Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1715: Mental Strength Test (1)

  Chapter 1715 Heart Power Test (1)

  "Do you know what to do?" Chen Hong glanced at it, and the butler standing beside his voice said coldly. The butler also nodded respectfully.

He immediately spread the news of Chen Xuan. Then Chen Xuan just wanted to go back and guess there was no way, but Chen Xuan didn't care what Chen Hong just said to him at this time, so he continued to look at him. Indifferently returned to the courtyard of Chen Mansion.

  But what Chen Xuan didn't know was what the attributes of his Dao mental strength were? If it happened to be the attributes of earth and fire, it would be a great opportunity for Chen Xuan.

  But now Chen Xuan is unable to identify the attributes of his Dao Heart Power. After all, this is something that can only be done in large sects. That requires a powerful talisman to appraise it.

  Chen Xuan shook his head and didn't care about these at all, or Chen Xuan just hid them in his heart, and then hid in his study to read.

   However, Chen Xuan discovered that the history of the world of Zhu Xin is also very complicated. In general, the world of Zhu Xin now only has a detailed record of this continent. I wish I had the opportunity to go out and take a look.

  However, it will be the Dao Xin Day test in a few days. For Chen Xuan, this Dao Xin Li test is a good time to help Chen Xuan, the previous waste material, to wash out the name of the waste material.

  There are still six days. As far as Chen Xuan is concerned, as long as he has passed the test of psychic power, then he can go to the family academy and choose a practice that is entirely his own.

  At that time, his own cultivation can be considered to have a goal, but Chen Xuan knows that this may not be enough for himself, or it is far from enough! Because Chen Xuan does not have a good master, this is also one point that Chen Xuan is very worried about.

  Because famous teachers produce high apprentices, this is definitely not for fun, it is a fact.

  Six days later...

  In front of the trial stone, countless people's heads completely surrounded the stone. Those who didn't know thought they wanted the poor stone Qunou.

  Actually, this is a ceremony held by the Chen family every year. It can be regarded as an annual ceremony. But for Chen Xuan, no! It should be said that for Chen Xuan in the past, that was the most humiliating day.

  Because of this day, Chen Xuan, the waste material at that time, will find himself a tragic existence from beginning to end.

   "Oh! Isn't this Chen Xuan's cousin? How about? Come in front of the big stone again, want to swallow it?" It was the second son of the Chen family, Chen Lin, who was the only son of the patriarch.

  Chen Xuan still looked indifferent and did not respond at all. This is a joke that Chen Lin’s only son found for Chen Xuan, because Chen Lin felt that every time Chen Xuan came to the big stone, he stood stupidly with inferiority, and lowered his head as if he was about to bite off the big stone and swallow it completely. The same in the belly.

  That’s why Chen Lin said so...

  When Chen Lin thought of what had happened in the garden before, he felt as if he was stabbed in the heart by Chen Xuan's trash. But Chen Xuan's indifferent expression made it difficult for him to attack.

  It seems that no matter how you hit, there will be a punch to the cotton. In fact, Yun Shu also had this feeling, and it was particularly strong at the time. Well, in the future, all Chen Xuan's enemies will have such a sense of block.

  But every time one year, the most proud of it, it must be Chen Hong and Chen Lin and his son. Because Chen Lin is the first in the Chen family because his father is the leader of the clan, cultivation resources must be the top priority. Secondly, Chen Lin's own cultivation talent is indeed quite good, so Chen Lin has always been a genius in the Chen family among the younger generation.

After being indifferent, Chen Xuan glanced at Chen Lin with his cold eyes. Chen Lin seemed to feel as if he was completely stared at by a goose demon. Chen Lin's face showed some panic, but he was quickly hidden by Chen Lin.

"Haha...Cousin has been a family genius for so many years, I'm afraid you are going to abdicate today! What does your cousin think?" The icy color in Chen Xuan's eyes was slowly changed by the smile in his eyes. His smile dilutes a bit.

  Only Chen Xuan's enemies will discover that the smiles in Chen Xuan's eyes are actually far more terrifying than the cold expression that seems unpopular.

  However, Chen Lin felt that Chen Xuan was too arrogant, and he didn't care about Chen Xuan's words at all. Chen Shuang almost felt like he couldn't help laughing behind his back.

   "Cousin! Did you drink alcohol today or have you lost your mind? Why do you talk nonsense?" The irony in Chen Lin's eyes was not hidden for a moment, and all was revealed.

  Chen Xuan also didn't care at all, as if nothing had happened before, he walked forward automatically. Chen Xuan knew that this time around, there were many people waiting to see their own jokes.

   Then I didn’t let them do what they wanted. The bullying that I had added to this waste material Chen Xuan before, I have to doubly ask for it back! Just for the sake of the same name and surname, and for the sake of me Chen Xuan will use your body in the future, then I will help you cleanse your name behind you.

   Chen Xuan said lightly in his heart.

  Finally, the annual ceremony began, and Chen Xuan coldly watched the old man on the stage constantly calling his younger family in the crowd. Chen Xuan knows the order of this call, in fact, he just started calling some of the more talented young people among the side branches or those who have already cultivated the energy to make their debut.

  However, because these young people on the side branches are not the core of the family, their cultivation resources are very scarce. This year, there has been no improvement, or in other words, there has been no improvement for several years.

  But these off-line young people are still proud of being able to participate in the annual ceremony, even if they will be severely despised and mocked by people like Chen Lin and Chen Shuang.

  Even in front of Chen Lin and Chen Shuang, there is still a need for constant flattery, but they still think this is a very glorious thing. Even Chen Xuan did not understand where this glory came from.

   After calling out these young people, it is next to Chen Shuang's turn, or some of the family's sons who are pretentious and have a little bit of status.

But still, the improvement of Dao mental strength is not as simple as we thought, so...they have not improved much in a year, but Chen Xuan knows that these people are also marginalized figures in the family, and the main course is next. !

  Next are the sons of the second elder and the third elder, and they have no talent for cultivation, and they are only first-order Taoists. And Chen Xuan felt that the atmosphere on the court had become more and more tense.

  In fact, for the people of the tribe, there are still three concerns this year. One is Chen Lin. To what extent has that genius been perverted? Another is Helan Yu'er, she is actually a perverted existence of cultivation talent, although Helan Yuer usually looks like a stranger does not enter.

  But everyone knows that this woman who is not allowed to enter is very scary. The speed of cultivation is astonishing and the strength is even comparable to that of Chen Lin. And the identity is even more secret. No one in the Chen family has ever asked why people who do not believe in Chen can live in the Chen family? And the status is so high?

  Because of knowing this, I am afraid that they are all dead. Those who question these will ask if they want to die, otherwise they can only be put in their stomachs and wait for him to fester completely.

  Maybe there will be a few big people who know about it. For the clansmen, the second elder, third elder, patriarch and the Chen family are all big people, and they can only look up to the big people.

  The last one is Chen Xuan. This year, if Chen Xuan can't cultivate any Dao energy... he will get out of Chen Mansion. In fact, this is the biggest attraction for these people.

  Because Chen Xuan is considered a big man in their eyes, but this big man often plays the role of a clown. Bring jokes to your own boring life, and bring chatting resources to your own aftertastes.

  This is the only role that Chen Xuan, a big man, gave them, and at this time Chen Xuan's matter was even more widely known. So for them, there is another excitement to watch today.

   "Next, Chen Shuang!"

  The old man beside the trial stone said these words expressionlessly, as cold as a machine. It's finally here, and those big men want to show off their strength next to the trial stone one by one.

  However, Chen Xuan still watched coldly, because Chen Shuang's strength had long been seen through him, but it was only a fifth-order Taoist, far behind him.

   is that Chen Lin’s strength is now compared with himself, I’m afraid...

  Sure enough, Chen Xuan’s eyes were indeed very vicious, and Chen Shuang was only the strength of a Tier 5 Taoist. But for Chen Shuang, the strength of a Tier 5 Taoist was indeed enough, at least it was enough to be a vicious dog under Chen Lin.

  Who is next? It should be Helan Yuer's Nizi, right? That Nizi is also a genius, and her cultivation speed is terribly fast. Compared to the extremely arrogant Chen Lin behind him, he is indeed inferior to him!

"Next, Helan Yu'er!" The old man next to the trial stone, when he called Helan Yu'er, he might not have noticed that he had a calm voice without a trace of emotion at this time. A trembling...

  (End of this chapter)

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