Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1728: endure

  Chapter 1728 Endure

   Chen Xuan's feeling of soaking in the medicine bucket after walking towards the medicine bucket made Chen Xuan snorted comfortably, this is simply heaven. Chen Xuan himself knew that although such a training method was a very simple training method, it was indeed a very effective and direct method.

  It may be that Chen Xuan hadn't had time to check before. Now Chen Xuan was lying in the medicine barrel, and instantly felt the warmth in his lower abdomen. It seems that I have gained a lot today, Chen Xuan muttered to himself.

   Chen Xuan lay in the medicine barrel and began to think about it. At this time, there were a few birdsong outside the window, and Chen Xuan was in an extremely comfortable state. The light of the setting sun slowly passed through the window, penetrated in, reflected on Chen Xuan's face, and Chen Xuan's vision was blurred.

  It seems that I am back to heaven at this time. But what is heaven? The so-called heaven and **** are relative. Those who have existed in **** know how precious heaven is.

  And Chen Xuan's practice in the morning and noon is too abnormal, so at this time Chen Xuan's body and mind are relaxed and he thinks it is heaven. Chen Xuan felt that he was very warm all over by the sunset.

  Accurately because of the flow of his own strength, Chen Xuan felt that his whole body was full of Dao energy. He knew that the most important thing for him now was the strength gathering talisman, as long as he had the gathering talisman, he would definitely be able to break through. But Chen Xuan is not in a hurry to break through.

  At least the cheap master, the white-robed old man who tortured Chen Xuan all day, felt that Chen Xuan's breakthrough so early now was not a good thing. I still want Chen Xuan to wait and lay a solid foundation before attacking a Tier 1 Taoist.

  The so-called lay the foundation, Chen Xuan can be regarded as aware, it is not lay the foundation at all, it is to beat himself. Beat yourself to death. But Chen Xuan still found it very useful.

   Just like Mr. San Bai said to Chen Xuan before, there is no shortcut to practice, and the only shortcut is to be more painful and tiring than others. Chen Xuan now has a deeper experience.

   And Chen Xuan now almost goes to practice in this way every day, **** on the top of the mountain every morning, compulsory cultivation and sentiment. I was beaten again and again from noon to afternoon, and of course my own cheap master was also very serious. It won't hurt my muscles and bones, but every time, every whip will make myself sore to the death, painful to gnash my teeth.

  But Chen Xuan would always choose to endure it abruptly, without complaint, and very regular day by day. And within a month, Chen Xuan seemed to be a forgotten existence by the family. As for the shopping with Helan Yuer, it seemed that Chen Xuan was postponed to next month. It made Helan Yu'er sad for a long time, but Chen Xuan said that he wanted to practice.

  A month later, Chen Xuan has been practicing this way for a month. Chen Xuan's skin changed from the dull white temporary at the very beginning. It has become a kind of wheat color, but this kind of wheat color is not black, it is a bit similar to the bronze color, and it looks more masculine. Chen Xuan also had dense welt marks on his back, but some were scabs, and some were bleeding from new wounds. Chen Xuan knew that this was indeed a good practice method for himself. Chen Xuan felt that his body had begun to undergo many changes. Chen Xuan's face was as handsome as ever.

  The facial features of Chen Xuan's face seemed to be as clear as they had been sculpted, and Chen Xuan's body looked stronger than it was a month ago. But this is only an external change on Chen Xuan's body. The most effective aspect of this cultivation method is that Chen Xuan's Dao mental strength has undergone earth-shaking changes.

  Chen Xuan found that the speed of his Dao, Mind and Practicing practice seemed to have doubled. Chen Xuan was also very happy about this, but when he was happy, Chen Xuan knew that it was more important for him to continue to speed up his cultivation.

  So every time Chen Xuan endured such inhuman torture, he would grit his teeth and endure it. But now Chen Xuan's Dao mental strength has far exceeded the strength of a Tier 1 Dao Master, but there is no cohesion talisman yet, so Chen Xuan is still in the realm of Daoist Consummation. But Chen Xuan was sure that as long as he got the strength talisman, he would be able to break through almost instantly.

   And now Chen Xuan feels that he can almost hit the first-order Taoist master. But every time Chen Xuan thinks like this, the white-robed old man always jumps out to stop him, because the white-robed old man hopes that Chen Xuan will not be so anxious, at least to raise his strength, that is, to the third or fourth-order Taoist. Let's talk about the strength later.

  Finally, about another month later, Chen Xuan's strength continued to advance by leaps and bounds. This was all due to Chen Xuan's endurance. Because Chen Xuan's endurance was endless torture for Chen Xuan himself.

  But Chen Xuan's endurance is a good way for his body to improve his body and mind. Because after Chen Xuan endured, every time he returned to the medicine barrel, he could feel that his strength had improved a lot.

  Finally two months later, Chen Xuan's training method of being beaten and paid back by the cheating father finally came to an end. And the white-robed old man also agreed that Chen Xuan could now buy a cohesion talisman with Helan Yuer.

   "I... this is more than seven hundred gold coins! I think about it... it is seven hundred and twenty gold coins!" Chen Xuan almost yelled at the white-robed old man.

  And the old man in the white robe also seemed to have a relaxed smile on his face. You came to hit me. You can't get my expression anyway. It made Chen Xuan very uncomfortable.

  "Chen Xuan boy, the old man told you that even if others spend money to let the old man beat him like this, the old man will not be willing. If you are not looking at you, you are the old man’s apprentice! Humph!"

  The old man in white robe is also rare to defend himself, but Chen Xuan did not think it was too ridiculous. In fact, the white-robed old man's style of play is indeed not easy, and even Chen Xuan thinks that it has a lot to do with the white-robed old man's strength against the sky.

  Because Chen Xuan felt that although the white-robed old man had no physical body, he could only persist for a long time in the form of divine consciousness, but Chen Xuan felt that the strength of the white-robed old man still gave him a bottomless feeling.

  It's just that this kind of bottomlessness is too deep. So every time the white-robed old man made a shot at himself, Chen Xuan could feel that he was as small as an ant.

   To be precise, his body is as small as an ant. What kind of damage a white-robed old man can cause to his body when he hits him, and how long he can bear it, can hardly escape the white-robed old man's eyes.

  But the more Chen Xuan was like this, the more terrifying Chen Xuan felt. At this time, the white-robed old man seemed to understand Chen Xuan's doubts, glanced at Chen Xuan faintly, and then smiled meaningfully.

  At this time, Chen Xuan saw the morning sun shining into Chen Xuan's room again, and Chen Xuan's consciousness was about to start a new day. But today I don't need to cultivate in this way, because now only this kind of cultivation is of no use to myself.

  The next thing Chen Xuan needs to do is to attack the Taoist. Now that the old man in the white robe explained that the materials for the cohesion talisman are completely prepared, then he can attack the Taoist with peace of mind.

  After that, I will learn Dao skills and Dao Xin exercises. As for Dao Xin exercises and Dao skills, Chen Xuan looked at the white-robed old man with a wicked smile, as if the white-robed old man was like a sheep boiling in a pot.

   can't escape, anyway, it will be eaten by Chen Xuan sooner or later. Such gaze made the white-robed old man feel a bit cold, what exactly did Chen Xuan want to do with him.

"Master, can you see if you have any good Dao Xin cultivation methods and Dao skills? You see how I say you are also your apprentice. If you let me learn the cultivation methods and Dao skills of this family, no, the family will pay for it. No Dao skills...Do you think it makes your apprentice too shabby!"

  The white-robed old man understood that this Chen Xuan was actually asking himself for exercises and Dao skills. This cheating Chen Xuan, didn't he just cheat him for hundreds of gold coins? But what is the price of your own Dao skills and your own practice? That's a sky-high price. Is the exercise method in your hand not a peerless exercise method?

   Chen Xuan, this kid, can see that he is not a fuel-efficient lamp. What way should I think of fooling Chen Xuan? The white-robed old man continued to mutter to himself.

  Chen Xuan felt that in the eyes of the white-robed old man, there was a deep flash of light for a while, sometimes bright and dark, changing in depth. Chen Xuan understood in an instant, it seemed that his cheap master was reluctant to bear his own practice.

  Chen Xuan's heart burst into flames. When you smashed Lao Tzu's more than 700 gold coins, why didn't you feel that Lao Tzu was reluctant? If these words are heard by any strong man in this world, I am afraid they will be surprised.

  That is a peerless technique and Taoist skill, one is actually 700 gold coins. This makes people wonder if there is any necessary connection between the two? No! But Chen Xuan was so thick-skinned that he could link the two together. It was not unbelievable!

"Old man, don't think I don't know what you are thinking! But don't forget, your physical body! Do you want to be deified all the time? In that case, your handsome and soft body will not be used, just Your deified body can only last for a long time!"

  Chen Xuanzhen hits the white-robed old man wherever he hurts. This makes the white-robed old man annoyed with his beard and stare! Chen Xuan's words made the white-robed old man helpless. Who allowed himself to have such a handle and request on this kid?

  Forget it, at that time, I really have to choose a practice and Taoist technique for this kid!

  (End of this chapter)

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