Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1722: Borrow money (1)

  Chapter 1722 Borrowing Money (1)

  The vision of this old man is really very broad. Chen Xuan glanced at what the white-robed old man said, and then continued to choose to listen to the afternoon. Because the white-robed old man now gave Chen Xuan too much shock, and this shock happened to be something that was not in the book.

  Chen Xuan also followed the white-robed old man and sat down in front of the tree opposite the white-robed old man, intending to quietly listen to the world in the mouth of the white-robed old man. Seeing Chen Xuan's behavior, the white-robed old man praised him again and again, saying that he was really a man of creation.

  "The old man will come and talk to you. Do you know, Chen Xuan, what is the real talisman?" The white-robed old man said this with a strong color of pride in his eyes. Chen Xuan seems to know that this old man is so arrogant that it seems that 80% of them are a talisman maker.

  Because this old man looks like this, he should be a great talisman too. In fact, Chen Xuan was very happy inside, because if the old man was a high-end talisman, the probability of becoming a talisman after that was basically certain.

  Sure enough, the old man's next sentence made Chen Xuan's heart almost happy to the sky. The white-robed old man glanced at Chen Xuan's expression, then smiled and said sinkingly.

   "Boy, you have to know that the old man was the most tyrannical talisman maker in this world a thousand years ago. But what makes the old man very regretful is that the talisman in this world is getting worse and worse."

   "The level of the talisman maker is getting worse and worse. It seems that a great sage is needed to change it."

  When the white-robed old man said this, he looked at Chen Xuan with a smile on his face. Of course, Chen Xuan understood what the white-robed old man meant. But Chen Xuan's heart was even more excited, but Chen Xuan's expression remained as usual.

  Because Chen Xuan has seen it in the book a long time ago, it is indeed difficult for the current talisman to compare with the previous one. Including many recipes left by the talisman maker before, and many talisman-making methods, they all perished in the torrent of time.

  Actually, making talisman is not easy, and the requirements for talisman and fire are extremely high. In addition, the requirements for the paper of the talisman are very high.

  The formula of every piece of paper used by the talisman maker is very precious, and even every material on these precious formulas seems to have reached sky-high prices.

  And Chen Xuan knew that this precious material was only a drop in the bucket compared to the formula. Sure enough, a talisman maker is something that only a rich person can play.

  At this time, the white-robed old man seemed to have completely seen what Chen Xuan was thinking, and then looked at Chen Xuan with a profound smile on his face and then said.

"The old man's formula has been in his mind for thousands of years, and the refining method is also in the old man's mind. Tinder, the old man has a unique resurrection fire, which can only be used when the old man is a spirit body Enough. In other words, this fire can only be used by the spirit body, and it does not belong to the top of the fire ranking."

   "But the old man has no money. To be precise, the old man has no materials!"

  "Remember Chen Xuan, you haven't reached this level one Taoist yet? The old man doesn't have the materials for the cohesion charm!" The white-robed old man smiled and said to Chen Xuan. This expression has to be owed and owed.

   Chen Xuan raised his eyes to the blue sky and pretended not to hear. The breeze in the ears constantly reminded the two of their silence, but one raised his eyes and looked at the sky coldly. An intriguing smile coupled with an unpredictable smile really dyed the picture into a funny and beautiful picture.

   "Okay! I help you old man find a way!" Chen Xuan's tone was very helpless, like a rooster hero who had lost a fight. Speaking of words, it is not as respectful as the first one.

  Actually, Chen Xuan can’t be blamed. It is because the expression of this white-robed old man is too awkward.

   "Boy, it's so impolite? Do you know how old you are. Your grandmother has a leg. You are presumptuous in front of the old man. You are so..."

  Before the white-robed old man had finished cursing in suffocation, Chen Xuan coldly spit out a word that made the white-robed old man shut up...

   "Your body..." After Chen Xuan finished this sentence, he looked at the old man in white robe with a look of optimism. And the old man in white robe just looked like blowing a beard and staring at him.

  Suddenly stopped, and turned into that unpredictable look again. It seemed that the violent and childish old man that Chen Xuan saw just now seemed to have never existed.

"Okay, okay... The old man is not arguing with you, the old man went back to sleep! Remember your materials, if you didn't get it, you can just soak in your Taoist Consummation! At that time, you guys dare not dare Hard mouth!"

  When the white-robed old man said the last sentence. The expression of blowing beard and staring was restored again, but Chen Xuan's eyes seemed to have a smug smile, and then he went to the white robe; the old man said.

   "Then your body..." He continued to wink and looked at the white-robed old man. The white-robed old man suddenly looked speechless and helpless. He simply ignored Chen Xuan and disappeared into the void.

  At this time, the blue mist of the sky above the Chen Mansion’s courtyard disappeared, and replaced by a weak pale mist. After a while, even the pale mist disappeared in the breeze.

  At this time, Chen Xuan found that the sky was completely dark, and only a few lonely stars were still hanging in the sky. Chen Xuan leaned against the tree, as if he hadn't stood up for a long time.

  The leaves fell on the ground, and they were picked up by the breeze. And Chen Xuan looked at the tree opposite to him, as if the white-haired old man had only dreamed of himself, because the tree opposite seemed to have not fallen.

  It was exactly the same as what Chen Xuan had seen before, with no trace of human or spiritual existence. Chen Xuan raised his eyes to the sky, and the cloud mark just now seemed to be still hanging in the sky.

  The cloud mark separated the sky in two, but this cloud mark was obviously not as deep as it was just now. Chen Xuan knew that what he had just had was not a dream, and he was indeed very short of money now.

  Chen Xuan didn't say much, he just started to think under this tree, since he wanted to become stronger, he wanted to attack the first-order Taoist. Then the cohesive talisman must be inevitable, the cohesive talisman of the market price outside now.

  The price is very scary. It seems that you still need to find this old man with white hair to make it. But what the formula of this cohesion talisman is, the old man in the white robe hasn't told himself yet.

  Is it the recipe? Impossible, let alone the formula, it is a miracle that this old man can get a complete set of materials. Unexpectedly, the angry voice of the white-robed old man came out of Chen Xuan's mind for an instant, as if he was deeply disturbed by someone in his sleep. The white-robed old man didn't speak too much, just roared very furiously.

   "Chen Xuan, you **** kid, you actually want the old man to help you refine the cohesive talisman. Old man! The old man must owe you. Do you know how much money the old man used to refine a talisman thousands of years ago?"

   "! Do you know the cost of making talisman for the old man thousands of years ago? How valuable is it that there is no market? Now not only do you want the old man to help you make the talisman, you actually let the old man help you make such a low-level talisman."

   "It's no different from insulting the old man, you..."

  "Do you want more of your body?"

  Chen Xuan heard what the white-robed old man said was getting more and more rampant, and before the white-robed old man burst into more rampant words, he quickly blocked the white-robed old man's mouth with this tried-and-tested sentence!

  And then add another sentence...

   "By the way, old man, do you have a formula for the cohesion talisman?"

   Chen Xuan's tone immediately softened after saying this. After all, it's asking people to do things. Of course, the tone shouldn't be too arrogant. Hearing this sentence, the white-robed old man was almost going to get angry.

  What does it mean to have, what kind of existence is you? How could he not even know the formula of a low-end talisman like Juli Talisman. Either the white-robed old man brags, or the preparation of the cohesion talisman, the white-robed old man could close his eyes and squeeze it at his fingertips.

   And now, I actually have to be doubted by this completely ignorant little doll whether he will make a cohesion talisman. This really made the white-robed old man sigh that Hedong for thirty years, Hexi for thirty years.

   "Boy, listen to me, twenty blue grass, twenty sorrow flowers, five forgotten plum blossoms! After you have collected everything, come see the old man again! The old man is going to sleep, hum!"

  Then the old man in white robe appeared in Chen Xuan's mind. He threw his long sleeves off and walked away angrily. Next it was Chen Xuan's turn to swear.

  I will go. Although these twenty plants are not particularly precious, they are too precious to be seen. But it's not the waste products that are flooding everyone above, is it? The price of this Blue Youcao and the Worry-Relief Flower is also very high and very scary. It costs thousands of stars, twenty each, isn't that tens of thousands of gold coins? Really terrible.

  But what about Wang Chuanmei?

  This is even more terrifying, this Ulan City does not even exist a single Forgotten Chuan Plum. Where is Wang Chuanmei? In Secret Forest, that place is very scary. In addition, Wang Chuanmei is nothing to the big cultivating families. According to legend, they can even cultivate Wang Chuanmei on their own.

  But their technical knowledge spreads to people in their own clan or denomination! Chen Xuan might have to go to the Secret Forest in person. According to legend, Wangchuanmei is bloomed on the banks of the Wangchuan River in the Forest of Secrets, and the water on the banks of the Wangchuan River has a special substance. But those big families may also have those powerful talisman masters who directly refine this material.

  But Chen Xuan did not have such conditions, so he could only go to the Forest of Mystery in person. And the Forest of Secrets happened to be in the subsidiary territory of Ulan City. It was a place that no one managed, and couldn't manage it.

  (End of this chapter)

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