Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1737: Dissolve the palm

   Chapter 1737

The desire revealed in Chen Xuan's eyes at this time made the white-robed old man very satisfied. The white-robed old man also felt that Chen Xuan was indeed a person whose inner desire to become stronger had reached the extreme.

  The old man in white robe looked at Chen Xuan's longing eyes, and then just smiled faintly. Started to introduce his Tao skills. In fact, Chen Xuan's knowledge of Dao skills or the information on Dao skills is very limited.

  Chen Xuan has only seen some Dao skills in the book. There is no such thing as Dao skills in Wuyang City where Chen Xuan is now. However, Chen Xuan still knew that Dao skills were also divided into four levels, and then each level was divided into three levels.

  This category is very similar to Gongfa, but there are still many differences between Taoist skills and Gongfa.

  Gong method must match the attributes of one's Dao Mind Force, just like Chen Xuan's Dao Mind Force properties are rare earth and fire properties, so dual-attribute Dao Mind Power. As a result, Chen Xuan can have a big advantage, that is, he can learn Dao Xin exercises of the Earth Element and the Dao Xin exercises of the Fire Element. This is also extremely cheap for a cultivator.

If there is a cultivator with dual attributes, then they can learn the exercises with two attributes. This is not only a benefit for the cultivator, but after learning the two exercises, it will make people feel that What is incredible is that the two exercises can be used in combination. If the cultivator is very proficient in these two exercises, even the cultivator can sum up one of his own trends in the exercise.

  When fighting like that, it is even more terrifying and unfathomable. However, there are still very few cultivators who can create their own exercises, because all cultivators who can create their own exercises are very proficient in many exercises.

  But these are all things to do. At this time, the white-robed old man seemed to flash a lot of things in his eyes, and finally he stretched out his left palm. Then Chen Xuan saw that the palm of his left palm seemed to have a spark, and that spark slowly spread the heat like the whole room. Chen Xuan felt like there was a heater in this room.

  But afterwards, something even more surprised Chen Xuan happened. Chen Xuan seemed to see the spark slowly turning orange, and then slowly turning into a book-like existence.

  Chen Xuan knew that it should be the so-called Dao skill, which can be used to eliminate palms. Chen Xuan knew that this Dao skill seemed very precious to every cultivator. And once every cultivator teaches Dao skills to his disciples, he will be a disciple for a lifetime, and he will conduct a very systematic investigation of the second son's morality and state of mind.

  And Chen Xuan knew that this old man in white robe should be different from other cultivators. The Tao skills in his hands should be countless. At least Chen Xuan thought so, but Chen Xuan should also be very important to this white-robed old man.

  Because only Chen Xuan becomes stronger, the white-robed old man has more opportunities to gain his body. Once Chen Xuan is obliterated, the white-robed old man is really finished.

  Chen Xuan stared at the palm of the white-robed old man, as if at this time the white-robed old man also looked at Chen Xuan's eyes with a smile. Chen Xuan's eyes were no longer as deep as they used to be, but turned into the hot and windy eyes of a child. It's like a child sees sugar.

  But Chen Xuan is like this, but the white-robed old man appreciates it more. In Wuyang City where Chen Xuan is now, there is no Dao skill at all, and this Dao skill is a heavenly advanced Dao skill. I'm afraid that Chen Xuan's current strength is still above the advanced level of Dao skills, even though he is not a Daoist.

  But Chen Xuan felt that he only needed to gather strength talisman, at least he could break through to the middle level of Taoist master. This is the appearance of a fifth-order Taoist, and Chen Xuan also knows that once he breaks through to the fifth-order Taoist level, he can learn Dao Xin Cultivation by then.

  And once the Dao Heart Technique is used in conjunction with Dao skills, its power will be much stronger. Chen Xuan learns Tao skills first, and when he enters the Secret Forest trial, Chen Xuan's strength will be even stronger.

  Chen Xuan is now a Taoist Consummation. If Chen Xuan learns this Taoist skill of eliminating palms to one star, even if it is one star and one rank, that is a very powerful existence.

  For Chen Xuan, if he now achieves Daoist Consummation with such a foundation, then his strength, coupled with the one-star proficiency of Dao skills, is indeed simple for Chen Xuan.

The white-robed old man saw Chen Xuan's expression, although Chen Xuan's expression was still as indifferent as before, and his eyes were as deep as ever, but the white-robed old man also saw Chen Xuan's faint traces in the deep eyes. Smile.

  "Chen Xuan boy, don't be too happy too early. You have to know that the cultivation methods and techniques of eliminating palms are not particularly easy. For you, it is not easy for you to cultivate to one star."

   "Besides, you may not know!" The white-robed old man's tone contained a smile that was not a smile, as if he was constantly pouring cold water on Chen Xuan. However, Chen Xuan's eyes were indeed much calmer than before, but he didn't know what the so-called white-robed old man was talking about that he didn't know.

  Are there any implicit rules of substitution? However, Chen Xuan felt that it was quite possible that he knew too little about the Demon Hunter Guild. Because neither the doorman nor the shopkeeper is a cultivator, and some secrets that are only known to the cultivator, neither the doorman nor the shopkeeper can know. But also, since this old white robe knew it, let him talk about it.

  Chen Xuan did not speak, but still had an indifferent expression. He did not reveal the slightest desire for such information in his words. The expression in his eyes was as indifferent and profound as ever.

  Neither arrogant nor dry, very good! The white-robed old man praised Chen Xuan in his heart, but the expression of the white-robed old man did not change at all, as if it were a machine, he said coldly.

   "You have to know that the so-called Demon Hunting Guild is quite different from the Demon Hunting Squad in their trade union."

"Their demon hunting squads are divided into two, and the two demon hunting squads, one is temporary, after completing a task, after receiving the reward and the medicine, they will go to their own things. However, they will still keep in touch with each other. , After all, if you need help from the other party in the future, or need to complete tasks together! There is another kind, that is the long-term demon hunting team!"

  "The long-term demon hunting team has various restrictions, and these restrictions are very restrictive for the members of the demon hunting squad. However, the members of this long-term demon hunting squad are like a profession."

   "What kind of occupation?" Chen Xuan saw that the white-robed old man was silent, and looked at Chen Xuan with a gentle smile. Chen Xuan knew that the white-robed old man wanted to ask himself respectfully to give the old man's face.

  I really don’t know, what Chen Xuan can’t understand is that this white-robed old man is already so old and so tyrannical, why he is still so naive.

  However, Chen Xuan was still softened. After all, Chen Xuan is now looking for the old man in white robe. Only when Chen Xuan's information is particularly sufficient can he go to the Secret Forest a little more chance of winning, otherwise only danger is waiting for Chen Xuan.

  The old man in white robe looked at Chen Xuan with such an expression, raised his eyebrows a little, and took a sip, the best tea at his table. Qian Bian sighed. After it was so delicious, he spoke slowly.

"Actually, the power of the Demon Hunter Union is strong because the Demon Hunter Union has various cooperations with many organizations, or families, and denominations. Of course, these denominations and families are not so powerful denominations and families. In the eyes of the old man, they are just a fart." The white-robed old man smiled and said to Chen Xuan.

  Of course, Chen Xuan naturally ignored the half sentence after the white-robed old man. In fact, Chen Xuan knew that in the white-robed old man's view, even the Ulan Empire was a fart, and the entire continent was a fart.

  With such a blatant tone, perhaps he would be beaten to death if he went out, but Chen Xuan knew that this old man was definitely still humble. For this old man, referring to these empires, these families, and these sects, saying that they are a fart is also considered to give them face.

  However, Chen Xuan's expression remained as usual and did not say anything. But on the side, quietly picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea. The tea from this shopkeeper was pretty good. No wonder this old man would say it is good tea. Such tea would definitely not be available a thousand years ago. This is because Chen Xuan knew that the materials that existed a thousand years ago, that is, the development of the culture of the times is far inferior to the present.

  I just don’t know why, but there are still strong cultivation resources, but I don’t know how many times it is now.

The white-robed old man seemed to see Chen Xuan’s question, but the white-robed old man did not answer Chen Xuan. Instead, he shook his head and said four words, "Things must be contrary!" Chen Xuan did not know that the white-robed old man was answering him. Still just sighing.

  But Chen Xuan had never seen this look on the face of the old man in white robe, and such a vicissitudes of expression gave Chen Xuan the feeling that the old man in white robe was a broken wall left over from ancient times to the present.

  The traces of the years and the vicissitudes of life were carved on the broken wall. Chen Xuan even felt that this white-robed old man was like a book, a book that made people feel that it was alive from ancient times to the present. But Chen Xuan knew that it was not appropriate to regard the old man in the white robe as a book, because Chen Xuan felt that the book was too dead, but the old man in the white robe stood vividly in front of his eyes and looked at him at this time.

  The autumn rain gradually began to fall outside the window, a layer of autumn rain and a layer of cold! Chen Xuan sighed in his heart, but Chen Xuan saw the vicissitudes of face and emotion of the white-robed old man as if it were a shower of rain, and Chen Xuan could not find a trace in an instant.

  At this time, Chen Xuan felt as if he was standing in front of him as a naughty old man. This made Chen Xuan secretly surprised!

  (End of this chapter)

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