exercises for the combined sect.

  And even because of this, Chen Xuan felt that it was really worthwhile for him to come to Heguizong! But Chen Xuan knew that the disciple of the inner sect who was one level higher than the disciple of the outer sect was the disciple of the inner sect...

  The so-called inner disciple means that he is regarded as a disciple valued by the true and true Integrated Sect, and he will prepare teachers for the inner disciples. It is the so-called guardian to teach the cultivation of inner disciples. Of course, those levels won't go as high, and those guardians...there are only a few disciples followed by a guardian.

  After the inner disciple, there is the disciple who enters the room, and this so-called disciple who enters the room generally refers to a disciple named under a certain law enforcement elder, or even the suzerain. That is, it can be regarded as a registered disciple of the suzerain or law enforcement elder.

  The registered disciples of the suzerain or law enforcement elders can have several, and even dozens of them. This is very normal. But there is only one so-called direct disciple!

  The so-called direct disciple needs to eat and live with the law enforcement elder or the overlord. Sovereign or law enforcement elders need to teach you how to practice. And more importantly, there can only be one disciple in person! That's right, there can only be one disciple, and there can be no second one. This is almost a perverted request...

  For the suzerain and the law enforcement elders, it is very cautious! Therefore, the requirements for direct disciples will be raised again and again, and even many great talents will not receive a direct disciple in their lifetime. The reason is simple, because this great power disliked them as not qualified!

  And the direct disciple represents the strength and vision of this strong master...

  (End of this chapter)

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