Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1698: Flame Red Python (2)

  Chapter 1698 Flaming Red Python (2)

  At this time, Chen Xuan saw such a big flame red python. Can't help but secretly marvel that this so-called prehistoric monster is so huge. But Chen Xuan felt that this blazing red python might be considered weaker among the prehistoric monsters.

  Chen Xuan seems to understand this map of the heart in his heart. This map of the heart is probably not something particularly mysterious. This so-called fairy painting is just a complete picture of the wild monsters. Chen Xuan's heart was still very shocked, the extent of the shock was like thousands of horses galloping wildly.

  Because Chen Xuan knew that this wild behemoth would be a scourge to the Yu world. But Chen Xuan felt that he was fortunate to witness these prehistoric behemoths as a not-so-small experience in his own path of cultivation. But Chen Xuan also paid a big price for this eye-opening, because what Chen Xuan's eye-opening needs is to take his own life as a bet this time.

Regardless of   , Chen Xuan thought in his heart, it doesn't really matter. Unsuccessful in the path of cultivation, you will become benevolent, even if you are a strong person at the pinnacle of the earth fairyland, it is unavoidable.

  The blazing red python was still asleep, as if a flame-flaming dragon was entrenched in the sky at this time, and would rush down to swallow Chen Xuan at any time. And Chen Xuan also looked at the face of the flame red python while he was asleep. This blazing red python is really worthy of being a prehistoric monster. The head of this blazing red python is as big as two mountains, and the eyes and facial features are almost completely separated by a few meters. In fact, this wouldn't make Chen Xuan feel that the contours of the facial features on the face of the flame red python were scattered.

  Because the head of the flame red python was too big, and when the flame red python was sleeping soundly, it was like a dragon, which made Chen Xuan feel like he was ready to go. And Chen Xuan even felt that if the flamed red python had woken up at this time, Chen Xuan would not have to fight him and would be swallowed by him in one bite.

  The facial expression of the blazing red python made Chen Xuan feel that the blazing red python was very hideous even when he was asleep. The entire body of the blazing red python was covered with fire-burning gully, and even the face of the blazing red python was not listed.

  Chen Xuan even felt that this blazing red python had no anger and self-prestige when he fell asleep, but Chen Xuan's reason still told Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan must defeat it! Otherwise it is very possible, not possible! It was Chen Xuan who died. Chen Xuan wanted to slip away while the flame red python was asleep. This is totally unworkable. Because Chen Xuan discovered that leaving the gate of this palace...

   just behind the blazing red python, this made Chen Xuan scold the so-called painting immortal hundreds of times. It's really shameful for this horrible painting immortal to toss himself so much. Even Chen Xuan wanted to wait for Chen Xuan to go out and look for the tomb of the painting immortal.

   Then dig out the corpse in his grave, whip the corpse by the way, and then make him feel uneasy. Because Chen Xuan knew that Zong Yu was generally unwilling to let the powerhouses at the pinnacle of the earth fairyland attack the heavenly gods.

  In fact, this is not surprising, because the Yushen strong wants to attack the heavenly **** realm strong, it must be unavoidable to survive the heavenly catastrophe. And Chen Xuan knew that if he wanted to survive the catastrophe, it would be very risky. If the lifespan of a strong man at the top of the earth fairyland is 30,000 years, then the catastrophe will arrive in 25,000 years.

  In other words, there are two paths in the eyes of the peak powerhouse of the earth fairyland at this time, one is to survive the catastrophe and become the primary powerhouse of the heavenly gods. The other is to just not accept the catastrophe. That way, through the last five thousand years, Chen Xuan knew that in the last five thousand years, the strength of the powerhouse at the peak of the earth fairyland was as terrifying as the peak.

  This is like our ordinary people. Some people even say that this is the benevolence of heaven. Let the cultivator use it to arrange funeral affairs, and then fade everything away to escape into reincarnation. Chen Xuan is actually noncommittal about this point.

  Tian Dao Ren? Chen Xuan never felt that way. On the contrary, Chen Xuan felt that the way of heaven was cold and even very sinful. He can use his laws to seize all the rules, but also because of his strength. People naturally dare not say anything. But Chen Xuan felt that despite this, it was the way of heaven that a cultivator like him had to fight against.

   Chen Xuan thought of this, and he thought of the memories he had lost, as well as the old man Sanbai in the Sanbai Valley. The old man Sanbai was the first master Chen Xuan came to this world, and under Chen Xuan's influence...Although the old man Sanbai kept tossing him for his cultivation body. Even the days of staying in the Three White Valleys were very painful on Chen Xuan's body. But this made Chen Xuan add a lot of things to the lonely heart that had no affection. Chen Xuan felt that those days were the happiest time for Chen Xuan to come to this world. It was even the happiest time for Chen Xuan and the two generations. But the so-called Dao of Heaven still took the life of Mr. San Bai!

  This is the cruel way of heaven, unwilling to let anything under him get the so-called eternity. Let everything under him become very short-lived. But what does Chen Xuan think?

  Chen Xuan will change all this sooner or later. What is impermanence? In front of the strong, all this is nonsense! At least Chen Xuan is now qualified to think that way. The desire to become stronger in Chen Xuan's eyes is like a raging fire that is constantly burning, and it is getting stronger and stronger. Chen Xuan opened his eyes again, but when he opened his eyes this time, Chen Xuan's eyes were no longer deep! On the contrary, it is very pure, there is only one word that is war!

  Only by fighting, can Chen Xuan get the freedom he wants, even though he has been completely abandoned by Heaven, he cannot return. But Chen Xuan knew that if he became stronger, he could not save anything. But he can at least make a huge change in his future. Fight against the demon! Fight with people! More is going to fight against the heavens!

  Chen Xuan cannot be afraid, nor should he be afraid. Since Chen Xuan wanted absolute freedom, he had to put in absolute effort and absolute danger. Chen Xuan's eyes narrowed, even Chen Xuan didn't even know it. When Chen Xuan's eyes narrowed, it was when Chen Xuan's intent to kill was the most terrifying. Indeed, the killing intent in Chen Xuan's heart at this time was already full of his internal organs. Even if a cultivator is staying next to Chen Xuan at this time, he will definitely feel as if he is being stared at by a beast.


  The flaming red python seemed to wake up suddenly, his eyes as big as dozens of copper bells suddenly stared at Chen Xuan. Just now, Chen Xuan's body was still full of passionate fighting spirit, and then his body seemed to be like a man on his back. A powerful coolness forced Chen Xuan over. However, Chen Xuan was still very calm. Although it was like this on the surface, Chen Xuan's heart was still very shocked, as if most of his blood had been wiped out. In fact, Chen Xuan's fighting intent was still integrated into Chen Xuan's millet, but the sudden awakening of the blazing red python directly caused Chen Xuan's exposed fighting intent to disappear a lot.

  Because it is really terrifying, the feeling of being stared at is like having been swallowed alive by the blazing red python. Chen Xuan even felt as if he had lost to the flame red python above his aura.

  Chen Xuan closed his eyes again, because Chen Xuan didn't want to be affected by the form of the blazing red python. Even after closing his eyes, Chen Xuan could feel the blazing red python more thoroughly. Chen Xuan could even feel that the horror of the blazing red python at this time seemed to be far greater than the horror that Chen Xuan saw from his appearance. On a lot.

  But after Chen Xuan saw all this, his heart became calm again after a brief shock. Maybe this is Chen Xuan's strength and Chen Xuan's state of mind after he has cultivated Dao Heart. The Jialan sword that Chen Xuan was holding at this time was even more out of Chen Xuan's palm, and began to circle above Chen Xuan's palm. And the blue true essence was constantly burning, as if it had been deep into Chen Xuan's bones of war intent. But Chen Xuan was not dazzled by this powerful fighting intent...

  Even at this time, Chen Xuan was greeted with peace that had never been there before, or that it had been a long time ago. That was the time in the Three White Valleys, when Chen Xuan's heart was pure! And Chen Xuan never lived after leaving the Three White Valley. It may be because of Chen Xuan's peace and incomprehension in the Three White Valley. It may be that Chen Xuan in the Three White Valleys has not seen the blood of humans in this world, and has not carried out extremely cruel killings and massacres. But since Chen Xuan left the Three White Valleys, Chen Xuan's disposition had never been there anymore.

  On the contrary, this time Chen Xuan has once again recovered such a heart of innocence under the huge killing intent of the blazing red python.


  The flame red python seems to have spit out three fireballs. To be precise, the flame red python seems to have shaken three fireballs from its body. Each of the three fireballs seemed to be as big as the eyes of the Flame Red Python, and the fiery face of the Flame Red Python was on top of the fireball spit out. That smiling face made Chen Xuan feel shuddering again.

  But at this time, Jia Lan Jian once again gave Chen Xuan a huge help, and Jia Lan Jian's fighting spirit was burning. And Chen Xuan and Jia Lanjian are even more connected, and Chen Xuan's shuddering feeling is a little less at this time. Chen Xuan seems to understand that this is the benefit of practicing Jianxin, and can communicate with Jialan Jian more directly.

  In fact, the so-called Jianxin, in the final analysis, is the essence of Jialan Jian. As for the artifact, the artifact was originally heartless, but there was a soul of the sword, and such soul of the sword had directly already become the primary swordsmanship of the artifact. But the cultivator who came from the day after day can give the divine tool a kind of original mind, which is a great advantage for the swordsman... but it is also extremely difficult.

  Because the practice of Jianxin is to make a mindless thing become minded, how to change it? After getting along with him for a long time, that is to say, Chen Xuan has already tempered the sword soul of the Jialan sword countless times... only then did Chen Xuan's own Dao Heart blend into the Jialan sword and become Jianxin's.

  (End of this chapter)

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