Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1707: The so-called punish world

  Chapter 1707 The so-called world of the heart

   Chen Xuan looked at Mr. San Bai without any precautions. Although Mr. Sanbai made such an absurd statement. But Chen Xuan still had no hesitation in his eyes.

  Mr. Sanbai looked at Chen Xuan's eyes with more joy, but after a flash. His eyes calmed again. Chen Xuan was even more convinced when he saw that Mr. San Bai's eyes were so calm, that Mr. San Bai seemed to be here to help himself.

  A fierce look flashed through Chen Xuan's eyes, and Chen Xuan's eyes at this time were more like a wolf who wanted to jump into the cliff immediately. With the determination and perseverance of that wolf king, it was obvious that Chen Xuan had made a decision.

  Chen Xuan drew the Jialan sword from behind and pierced Chen Xuan's heart fiercely, like a desperate girl about to jump off the building, sending out the last wish to look at the world.

  But the difference is that Chen Xuan's eyes are not desperate, Chen Xuan's eyes are all willing. Chen Xuan's eyes were full of so-called decisiveness, but Chen Xuan knew that this was likely to be a brand new test, and this test was very cruel. Chen Xuan knew that the test that Mr. San Bai left for himself must be the one that most needed to test his concentration.

  But what can be done like that? For himself, Mr. Sanbai was completely his only relative. Chen Xuan will try his best to satisfy his only family's request or test for himself, or Chen Xuan will do his best to fulfill him.

  If Chen Xuan knew that this so-called Mr. Sanbai was only transformed by the gray-robed Taoist, would he not know what kind of changes would happen to his mood? At this time, the perseverance revealed in Chen Xuan's eyes shocked the Daoist in Gray Robe.

  The talent of this child is absolutely extraordinary! This kind of perseverance and determination, such a person is better not to be the enemy. But the Daoist in Grey had no way! Because he wants to leave here! Leave this ghost place that tortured him for ten years. In the Yu world, the Taoist in the gray robe is also the existence of the wind and cloud. But in this world of Zhu Xin, it is actually not as good as those so-called homeless people. The days of being regarded as ants, such days of being slaughtered by others, Daoist Gray definitely said that it was enough!

  Chen Xuan's heart was beating, and Chen Xuan gritted his teeth, staring at the world behind him with scarlet blood. Chen Xuan's body did not fall down, but Chen Xuan's spiritual consciousness had faintly followed Chen Xuan's heart to the world behind Mr. San Bai...


  Mr. Sanbai saw Chen Xuan's changes, he knew that Chen Xuan would have to go even if he didn't. Then there is no need to disguise himself. Mr. Sanbai's plain suit instantly faded and turned to gray. Chen Xuan's eyes turned scarlet, staring very wide.

  He seems to realize that this is not Mr. Sanbai, right! In fact, although Chen Xuan stripped his sanity before, how could he fail to see those details as detailed as Chen Xuan? Chen Xuan himself didn't want to believe it at all, it was Chen Xuan who thought about it and lied to it.

  But Chen Xuan's heart would still be cold, and Chen Xuan felt that Chen Xuan's heart was already cold to the extreme at this time. It was as if Chen Xuan's heart fell into the ice cellar all at once, but Chen Xuan was not desperate at this time. It's just that the heart becomes very cold, because what Chen Xuan knows he is very likely to be like that Mr. San Bai, no! It was the old gray robe man who went straight to another world, but Chen Xuan knew if that was the case.

  So there is not much time left for Chen Xuan to despair, and even that Chen Xuan has no right to despair and grief. Yup! I am too emotional, and I am not calm enough. But in that case, how could he calm down like this?

  Chen Xuan knew that he must recover at this time, and the current time did not leave him the right to grieve. Because what Chen Xuan knew was once he entered an unfamiliar environment. Chen Xuan's best state is over, and it is still possible to be killed directly. What's more, if Chen Xuan is sad and has no fighting spirit?

  The Daoist in Gray Robe saw Chen Xuan's scarlet eyes at this time, but the Daoist in Gray Robe saw Chen Xuan's scarlet eyes for a while, not even the slightest despair.

  Grey-robed Taoist instead saw icy cold in those eyes, it was an extremely calm cold. This is definitely a particularly good situation for Chen Xuan. And Chen Xuan didn't have much time to grieve now, and Chen Xuan's hatred for the gray-robed Taoist rose to the extreme. But Chen Xuan's hatred towards the gray-robed Taoist did not show the slightest. Because Chen Xuan knew that the current situation was really not suitable for establishing another enemy.

Humph! You are optimistic about it. After Chen Xuan returns to Yu Realm, those in Yu Realm who dare to beat me on Chen Xuan's head in everything. There is only one end, and that is death! Murder in Chen Xuan's eyes suddenly appeared. But the Taoist Grey didn't mind at all, instead he said with a laugh.

"Chen Xuan, the old man advises you that people are not for themselves...the heavens are extinct! You are defeated in front of the old man, and there is another reason that you put something in front of yourself. This time it is you who fell to this end. The reason for this. Remember that after going there, you must remember that sentence. It is the first lesson the old man teaches you."

   "It's worth noting that you call the old man a few times to master. Hahahahaha..."

   Speaking of his gray-robed Taoist figure, he flashed away from the picture of Zhu Xin. And the gray-robed Taoist thought secretly in his heart, Chen Xuan was afraid that he would be extraordinary in time.

  Although he had become hostile to him, if Chen Xuan remembered what he said in the world of Zhu Xin, I am afraid it would still be quite useful to him.

  Gai-robed Taoist is really not a good kind, but the grey-robed Taoist has a foreboding that Chen Xuan may live out of the world of Zhu Xin. Although the Daoist in Gray Robe had been to the World of Jade Heart, Daoist in Gray Robe knew the so-called horror of the world of Zhu Heart. But the abilities he saw in Chen Xuan made him feel that Chen Xuan is very likely to come out of the world of Zhu Xin.

  Although the Daoist in Gray Robe didn't know whether his premonition was right or wrong, the Daoist in Gray Robe knew he had to keep a back hand for himself, because otherwise Chen Xuan would be the first to kill him.

   Even the gray-robed Taoist himself couldn’t think of it. The little bit of kindness guided him to say this sentence, I'm afraid it will be Chen Xuan's amulet for himself in the future. At that time, the gray-robed Taoist knew how clever the decision he had just made was.

  Of course these are all things to follow. Chen Xuan looked at his spiritual consciousness and slowly merged into his heart. In fact, it was said before that the place where one's own spiritual consciousness should exist is Chen Xuan's dantian. But Chen Xuan felt that all his spiritual consciousness had been completely separated from his body and came to his heart.

How is this going? Could it be said that from now on, I can only live on my own heart? In fact, for a cultivator, divine consciousness is all of a cultivator. But what is it for Chen Xuan? Chen Xuan felt that his heart was completely surrounded by his own spiritual sense, but the body that had been with him for a long time was getting colder and colder. Chen Xuan knew that for himself, his body would soon become a corpse.

  Chen Xuan was secretly shocked, could it be that he was going to die like this? No, Chen Xuan would never allow it. If I die, what will happen to the secrets in my body? Chen Xuan hasn't figured out his origin until now, and Chen Xuan still doesn't know who he is from and where.

  Chen Xuan doesn’t even know what his mission is? But what Chen Xuan knew was that he definitely had a mission. As for what it was, Chen Xuan himself didn't know.

  Chen Xuan even saw the ants, the ants who were usually stepped on the soles of his feet were laughing at his corpse at this time. Even Chen Xuan felt that his enemies were happily drinking and celebrating, and Chen Xuan even saw the disappointed expression of Sima Wushuang of the Conguirance Sect when he saw Chen Xuan's corpse.

  Chen Xuan saw the days and nights of his painstaking practice in Sanbai Valley, and Chen Xuan saw what Mr. Sanbai expected of him. Chen Xuan felt the surrounding spirits approach his heart little by little. It was so cold, really cold.

  It was like being approached by the feeling of death, Chen Xuan really felt death. Chen Xuan even felt that he was completely buried in the vortex that the gray-robed Taoist gave him before.

   Chen Xuan felt that he was indeed about to go to another world. When Chen Xuan went to another world, he saw many fragments in his mind. Chen Xuan knew that these were his concerns. Chen Xuan knew that these things were the weakness of his heart.

  Chen Xuan wanted to calm down that heart immediately, but what Chen Xuan knew was that he seemed to be unable to calm down at all. It was like a heavy stone pressing on his heart completely unable to move. How to do? What should I do? Chen Xuan himself didn't know what to do?

  Chen Xuan does not want to die, Chen Xuan just wants to go back. But Chen Xuan knew that he really had no choice at this time. Chen Xuan must go to that unknown world. Chen Xuan must let go of his concerns, those so-called heart weaknesses. But Chen Xuan felt that this was so difficult, as if it were a great difficulty for him.

  Chen Xuan didn't want those cares, but those cares were like a rope tightly wrapped around every corner of Chen Xuan's body. Chen Xuan didn't want to leave, but the speed of the vortex was getting faster and faster. More worries flashed through Chen Xuan's mind like the wind.

  Chen Xuan endured it alone, and slowly Chen Xuan felt that his heart had been cold to the extreme, as if he was completely enveloped by his own divine consciousness. Those cold divine consciousness made Chen Xuan's heart twitch constantly...

  (End of this chapter)

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