Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1693: Zhu Xin (3)

  Chapter 1693: Heart (3)

  At this time, Chen Xuan really felt what was the action of the heart in the image of the heart. Because Chen Xuan seems to have discovered that the plot of the heart is far from being as simple as Chen Xuan himself thought. And Chen Xuan also discovered the current plan of punishing the heart, I am afraid that he is the only one fighting alone. There are two ways to put him beside him, one is to become a complete fool. Complete non-resistance can only exchange for the current result.

  Chen Xuan understood that the great power of this so-called Yuzong ancestor was afraid that he wanted to kill chickens and monkeys. And he was the chicken, and the people outside, including Sima Wushuang, were monkeys. However, Chen Xuan's heart was still annoyed, and he was pitted by this Sima Wushuang.

  It's not good now, and was treated as a monkey by the sages of Yuzong. But although Chen Xuan's heart is not at peace, how could Chen Xuan's heart just stop because he was treated as a monkey? This is simply impossible.

  In Chen Xuan's eyes was the scorching heat that could not be concealed, and the raging fire under the scorching heat ignited Chen Xuan's mind. It's ridiculous, there are so many unsolved mysteries in him, Chen Xuan. How could it be comparable to a monkey? He Chen Xuan left his hometown from the mainland of Xuncheng to come to this so-called combined sect. How could it be that he was just treated as a monkey?

  What Chen Xuan wants to do is to be a strong man in the Yu world, so if he wants to be a strong man in the Yu world, then all the dogmas that bind Chen Xuan will die! What are the sages of Yuzong? What is Yuzong's dogmatic etiquette? What is the so-called Zhu Xin?

  Fuck to death! Chen Xuan kept shouting in his heart, and the fiery fire in Chen Xuan's eyes became more and more arrogant and arrogant. Just like Chen Xuan's mind now, since Chen Xuan was forced to be so extraordinary by fate. Then why do you have to obey the things of ordinary people?

  God blocks and kills gods, Buddha blocks and kills Buddhas! The voice of this sentence in Chen Xuan's heart has become stronger and stronger. Chen Xuan's fighting spirit is getting stronger and stronger. At this time, it seems that the picture of Zhu Xin has been somewhat changed by Chen Xuan's mind.

The coercion on Chen Xuan in the   Zhang Heart Map is getting stronger and stronger, as if to use this coercion to force Chen Xuan's will to death. How can Chen Xuan do what he wants?


   Chen Xuan snorted, and Chen Xuan closed his eyes tightly at this time. However, he saw the path ahead of this Zhanxin Diagram very clearly. Because at this time Chen Xuan focused on the heart, naturally he could see much more clearly than before.

   What is even more frightening is that the place that Chen Xuan's eyes are seeing is far farther than before. It seems that what Chen Xuan can see at this time is a corner of the picture of Zhu Xin. He found that the person who drew this picture of the heart is really a remarkable person. Because Chen Xuan discovered that this image of the heart-to-heart is very much like a world, yes it is a world that is not big or small...

  According to what Chen Xuan felt, it was about half the size of another continent. But it was a bit bigger than the mainland of Xuncheng, although Chen Xuan's eyes were tightly closed. But what Chen Xuan could feel at this time was much more than what he could feel when his eyes were open. At this time, Chen Xuan could feel every drop of dust in the wind and dust...

  A little bit of details can't escape Chen Xuan's heart. Chen Xuan feels that this is probably caused by his Dao heart. Chen Xuan felt that his existence seemed to be more than what he could feel when he was in another continent.

   But after that, Chen Xuan was relieved. Because Chen Xuan discovered that it might not be because Chen Xuan's strength became stronger, so he could feel more. It is because Chen Xuan has already taken off the skin of Chen Xuan's body, so Chen Xuan's current spiritual consciousness has completely become Chen Xuan's Taoism!

  It was a very wonderful feeling, at least Chen Xuan himself thought so. Because what Chen Xuan could feel was that his Dao Heart was stronger than before. This is definitely good news for Chen Xuan.

But Chen Xuan didn’t know how to crack this heart-destruction map. Chen Xuan's mind was constantly thinking about the way to crack the heart-determination map, but Chen Xuan felt that the coercion was moving towards Chen. Xuan forced over from all directions.

  But now Chen Xuan seems to be able to find the place where this coercion exists. I don’t know what it is? Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart, but Chen Xuan's expression was still as cold as ever, Chen Xuan's eyes were closed tightly, but Jialan Jian's divine consciousness also entered with Chen Xuan.

  Why does the Jialan Sword also have divine consciousness? Because this Jialan sword should have been forged by a strong man in the Heavenly God Realm when it was cast. So this Jialan sword has become a great existence. And this Jialan sword Chen Xuan knew that after so long, this Jialan sword was afraid that his spiritual consciousness had been closely connected with his own.

  So Chen Xuan understood that once his divine consciousness left his body, then this Jialan sword would be the same. The sword consciousness of his Jialan sword will also leave his sword body. With Chen Xuan's spiritual consciousness, this Jialan Ring is the same. Therefore, it is said that Chen Xuan's divine consciousness came into the picture of Zhu Xin, but...

  Chen Xuan's equipment, Chen Xuan's mist came into the picture of Zhu Xin. Such Chen Xuan also seemed very fearless now. Because Chen Xuan knew that even though he was an intermediate powerhouse in the Transcendent God Realm.

  But he had realized his Dao Xin in the Jia Blueprint before, and just not long ago, Chen Xuan combined his Dao Xin with his own swordsmanship. In other words, Chen Xuan had already combined his Dao Xin with his sword skills to form a powerful Jian Xin.

  If you say that the mind is something that every cultivator and its difficulties can understand, and it also requires many, many coincidences. Then Jianxin is even more difficult than Daoxin, and is a hundred times more difficult.

The so-called relationship between Jianxin and Daoxin is like this. At each stage, Taoxin means that Chen Xuan understands the Taoxin of the Huashen state at the stage of transforming the gods, and naturally needs to understand the state of the souls during the stage of the Nascent Soul. Dao Xin. What Chen Xuan may not know is that the understanding of Dao Xin at every stage requires the existence of opportunities.

  Moreover, comprehending Dao Xin requires great talent. If there is no talent, how can we understand Dao Xin? And those who are strong in the transformation of the gods have the Dao heart of those who are strong in the transformation of the gods, so naturally those who are strong in the Nascent Soul Realm also have the Dao Xin of the strong in the Nascent Soul. The strong in the earth wonderland also have the Dao heart of the strong in the earth wonderland. But generally speaking, cultivators can only comprehend the Taoism of the strong in the earth fairyland when they are strong in the earth fairyland.

  That is to say, the cultivator did not realize the Taoism of the Transcendent God Realm when he was in the Transcendent Soul Realm, and did not have the Taoism of the Yuan Ying Realm when he was in the Yuan Ying Realm. So what does this mean?

  In other words, the Taoism of the practitioners of Yuzong today is extremely unstable. That is to say, when it comes to the peak of the earth fairyland, those powerful and strong will understand the Dao Xin at the peak of the earth fairyland.

  In other words, the foundation of such a strong person is not stable, and the combination of his own magical tools and his comprehend Dao Xin is not to mention. Maybe there is only one person in the Yu world who has done this, and that is Sima Wushuang. But now they are indeed two people, because Chen Xuan also did it. Chen Xuan also managed to integrate Dao Xin with his own magic weapon.

  But his own cultivation level is still not enough, if it is the combination of Chen Xuan's Dao Xin of the Divine Realm and his own swordsmanship. Later, I will come to realize that the Dao Xin of the Nascent Soul Realm is incorporating his own swordsmanship into it, thereby consolidating his own words of Jian Xin.

  Even Sima Wushuang himself cannot imagine. When Chen Xuan reaches the peak of the earth fairyland, what level of strength can Chen Xuan reach? Because Sima Wushuang only realized Dao Xin from the peak of the earth fairyland. So he combined his Dao Heart with his own swordsmanship, resulting in Jianxin.

  But what Sima Wushuang couldn't imagine was that Chen Xuanruo would combine his Daoism with his swordsmanship in the future. Then what kind of strong will the strength that has been consolidated?

   But now Chen Xuan still needs experience, so Sima Wushuang did not intend to intervene in this matter this time. But Sima Wushuang can be sure that Chen Xuan will never become a lunatic.

  Because outsiders can’t imagine how strong Jianxin is for a kendo practitioner, but Sima Wushuang knows. And now Chen Xuan’s spiritual consciousness is already very powerful.

  But what makes Sima Wushuang feel strange is that Jia blueprint, what kind of baby is there in that Jia blueprint. Can make Chen Xuan so incredible.

  Sima Wushuang is also completely unimaginable. Even at this time, Sima Wushuang was already a powerhouse at the pinnacle of Earth Wonderland, and he was currently the most powerful practitioner in the Yu world, and he was even more known as the sword fairy. But even so Sima Wushuang still felt that this so-called Jia blueprint was indeed too powerful. Powerful enough that Sima Wushuang could not know the slightest bit of the Jia blueprint.

   "It depends on Chen Xuan's luck, and the level of cultivation and understanding depends on Chen Xuan's own aptitude and luck. The old man is still helpless." Sima Wushuang murmured secretly. After all, Sima Wushuang definitely regarded Chen Xuan as his apprentice at this time. Although he let Chen Xuan at this time be in danger.

  But Sima Wushuang knew how important a strong sword heart was to Chen Xuan. If Sima Wushuang let Chen Xuan's good opportunity to consolidate his sword's heart in this way, even if it was Sima Wushuang, he himself felt that his sins could not be forgiven.

  But Chen Xuan didn't think so in his heart at this time. In his heart at this time, Chen Xuan had never greeted Sima Wushuang's family eighteen times. Even more, he greeted Sima Wushuang himself thirty-six times.

   But how could Chen Xuan just be a self-blaming person? Chen Xuan closed his eyes and slowly drained all these distracting thoughts out of his body, because Chen Xuan wanted to go out. Chen Xuan hopes that he can go out well!

  (End of this chapter)

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