Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1696: Mei-dong

   Chapter 1696

  Chen Xuan has heard of the legend about the cave. The temperature of the cave in the legend is very high. It's so high that it feels suffocating. Although Chen Xuan said that he was a mid-level powerhouse in the Transcendent God Realm, he had already cultivated his Dao Heart. But Chen Xuan's existence at this time could not avoid this so-called pain. It's really because Chen Xuan's strength should not be up to it.

  Because of the legendary peak powerhouse of the earth fairyland, only the strong people from the peak earth fairyland will not be affected by the illusion in the painting. In fact, to be precise, the strength of their spiritual consciousness has been rushed to be immune to this state of existence. But Chen Xuan's strength at this time is indeed still not capable...

   However, Chen Xuan is indeed no stranger to it, because at this time Chen Xuan's existence is already familiar with this feeling. Just like people who live in **** every day, they don't feel how painful **** actually is. This is the same truth. It's not because they are immune to this kind of pain, nor is it because they live in **** every day, so they don't suffer anymore. It's not...just used to it.

  However, Chen Xuan's strength is indeed only an ant-like existence compared to this painting.

  However, although Chen Xuan did not endure this kind of pain every day, Chen Xuan did not feel much pain in his heart since he entered the picture of Zhu Xin.

  Because since Chen Xuan got the Jia blueprint, he would enter the Jia blueprint basically every three times. Therefore, Chen Xuan has become accustomed to this kind of pain. But Chen Xuan's existence is indeed a very powerful state of mind. The credit for this is inevitably attributed to the Jialanprint. Chen Xuan's strength really needed to be tempered.

  But for Chen Xuan, this state of mind is one of his talents. At this time, Chen Xuan's face was very calm, and his heart was also very calm. There was no change in the slightest due to seeing the blazing red python.


  Suddenly Chen Xuan felt that a huge fireball smashed towards Chen Xuan in front of him. Wherever the fireball went, the vegetation, flowers and plants that existed in those dark caves had already been rolled into a piece of ashes. The fireball was like the split shadow of the blazing red python, opening its blood basin towards Chen Xuan. Come over and devour Chen Xuan's distraction completely.

   "Not good!" Chen Xuan roared, Chen Xuan's dance steps were like ghosts and spirits, and he was ready to dodge. But Chen Xuan discovered that the fireball seemed to have a fascinating effect. No matter how Chen Xuan escaped, he always felt that the fireball was behind him.

  And Sima Wushuang outside the painting also snorted coldly at this time. It was because Sima Wushuang discovered that although Chen Xuan's dance steps were dexterous, there was no way of arranging them, or even that they didn't come from the heart.

Sima Wushuang thought for a while, then nodded secretly. Because Sima Wushuang knew, it wasn't that Chen Xuan's talent was insufficient. On the contrary, Chen Xuan's lack of good training resources is considered to be a burden to Chen Xuan. Because for a sect, the skills of escape must be given to disciples. And for a family of cultivators or a big family that dominates one side, this escape technique will also be a more important point of teaching knowledge. And the resources in this area are very important to cultivating families and some very large families.

  So I also collected a lot of such cultivation techniques, but Chen Xuan's strength is indeed a big weakness in escape skills. Even Chen Xuan's dance steps did not start from his own Taoist heart. That means that Chen Xuan can only use the sword to destroy the enemy! In addition, Chen Xuan had no defense at all. This is also very unfavorable for Chen Xuan.

  But Sima Wushuang immediately opened his brows, because Sima Wushuang knew that learning the skills of escape might not be a good choice for a swordsman. Because the swordsman is a heart that meets on a narrow road and the brave wins, if you think about running away, it will definitely have a great impact on the swordsman's Dao Xin.

  Chen Xuan's point is still beyond doubt, but Sima Wushuang actually felt that such a path would be more suitable for Chen Xuan. Because after all, Chen Xuan is an existence that needs to survive the tribulation, and the existence that needs to survive the tribulation means that the demand for that Dao Heart will be very large.

Although it is not easy to walk a road like Chen Xuan, if it is not easy, it is very likely that you will lose your life and be wiped out. Even the spiritual consciousness will never step into the cycle of reincarnation, and will be tortured forever. But if Chen Xuan had taken this path, it would be a very extraordinary existence for Chen Xuan.

At least since the disappearance of Yushen and Mie Shen, although I dare not say whether Yu Shen Mie Shen learned the art of defense or escaped, what Sima Wushuang knew is that since Yu Shen and Mie Shen, no one dared to do this anymore. Up.

   After Yu Shen and Mie Shen, no one can survive this so-called catastrophe. Sima Wushuang really understood that since then, no one can survive the catastrophe.

   But what about? Chen Xuan is very likely to become the second Yu Shen. However, Sima Wushuang looked at Chen Xuan so calmly at this time, but Chen Xuan didn't know. If he knew what he would still call the old man Sima Wushuang like! Because at this time, Chen Xuan felt that the so-called death was approaching towards him.

  Chen Xuan's dance steps are already very fast, at least what Chen Xuan feels about himself, Chen Xuan feels that his dance steps are already very fast. But the fireball of this blazing red python seemed to be teasing an ant by a god, just clinging to Chen Xuan's back, but it didn't kill Chen Xuan. And watching Chen Xuan struggle so hard. But how could Chen Xuan give up? He was still running desperately, but the existence of this blazing red python seemed to be deliberately struggling with Chen Xuan. Has been chasing Chen Xuan tightly. But Chen Xuan hadn't thought of fighting back, because Chen Xuan still wanted to save his life first.

  But Sima Wushuang seemed to be looking at a naive child, with a hint of sarcasm on his face, and a hint of disdain. But what Chen Xuan didn't know was that at this time, he did indeed look like a toy. There is no other reason, because my response is wrong.

  Chen Xuan was so tired from running, and the powerful pressure and scorching temperature constantly tortured Chen Xuan. At this time, Chen Xuan seemed to be living in hell. But even so, Chen Xuan didn't even see the figure of the blazing red python. Chen Xuan was very speechless and aggrieved. Chen Xuan felt that even when he entered the Jia Blueprint, he had never been so frustrated. This **** painting fairy.

  But at this time, the Jialan sword in Chen Xuan's hand was constantly flooding with fighting spirit, and Chen Xuan's eyes flashed red again. The dust where the fireball went was burned to ashes, and Chen Xuan could even feel that it was his divine consciousness that was likely to be burned to ashes in the next second.

  And Sima Wushuang's face is still as calm as ever, because he believes that Chen Xuan should follow his heart. Fight if you want to fight, kill if you want to kill. Even if anyone comes to persuade, he can't change his heart. This is what this painting fairy wants to express. Chen Xuan was so eager to fight back, but Chen Xuan's reason still told Chen Xuan that he could not do such a thing.

   And Chen Xuan's hand is closely related to Chen Xuan's Jia Lan sword, even with the same mind, and can't help but his fighting spirit is about to burn. And Chen Xuan was still avoiding and evading. Sima Wushuang knew that there was not much time left for Chen Xuan now. Although the fireball had been keeping close to Chen Xuan's pace, it was because the painting immortal had reserved time for Chen Xuan.

  If it is said that once the time is up to that point, then Chen Xuan is afraid that it will be impossible to escape the fate of being killed in the painting. And Chen Xuan himself would become a complete lunatic. For Sima Wushuang, this was the last thing he didn't want to see. But Sima Wushuang was not very anxious at this time, because he believed that Chen Xuan could realize this.

  If Chen Xuan can’t realize it, it’s madness, what good is it to keep the one who can’t even pass this level? Sima Wushuang thought so, Sima Wushuang didn't even have any emotions. Because in Sima Wushuang's world there are only swords and sword hearts, and the sword hearts that Sima Wushuang has cultivated throughout his life are killing and cruel.

  So in Sima Wushuang's world, it is true that Sima Wushuang's feelings are not really needed. This is the existence of Sima Wushuang. But what Chen Xuan knows is that even if he escapes like this, it is very likely that he will be killed! How to do? Is this a dead end? Chen Xuan has even begun to despair.

   Chen Xuan's heart to fight became stronger and stronger, and Jia Lan Jian and even Zhen Yuan had already burned Jia Lan Sword with red light.

   "Never mind," Chen Xuan reluctantly downplayed. "In that case, the sky won't let me Chen Xuan. I will be killed no matter how I escape. Then use my sporadic power to smash an edge of your mountain!" Chen Xuan almost roared out wildly. . Chen Xuan was not reconciled, because Chen Xuan didn't want to die, let alone crazy.

  Because there are too many concerns for Chen Xuan. For example, what happened to Chen Xuan's empty memory, and Chen Xuan didn't understand his own life experience, and even the Xuncheng mainland and Sanbaigu, he never went back to take a look.

  Why are you going crazy and going to die? God treats me like this? Then I, Chen Xuan, even if it is as small as an ant, I still want to poke a hole in this sky for you! Even if this hole is too small to see!

  (End of this chapter)

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