Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1720: There is no free lunch in the world!

   Chapter 1720 There is no free lunch in the world!

   Chen Xuan seemed to have no thoughts at all at this time, because the Jia blueprint at this time actually burned into ashes. Chen Xuan also looked at Jialanprint with cold eyes, waiting for the truth to slowly surface.

  At this time, Chen Xuan felt that a phantom appeared in the Jia blueprint. He was dressed in a white robe, and his face was calm and deep. Then there seemed to be a bit of murderous aura on his face.

  The old man in white clothes glanced at Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan also looked at the old man in white robe, just looking at each other. Chen Xuan was actually detecting the strength of the white-robed old man. Of course, the white-robed old man was also detecting Chen Xuan's strength at this time.

  However, Chen Xuan found that the white-robed old man was really unfathomable. Chen Xuan felt that the man’s Dao mental strength was like a torrent of rivers circulating in the water, and there was never a moment of exhaustion.

Who is he?

  Chen Xuan couldn't help asking questions, and the old man in the white robe seemed to have seen Chen Xuan's detection and evaluation of him. He didn't answer, just looked at Chen Xuan jokingly.

  It was like looking at a beaming clown, Chen Xuan certainly felt his gaze. But Chen Xuan didn't have the slightest anger in his eyes, which made the old man in white robe sigh inwardly.

  With such strength, the state of mind is actually on the shelves. Such an age, such a strength seems to be, the talent is also considered good. It's just the last one.

  The old man in the white robe kept calculating in his heart, and then he didn't say a word, just looked at Chen Xuan with a smile. As if waiting for Chen Xuan to ask questions first.

  But Chen Xuan also didn't say a word, but coldly looked at this peerless strong man who came out of the Jia blueprint. The white-robed old man sat down everywhere, leaning on the trunk behind him, and picked up the fallen leaves beside him to play with, casually saying...

   "Boy...just ask what you want. If you can answer you, the old man will say. If you can't answer you, it's up to you. See if you can let the old man answer you."

  Chen Xuan endured for a while, and then slowly saluted this peerless powerhouse. He said blankly, "Where did the old man come from? Can you tell me the secret or the identity of the old man in the blueprint?"

   Although Chen Xuan's expression is indifferent, there is no shortage of respectful meanings between words. Chen Xuan knew that although this peerless powerhouse appeared to be very casual, how could it be a general generation to become such a powerful powerhouse?

  I'm afraid that you can squeeze yourself to death with just a flip of your hand? However, Chen Xuan's tone made the old man in white robe look at him a little higher.

  Neither arrogance nor rashness, courage is not small, and the xinxing is really amazing. At a young age, with such a xinxing, his future achievements will definitely be extraordinary...


   "The old man was the strongest in the reincarnation of the heavens thousands of years ago! It was only because of that great war that the old man was conspired by others. Then he was imprisoned in the blueprint of Jia."

   "The man who schemed against the old man also saved the old man, because at that time the heavenly path was a hundred times more powerful than the heavenly path the old man faced before, and countless people have fallen from the strongest!"

The white-robed old man said a bunch of terms that Chen Xuan had never touched before... Chen Xuan knew the ranks of the Yu world in the fairyland, the heavenly gods, and the world of punishable spirits such as Taoist, Taoist, Taoist and so on. Order.

  But what exactly is the Xeon? What is the reincarnation of heaven? Chen Xuan didn't know at all, but Chen Xuan found that the old man had no desire to continue this topic at all. So I didn't continue to ask questions, because it was too far away from what Chen Xuan said.

  But Chen Xuan still had a lot of questions, so he went on to ask. "Then... Senior, why did you come out this time? Senior, do you know what the physical illness is?"

  The old man in white robe didn't care about Chen Xuan's question. It was a very naive question for him. Afterwards, the old man in the white robe answered Chen Xuan while playing with the fallen leaves beside him.

   "The old man came out because the old man's seal was lifted, but the old man can only stay in your consciousness and cannot be transformed. But the old man is still a physical existence."

   "The old man can even grab your body and use it for the old man. Hey..."

  "At that time, you can only watch the old man live in your place!"

   Chen Xuan heard this, although his face was still indifferent as usual, but Chen Xuan's heart really hit his chest several times. If this person wants to seize his body, I'm afraid he doesn't even have the ability to resist. It can only be at its mercy. However, what this peerless expert said next made Chen Xuan relieved a bit.

   "However, you don't have to worry too much. The old man is not that stupid yet!"

  The old man in white robe looked at Chen Xuan's indifferent expression and secretly admired him. However, the white-robed old man's complexion was still deep, like a sea, bottomless.

"Do you know... why the old man is unwilling? The old man kills more than tens of millions. The old man hurts the millions! The old man does not want to steal your body, but just doesn't want to become one like you The Taoist is consummated, even the Taoist has not reached the waste!"

  The white-robed old man said here, there was obviously a sense of pride and sarcasm in his tone. However, Chen Xuan didn't go to entangle too much. Chen Xuan knew that this was a person who was much stronger than himself.

  It is right for him to mock himself, but such a powerful person, how could he come out just for naive mockery. Sure enough, in the next sentence, Chen Xuan seemed to understand his purpose.

   "The old man has a way to get the best of both worlds...are you willing?"

  When the white-robed old man said this, there was a faint smile in his eyes. Chen Xuan began to wonder if he had read it wrong. But this smile almost flashed past.

  "Cultivate hard, and the old man will give pointers. After you reach the strongest... the old man will be able to get rid of himself and re-imagine the old man's own entity."

"Because once you cultivate to the strongest, you have the strength to get rid of the old man's soul directly. Then the old man can find the old man's own body, and the old man's own body is still there. How? This is a business that does not lose money... Are you willing to do it, little baby?

  When the white-robed old man said this, it seemed like Chen Xuan had taken a lot of advantage. And Chen Xuan, the white-robed old man, felt like a human trafficker.

  But Chen Xuan knows, where does the world come with free lunch? I'm afraid of this, what do you want Chen Xuan to do for him? Or what is Chen Xuan going to pay?

  This old man in white robe is really a good calculation, he promises profit first, and then puts forward the conditions. The white-robed old man looked at Chen Xuan's still indifferent expression, as if he had not been forgotten by the white-robed old man's conditions.

  This made the white-robed old man smile bitterly and said, "You...hahahaha...Yes, this state of mind, mind and scheming are indeed good."

  "In time, he will become a talented person! The old man will tell all the truth." The white-robed old man's words had a bit of a bitter smile, and there was no lack of admiration. But the white-robed old man made Chen Xuan more vigilant to say so. What does this white-robed old man want to do by himself?

   "There is no free lunch in the world!"

  The white-robed old man slowly uttered this well-known saying. Chen Xuan nodded his head to express his acquiescence, and then he also signaled the white robe old man to continue.

   "Actually, after you reach the strongest realm... you will have the strength to help the old man regain his body! And you have to know that the old man has been practicing in the blueprint for so many years!"

  "Strength has long surpassed the current existence of the strongest realm. If you can't get the old man's body back then, the old man will only be aggrieved to start from the strongest realm and start practicing again. By the way, borrow your body?"

  The white-robed old man said these words very plainly, as if he had accidentally made a joke between friends. But only Chen Xuan heard the danger.

  If you can't help the old man get his body back, I'm afraid that my soul can only be kept by the old man. But how dangerous is it to get the body back?

  Chen Xuan knew that the white-robed old man who had offended him thousands of years ago set up organs and traps or set up illusions. That is compared to the strong one now...

  That should be a lot stronger. The white-robed old man seemed to see the thoughts in Chen Xuan's heart, and did not speak too much. Just said something...

   "You think it's good. They will indeed be better than the current Xeon, but the old man has been cultivating in the blueprint for so many years in vain?"

   "Well tell you that they have already turned to ashes. So what are you afraid of? It was only set by the ashes before death. Besides, do you have other choices?"

  The white-robed old man smiled, and the depth in that smile was profound that Chen Xuan could not understand. Chen Xuan knew that this old man in white robe was too powerful.

  If I don’t do what he says, I’m afraid I will die now. If you do it yourself, you might still have a chance. And it can become even stronger, why not do it?

  But when Chen Xuan thought of helping the white-robed old man get his body back, he felt a chill in his heart. Because it was done at the risk of his own life.

I'm afraid that if he fails, he will become the ashes... or the best ending, that is, the soul is imprisoned, and he is like being locked in a prison forever, immortality cannot escape, not into reincarnation. .

  But now Chen Xuan has no choice at all, no matter how...

  The white-robed old man didn't say anything at this time, just looked at Chen Xuan with a smile on his face. Even with this smile, Chen Xuan seemed to want to beat him. But the white-robed old man seemed to be certain that Chen Xuan would definitely choose to help him regain his body.

  After all, no one wants to die, and this kid Chen Xuan is so talented. If he agrees, under his own training and training...

  I am afraid it will be even more perverted in the future! And his body is not far from himself!

  Chen Xuan finally nodded as the white-robed old man wished, and said he agreed.

  (End of this chapter)

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