Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1732: Hotel storm

  Chapter 1732 Hotel Disturbance

  Chen Xuan walked into this hotel without saying a word, completely ignoring the look of the foreman of the store. He was wearing a black robe, and there was a little calmness and deepness in his cold eyes.

  This is Chen Xuan's discovery, it seems that the eyes of the shopkeeper at this time have changed from the previous detection to the present respect. And from respectfulness seems to have become panic again. This panic, the shopkeeper didn't know where it came from. He looked at this black robe boy as if he didn't show too much strength, how could he have such an aura again.

The shopkeeper looked at the black robe boy as if he was looking at a rare and exotic treasure, and what made people feel even more terrifying was this rare and exotic treasure, which seemed to be like a stone in a pit at first. same.

   Chen Xuan's appearance is just a stone to the doorman, at most a stone with only aura. But the shopkeeper inside looked like Chen Xuan was as precious as a great treasure. Even Chen Xuan didn't know that he had changed so much in the eyes of these people, but for Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan was Chen Xuan without the slightest change.

  At this time, Chen Xuan saw that the shopkeeper’s eyes were full of shock and horror. In fact, the shock of the shopkeeper came entirely from the age of the kid, Chen Xuan. Because for the shopkeeper, a kid of this age has such a strong aura that the shopkeeper hasn't met for a long time.

  What is aura?

  In fact, for a cultivator, the aura field does not mean that it represents the strength of the cultivator, because a person's strong aura definitely does not mean that the person's strength is strong. But for a person with perverted strength, this person's aura must be nonsense. It is very powerful, so powerful that everyone can be stunned by it.

  And the existence of Chen Xuan is like a complete monster to the shopkeeper of the hotel, but Chen Xuan knows that his strength is not a big threat to anyone.

  Chen Xuan walked into the hotel indifferently, and saw the shopkeeper in the lobby, his eyes were still very calm. But Chen Xuan's current strength is indeed not at the top in Wuyang City. But Chen Xuan decided to join a demon hunting team. Because Chen Xuan didn't think that he could come out alive after entering the Secret Forest by himself.

  At this time, Chen Xuan still had a very calm face, but he had already begun to calculate in his heart, thinking that he could put something out of this so-called big hotel shopkeeper.

At this moment, although Chen Xuan thought of the counter approaching step by step, the shopkeeper's heart was very up and down, as if he was being spotted by a greedy tiger, and the tiger came to him step by step. feel.

  But Chen Xuan still had a very calm look. He didn't see anything in Chen Xuan's eyes as if he was very calm, so calm that the shopkeeper felt as if he was about to suffocate in the next second.

  But Chen Xuan's indifferent face made the shopkeeper seem to be in the middle of a very hot volcano. There are still ravines and gullies in this volcano, which seem to be very dangerous, and this shopkeeper seems to feel that he is in such a place at this time, about to fall and be swallowed by endless flames.

  But Chen Xuan's calm and indifferent at this time formed a strong contrast with the face of the shopkeeper, as if Chen Xuan just wanted the wind outside, the kind of indifference that was light and windy.

  Chen Xuan still didn't say much, and walked slowly to the counter of the shopkeeper. Suddenly Chen Xuan's aura was all taken away, as if there was nothing. Chen Xuan looked like a harmless child.

  This made the shopkeeper wonder if he had just read it wrong. In fact, Chen Xuan's aura was already so proficient at this age by Chen Ji. This made the shopkeeper sigh softly, this is really amazing. If this child persists in cultivating, then I don't know how much blood and blood will appear on the mainland, and how the situation on the mainland will be overwhelmed.

  Actually, Chen Xuan's strength is for the shopkeeper, although he has seen a lot of them. Because although the shopkeeper has no cultivation base himself, the shopkeeper has seen a lot of big people.

  How come the person who came to this hotel is not a big shot? Although Chen Xuan is not a particularly big figure, Chen Xuan's aura is a cultivator at first glance. And a cultivator of this age, with such a momentum, would be at least a fifth-order fighter.

  Although the shopkeeper has never practiced, this hotel has always been run by the shopkeeper helping the boss behind the scenes. And this shopkeeper has been helping the boss behind the scenes for a long time, and it should have been more than ten years. After more than a dozen years of ups and downs, the shopkeeper will see cultivators every day. And some of these cultivators are slightly more tyrannical, and some are less mature.

  But the aura of every cultivator can generally judge the cultivator’s talent and his current cultivation base. In fact, it doesn't need to be because every cultivator is qualified or has the right to go to a branch of the Daoxin Trade Union to collect badges.

  And this badge is not only a magic weapon for cultivators, but also a status symbol, a symbol of privilege. Although Chen Xuan said that he hadn't worn it yet, as long as Chen Xuan went to the trade union, he should be able to get it.

   is actually more of a tradition in this continent, in fact, they prepare badges.

  Many powerful practitioners do not wear badges. Because these badges will expose their true strength, only some cultivators who have just started to practice or those who are before the Dao Master. That is to say, Taoists, and Taoists will have qualifications or those unions will have qualifications

  So on the street, or see those who don’t wear badges outside, don’t provoke them easily. Either he is a civilian with no strength, or he is a strong man above the Dao Master.

  However, for this Taoist union, their rights are actually very limited, because the badges issued by those Taoist unions can only control Taoists and Taoists. However, on the mainland, there are still the most such cultivators, so if you control these low-level cultivators, that Yiyi is also controlled.

  Because these low-level cultivators are more of the children of certain families, those large and small families, large and small places. Each of the three countries on this continent is so big that it is not easy to manage for the rulers on this continent.

  So these rulers can only choose to manage one by one. Moreover, the form of this continent is very complicated. There are pinnacle sects headed by five major sects. These five pinnacle sects have gathered countless large and small powerhouses and talented seedlings. There are those powerful kingdom forces, and these kingdom forces are also royal forces.

  The royal powers of the three countries are also very powerful, but the royal powers are all based on sects. Behind these royal powers are the three weakest sects among the three five pinnacle sects.

  As for the other two sects, they are the masters who will change the color of the world if they move together. No one dared to provoke, as for the Snow Mountain Sect, although it was said to be one of the five major sects. But this Snow Mountain Sect is currently only the patron of the Ulan Empire royal family. But for a young man in Wuyang City, it was still very powerful, so powerful that he seemed to be just a slightly stronger ant on top of such a power.

  But Chen Xuan knew that he could surpass them one day, and Chen Xuan thought a lot. Because Chen Xuan's eyes were so deep, he was generally thinking, and Chen Xuan was even thinking about it all the time. The reason why Chen Xuan's eyes are so deep is that every time Chen Xuan thinks, he hides what he thinks very well.

  So no one can see through what Chen Xuan is thinking, so Chen Xuan can always give everyone an unpredictable feeling. And Chen Xuan came to the shopkeeper in a short while, and when the shopkeeper saw Chen Xuan, his pupils contracted obviously. Chen Xuan naturally saw this detail, he just smiled kindly.

"Old gentleman, would you please arrange a room for me? Then I also need food here, please bring some up. If the old gentleman is free, I wonder if the kid can sometimes nag the old gentleman for a while?" Chen Xuan's The sound made people feel like a spring breeze. And when the shopkeeper heard such a voice in such a magnificent and icy hotel, although it wasn't said that it was an exaggeration that a warm current surged in his heart, his heart was at least somewhat warm.

  After Chen Xuan said these words, his face returned to indifferent, as if he had never shown the spring breeze-like expression just now. When the doorman saw this scene, his heart shrank suddenly. What's the origin of this kid? If you say, he is here to make trouble, or he is a person who doesn't know how to praise him. How could the shopkeeper still look so humble now, but if Chen Xuan didn't come to chaos.

   Then what is Chen Xuan's identity? Is Chen Xuan's identity really a big man? The doorman knows that the people who come here are big people. At least for the doorman.

  In fact, the world is divided into several levels. One is a cultivator, which refers to a truly powerful power, most of which are in the sect or are alone. Such people have the highest status in this world. The rest are the disciples of those royal families and sects. These are of similar status. Of course, the sect here refers to one of the five pinnacle sects.

But even so, the strength of the other small sects is about the same as those of the big officials of the big clans. These big clans basically refer to the chief officials of the frontiers, and generally refer to the county guards in Usa County. These sects That is to say, the minor sects are in the same class as these county guards.

  Next is a class like Chen Xuan.

  (End of this chapter)

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