Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1742: Methods of Physical Training (3)

  Chapter 1742 Methods of Physical Training (3)

   Although Chen Xuan was very curious about the medicine bottle of Zixianshi, he was even more curious about the medicine in the bottle. What kind of medicine would this old man in white robe put him in a medicine bottle made from purple immortal stone?

  But Chen Xuan didn't know, but what Chen Xuan knew was that this medicine must also be extraordinary. Although Chen Xuan knew that this medicine might be **** like a medicine bottle of Purple Immortal Stone for the white-robed old man. But what Chen Xuan knew was that it must be enough for him to look up to him.

   Although Chen Xuan was very curious, Chen Xuan didn't show it at all, and Chen Xuan thought of a terrible possibility. This medicine was probably what the white-robed old man used to help him train.

  This is definitely a terrible torture for Chen Xuan. However, Chen Xuan could still maintain his face as indifferently as before. Chen Xuan's eyes were as deep as ever.

  But Chen Xuan's eyes and expression are like this, but it doesn't mean that Chen Xuan's xinxing at this time is also the same. Chen Xuan's xinxing at this time is indeed at the extreme. Chen Xuan did not dare to question the efficacy of this medicine. But the role must be very tyrannical.

  Chen Xuan is still as calm as ever, but the calmer Chen Xuan's expression is, it means that Chen Xuan's heart is more frightened at this time. However, the white-robed old man only glanced at Chen Xuan, and he could see Chen Xuan's heartfelt voice.

  It seems that Chen Xuan, the kid, is quite convinced of the medicinal effects of this Jingming Powder.

   "Actually, this medicine is used for your cultivation!" The white-robed old man did not live up to what Chen Xuan thought in his heart, and he said the name and usefulness of the medicine to Chen Xuan in a humble manner.

   Chen Xuan's heart twitched. At this time, the sun outside the window was so warm, and the bright sun mixed with a little breeze slowly rolled up the autumn golden maple leaves from the ground and floated in the air. This view is extremely beautiful. The hotel where Chen Xuan was staying at this time was also a magnificent hotel in Wuyang City, and in this magnificent hotel, Chen Xuan chose a set of top-notch rooms with a hotel garden.

  And this hotel garden is only for Chen Xuan's residents, but in such a quiet and beautiful environment, Chen Xuan's heart still drops to a freezing point. Because the last time this old man in white robe made Chen Xuan cultivate his state of mind, his appearance was still too terrifying. And the cultivation method is too overbearing. It's simply not as if people can bear it, but Chen Xuan abruptly supported it for five months!

  At the beginning of the five months, Chen Xuan felt that every day his body and the Taoist mind he was cultivating seemed to be in hell. But slowly, Chen Xuan became numb. This is a kind of numbness to pain, but this is a big test for Chen Xuan's Taoism, and the pain on the body has not reached the extreme.

  But what Chen Xuan wanted to cultivate this time was physique, which was a real nightmare for Chen Xuan, because it was a person's body that was cultivating physique. In other words, this time the white-robed old man pointed the spear directly at Chen Xuan's body, which Chen Xuan felt was very terrifying.

   "Then what is his role? Is his origin as domineering as Zi Xianshi?" Chen Xuan looked at the white-robed old man with a thief-faced smile, and Chen Xuan knew that it was the white-robed old man waiting for him to ask questions.

  Take this to take a look at her own state of mind, Chen Xuan's tone is still not cold or hot, not in a hurry. It's like being a wanderer next door, and then telling his parents about anecdotes about him outside, so inadvertently.

  But only Chen Xuan's own heart knows what his current heart is about the power of this shrewd powder. It seems that for Chen Xuan, this shrewdness directly determines what kind of life he will live next.

  The white-robed old man tapped his head slightly this time, which was regarded as an approval of Chen Xuan's state of mind. But Chen Xuan's heart was very surprised. Only Chen Xuan knew that the white-robed old man would never do extra movements at all.

  A smile, a gesture of action is a very meaningful existence. However, no matter how good Chen Xuan is, it seems that the white-robed old man will not praise Chen Xuan, not to mention that the white-robed old man will nod slightly to Chen Xuan's state of mind to express his approval.

  It was the white-robed old man, who had come here before, so the white-robed old man naturally knew in his heart the pain of this process. When I experienced all this a thousand years ago, I seemed to be in a state of complete collapse every day.

   And I seem to hate cultivation every day. Even the white-robed old man himself knows the extent of his dislike. When the white-robed old man began to practice this way thousands of years ago, he was just talking about cultivation!

  But Chen Xuan did not! Chen Xuan can still think so calmly, Chen Xuan can still ask questions so calmly, Chen Xuan can still be so calm and indifferent! If this mind comes from cultivation, the white-robed elders will feel that that is actually not the case. Because of Chen Xuan's disposition, I'm afraid it is also because of Chen Xuan's extraordinary talent at this time!

  Moreover, Chen Xuan's past seems to be very difficult. Judging from the fact that Chen Xuan's son possessed the Jia blueprint, the Jia blueprint was originally a thing in the Yu world, so why did it come to the Tao Xin world.

  This mystery, the white-robed old man has never asked Chen Xuan, and the white-robed old man feels that there is no need to ask Chen Xuan. Because no matter what, Chen Xuan must be the master that Jia Lantu found for himself, and the pro-disciple that the old man in white robe found for him.

  It's also God's will in this darkness! The reincarnation of the heavens has been in chaos for so long, and the world has been restless for so long. Indeed, the circulation of the heavens should be restored. Chen Xuan is also a product of the cycle of heaven!

  Since such an old man in white robe, he can only walk in the sky! The white-robed old man thought silently in that heart. But Chen Xuan looked at him so indifferently, and just asked respectfully. It makes the white-robed old man test his heart again, so let's try and see this kid!

  "This object is called Jingming San! It was refined by an old man! You must know that a good talisman maker is also a good alchemist, because medicine is a symbol, and a symbol is a medicine!"

  Chen Xuan did not say much after hearing the white-robed old man, such a mysterious statement. Just listening quietly, Chen Xuan knew that the old man in the white robe would definitely explain it to himself. The white-robed old man still didn't speak, but looked at Chen Xuan with a smile, as if Chen Xuan was waiting for something.

  His face is still very indifferent, looking at the white-robed old man indifferently. At this time, there was only the sound of the breeze blowing the remaining dead leaves on the branches, and this blowing the dead leaves at the same time seemed to whine the tikka on the dead leaves.

  The love and this scene are combined, but in such a sunny day, it adds a little bit of sadness. The tea in the cups of Chen Xuan and the white-robed old man was still steaming, and the heat was like mist, covering the sight of Chen Xuan and the white-robed old man. But the heat couldn't cover it, the faint light revealed in the deep eyes of the white-robed old man.

  Chen Xuan can still see the surrounding scenery, but this time Chen Xuan is watching with his heart, replacing his eyes with his heart. But this is indeed only possible after the state of mind has reached a certain level of strength.

  The old man in the white robe was not surprised by Chen Xuan's use of heart to replace his eyes. He still had a normal face. But when the white-robed old man dropped the last leaf from the dead branches behind him, he slowly said, "Do you know, what is shrewdness? That's a treasure! It's a painful nerve that can add to the human body." Thousands of times bigger, ten thousand times of existence!"

   "Someone joked before that breathing is tired. But Jingming San is not. Jing Ming San is a kind of baby that can make you feel pain even if you breathe!"

   When the white-robed old man said this, he didn't care about Chen Xuan's feelings at all, and said with a thief on his face. But after Chen Xuan heard it, his heart shook. What is the existence that even hurts to breathe? The words of the old white robe made Chen Xuan wonder. That should be a very terrible medicine.

  And it is a very terrifying poison. At least Chen Xuan thinks that if this poison is applied to ordinary people, then this person will definitely have the most painful way to die.

  Because it is very likely that he will be beaten to death by one of his seemingly small actions, at least Chen Xuan thinks this is a very terrifying existence. Chen Xuan remained silent, waiting for the white-robed old man to continue speaking!

   "However, this medicine can shorten the time of your cultivation! Presumably, you also know that time is running out of the temporary demon hunting squad recruitment meeting of the demon hunting guild!"

A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the white-robed old man, but Chen Xuan continued to hear it with a cold face. But Chen Xuan's heart was very shocked. It seemed that this old man in white robe really wanted to use this kind of medicine on his body!

   Although Chen Xuan thought this way, he was very frightened and shocked, but the expression on his face was still indifferent, and the expression in his eyes was still a kind of depth that people could not see any depth.

However, the eyes of the white-robed old man saw the fear in Chen Xuan's heart, but the white-robed old man still didn't care at all. Maybe he wanted to see how Chen Xuan looked when he was deflated, so he continued to smile slyly and down. Said.

   "You are right to think, it will increase the pain when you are practicing ten million times, but more unfortunately, you have no right to choose, you must use it for cultivation!"

  (End of this chapter)

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