Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1747: The test of illusion

  Chapter 1747 The test of the illusion

   Chen Xuan looked at the illusion within the purple fairy stone at this time, and suddenly felt a panic in his heart. Even Chen Xuan himself didn't know where this panic came from. But what Chen Xuan could feel at this time was the deep panic.

   Then Chen Xuan fell into a coma, and Chen Xuan instantly felt a chaos in his brain again. So what exactly is the test of the King of Purple Immortal Stone?

  Chen Xuan himself did not know what kind of test this was. And the white-robed old man is really more generous, the King of Purple Immortal Stone actually said and gave it away as it is now, without any hesitation.

  But because of this, Chen Xuan really feels that it is very possible that the purple fairy stone is not so easy to get. But Chen Xuan feels that he has entered the illusion. Since he has entered the illusion now, he has no choice. Then he has only one way to go, and that is through the King of Purple Immortal Stone. test.

   Chen Xuan now felt that his mind was very groggy, as if it had been a very long time. At least Chen Xuan feels this way. Chen Xuan now seems to have passed for a long time, but what Chen Xuan can feel now is that he has come to a completely strange place.

  What kind of place is this? Chen Xuan felt that this place was really small, so small that Chen Xuan felt that his breathing was very difficult now.

  What kind of world is this? Chen Xuan seemed to feel that his body was extremely light at this time, as if there was no gravity. Chen Xuan's eyes are closed now, because Chen Xuan feels that his eyelids are very heavy, because Chen Xuan feels that he seems to be very sleepy at this time.

  Even Chen Xuan himself doesn’t know why he is so sleepy now. Could it be that he has not slept for many days after entering the Purple Immortal Stone? And what the **** is this place.

  Although Chen Xuan's body cannot make Chen Xuan open his eyes now, what Chen Xuan can feel at this time is that this place is a very warm place. Chen Xuan even felt that he had an unwarranted sense of trust and warmth in this place.

  At this time, Chen Xuan felt as if there was a rope near his mouth, but Chen Xuan immediately realized that this seemed to be not a rope at all but a pipe.

  But Chen Xuan didn't think too much. Since his body wants to sleep at this time, then go to sleep. Chen Xuan fell asleep again. Chen Xuan felt that when he just woke up, thinking about the problem seemed to be very harmful to his brain, so Chen Xuan's brain rigidly told Chen Xuan that he was not allowed to think about such problems anymore.

  And Chen Xuan didn't understand when his mind became so fragile, and he was tired after only thinking about the problem for a while. But Chen Xuan didn't think too much. It was just obeying the thoughts in his mind and falling asleep again.

  I don’t know how long it took. This time Chen Xuan woke up again, but this time Chen Xuan woke up because he was hungry. Yes, Chen Xuan felt that he was hungry, and he was very hungry. Chen Xuan's eyes could be opened this time, but the surrounding illusions and Chen Xuan's resolute heart were shocked by such illusions.

  What Chen Xuan saw was not a sea of ​​corpses, nor did Chen Xuan see a mass grave. What Chen Xuan saw was only a mass of flesh and blood and a very small space. At this time, Chen Xuan was really curious about how he was stuffed in such a small space. But Chen Xuan was even more shocked when he saw his body.

  But Chen Xuan found that his mind once again became blank, as if Chen Xuan had forgotten everything. Chen Xuan forgot who he was and where he came from. I forgot what I did. But what Chen Xuan couldn't forget was the beating heart in Chen Xuan's chest at this time.

  But what Chen Xuan has now is only the beating heart at this time, and Chen Xuan feels that he has become a baby. What's more terrifying is that his body functions have become babies, and Chen Xuan's brain is now blank, becoming a completely baby's brain.

  But Chen Xuan's heart, that is, Chen Xuan's Dao Heart, kept telling Chen Xuan that he wanted to become stronger! Chen Xuan didn't know which world was waiting for him after he was born, and Chen Xuan seemed to only vaguely feel that he was not a baby.

  But in the illusion that Chen Xuan is now in, he can only regard himself as a baby. At this time, Chen Xuan's brain seemed to have completely forgotten what his mission was, and forgot the test of the purple fairy stone, but vaguely remembered some memory fragments of his previous life.

  However, Chen Xuan's way of thinking at this time was still more adult. Chen Xuan was only a little surprised for a while, and then once again recovered his previous mind. Calm to indifferent, just receiving the food residue handed over to him from the pipe, of course this residue is very nutritious.

  But because Chen Xuan is still an adult way of thinking, Chen Xuan will feel that such food residues seem to be very disgusting. But at this time Chen Xuan had no memory at all.

  So although Chen Xuan's brain is indeed good, Chen Xuan's Dao Heart is still the one that Chen Xuan had before. But the child's memory is comparable to a fish in the pool, so Chen Xuan's current memory is only four or five seconds.

  In other words, Chen Xuanhui still remembers what he thought about at this time, but after a while, he will completely forget it completely. Nothing will be left. But Chen Xuan didn't seem to care at all, because Chen Xuan planned to tell himself that he was on vacation.

  Chen Xuan wanted to give his brain a vacation. Although there was still an environment for food and water, Chen Xuan felt that he was going to collapse. But so what? At least I can still live, wait until I go out to talk about it.

However, in the days when Chen Xuan was in the womb, Chen Xuan still looked forward to the outside world very much. It was like a fish in the pond looking forward to the sea. Although Chen Xuanpiao now is on a pile of unknown liquid, he is now The floating place is not as good as the fish pond, which makes Chen Xuan very depressed.

  But now Chen Xuan has no way to think about it for a long time. Everything should be a vacation for himself, and he will go out and talk about it. Chen Xuan is still lying in the belly of this lucky but unlucky pregnant woman again.

  Because Chen Xuan is a more mature thinking, Chen Xuan rarely messes around in her stomach, so the pain of pregnant women is reduced a lot. This is a great honor for the pregnant woman. At this time, Chen Xuan was even letting himself float on this liquid. Eat the residue when you are hungry. Of course, such days seem like **** to most people.

  But this is like heaven for Chen Xuan at this time, because Chen Xuan does not have any life danger here, and Chen Xuan does not have any scruples here at this time.

  But after a long time, Chen Xuan’s disaster seemed to be coming. Chen Xuan felt as if the temperature here seemed to rise slowly, and Chen Xuan felt as if he was being placed in boiling water.

  But Chen Xuan's body seemed to be able to withstand the heat completely, and Chen Xuan found that his body seemed to have grown a little bit bigger, and the space Chen Xuan was in at this time seemed to have grown a little bit larger.

  Chen Xuan feels that at this time, it seems that he still thinks about things and his brain hurts, but Chen Xuan seems to be much better than before. Because Chen Xuan felt that he had a little memory.

   is just a little memory. Chen Xuan seems to be able to remember what he thought a day ago, although because he needs a long rest, he cannot continue thinking for too long.

  But at this time Chen Xuan was surprised to find that Chen Xuan now seems to be able to remember what he thought the last moment. I can remember what Chen Xuan thought about before going to bed last time. This was a big surprise for Chen Xuan.

  But because of such a surprise, Chen Xuan brought a bigger surprise. Because Chen Xuan felt that he had grown up, Chen Xuan felt that his body and the space he was in now seemed to have become bigger.

Chen Xuan doesn’t know how long he has been here, but Chen Xuan has other ways of remembering, because every time before going to bed, Chen Xuan will make a mark on the pregnant woman’s belly to mark that he is now. The first few months have passed.

   Later, he also used this method, and Chen Xuan kept calculating the date when he left this ghost place. Chen Xuan was thinking about it, thinking about it, it seemed like this month was also the tenth month.

  It seems that Chen Xuan is going out, what an important thing for Chen Xuan to go out. Going out means that oneself is very likely not to be affected by this shattering mind anymore, but because of this, Chen Xuan is safe here, but Chen Xuan doesn't want to stay any longer.

  Because Chen Xuan felt that he was like a baby, but he was clearly a two-life human with a mature mentality. For Chen Xuan, the care and treatment like a baby is also a torture for Chen Xuan.

  Fortunately, Chen Xuan at this time means that he is going out, but it is because Chen Xuan is going out at this time. This is the existence that makes Chen Xuan very excited.

  Finally, in Chen Xuan’s anticipation day by day, the day has finally arrived. Chen Xuan felt that the liquid that he used to float on it seemed to be about to boil...

  (End of this chapter)

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