Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1744: Enter the illusion

   Chapter 1744 Entering the Illusion

  For Chen Xuan, at this moment, he seemed to be asleep and dreaming of a long dream. But Chen Xuan seemed to be very clear even in his dreams.

  At this time, because of Chen Xuan's dizziness, Chen Xuan now feels as if his heart has calmed down to the extreme. There are no waves. But at this time Chen Xuan still saw the white-robed old man in his dream, but the white-robed old man subverted the indifference before. Instead, he smiled all over his face, but this smile was full of murderous and murderous to Chen Xuan.

In fact, this is not the white-robed old man. If you want to enter Chen Xuan’s dream in this way, the white-robed old man’s mood is not half affected, but Chen Xuan’s mood at this time is because he has just been affected by the white-robed old man. Has changed.

  So now Chen Xuan also led him, seeing the white-robed old man looked like he had seen such a vicious villain. However, if the white-robed old man knew that Chen Xuan treated his master with such a mentality, he would not know if he would vomit blood directly.

However, although the image of the white-robed old man in Chen Xuan’s dream can be changed at will, the behavior and words of the white-robed old man in Chen Xuan’s mind at this time are indeed the white-robed old man at this time. Want to say.

  "Chen Xuan boy, do you know, where are you now?" The white-robed old man still had that smile on his face at this time, but there was a murderous tone in the smile.

  At this time, Chen Xuan heard the words of the white-robed old man, but it was very cold, as if he had lost the temperature of the past. It was like a terrible evil spirit, talking to Chen Xuan at this time. However, Chen Xuan was as indifferent as ever in his dreams. Unexpectedly... Chen Xuan shook his head in the face of such a problem.

  Because Chen Xuan said that he was in his dream at this time, but Chen Xuan had difficulty realizing that he was dreaming at this time. But this is in the middle of the white robe old man's arms.

  For the white-robed old man, this is an excellent opportunity, but Chen Xuan still looks at the white-robed old man at this time as if nothing has happened.

  However, once Chen Xuan was reminded by the white-robed old man, he became more and more curious about his surroundings, as if a whole new world around him was waiting for Chen Xuan. But what Chen Xuan can be sure of is that this is not a good place for Chen Xuan.

  Looking at this old man in white robe, it should be considered full of danger. However, Chen Xuan discovered that his surroundings seemed to be completely in a mist, and the frightening thing was that the mist seemed endless.

  In the mist, Chen Xuan seemed to be able to see only the white-robed old man, besides that, no one could see, or even anything. Chen Xuan is even more elusive about the world, and at the same time he is more cautious. In fact, it is not Chen Xuan who is cautious, but Chen Xuan feels very mysterious about this world, as if a world full of danger is pouring into it. Chen Xuan's heart.

  However, the white-robed old man continued to smile as if he didn't care at all, but then the white-robed old man casually waved his hand, it felt like Chen Xuan felt that he was smoothing out all the dust in the world.

  "Chen Xuan, welcome to my world, or the world in a bottle made of purple immortal stone!" When the white-robed old man said this, he no longer felt cold. On the contrary, what brought Chen Xuan was a little more provocative.

  But Chen Xuan didn't care at all. The white-robed old man said that this was his world. Why did he say that? Or the world of purple fairy stone? What is the purple fairy stone?

   But immediately, Chen Xuan seemed to think of it all! Isn't the Purple Immortal Stone the reason why I came here? Chen Xuan felt that a rare trace of clarity appeared in his chaotic mind.

   And this Ching Ming is too commendable for Chen Xuan, as if it was a drunk in the chaos. But Chen Xuan was Chen Xuan still not in such a vague and chaotic state, and the expression of a little shock lasted for too long, and Chen Xuan found that he seemed to be awake. It feels like having a long dream and then waking up.

  For Chen Xuan, this feeling is extremely good. It's as if I didn't know how I would die just now, but suddenly someone told myself that everything was fake.

  And the person who told himself...

Chen Xuan glanced at the white-robed old man at this time, as if he had a better idea of ​​the white-robed old man. The white-robed old man also returned to his previous indifferent expression, and the smile became the kind that Chen Xuan had seen before. Smiled slyly.

  This shows that Chen Xuan is still beginning to accept what the white-robed old man said, but Chen Xuan's expression is still as indifferent as before. In this illusion, Chen Xuan's expression has not changed from beginning to end.

   Regardless of whether Chen Xuan encountered panic or relief, this made the white-robed old man secretly proud. Looking at my cultivation method, it is indeed effective! However, the white-robed old man saw the expression that Chen Xuan gave him before, but felt that he couldn't help but add a bit of confusion in his heart.

  This kid, it seems that the method of cultivating physique arranged for him before is indeed good. After this time in the fantasy world, let this kid feel it! So disrespectful to the teacher, so underestimated!

  But although the white-robed old man thought so, he really decided on the cultivation method of Chen Xuan's physique a long time ago. It was not because of Chen Xuan's attitude towards the white-robed old man. After all, the white-robed old man was a strong person. It would be very difficult for the strong person to change his mind.

  But Chen Xuan looked at the scenery around him at this time, but found that he seemed to be on the top of the mountain, and the top of the mountain seemed to be extremely high. It was as if they had entered a heavenly palace, and Chen Xuan and the white-robed old man turned their heads and could see the things under the mountain, the scenery under the mountain.

  In other words, Chen Xuan and the old man in the white robe are also on the edge of the cliff, which is the feeling that Chen Xuan will fall after one step forward. That can really be overwhelming! If he fell from such a high mountain, Chen Xuan was certain that he would be killed.

  But to Chen Xuan's surprise, it seemed that Chen Xuan couldn't even move. This made Chen Xuan feel an incomparable stomachache! As if his body is controlled by God, he only has the right to roll his eyes and think.

  But in the next second, Chen Xuan would have no time to worry about this. Chen Xuan seemed to find that this purple immortal stone had fixed him here, as if it wasn't for other reasons, as if he just wanted Chen Xuan to watch a scene.

   Chen Xuan was still so calm and indifferent, because Chen Xuan felt that this illusion might not be as simple as he thought. It's not as indifferent as he thought, because Chen Xuan knew that the murderous aura under this mountain was at least a large-scale battle.

At this time, Chen Xuan looked down on the top of the mountain, as if there were still some clouds and mist under the top of the mountain, but Chen Xuan felt that the powerful murderous aura under the top of the mountain was coming towards Chen Xuan, as if it felt like it was An army of thousands of people was approaching Chen Xuan.

  And this army gave Chen Xuan the feeling that everyone had come out of the sea of ​​corpses. Because Chen Xuan felt this kind of strong murderous aura, it would be impossible to exist without hundreds of lives in his hands.

  But at this time Chen Xuan was very curious. Does this illusion just want to see a scene for himself or does it have another plan? However, although Chen Xuan was very curious in his heart, his face was still very calm, even extremely calm.

  At this time, the tree next to the white-robed old man slowly came to Chen Xuan. The trees next to Chen Xuan began to wither, and even Chen Xuan didn't know what happened. But what Chen Xuan knew was that it was definitely not easy.

  Because Chen Xuan saw a strong death air in the air, Chen Xuan did not understand where such strong death air came from. But Chen Xuan glanced under the top of the mountain and understood.

   Chen Xuan discovered that under the top of the mountain, there seemed to be a hell-like existence. It didn't look like a place where people had been before, there were mutilated bodies everywhere. Some are even pieces of meat, and human blood seems to be about to converge into a pool of blood at this time. What exactly is going on?

  The white-robed old man saw Chen Xuan's question, but he only answered Chen Xuan with a smile.

   "Actually, Zi Xianshi is telling you, that's all about his origin!" The white-robed old man just said lightly, but it made Chen Xuan curious! What is just a source?

   Could it be said that this purple fairy stone, which is like a sacred object, has such an extraordinary **** origin? Chen Xuan also felt incredible! Chen Xuan slowly looked at the scene in the illusion, and even some of the pictures were as firm as Chen Xuan's mind, and he couldn't help but vomit when he saw it.

  But Chen Xuan resisted, and Chen Xuan's expression remained as indifferent as ever. It is the kind of indifference that makes the white-robed old man feel that it is indeed good! Chengcheng County's mentality has improved too much than before.

  But when the white-robed old man looked down at this time, there would be no fluctuations in his heart at all, as if it were commonplace. It's as if the executioner is used to seeing people's heads, and the **** of the underworld is used to seeing ghosts.

  However, Chen Xuan slowly saw that the blood under the mountain had stained all the flowers and trees, and even the foot of the mountain had been stained red. This is a canyon-like terrain, which looks like a pool of blood.

  And all the incomplete corpses floating above the blood pool, and some weapons have been silent in the blood pool, the two armies did not have a living! Such troops are all crawling out of the corpse mountain and the sea of ​​flames! There was no one to live, Chen Xuan looked at it, and the calm heart seemed to have a faint meaning of sadness!

  (End of this chapter)

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