Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1726: Beating and giving money (1)

  Chapter 1726 Beating and giving money (1)

  Forget it, after all, it’s my own money. Just look at what new ways this old white robe man has. Chen Xuan slandered in his heart. So Chen Xuan took off his coat for several months in such a cold temperature.

  But in the next second, something that made Chen Xuan even more shocking happened. The white-robed old man smiled and took out a rope from the package. Although the white-robed old man is in the state of the soul body at this moment, according to the white-robed old man's cultivation base, he can still transform into a long-term entity.

  Because the divine consciousness of the white-robed old man has also reached the peak of the heavenly gods, although there has been no physical body, the divine consciousness is not too difficult for the white-robed old man. There are only time constraints.

  At this time, Chen Xuan was actually tightly bound by the white-robed old man. Chen Xuan kept slandering in his heart, what exactly does this old man want to do? Isn't he going to train himself?

  How to train yourself if you tie yourself up? Is it true that his more than 700 gold coins will be completely wiped out after this time? The meaningful smile on the face of the white-robed old man became even thicker.

He smiled and said to Chen Xuan, "Chen Xuan boy, you can bear it. This training can indeed speed up your Dao mental strength cultivation. And your seven hundred gold coins, the old man really looks down on it. It's just that. You have to know that there is no free lunch in the world. Although the old man and you are in a master-disciple relationship, you also need to know that you can't always just get, without paying!

  Chen Xuan nodded, thinking that as long as you, an old man, you can indeed make Lao Tzu stronger. Lao Tzu's money can be regarded as good value for money, it is really old and immortal, and it is such a pit of Lao Tzu's money.

   Although Chen Xuan was so slanderous in his heart, the expression on his face was still indifferent, making it hard to see why. And Chen Xuan's eyes were deeper, but what was hard to hide in the depth was the expectation in Chen Xuan's heart.

  Chen Xuan is indeed very curious, what kind of method would the old man of a thousand years ago train himself? But the next moment, the old man's voice sounded in front of Chen Xuan.

  But what this amiable old man said was very difficult for Chen Xuan to accept. After Chen Xuan listened, he wanted to take the old man up and beat him up every day while he was sleeping. This was the first thought that appeared in Chen Xuan's mind, and the second thought was that Chen Xuan wanted this old man to put himself down and beat himself up.

  Because the old man’s training methods are too...Years later, Chen Xuan remembered the following old man’s painting, and still had the feeling of being trapped in his mind.

  "Do you know the fastest way to practice?" The old man said this, obviously embarrassing Chen Xuan. But Chen Xuan was still like a good humbly baby, looking at the white robe old man with a look of expectation.

   Then Chen Xuan saw that the white-robed old man had no intention of answering his own question and shook his head, saying that he didn't know. But then, what the white-robed old man said simply wanted Chen Xuan to feel like he wanted to beat himself up.

   "There is only one way, and that way is to...double the difficulty of your cultivation. Simply put, it will allow you to bear twice the pressure during the twice the time of your cultivation."

  When Chen Xuan heard these words, he kept thinking in his heart, and the pressure he was under doubled. It seems that this is not a shortcut. Chen Xuan felt as though he was being pitted by this old man, and his heart was gloomy. But Chen Xuan knew that this old man should still have some coup.

  Otherwise, are you not afraid of being struck by lightning if you collect your money in vain? Chen Xuan's idea is obviously wrong. Why is this white-robed old man afraid of lightning strikes? This white-robed old man seems to have no morals at this time!

  Next, the white-robed old man began to brag about how superb his cultivation method was. Chen Xuan was stunned. But Chen Xuan still didn't hear what kind of method the gray-haired old man wanted to use to train himself.

  At this time, on the top of the mountain where Chen Xuan and the white-robed old man were, there was a faint sky light passing through, as if a Wang Xuri was about to jump out of the horizon, illuminating the whole world.

   Chen Xuan looked at the world beyond the top of the mountain, the world at this time was extremely beautiful. Because above the world at this time, the sky faintly reveals a reddish light, and at this time the stars in the sky have not completely disappeared. The sun and the stars adorned the sky together, which looked extraordinarily gorgeous, while the cold moonlight of the moon became faint at this time.

  At this time, the scenery above the sky seems to be extremely beautiful, and the temperature above the mountain seems to have risen at this time. Looking down at the top of the mountain at this time, lush trees are faintly visible, and the lush trees are as if they are covered with a layer of veil. Chen Xuan knew that it was the morning mist in the early morning, and Chen Xuan looked at this wonderful scenery at this time, and his body and mind seemed to become very happy.

Chen Xuan's face slowly turned ruddy at this time. Chen Xuan was tied to the top of the mountain by hanging in this way, and the white-robed old man didn't seem to say anything at this time, as if he came to the top of the mountain with Chen Xuan. Enjoy the view from above.

   was not here to train at all, but at this time Chen Xuan seemed to have completely forgotten his more than 700 gold coins. Chen Xuan seems to have forgotten those worldly disturbances. But what Chen Xuan didn't expect was that this was just a sugar-coated cannonball. The next thing that brought Chen Xuan was the real cruelty. Only when Chen Xuan has experienced heaven can he feel the horror of hell, and Chen Xuan has only truly experienced heaven with his heart. Chen Xuan was able to let his heart experience the coldness in hell.

  Chen Xuan seemed to be a spectator at this time, looking at all the beautiful scenery on the top of the mountain. And Chen Xuan's master, the white-robed old man, was narrowing his eyes slightly at this time, like a terrifying beast, staring at Chen Xuan's prey.

  At this time, the sun had already crossed halfway up the mountain, and the faint sunlight passed from the opposite side, causing Chen Xuan's eyes to be slightly closed. The sleepiness of being called up early in the morning continued to invade Chen Xuan's body, as if Chen Xuan at this time felt that he was about to fall asleep. The eyelids above my eyes have been squinted slightly, as if they weighed a thousand pounds.

  But something unexpected happened to Chen Xuan. Every time Chen Xuan had to close his eyes, he would be awakened by the white-robed old man in a special way. As for this special method...

  Chen Xuan couldn't even think of himself, that he was beaten awake. Chen Xuan felt as if he was shocked. Chen Xuan had never felt this kind of pain before, as if his whole person was completely torn apart. Chen Xuan gritted his teeth in pain and did not speak, but all the words he wanted to curse were swallowed into his stomach.

  But the white-robed old man, after helping Chen Xuan sober, he returned to the stone pier and continued to sit still. At this time, Chen Xuan seemed to have an eye-catching trace on his back.

  It was a **** welt, and the blood flowed from the welt, and there was no intention to solidify it at all. At this time, the sky was already rising, and the dazzling sunlight was piercing Chen Xuan's eyes at this time.

  Chen Xuan still couldn't help squinting his eyes slightly, but when Chen Xuan was a little sleepy in such an environment, Chen Xuan's body would have a little more whip marks.

  Chen Xuan still looked cold, his eyes had turned blood red because of being pierced by the strong sunlight and the sleepiness he was struggling with. But Chen Xuan's eyes at this time were still more fierce, as if Chen Xuan understood the so-called training in the heart of the white-robed old man. But Chen Xuan seemed to find that the pressure he was under this way seemed to be a lot more than when he was cultivating himself.

  The scenery on the mountain is still very beautiful. Chen Xuan knows that although the scenery on the mountain is beautiful, the sunshine still has a hint of warmth. But Chen Xuan still couldn't sink in at all.

  Chen Xuan knew that he would most likely need to practice in such an environment to be able to practice much faster than usual. But Chen Xuan knew that this method could also be practiced by himself.

  When I think of the gold coins I have been pitted, my heart can't stop bleeding. That was almost all of his own savings, and Chen Xuan's heart seemed to have been severely hit.

   Then, the coldness of the moon in the sky was finally completely buried under the hot sun, and finally the stars also concealed all the coldness. Only Chen Xuan and the white-robed old man were still on the top of the mountain, and they were still the same. Chen Xuan seems to have realized something, but is this a Sima thing in the end? Chen Xuan couldn't explain it, because Chen Xuan seemed to think that this was a kind of Tao, and this kind of Tao seemed difficult to describe in words.

  What is Tao?

  Chen Xuan couldn’t explain it clearly, and even more so, it seemed that he could only understand it thoroughly with his own insights. At this time, the time of the sky has completely changed. Chen Xuan knew that it should have been a quarter past three, and it was almost time to come. At this time, the sky seemed to have faintly exposed the hot sunlight. The sun finally began to show off, and you can almost deeply feel this kind of prestige, Chen Xuan.

  The sun at this time is almost not the kind of warmth when the sun just rises in the east, but the serious heat. Chen Xuan didn't know how long he needed to cultivate here, Chen Xuan seemed to feel that he would continue to cultivate here.

  Chen Xuan watched the sun slowly illuminate the trees under the mountain on the eastern half of the sky, and the wild beasts and birds began to wreak havoc in the forest. At this time, Bai Yun didn't look so beautiful in Chen Xuan, as if Chen Xuan thought it had become an accomplice of the sun.

  This environment brought Chen Xuan not the extreme pain, but the slow suffering. This kind of suffering is like the feeling of a long journey, and all I have left is patience.

  (End of this chapter)

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